Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week of March 21
    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ MentoringGift Certificates ~ Testimonials Recommendations ~ Articles & Videos​Your Weekly Horoscope for March 21 – 27Feel free to share with friends!​​Learn how an Astrology Reading can help you​​Make an Appointment​​

    “Choosing to find reasons to be grateful is not an ethical choice, it is wisdom and a gift we give ourselves, and that others receive from us as well. True Gratitude grows strong, healthy roots when we practice the ability to feel grateful for being a part of the drama of life, at all. Its counterpoint is entitlement. True to the Spirit of Aries and Spring Equinox – Do it now!” 

    ~ Michael O’ConnorTip of the Week:
    ​​Happy Spring!Are you ready for an adventurous, exhilarating, nerve-testing ride? Well, ready or not…​The Spring Equinox Chart hosts the Moon, the emotional driver’s seat for the season, in fiery enthusiastic, exuberant, philosophical, adventurous, truth-oriented Sagittarius.​Popular, socially manufactured, and subjective opinions of truth, fortified by convictions anchored by unconscious fears tend to have a tight grip, so don’t expect these to dissolve quickly.
    Yet, reactions to control the flow, or others, will prove futile, or even backfire.​Imagine you are on a big, high, complex roller coaster. Attention on others will fade quickly as the experience consumes your focus, beyond your core, or destined circles. So, take a few deeper breaths, keep your eyes open ready to go big with high rises, steep cascades, sudden and unexpected turns, twists, corkscrews, 360’s, dark tunnels, and all…
    If you can rise above fearful reactions and faithfully embrace the fast, furious, pace, when it re-enters the docking station, you will say something like: ‘What a rush, let’s do it again!’​Just don’t expect everyone to feel the same.​Since Spring Equinox has been chosen as International Astrology Day, so this week’s Horoscope will bring more emphasis to some of the core purposes of each sign, in context to the timelessness of it all.​
    ​Have a great week,​

    ​Michael​​​Get more in-depth weekly content, monthly video forecasts, your horoscope for the year, and automatic discounts on purchases.
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    Weekly Horoscope

    ​​Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)Your basic destiny as an Aries is to take pioneering leads and to express yourself as an individual. So, the question is: do you follow, or defer to the leads of others, or yearn to belong, or second guess your instincts? The only one you are meant to surrender to is the authority of your own soul. In this regard, your responsibility is to show up with a salute and just do it!

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)​Your basic destiny as a Taurus is to determine what your talents and skills are, and what you value and desire to have and do. Common sense and practicality rule your world, usually balanced by sensuality and pleasure. Sometimes in your aspiration to cultivate too many skills or obtain too much knowledge… priorities get blurred. Choose realistically and focus.

    ​Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)​Everything in duality is dual, yet it only appears that way because it all shares the same source, ultimately. Still, in the game it is dual. The two hemispheres of the brain are the twins. It is as though looking in the mirror, neither can decide who is more real. One solid, sensible, and oriented to facts. The other ephemeral and imaginative, and oriented to dreams. Honour both.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)Security is the keyword, your own and that of those you deem family. Water, food, clothing shelter, and food sums it up… If these are threatened in any way, then your protective nature to nurture shifts from defense to offense, instinct supersedes empathy, and fight becomes rationalized. This is how emotion reacts and why objectivity is needed to counter subjective reasoning.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)Creativity, play, performance and audience guide your focus. Determined to do it right, you are oriented to be the producer, director, and actor in your own show. The game can get very dramatic when obsession overrides the passion to play. This is when entertaining other possibilities is meant to take the spotlight. As long as you are creating, especially when others benefit, you are a star.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)Wholesome is a keyword for you. It includes words like healthy, holism and holy too, and all combined is holistic. Machines requiring all the parts reveals holism, as does the synthesis of body, mind, heart and soul. The whole is the key. In turn, the key is fulfilled by a hole, which can prove complex, requiring the constructive, creative critical analysis of an engineer. Holy complexity!

