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Playing at the Civic Theatre, 17 – 23, December 2021.

And the Pitch by Jason!
“Your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man visits your friendly neighbourhood cinema… and Santa too, this week at The Civic Theatre.
Get a photo with Spider-Man, in person for the Thursday sneak peak and the Friday night official opening, for J. Jonah Jamieson. Spider-Man from the Nelson-verse will be taking in the action right alongside eager Nelson audiences. Get your tickets early!
With Spider-Man’s identity now revealed, our friendly neighborhood web-slinger is unmasked and no longer able to separate his normal life as Peter Parker from the high stakes of being a superhero. When Peter asks for help from Doctor Strange, the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.
Home For the Holidays is back and live on stage! Come out for some great family entertainment and visits from special guests. We will be accepting donations for the Nelson Food Cupboard. Swing on by. Find more information HERE!‍
Coming next: The Matrix Resurrections”

Happy Holidays!