Category: About Nelson

  • ~KootenayDanceNews~

    Hey Dancers! Invitation to free workshop: 3 Simple Steps to Release Stuck Energy

    Have you ever looked forward to a night out and for some unexplainable reason your heart’s not in it? Is it you…your partner?

    Or ever had times when even deciding what to make for dinner feels like hard work? 

    Does trying to figure out what to do next on your to-do list turn your brain into mush?

    It’s not fun feeling stuck and second guessing every decision you make.

    The good news is, we have the power to unblock that energy and open it up to flow again. 

    I’m curious if you’ve ever considered that we live in 5 bodies.

    Because in our wholeness as a human being, we do exist in ALL 5 bodies:

    • for the physical, we might head out to lift weights at the gym or swim laps at the pool
    • maybe for the emotional, we’ll search out a therapist or counsellor
    • seeking out personal coaching and mindfulness practices is popular for the mental 
    • for the spiritual, meditation or breathing techniques connect us to something greater
    • And

    …even though it’s the most often overlooked, the energetic body is the most important because each of our bodies has an energetic aspect.

    In essence, the well-being of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies is interconnected with that of the energy body. And vice versa.

    Wholistic integration.

    Think of our energetic body and its well-being as an invisible thread that ties everything together.

    When our energy is in flow like a river, our whole well-being is nourished. But when it gets stuck, like a dam in the river, all sorts of issues can manifest as physical discomfort, emotional heaviness and mental fog.

    Would you be opposed to learning 3 simple steps to releasing stuck energy so that decision-making is easier and to stop second guessing yourself?

    If you’d like to join us for a free workshop, REPLY to this email with RELEASE now because this will be the only email that you will get with information about this workshop. I’ll be happy to send you the link to sign up.

    In the Spirit of Health and Healing, 


    P.S. You’re invited to join us for a free workshop to learn how you can release stuck energy with 3 simple steps and reconnect with your intuition. To accept, REPLY to this email with RELEASE. See you there!

  • ~KootenayDanceNews~ 

    Yo ! Come partner dancing 

    Monday,  April 15

    7 – 9:45 pmimage-77008.jpeg

    7:00 pm – 7:45 pm :

    Dance Lesson with Peter

    Swing basics + partner improv

    For beginners and refreshers

    7:45 pm – 9:45 pm :

    Social Dancing Mixer

    ~ Partner not necessary

    ~ Friendly, chill, fun. Beginners welcome !

    We play an upbeat variety of music: 

    swing, blues, fusion, oldies, westcoast, tango, latin, jazzy, contemporary, waltz, cha cha.

    -complimentary personal coaching available by request.

    • We teach how to improvise with a partner to any music. 
    • Improv is easy to pick up. 
    • Learning to improvise makes partner dancing fun, easy and uncomplicated – right from the beginning !

    Come for the mini-lesson, stay for the social dancing !

    North Shore Hall  

    675 Whitmore Rd, Nelson, V1L 6H7

    1 mile past the Big Orange Bridge

    Nelson’s fabulous dance hall

    Our Purpose:

    • making partner dancing fun, right from the beginning
    • teaching you how to improvise a couple dance, in sync to any music
    • increasing social dancing events and participation in Nelson

    Bi-weekly Monday Fusion Partner Dancing – Drop in.

    Upcoming Monday events:    Apr 15, 29, May 13, 27

    Also, mark your calendars –

    Friday April 19 

    White Lightning, a local favourite dance band @ Finleys 7:30 pm

    Let’s dance more in ’24 !

    Don’t miss the opportunity every second Monday to step onto the dance floor to

    • meet old friends and new people, 
    • learn, improve and 
    • groove to the infectious beats of a curated upbeat play list. 

    Join us at North Shore Hall and let the music and dancing inspire you to move, connect, and dance with pleasure. A memorable Monday evening awaits you !

    Guaranteed to increase your fun quotient !



    Once a month, Wait’s News / Wait’s On Nelson (323 Nelson Avenue, Nelson BC) holds a ❤ Free Community Meal ❤

    This month the meal will be held on Tuesday, April 16th at 5:30 pm 🥰

    Word on the street is that they will be serving Lasagna 😁 Yum!!!

    This meal is for anyone who would like to attend 😊

  • ~KootenayDanceNews~ Dancing Friday Apr. 5 @ Finleys !