    ​Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)The irony of balance is that it is dynamic, not static. Since everything in existence is subject to motion at the atomic, cosmic, and civic level too, flow implies movement, moving on… In this regard, there really is only now and next. History has its place, one that too few visit, but then it is largely stories. The real deal is a movie, yours, mine and ours, and playing along is the balance.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)As the sign with the greatest range, the lure of the low, the heaven of the high, you in between, wow, intense. It does not judge, but divinity does deal in consequences. The alchemist of the Zodiac, purging, purifying, burning dark desires to snow white ash, personal transformation is your task. No need to enter, you are the fire, the soul of the Sun, the boundless source of creative resources.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)Go big, the sky is not the limit, the universe is… limitless. Oh sure, there are boundaries, and borders, and laws, and rules and although they may suck, they can be regarded as tools. Expansion within the contraction; that is the way of the world when embodied in the avatar. So, whether you keep it close, or venture far, always remember who and what you truly are, the universe.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)Some say you are a hardball, while others see a rolling stone. Beneath the skin, you are fire to the bone, ever yearning for a hearth and harbor to call your home. Just remember the balance, because it is always just, and you can pay for it now, or you will settle it later, cause either way, we all must pay to play, it is just the way, it is… Be kind to your future self, with kindness for everyone else.

    ​Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)You are uniquely you, it is true, but this is nothing new to you. Of course, there are others, your sisters and brothers, but they too are just another you. This duality deal is truly a riddle, apparently a paradox, that takes a genius to decipher. That is why we are wise to be inventive, and you too, dreaming and scheming of ways to win, but either way, it is just the same, cause it’s all God’s game.

    ​Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)The mind of the soul is the subconscious, of which most are unconscious, but of which you are meant to become conscious. You might be destined to live in dreams, or perhaps you are destined to live for them. Since it is all a dream, you are invariably living in it, so either way, it’s okay for you to say, I will do it another day. But, if you choose to today, do it only because your soul says so.​​
  • Horoscope for the Week of March 14

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for March 14 – 20

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    “Under the light of the Full Eclipse of the Moon, take some to reflect both on how you feel and what is happening in your world. Reflections on the themes and trends of outer reality are valid too, but what about you, who are you? Is asking such a question too deep? Do you assume that you completely know yourself and what constitutes the finer details of your nature and destiny?” ~ Michael O’Connor

    Tip of the Week:

    In the last days of winter with spring only a week away, and under a Lunar Eclipse at 23 Virgo 57, (generally symbolic of releasing limiting perceptions), a last look at Pisces for now, is in order.

    With the Sun, Saturn, Neptune and the Lunar North Node all closely huddled in the last Decan of Pisces (the last Decan being Scorpio), a strong theme of archetypal influence is indicated, that aligns with and contributes to this theme of releasing.

    In terms of Pisces, illusions, delusions, denials, misunderstandings, misinterpretations and wishful thinking are all examples of what is meant to be released. These can manifest as attachments to various attitudes, assumptions, pet theories, conditioned perspectives and wishful thinking in general.

    The challenge we each are now presented with therefore, is to consider what these might amount to and how they are manifesting in our personal life. It is not a matter of morality or ethics so much as the liberation that comes from surrendered notions to which the ego-mind tends to become attached.

    Have a great week,​


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    This Virgo Lunar Eclipse is influencing you to identify what aspects of your lifestyle you need to leave behind. The emphasis is probably on negative habits. These could come in the form of compulsive assertions and/or reactions to people and situations that might be deemed harsh or toxic. Pay close attention to where you might take things too personally.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    What habit patterns do you have that might be recognized as ego-centric and selfish? Could you be more conscientious and understanding and less entitled and expectant in any way? As humbling as this may sound, it is par for the course, and the rewards of this recognition and effort to overcome and transcend are especially your own.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Are there any stagnant patterns in your home that you could break? Sometimes simply moving the furniture around makes the home seem new again. The patterns could also reach deeper as with inherited attitudes and habits. Genuinely thinking our own thoughts is not as common as it may seem, since we can be influenced without knowing it. Shake it up!

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    It is said that familiarity breeds contempt. In addition to the possibilities of taking certain people and situations for granted, or feelings that others are doing that with you, is important. Other possible issues include assumptive thinking based on conclusive notions, and vice versa. What perception patterns are blocking your progress?

