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Horoscope for the Week of January 10

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Your Weekly Horoscope for January 10 – 16

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“Michael’s readings have given me great insight over the years. He has a gentle, inquisitive, wholesome approach. I consider myself very fortunate to have someone so committed to his practice and to the well-being of the other.” ~ Lorne

Tip of the Week:

Astrologically, Mars Retrograde now in Cancer is the BIG news. In the sign of the crab, Mars tends to operate like the demolition process of a renovation project.

Pluto in Aquarius for its 20-year cycle, destined to utterly transform humanity as a whole, indicates a revolutionary dynamic that will prove to be the foundation of a whole new era that will endure for centuries, at least.

The Sun forming its FIRST conjunction with Pluto on January 21 (since it first entered Aquarius in March 2023), is the other big event, which will prove revolutionary – a core Aquarian theme.

Mars and Pluto are the co-rulers of Scorpio, so both planets in the spotlight as 2025 gets underway is a foreshadow for the year. Mars is the ‘verb’ planet, symbolic of action, assertion, and aggression too. Pluto is the planet of purification, regeneration, and transformation. While its function is benevolent, the process of it can prove challenging as the old is removed, or invariably recycled. It all comes down to what the situation is and how ready one is for the processes to occur. It is directly associated with the Law of Change, to which the human ego tends to be instinctively adverse and resistant, preferring comfort, familiarity, and security.

Both planets can be regarded as penetrating, which can be regarded as painful and invariably intense.

The synchronicities of this dynamic series of demolishing and revolutionary astrological influences are certainly manifesting strongly as suggested. On the global scene in just the first 10 days of the year, we are watching the horrendous California fires, the Canadian Prime Minister announcing a retirement and a prorogued (suspended) government until March 24, and President-Elect Donald Trump announcing aspirations to expand the United States, and what he calls the ‘free world’ to include Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal.

2025 is certainly delivering, as I predicted over the past many months, and we’re only getting started.

To stay informed in such a way as to recognize the synchronicities at play and to offset the otherwise likely tendencies to react fearfully and with confusion, I invite you to become an Annual Member of my longer Weekly Horoscopes, which also include Monthly and Yearly Horoscopes articles and videos, and discounts on Readings and upcoming Master Classes with Michael. To have a look at the outline of the Member’s Area, click HERE, and to learn more about Michael’s Master Classes, click HERE.

In any case, thank you for being here, stay tuned, and… fasten your psychic seatbelts, because this ride is about to get wilder…



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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

An ardent determination to be grounded and realistic is guiding your focus as 2025 builds momentum. However, you may also sense that the very ground beneath you continues to shift and even dissolve altogether. Digging in deeper yet will feel like the right thing to do and includes getting to the bottom of things, where it matters most.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Stepping back to see a bigger picture makes sense. The challenge to do so, however, is that you are probably busy on a variety of fronts. Dealing with a steady flow of returns from past efforts could be tilting the scales, for better or worse. The proverbial ‘losing sight of the forest for the trees’ is a likely theme. Be deliberate with your determination to expand your scope.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

You will likely notice that you are undergoing a steady process of deep changes. During such transition periods, patience is usually the wise choice. You likely do feel a sense of responsibility to strengthen your foundation anyway, which is also usually a wise choice. To this end, be open to what tools, techniques, or other resources can help.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

A busy time on relationship fronts continues. A process of increasing your sense of personal power is directly associated with also increasing your self-worth. This could prove more challenging than it seems. Nurturing a better relationship with you is ideal in this regard. Focus on self-acknowledgment, self-acceptance, self-like, and self-love.

Leo (July 22 – August 23)

Achieving personal liberation has many angles to it. Among the main areas to focus on, at least initially, is making peace with this past. This can include learning to forgive and forget. The forgiveness part might require yourself. Another approach is to accept that life is all about change and that it happens beyond personal choice or control, so the best choice is to keep moving forward.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

When it comes to progress, simply focus on doing at least one significant action or power move each day. The next consideration is to determine what ‘power moves’ look like for you. This is where setting larger goals comes into play. People tend to overestimate what they can do in a day, or even a week, but underestimate what can be achieved in a year.

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

Successfully making your way into this next major chapter is an important focus. You know that you need to make extra efforts, but drifting in or through the dream also holds appeal. Making improved health a top priority is probably a good place to start. Sometimes we need support to get clear, and to feel inspired and motivated, like now perhaps.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Freedom can imply abilities like playing an instrument, or it can be from outer circumstances, or freedom from inner blocks or resistances, or achieved through access to resources and means, such as money. Ask yourself what constitutes freedom for you at this stage of your journey. In the bigger picture, better health and opportunities for adventure are indicated.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

Perhaps it is already a feature of your nature or a central aspect of your destiny, but either way, what can you do to feel more optimistic and confident? Planning more and analyzing less is probably a good start. Also, exercising gratitude is literally a cornerstone of the science of happiness. Begin to outline your plan, literally and gratefully, and do it now, yes now.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

When it comes to relationships, the four pillars are love, compatibility, trust, and respect. For you, respect is probably uppermost. Since our outer life is the reflection of our projection, the key is to exercise that which you wish to experience, to lead by example. The key is to command, not demand respect, and it begins with increasing self-respect.

Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Balance, fairness, equality, equanimity, and democracy too are not simply concepts, they are dynamic processes. The first step is to clearly identify with the meaning and the implications of the words. Next, make these words part of your regular vocabulary. Third, take deliberate action in accordance with the meanings. Beyond wishful thinking, these are the trinity of magic.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The first measure of success is simply showing up. On the other end is follow-through to completion. Guided by vision and excellence, this timeless strategy can even transcend notions of success and the rewards it brings, which includes literally enjoying the creative process. If you don’t feel like doing it, then don’t. So, what do you feel like doing, that makes sense?