Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week of February 14 

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for February 14 – 20

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    Happy Valentine’s Day!

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    “I had a relationship reading 2 years ago, and now I am thinking how accurate you were to see the relationship for what it was and to see each of us so clearly. Thank you for your reading.” ~ Hyegwi

    Tip of the Week:

    That Valentine’s Day occurs while the Sun is in Aquarius and most of the world’s populations are still firmly in the grip of winter, is a little odd. Yet, the Sun is in the 3rd Decant of Aquarius, which is Libra – the sign of relationship dynamics, including harmony, fairness, and balance.

    Venus currently in fiery AriesMars in sentimental Cancer, and Mercury in Poetic Pisces are collaborating to support exchanges of adoration, appreciation, and love.

    The ‘chemistry’ between two people is quite an obvious reality, and it can be measured with Astrology with remarkable precision and accuracy. This technique is referred to as Synastry. As the story goes, just because there is good chemistry it does not mean a couple have the destiny to be or stay together. This is where another technique called Composites comes to the fore as it effectively measures the ‘deeper purpose’ (Composite) of a relationship.

    Further, the Composite Chart can be Progressed to reveal where that purpose is at any given time from a cyclic perspective.

    Of course, you do not have to be in a ‘love’ relationship. However, the more committed the relationship, the more the themes revealed come into play and can be recognized.

    My new blog, Relationship Astrology explores the realities of relationship dynamics through the lens of Astrology more fully.

    Want to understand your relationship(s) better? Send me an email that says “Happy Valentine’s Day” to receive a 10% discount.

    Have a great week,​


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    You are bound and determined to advance your position. Venus in your sign these past couple of weeks is leading the charge. Yet, all the while, Mars retrograde in Cancer is shifting into even lower gear, effectively increasing its gravity and torque. Combined with other factors, this implies the need to attend to clearing the old before you rebuild.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Your hopes and dreams for the future are extra activated these days. The uncertainties of our times are part of the challenge, yet you do appreciate that change invites opportunity. Your focus includes aspirations to think deeply, to sound the depths of your heart to determine what is truly worthy of your time, and to devise a realistic, strategic plan.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The creative and inventive impulse of Aquarius shines brightly for you. In these final days of it, seize the opportunity to break out of habitual perspectives and give access to some ‘out of the box’ time. Imagination is a keyword and it happens to be a central feature of the “duty of your destiny”. This includes harnessing it, but not allowing it to harness you.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    The deep dive cycle that Aquarius implies for you can be described as ‘clearing the clutter’. Other words include cleaning, cleansing, purging, or eliminating altogether, all for the purpose of supporting inspired and visionary access to new possibilities. Although Mars remains retrograde, producing detours in your drive, use it to get into the corners.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Aquarius is your polar opposite sign, and the one directly associated with your relationship destiny. Its destined role is to help you to both see things from different angles and other people’s point of view, and to learn the importance of detachment to counterbalance an otherwise subjective, obsessive, and passionate impulse. Awareness is the key to balance.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Those who know you well recognize a radical tendency in your nature. Not that it is bad, per se’, yet it does need to be well-directed to be useful. Otherwise, it tends to produce a cold, cerebral, sometimes harsh, and often indifferent approach. With Mars retrograde, you could still be in the dreaming phase, yet the resolve to be more deliberate is fast approaching.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Lucky you, sexy Aquarius occupies the lover position in your chart. It indicates that verbal stimulation can be a real turn-on, especially when it includes high-minded perspectives about subjects you are passionate about. Yet, while you are about action, Aquarius can happily hover in intellectual exchange, and it is left to you to take the lead regarding desired directions.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    You know that quirky side of you that is hard to hide…, well that is your Aquarius. Yes, we each really are a composite of all the signs, yet certain ones tend to be more prominent than others. Ironically, despite your preference to be secretive and discreet, your Aquarius is pouring out 24/7 for all to see. Don’t worry, a little strangeness can prove… stimulating.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    While your sights are set on the future, your focus includes where you call home. If it is where your heart is, literally, then you have achieved the Sagittarius badge of freedom, and wherever you go, there you are. Yet, it remains that letting go of what has been and surrendering to the flow are features of this freedom.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Building for the future is an especially important theme currently. With Venus in Aries, the key is to get inspired by the prospects of beautifying your home. Renovation efforts are indicated and are likely over the next couple of months, but maybe longer. Mercury in Aries in March will prove extra helpful in this regard.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    The Sun in your sign indicates a time for taking initiatives. Other factors indicate creative projects. Extra efforts will be required, and it may take a while for the momentum to build, and February could prove slow going, but the pace will accelerate noticeably in March. Jupiter in Gemini will provide the inspiration to enjoy the creative process.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    The pace is probably slower than usual, currently. The month before the Sun enters our sign can be like that, and then there are other factors. Ironically, while Mercury in Pisces as of February 14 can prove blurry for many, like trying to see underwater, it stands to work in your favor. Jupiter now direct is pushing you to expand in your career yet you may need to feel inspired.