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Money patterns that could be the possible source of issues are up for review with this eclipse. Perhaps it is time to stimulate new streams or to determine where there are leaks, or spending habits that could be improved. Both saving and investing are ideal, along with better spending habits, and all these considerations are up for review.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    The time has come for new modes or angles of approach, and perhaps of self expression. This can include new strategies, perhaps especially in your public and professional life. This process can include reinterpretation as well in terms of habitual perspectives. So, you might feel the need to rethink aspects of your approach.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    This Virgo eclipsed Moon is likely to leave you feeling a little lost and perhaps a little empty. It has to do with reflecting upon whether you feel you are getting your needs met, or you are detecting this with significant others. It may not be a lasting influence but does present an opportunity to check-in both with yourself and others to see what can be done.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Deciphering who your true friends are, or thoughts regarding the health and wholesomeness of your friendships, or lack thereof, or even what friendship means to you, are possible considerations under review. Changes in this area are quite likely now and could amount to new activations and will perhaps even lead to meaningful new connections.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Shifts and changes in your public and professional life are destined now. Themes of endings and new beginnings are featured. Practical considerations are part of the plot and could amount to seeking new employment or ways to stimulate more streams of income. In terms of new employment, while the money is important, aim for something fun and creative.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Changes in your overall philosophy or world view are flowing in now. With the introduction of new information or points of view, you might be reconsidering your position. This could amount to a whole new round of study and communications with conversational exchanges as you push for solid facts, and not just what you want to believe.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Death, endings, completions, graduations and processes of regeneration and of rebirth are all likely themes coming into play with this eclipse. Financial realities, especially in terms of income, might be undergoing the pressure in these regards. Slow down, carefully consider your options, place a pause on unnecessary expenses and be open to new leads and strategies.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    Are there any relationship patterns that you project and express that are no longer working? It could be that significant others are going through changes, and they are impacting you. Either way, the impulse to take new leads and to explore the options is featured. Circumstances may require an extra creative approach beyond the usual.

  • Horoscope for the Week of March 7

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for March 7 – 13

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    “What all of this Cosmic Soap Opera suggests is that we are experiencing the outer synchronicities of these complex planetary positions and themes. We should not idly expect things to be easy and peaceful currently, at least not on the larger social, global level. Yet, we can choose to be peaceful.” ~ Michael O’Connor

    Tip of the Week:

    The waxing Moon seeded at 9 Pisces 47 will culminate to a Full Moon on March 13/14 (depending on your time zone) at 23 Virgo 57 as a Lunar Eclipse. While Solar Eclipses are the bigger deal and activate larger events, (the next one of which occurs on March 29 at 9 Aries 0), Lunar Eclipses still can have a significant impact.

    A Lunar Eclipse refers to attitudes, perceptions, and habitual patterns that we must release for the sake of advancing to the next effective level of our individual or personal growth. As is true of all Full Moons, they are ironically about releasing as opposed to seeding. Yet, they are also about harvesting. In fact, what they release includes seeds of the inevitable future. Determining what these seeds are is both a personal reality, yet also a collective one.

    With pretty much ALL the planets in difficult signs currently, not to mention Venus Retrograde and Mercury about to on the heels of the eclipsed Moon, well you now can appreciate why, from this inner archetypal perspective, the airwaves are heavy with denial, delusion, deception… (at mass levels), all of which are negative themes associated with Pisces.

    Don’t expect grace ‘out there’ now. As ever, it is found within, but you need to know how. Briefly, it is not in your head brain, which can be described as a labyrinth of duality where division and polarization are at home. The key is to surrender to your heart mind, your inner sanctuary and the realm of unity, peace and sanity.

