michael oconnor

Weekly Horoscope for December 29 – January 4

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Tip of the Week:

Happy New Year!

Well…, almost… While it is never a good idea to take the present moment for granted, (which is why a gift is also aptly referred to as a ‘present’), we certainly are very close to the official launch of 2024.

The Numerology alone is an indication that it will be an epic year. Not least of all is the U.S. Presidential race. Yet, it will prove much bigger than that, after all, it is a very big, small world. For example, are you aware that the landmass of the Sahara Desert is as large as that of the United States?

Astrologically, included among the bigger events is Pluto’s historic re-entry into Aquarius on January 20, then re-entering Capricorn on September 1 where it will again hover at the critical 29th degree until November 19 to begin its uninterrupted 20-year transit through revolutionary Aquarius. This final two-step over the cusp of the signs of status-quo tradition Capricorn, and future-progress and revolutionary Aquarius will manifest as very significant outer synchronicities on a global scale.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus on April 20, a conjunction symbolic of inventive genius, is the major conjunction of the year, yet with Aquarius-ruled Uranus involved, it will also prove revolutionary.

These two events alone will warrant as much awareness as we can muster. Jupiter entering Gemini on May 25, the sign of its detriment, which tends to manifest as scattered and unfocused, is yet another factor that will merit helpful guidance to navigate.

Solar Eclipses in the polar opposite signs of relationship-focused Aries and Libra occurring in early spring and autumn will contribute their own powerful spikes to the year’s punch.

The implications of these events are significant, and I will provide lead-up and in-depth commentary and guidance throughout the year, especially for Members who will have access to the longer versions of the Horoscopes and the monthly, quarterly, and yearly articles and videos.

Because this Weekly Horoscope is the last of 2023 and the first of 2024, I have made it longer than I do usually for the Free subscribers. Imagine, with the purchase of even a 60-minute Reading, you would get the Membership for the entire year as a bonus, as in, for Free! Unlike some Astrologers, I do not ask for donations to support my work, I believe in earning my way, but your commitment to be in-tune and aware is best achieved with even more tailored, personal insight and guidance than what I can provide you in my Weekly, Monthly and Yearly forecasts. So, I invite you to deepen your commitment to increase your awareness because… 2024 is going to be epic!

The Moon this week: Mercury, (the Moon of the Sun), turns direct in Sagittarius on January 1, 2024. Our Moon enters its last quarter phase on January 3 just hours before Mars enters Capricorn, which will accelerate the cultural melting process on a global indicated by Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

A complex weave of rises and falls is underway for you as 2024 begins. An impulse to push forward, on one hand, and to let go of what once was on the other, is featured. Cleaning and clearing or completing long-standing projects is probably your best bet. Saturn in Pisces does not support the launch of new endeavors for you.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
Dealing with returns from past efforts is hopefully amounting to profit and progress as opposed to debt and decline. Whatever it is, you still have choices. Meanwhile, an adventurous and perhaps reflective and philosophical mood prevails as the year begins. If you have the opportunity to travel, this looks like an opportune time.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Amidst a process of transformation occurring both within and without, an ambitious push will steadily rise this week. It remains a good time to connect within, to outline your dreams, goals, and aspirations for 2024. Establish a stronger connection with your inner voice with faith and gratitude to support your visions.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
With changes in your overall lifestyle with the emphasis on your personal values and sense of individuality still lingering in the background, the outer focus has been on relationships. Determined to be clearly understood, the focus has been to share your perspectives with depth and precision, and this will continue as 2024 begins.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
A creative and playful mood that culminated with inner retreat will now resurface to a more dynamic momentum. At deeper levels, a process of change and transformation that began in early spring 2023 continues to percolate. The key is to align and adapt and doing so requires extra effort, so expect to enter 2024 running.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
Enjoying a cozy, creative, and constructive focus close to home continues as the year turns. In fact, this focus will accelerate and deepen over the coming weeks. Get ready to be even busier than you perhaps have been. The emphasis on beautifying your home will also increase as will a focus on practical wisdom.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
You have likely been busy on a variety of fronts, even if close to home. Positively, this has kept you from worrying about things, especially finances. The pace will accelerate over the coming weeks. Yet, you will also dig into matters or home projects more deeply. Whatever you do, read the instructions or fine print.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Taking account has been a likely focus and in more ways than one. Evaluations of what you deem valuable and important and what you do not are featured. Expansion occurring on relationship fronts could be the other side of important endings and completions. Positively, your energy levels will increase as 2024 gets going.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
You have begun to take some new initiatives. These may seem small like seeds, but you know what the possibilities are with them. If not, just ask Jack. Venus entering your sign will inspire you to be more expressive and social. Mars entering Capricorn will ground your practical ambitions early on.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Although you have felt both drawn inward of late and also pushed to engage with others, this inner conflict will progressively subside before the fireworks are over. You may also feel more inclined to give more than you perhaps have of late. Mars entering your sign is increasing your drive and determination even now.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
An extra emphasis on health and new techniques and technologies associated with it captured your imagination over the past weeks. Now the emphasis is swinging back to other cultural and philosophical interests. While others will be guided by outer ambitions, you will turn inward to tend to spiritual work.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

A disciplined effort to increase your outreach continues. Your drive will shift to become dynamic and steady. Both acquiring and sharing knowledge are indicated. Both fronts include practical tools and methods. An innovative approach is indicated and will remain active for several months steadily building momentum.