michael Oc

Horoscope for the Week of October 11

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Your Weekly Horoscope for October 11 – 17

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“There is not a photograph in existence that compares to the majesty and power of a Birth Chart cast for the exact minute, as it ‘captures’ the archetypal power and significance of the celestial, cosmic, specifically planetary alignments at any given moment in time, which profoundly ‘reveal’ significant, measurable, relevant and accurate features of one’s nature and destiny.” – Michael O’Connor

Tip of the Week:

Balancing a harmonious, social orientation due to the Sun and Mercury in Libra, with deep desires simmering within due to Venus in Scorpio and an edgy determination to get to the root of matters and source causes due to Mars in Cancer, is all part of the current astrological mood.

The waxing Moon stemming from the October 2 Solar Eclipse, having now rounded its First Quarter turn revealing the ever-interesting half mast luminary, (generally referred to as the Half Moon), is among the other top headlines.

It is quite a fact that pretty much all the planets currently are in difficult sign positions, even the Moon. Yet, while these factors do influence the mood and tone of any given day, there are ever larger factors at play.

Altogether, however, they offer a clear reflection and lend to an understanding of why the world is in such turmoil. The simple answer can be described as the labor pains of the Age of Aquarius and, by extension, the emerging global village. If you are wondering and hoping that these dynamics will end soon, you will likely be disappointed. It will prove wiser to anticipate that the scope of drama will steadily increase over the coming years, let alone weeks and months.

The key to navigating these complex dynamics is to align with your own authentic nature and destiny and I, with the deep lens of Astrology, can help you.

Happy Thanksgiving weekend to my Canadian subscribers!




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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

The celestial factors at play currently, are inspiring and perhaps pushing you to go deeper and harder. Doing so with a fine balance of grace and grit could prove quite satisfying. Altogether, they reveal changes on relationship fronts. Financial considerations are also playing a key role. Moreover, your overall scope of priorities are probably also changing.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

A steady flow of changes in your lifestyle is underway. These could include endings, transformations and/or graduations of sorts on relationship fronts. Either way, these are stimulating a lot of energy, and perhaps drama too. The key to offsetting negative reactions like despair or cynicism is to exercise a healthy measure of creative, critical thinking.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Some cycles ask us to give more than others and this is probably one of them. Giving can come in the form of a good attitude, or simply to be more patient and understanding than usual. Slowing down to be more prudent and intentional will also help. Doing so will help you to see a bigger picture and, thereby, to accept and understand.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Shifts and changes close to home are underway. Adapting to these requires a creative approach that includes clearing the clutter in whatever form, mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual (=subconscious blocks) and to design and implement new approaches and arrangements. Focus on deciphering what is in the way of a more harmonious flow.

Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

A steady stream of creative thoughts inspirations and perhaps epiphanies too are flowing in your mind. The more practical question is to ask if you are capturing them or simply allowing them to flow through and away. Capturing them can include taking notes, drafting a plan, verbalizing your thoughts and feelings, and so on.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Getting clear about what you value most is a current focus. Your list probably includes peace of mind, financial stability, relationship harmony, and the realization of some of your dreams and fantasies too. Regarding the latter, knowing what these are and clearly outlining them is the first key to manifesting them, whether sooner or later.

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

A steady stream of new steps, measures, and initiatives should be keeping you busy. Financial considerations and concerns may be forefront in your mind. At worst, you will allow an overactive imagination to get the better of you. To offset this, direct your focus more fully to the facts and realities in your present moment backed by what you can do.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Taking some time out to rest and reflect, but also to plan and prepare continues. The emphasis now includes pushing through barriers and opposition. Consider that some of these are subject to your own patterns of perception, interpretation, self-concept, and the attitudes that stem from these. Genuine change always begins as an inside job.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

Yours is considered the philosophical sign of the Zodiac. Upon reflection, it will become clear that deeply interpreting the meaning of words, therefore, is a central feature of philosophy. Currently, reflecting on the difference between the meaning of words like individual, individuality, and individuation will lead you to personal truth.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Shifts and changes, publically and professionally are underway and keeping you busy. While there are indications that returns are rolling in, these could be those of liabilities instead of, or at least as well as, benefits. Either way, how you handle these and especially in terms of the quality and harmonious flow of your relationships is extra important.

Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Libra time is one of vision and scope for you. This includes both envisioning and planning for yourself and significant others going forward. Gathering new tools, resources, and perhaps reserves or supplies are all featured in the plot. Making the extra efforts implied is also important, and this trend will continue, for some months.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

A process of change and transformation is underway. While Venus in Scorpio plays a key role in this regard and usually one that is more challenging, it could actually prove extra positive for you since its water element aligns with your own. Mars in Cancer is usually a challenge too, but for you, it could contribute to long desired breakthroughs.