    Have a great week,​


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    Happy to retreat as much as and in any way you can, consider that it does not equate to escape, which implies denial of the consequences of the means. Either way, you are not entirely idle or passive, in fact you might be busier than ever digging to excavate deeper depths and reaches. Aim for presence, which is a state of awareness that transcends excessive thought.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    You are not alone in your yearning for peace. The question is, are you fostering it, or are you polarized and projecting division? Either way, it is your right, but is it your happy? Righteousness is usually unattractive, even ugly, and can often manifest as fear, hate, and blame. Whether you see and feel such extremes within or without, take the lead by being peaceful.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Are you getting the attention you want and feel you deserve? Whether by negative or positive means, it is your turn to request it. While both means can achieve the goal, the former comes with a debt and the latter brings rewarding returns. Consider that the lower ego mind divides, labels and unconsciously projects judgment when the higher unity mind is darkened by fear. Invest wisely, choose love.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    The irony of the higher mind is that it is not above our head somewhere up or out there, it is down and in there right in the bosom of the heart. The other irony is that it has long been said that the greatest battles are fought on the threshold of our own heart. Yet, this is incorrect. The key to winning the battle is to surrender the polarized intellect to the unified heart.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Upon reflection, you may notice that you have undergone a lot of changes over the past couple of years, and the process, or what can be described as a metamorphosis, continues yet. The question is, are you at peace with how the transformation is occurring? If not, this is your cue to engage your heart more fully. To do so, sincerely say: Thank you, I choose love.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Truth equates to love and unity, while lies manifest as victim consciousness and blame. So, truth is the goal, yet beliefs and perceptions manifesting as polarization are its antithesis. It is all very tricky, which is why the ego-mind has long been referred to as the trickster. The way to outwit it is to learn the difference between thinking with your heart rather than being blinded by sentimentality.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    In your horoscope, Pisces is strongly associated with themes of health, habitual patterns and lifestyle choices. This is not simply a transient perspective. Your job is to recognize inherited appetites, behaviour patterns, and recognize what might satisfy, but does not nurture. This long-standing theme is nearing a turn that might require more attention.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Pisces is your creative sign and that of your ideal lover, at least in its symbolic sense. During Pisces time, your creativity heightens, and you yearn for expression and engagement. With the influences of this week’s eclipse, you are meant to let go of tendencies to isolate and conserve your energies. Ironically, breaking free now might have more to do with deeper engagement and intimacy.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    A quest for home base is underway. While it might literally include your living space, it might also include feeling good in your own skin, and in the whole sense, your own body, mind, heart and soul. This is not a quest anyone else can do for you, but you can be supported and even request assistance. Also, look to the future and focus to break free from the past.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Perception is ultimately relative, and Pisces plays a key role in this regard for you. Dreams, ideals, payers and wishes must contend with delusions, confusions, realities and wishful thinking. While you are certainly not alone in this regard, these issues are heightened as a feature of your soul’s choice to embody as a Capricorn, which includes getting real.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Although Pisces is the sign of mysticism, it is among your closest and most solid neighbors. Yet, its stability is fluid like liquid, which can become as hard as ice, as cutting as a laser, as hot as steam, as soft as snow and as mighty as waves. It is this range of possibilities that is its strength. The call now is to let go of wanting it to be something and to embrace its flexibility.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    What new initiatives are you being called to take? It looks like the focus includes financial interests and goals. With Mercury Rx, you will likely be guided to revisit, repair and/or repurpose what still has value and potential. Positively, doing so will activate a creative process. Yet, be receptive to learn what is wanted and valued, as specifically as you can.

  • Horoscope for the Week of February 28

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for February 28 – March 6

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    “While not everyone is yet aware of it, the world has been subject to unprecedented levels of mass deception ever since Neptune entered Pisces in 2011. On the high side, this transit has given rise to mass spiritual awakening, yet neither are all people awake to it.” ~ Michael O’Connor

    Tip of the Week:

    The New Moon in Pisces on February 27 was a 5 planet stellium including Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune all in Pisces.

    The all-important Lunar North Node is also featured in this alignment, and was closely conjunct Neptune.

    Altogether this combination is indicative of high ideals and the need for vigilant scrutiny, as well as the objective of seeing through veils of deception.

    To elaborate on the North Node factor, the 18-month Nodal Cycle in Pisces/Virgo began on January 10/11. This is a quest to see the self as part of a greater whole. You need to learn mind over matter to transform your self pre-occupation into spiritual unity.

    Pisces is also associated with compassion and faith. Not blind faith mind you, but faith in the unseen, the inner dimensions that co-exist just as radio waves, wi-fi, and other frequency technologies do that surround us.

