Masterclasses with Michael in 2024

Astrology Readings ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring



In addition to providing Astrology Readings and Coaching in my 30-year career, my other passion is teaching, and helping to expand people’s awareness and paradigm of understanding of our holistic universe.

In 2024, I’m offering a Masterclass series that will provide valuable insights and contextual knowledge that serve to expand your awareness and fertilize the soil of your intellect, intuition, and imagination. This knowledge will prove inspirational and spiritually valuable for life in general, and it will also support you to able to see more deeply and clearly into the rich world of symbols associated with Astrology, Numerology, and other divination branches of spiritual science.

Whether to simply enrich your mind and expand your vision of life and/or to significantly contribute to your overall foundation of knowledge for other, more practical applications, this series of Masterclasses will prove illuminating, fascinating, and empowering.

Registration is open for the first in the 2024 Masterclass series on Saturday, February 17:

Understanding the Age of Aquarius

Click Here to Learn More and Register!

See the list of other Masterclasses!

Masterclasses in 2024

Sincerely, Michael

Questions or comments? Don’t hesitate to reach out.