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Horoscope for the Week of January 3

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Your Weekly Horoscope for January 3 – 9

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“A deeper understanding of Astrology reveals that life as a whole is conscious, intelligent, intentional, and purposeful, yet it is our job to be aware and willing to consciously and intentionally cooperate with it. This is what is meant by the phrase, ‘conscious co-creation’.” ~ Michael O’Connor

Tip of the Week:

Another year begins under a waxing Moon which crossed the threshold of Mercury’s shadow period on January 2, which you might have noticed as a somewhat glitchy and awkward breach.

We are now dealing with Mars Retrograde in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius on Friday, January 3. The ‘fog’ infesting much of North America and Europe is a dark example of this… synchronicity. Even such ‘events’ are features of the whole destiny, if representing the lowest vibrations.

By Monday, January 6Mars will re-enter Cancer where it was already from September 4 through to November 3 when it entered Leo, the period over which it synchronized with the scrappy U.S. Election. In Leo and moving slowly, (approaching retrograde which it did on December 6), Mars retrograde entering Cancer on January 6, (the sign of its sign of ‘Fall’), will remain there until April 17, but turning direct again on February 24.

Expect it to be edgy and aggressive, thorough and resolute, at every vibrational level of expression.

This first Horoscope of the year will shed some light on Mars in Cancer for each sign.



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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

A deep dive into your most personal and subjective feelings could draw you inward with compelling force. A journey into your personal past, where memories of formative experiences come under review, could even include deeper ancestral roots, or perhaps even past lives. Face yourself to break free of any unwanted feelings, be on the watch for blame, and own responsibility for being there, at all.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

A strong yearning to make a meaningful impact will require patience. Desires to be connected to and involved with everything and everyone around you would reveal issues of fear-based control. In this regard, you could get stretched very thin, trying to micro-manage people and situations. Accept that playing your part in the whole, sincerely, is enough.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

You may be feeling that you could do anything, if you had the energy and time to do it. Your greatest dream is to harness a fuller measure of your potential. Clarity, focus, and pacing yourself patiently is the timeless way. If jealousy of others seemingly able to focus and follow through surfaces, transform your attitude to allow their achievements to inspire you.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Mars retrograde in your sign is indicative of the proverbial double-edged sword. Overcoming fears, manifesting as impatience to control outcomes anchored in unconscious notions of low self-worth, are possible issues. Tendencies to exaggerate or to crush opposition, requires you to be extra mindful of feelings expressed, perhaps especially towards yourself.

Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Liberating parts of yourself imprisoned in the past, including memories and possible resentments that could be a source of anger, is your challenge with Mars in Cancer. Accepting the experiences you have had and owning full responsibility, for your part, are among the keys. Yet, your greatest liberation will come from the ability to genuinely forgive, and forget.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Allowing yourself to dream big is the call of Mars in Cancer for you. However, you also need to harness their inspirational power and, more importantly, break free of tendencies to live ‘in’ rather than ‘for’ your dreams. Procrastination is the simple word. The key is to realize that living the dream requires clarity, vision, focus, persistent effort, and follow-through.

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

Decisiveness tends already to be a challenge yet it could be amplified with Mars retrograde in Cancer. More than usual, it could prove helpful to be more receptive to the advice and even guidance of significant, qualified others. Who can you trust with whom you can feel confident to reveal your insecurities and vulnerabilities?

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

For you, Mars retrograde in Cancer will strongly center on themes of freedom. Do you feel as free as you would like? If not, how can you be? Ask yourself these questions. You are likely to feel extra rebellious and punchy if and wherever, or from whomever you feel blocked. Yet, reaction will not serve you. What is required now is clarity and intelligent strategy.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

A whirlwind of desires and frustrations in satisfying them is featured for you with Mars retrograde. Negatively, you could experience intense feelings stemming from jealousy, linked to fears of rejection or abandonment. A sense of depravity or isolation might also agitate your imagination. Focus to cultivate gratitude and grace to tap its power potential.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Mars retrograde could manifest as significant relationship challenges. Anger and frustration could even manifest as feelings of hatred. Trust issues could come to the fore, possibly linked to infidelity, but trust associated with feeling recognized, acknowledged accepted, and respected. Focus to project these sincerely and you could even advance to higher ground, together.

Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Is there a genuine balance of powers, rights, freedoms, and responsibilities in your relationships? Whether at work or at home, the aspiration to achieve a sense of fairness is important. Silent resentment is the hidden enemy. Stepping back to see and feel into things more objectively will help. While every situation is unique, focus to determine if you are at peace with the status in each case.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Prioritizing what constitutes your best focus for the sake of both fulfillment and productivity is possibly at issue with Mars retrograde in Cancer for you. Working on existing projects where you can make any adjustments and improvements will probably work best. You won’t know until you take a closer look, so start there.