    ​Have a great first week of March,​


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    As you head into March, you may feel like you are living in a dream, with the ongoing Piscean factor. Positively, there is some lucidity indicated by Venus in a playful and expressive placement. Yet, it remains that getting through each day might feel challenging. Perhaps not in the deeper sense, just at the surface, but maybe not. Go easy on yourself, your time is coming.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    You are not alone with feeling like you are wading through neck-deep waters. Positively, your energy levels have begun to rise again after some pretty heavy weeks. All the while, you have been called to fulfill a meaningful role beyond the norm. Have you answered, or will you? Dreams will be fulfilled, perhaps yours, but those of others for sure.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Fresh starts in your world are a source of inspiration. While responsibilities are involved, there is something extra special germinating in your world. Some kind of birth adding to your family tree. If it is not so literal, it could be creative offspring of a more imaginative and artistic sort. Either way, extra efforts might be required, so adjust your attitude to meet the demand.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    Whispers from your soul should be coming in strongly now. While this is not a new theme, it is flowing extra strongly now. Whether it is a call from your higher mind, or to focus to access it, meaningful messages are coming in that you will feel blessed to receive. So, if you are reading this, tune in to receive and you will.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Deep waters in your world are being stirred these days. These could be of the sort that require your immediate and urgent attention and should not be taken lightly, denied or dismissed. On the high side, you are undergoing deep changes that can be described as a metamorphosis from which a whole new you will emerge, with wings.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Sweet dreams are made of cycles like these. A highly creative influence is available, but you have to claim it. Efforts are required and you should not expect to simply be given what is being offered. Show up, be receptive, be willing, do what is required, and push as needed to persevere. The good news is that others are destined to participate.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    What once was in your world has been steadily dissolving, as if before your very eyes. Adaptation is all you can do, yet this requires a willingness to learn new skills, or at least to think differently. Exploring new horizons is more than possible, it is required, but you have to awaken out of your slumber and say yes to your destiny.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Much of your creative source is connected to Pisces. It is the colorful factor that inspires your dreams and empowers your skills to fully access your talents. The only thing to protect yourself from is negative hallucinations. This complex weave of factors is growing stronger daily now and the more you respond, the more creative you feel.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Diving even more deeply than ever to access your core and source has been activated by this New Moon. At worst, you could be dealing with emotional overwhelm or what could amount to a backlog of negative emotions that have become stagnant, or even toxic. Positively, you are getting access to feel deeply sounding the depths to access truths beyond opinions.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Circumstances are stirring your imagination to greater depths than you perhaps even knew you had. The more sobering question is to consider if you are being influenced to think in ways that are not aligned with your core sense of authenticity. If you think you might be, you probably are. Alternatively, this could be the source of inspired visions that could be like food for your creative soul.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Investing into your future implies a visionary perspective, as with recognizing the importance of investing today for the sake of future returns. This fundamental aspect of life is simply common sense. However, it takes both faith and risk to make the efforts without the certainty of return. The key is to enjoy the process anyway, because today is yesterday’s future.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    The time has come to take new, strong strides forward. With Mars in Cancer now direct, you should by now be feeling more energetic and determined than you perhaps did a couple of weeks ago. You should be prepared to work harder, perhaps than you have for some time, and this theme of putting in your time with diligent efforts will pretty much continue all year!

  • Horoscope for the Week of February 21
    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ MentoringGift Certificates ~ Testimonials Recommendations ~ Articles & Videos​Your Weekly Horoscope for February 21 – 27Feel free to share with friends!​Benefit from over 25 years of experience to better understand the true ‘you’ beyond outer pressures and layers of social conditioning.

    Learn how an Astrology Reading can help you​​Make an Appointment​​“Michael has taught me about my birth chart, my karma and destiny, compatibility with certain individuals, my life path, free will, and strengths and challenges I will face as I move forward. I feel like I have a stronger sense of purpose and validation of the path I am on.” ~ AmandaTip of the Week:
    The Sun entered Pisces – the sign symbolic of music, lyrics, poetry, storytelling, and dance, activating its ‘time’ early this year on February 18, joining forces there with Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune – all in Pisces.​The waning Moon, fast approaching yet another conjunction with the Sun will add to this powerful theme, producing a 5-planet Pisces stellium.​Moving at its full speed, Mercury will form a conjunction with Saturn just prior to the next New Moon on February 27.​Mars turns direct in moody Cancer on February 23, after about six weeks of retrograde motion. It will then push through for just shy of two months before entering Leo. During this time, the bigger phase of the social, collective renovation project will occur.​Pluto unaspected in the early degrees of Aquarius, (which it has been since about mid-February and will predominantly be until April), disposited by Uranus in the late degrees of bullish Taurus will ‘see it done’, if not exactly according to plan with ‘mischievous’ Loki leading the parade. With it will come matching waves of resistance and protest, but most of it will likely prove futile, aside from venting shared frustrations in good company.​
    ​Have a great week,​