    Come to Finleys this Friday – April 5

    An evening of

    Partner dancing for fun & health !

    Playlist by Peter Clement

    Everyone Welcome

    Mixed upbeat dance music !

    Oldies, blues, swing, tango, rock, chacha, contemporary, etc.

    Complimentary personal coaching by request

    Image 2024-03-13 at 1.17 PM.jpeg

    7:30 pm – 9:30 pm 

    No Cover

    Finleys on Vernon St., Nelson

    Nelson’s neighbourly venue for good company, music, food, libation & dancing !

    See you on the dance floor !

  • ~KootenayDanceNews~ 

    Tango Blossoms!


    Hi, everyone!

    We had a wonderful group of passionate dancers at our Tango Immersion event last weekend, and Diego and I were thrilled to be a part of it to witness breakthroughs, smiles, and overall improvement in everyone’s dancing! Let’s continue to spread the tango love and keep learning.

    Important dates for this month:

    Wednesday, April 3rd: Lesson and Practica
    Saturday, April 6th: No lesson/Practica
    Monday, April 8th: Lesson and Practica
    Venue: Casa de Maria
    Cost: $10 per person

    Some of us are heading to Victoria for the Tango Marathon next week, and I will be taking my spring break to visit family for two weeks.

    I will keep you updated on when I resume classes and practica, and it looks like it will be on Saturday, May 4th!

    In the meantime, keep practicing your solo exercises: pivots (torso, hips, legs), ochos, and balance exercises. These are all crucial for gaining freedom:

    Freedom to feel
    Freedom to express
    Freedom to get creative

    Also, remember that tango is all about connection, improvisation, and co-creation. It’s not just about mastering steps; it’s about infusing your unique personality into the dance.

    Let’s continue our tango journey together and savour every step. Tango-on!

    “To touch, connect, move, and inspire, one dance at a time”

  • ~KootenayDanceNews~

    Amigos! Come dancing !  It’s April 1 revelry !

    Fusion Partner Dancing Social

    Special mini-lesson for April 1


    BAR ROOM TANGO??? Yes ! 

    7:00 pm – 7:45 pm  lesson 

    Bar Room Tango-not Argentine-  

     all levels, with Peter

    Bar Room Tango is a melodramatic, exaggerated, hilarious, smooth, exuberant, carefree, irreverent, and improvised joyful fusion of Blues+Ballroom Tango+Swing. 

    Easy to learn, quick to have fun. 

    Think of tango songs like: 

    Hernando’s Hideaway, Kiss of Fire, El  Choclo & Carmen’s Habanera

    Come for the lesson, stay for the dancing.


    7:45 pm – 9:45 pm.  Social Dancing   

    Mixer ~ partner not necessary

    Mixed Playlist includes: 

    swing, blues, fusion, oldies, westcoast, tango, familiar, latin, jazzy, contemporary, waltz, cha cha.

    -complimentary personal coaching available by request.

    North Shore Hall – Nelson’s fabulous dance hall

    675 Whitmore Rd, Nelson, V1L 6H7

    1 mile past the Big Orange Bridge

    $10 cover at the door.  or e-transfer to

     -sliding scale as needed

    Fusion Partner Dancing = improvisation à deux

    Our Purpose:

    • making partner dancing fun, right from the beginning !
    • teaching people how to improvise a dance for two, in sync to any music
    • increasing social dancing events and participation in Nelson

    Bi-weekly Monday Fusion Partner Dancing – Drop in.

    Upcoming Monday events:    Apr 1, 15, 29

    Dance Alert !

    Friday Mar 29 –

    Melody Diachun’s The Swing Bastards featuring Clinton Swanson will be playing this Friday at Finleys. 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm.  A great dance band !

    Friday April 5 – 

    Finley’s Dancer’s delight, mixed upbeat playlist by Peter, 7:30 – 9:30 pm NO COVER

    Let’s dance more in ’24 !

    Take advantage of your birthright to have fun ! Opportunities for dancing fun every second Monday.  Step onto the dance floor, meet new people, learn, improve and groove to the infectious beats of a curated upbeat mixed playlist. 


    Join us at North Shore Hall and let the music and dancing inspire you to move, connect, and dance with pleasure.

    Guaranteed to increase your fun quotient !