    ​Michael​​​Get more in-depth weekly content, monthly video forecasts, your horoscope for the year, and automatic discounts on purchases.
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    Weekly Horoscope:​
    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)The Piscean factor has been playing a major role in your life over the past couple of years especially. It indicates that you have been experiencing a disintegration process of what once was. This could be welcome, but it could also be the source of much anguish and anxiety. The truth is this process is not over. Perhaps it helps to know that there is rhyme and reason to it all.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)Pisces is your friend, one that makes you laugh. Yet, it is also a perplexing sign for you as your earthy embodiment and attitude confronts its ethereal and idealistic notions. The middle ground is presence, yes, being here and now, which is the gift that presence gives. With Pluto juggling dynamite like a giant jester, it is the place to be.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)With the Pisces stellium influencing your public and professional life, you can expect a steady stream of surprises to begin flowing in. These could include encountering new players and plots, some of whom just might become friends. Yet, you might be required to keep your mind open even wider than usual and aim to see things from other angles.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)Pisces is your sign of wise counsel, and you do well to allow for its imaginative flexibility to support your otherwise assertive resolve. It is guiding you now to listen louder and speak more silently. Embracing the process with patience as opposed to locking claws with impatient outcome attachments will win the day, and perhaps even weeks and months.

    ​Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)It is slippery, fluid, liquid Pisces that has been melting your mind and heart these past weeks especially. Its objective is to increase your capacity to empathize, on the one hand, and to identify your fears and confront them, on the other. This work is meant to produce subtle yet real changes in your attitude and approach. Magically, working inwardly will clear outer blocks.

    ​Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)Pisces your love is strumming strings to beckon your attention and affection. Whatever sign occupies the relationship zone is the one that offers you the harmony, beauty, and fulfillment you seek, and for you, it is the fishes. Softening the edges of your mind, it supports you to gain access to your heart, revealing realities that rise above the hard ground.

    ​Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)Pisces plays an important role in your life, yet it must be understood well to be appreciated. On one hand, it inspires higher ideals and dreams of possibility. On the other, it ironically offers painfully sobering reminders about the importance of being mindful not to succumb to escapist tendencies and excesses that replace moderation with mold.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)It is said by the wise that imagination can prove greater than knowledge. It is what allows us to see from above, through and beyond, and yet also become one with whatever is desired. Imagination is the elixir of magic that inspires creative engagement, and paints possibilities with the full spectrum of colors, textures, sounds, seductive sensations, and on…

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)Pisces is the sign that is your anchor and core. Although you tend to meet the world with factual critique and bulldozing logic, it is not what makes you happy so much as pays the bills. There is a space beyond practical accomplishments, and what transcends the so-called realities, that some refer to as the ‘within’, which your wisdom mind seeks.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)For all your realism, few would realize just how idealistic you can be. The twist is that you aspire to be a ‘realistic idealist’, and you know just how much disciplined effort is required. It is said that it is better to have a dream than to drown it in realism, yet having one does not make you a dreamer, or at least not one lost in dreams, but one who is determined to make them real.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)When it comes to priorities, Pisces is at the top of your list. It, or is it he, or she, or they or them…, reminds you that, after all is said and done, there is more, even more than can be imagined and that all the efforts, trials, and tribulations, are rewarded. That these returns and rewards are given in the presence of now and in the transcendent too, is the promise that Pisces realizes.​

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)This stellar stellium of Piscean potency is yours to harness as your new year begins. If the Sun has not yet completed its round this week, it will soon, and it is inviting you to get on board for the next new array of adventures. Much ever depends on the Moon, new on the 27th, and those of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, and knowing if it is waxing or waning and their status too, both turning retrograde soon.​

  • Horoscope for the Week of February 14 

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    New Blog – Relationship Astrology

    Your Weekly Horoscope for February 14 – 20

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    Happy Valentine’s Day!

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    “I had a relationship reading 2 years ago, and now I am thinking how accurate you were to see the relationship for what it was and to see each of us so clearly. Thank you for your reading.” ~ Hyegwi

    Tip of the Week:

    That Valentine’s Day occurs while the Sun is in Aquarius and most of the world’s populations are still firmly in the grip of winter, is a little odd. Yet, the Sun is in the 3rd Decant of Aquarius, which is Libra – the sign of relationship dynamics, including harmony, fairness, and balance.

    Venus currently in fiery AriesMars in sentimental Cancer, and Mercury in Poetic Pisces are collaborating to support exchanges of adoration, appreciation, and love.

    The ‘chemistry’ between two people is quite an obvious reality, and it can be measured with Astrology with remarkable precision and accuracy. This technique is referred to as Synastry. As the story goes, just because there is good chemistry it does not mean a couple have the destiny to be or stay together. This is where another technique called Composites comes to the fore as it effectively measures the ‘deeper purpose’ (Composite) of a relationship.

    Further, the Composite Chart can be Progressed to reveal where that purpose is at any given time from a cyclic perspective.

    Of course, you do not have to be in a ‘love’ relationship. However, the more committed the relationship, the more the themes revealed come into play and can be recognized.

    My new blog, Relationship Astrology explores the realities of relationship dynamics through the lens of Astrology more fully.

    Want to understand your relationship(s) better? Send me an email that says “Happy Valentine’s Day” to receive a 10% discount.

    Have a great week,​


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    You are bound and determined to advance your position. Venus in your sign these past couple of weeks is leading the charge. Yet, all the while, Mars retrograde in Cancer is shifting into even lower gear, effectively increasing its gravity and torque. Combined with other factors, this implies the need to attend to clearing the old before you rebuild.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Your hopes and dreams for the future are extra activated these days. The uncertainties of our times are part of the challenge, yet you do appreciate that change invites opportunity. Your focus includes aspirations to think deeply, to sound the depths of your heart to determine what is truly worthy of your time, and to devise a realistic, strategic plan.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The creative and inventive impulse of Aquarius shines brightly for you. In these final days of it, seize the opportunity to break out of habitual perspectives and give access to some ‘out of the box’ time. Imagination is a keyword and it happens to be a central feature of the “duty of your destiny”. This includes harnessing it, but not allowing it to harness you.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    The deep dive cycle that Aquarius implies for you can be described as ‘clearing the clutter’. Other words include cleaning, cleansing, purging, or eliminating altogether, all for the purpose of supporting inspired and visionary access to new possibilities. Although Mars remains retrograde, producing detours in your drive, use it to get into the corners.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Aquarius is your polar opposite sign, and the one directly associated with your relationship destiny. Its destined role is to help you to both see things from different angles and other people’s point of view, and to learn the importance of detachment to counterbalance an otherwise subjective, obsessive, and passionate impulse. Awareness is the key to balance.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Those who know you well recognize a radical tendency in your nature. Not that it is bad, per se’, yet it does need to be well-directed to be useful. Otherwise, it tends to produce a cold, cerebral, sometimes harsh, and often indifferent approach. With Mars retrograde, you could still be in the dreaming phase, yet the resolve to be more deliberate is fast approaching.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Lucky you, sexy Aquarius occupies the lover position in your chart. It indicates that verbal stimulation can be a real turn-on, especially when it includes high-minded perspectives about subjects you are passionate about. Yet, while you are about action, Aquarius can happily hover in intellectual exchange, and it is left to you to take the lead regarding desired directions.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    You know that quirky side of you that is hard to hide…, well that is your Aquarius. Yes, we each really are a composite of all the signs, yet certain ones tend to be more prominent than others. Ironically, despite your preference to be secretive and discreet, your Aquarius is pouring out 24/7 for all to see. Don’t worry, a little strangeness can prove… stimulating.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    While your sights are set on the future, your focus includes where you call home. If it is where your heart is, literally, then you have achieved the Sagittarius badge of freedom, and wherever you go, there you are. Yet, it remains that letting go of what has been and surrendering to the flow are features of this freedom.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Building for the future is an especially important theme currently. With Venus in Aries, the key is to get inspired by the prospects of beautifying your home. Renovation efforts are indicated and are likely over the next couple of months, but maybe longer. Mercury in Aries in March will prove extra helpful in this regard.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    The Sun in your sign indicates a time for taking initiatives. Other factors indicate creative projects. Extra efforts will be required, and it may take a while for the momentum to build, and February could prove slow going, but the pace will accelerate noticeably in March. Jupiter in Gemini will provide the inspiration to enjoy the creative process.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    The pace is probably slower than usual, currently. The month before the Sun enters our sign can be like that, and then there are other factors. Ironically, while Mercury in Pisces as of February 14 can prove blurry for many, like trying to see underwater, it stands to work in your favor. Jupiter now direct is pushing you to expand in your career yet you may need to feel inspired.