  • Horoscope for the Week of February 7
    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ MentoringGift Certificates ~ Testimonials Recommendations ~ Articles & Videos​Your Weekly Horoscope for February 7 – 13Feel free to share with friends!​Looking for clarity, insight, and strategy to navigate these challenging times?Learn how an Astrology Reading can help you​​Make an Appointment​​​”In these revolutionary times, the whole world has been swept into the predicted ‘renovation process’ indicated by Mars in Cancer, among other factors. This trend will continue, and it will in fact… deepen. Reactions will prove strong until what is happening becomes accepted as the ‘new norm’. This is especially the promise of Pluto in Aquarius, which has only just begun its 20-year cycle during which time the whole of humanity will undergo a powerful process of transformation.” ~

    Michael O’ConnorTip of the Week:
    ​The waxing Moon from the Aquarius New Moon seed event on January 29 will come to a Full Moon in Leo on February 12. Since the New Moon seed on January 29 carried such a charge of transformational energy and potential, this coming week will prove extra interesting, and perhaps dramatic too.​Leo is the heart fire sign and drama is a cornerstone of its expression. On the high side, drama can prove exciting and invigorating. Negatively, it can manifest as a consuming flame, causing people to get absorbed by it and, thereby, lose sight of reason and perspective.​Venus’s recent entry into Aries is adding to the heat. This is compounded by Mars at its peak, retrograde in Cancer, symbolic of the pre-phase of a ‘renovation project’, which includes clearing out the old. This cycle will continue through mid-April and will build momentum steadily all the while.​Since Mars is in moody Cancer, many will be experiencing just that: an inexplicable feeling of low-lying anxiety and impatience.​Mercury forming a conjunction with the Sun in Aquarius now is offering a counterbalance of open-minded perspective. It will be there all week supporting equanimity amidst all the extremes. Jupiter is now direct in its ruling sign of Gemini, yet in a temporary state of relative disconnection due to no major aspects with other planets, which will continue beyond mid-month. Then Mercury entering dreamy Pisces on February 14, Valentine’s Day, could serve to usher in some welcome inspirations supporting sweet sentiments of unrequited love.​Have a great week,​

    ​Michael​michael@sunstarastrology.comGet more in-depth weekly content, monthly video forecasts, your horoscope for the year, and automatic discounts on purchases.
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    Weekly Horoscope:​​Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)Your sights are set on the future. You are inspired to take revolutionary action. However, you could be dealing with a slippery slope and the drag of unfinished business from yesteryear. Patience remains a keyword. It might prove better to attend to unfinished business before launching into larger projects or initiatives.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)Shifts and changes in your public and/or professional life, some of them possibly sudden and unexpected, remain a central theme. You might even have, or be considering, taking actions that are coming as a surprise. The key now is to get clear on what you truly want at a heart level and not cave to shallow desires.

    ​Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)From fresh realizations, awakenings, and epiphanies, creative dreams and ambitions are born. This spirit is lingering for you now and stands to hit some high notes this week. Jupiter in your sign continues to uplift and inspire you to take leaps you would not otherwise, provided that pure practicality is not your only driving force

    .​Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)Mars in your sign is probably helping your resolve of late but could also be leaving you feeling cranky and edgy. Using it to get into the corners to clear the clutter in tune with early spring cleaning is a good call. Your focus can be on your living space, but it could also be mental and/or emotional too. The rewards of liberating pent-up or blocked energy will probably prove worth the effort.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)Who do you love and why? While the answer is usually quite clear, you might be thinking about it more these days. Ideally, you yourself are high on your list. Self-love in its highest reaches is invariably projected, so others receive its blessing too. Forging ahead professionally, or at least in terms of popularity, is also at play, so focus to bring them into alignment.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)Your sign combined with Aquarius is the sign of engineering, or any discipline that requires a blend of detailed logic and innovative possibility. Other factors indicate a weave of rebellion and determination to push through barriers, whether within or without. If you are feeling the call to go big, you are probably on track.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)Venus entering Aries will spark your passions, which you could probably really use. This is a go-ahead time, yet be open to extra help, since you could very well need it. There are indications of the need for ‘unlearning’, associated with certain attitudes and interpretations, so being open to advice and feedback could prove worthwhile.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)A lot is shaking close to home, but it generally looks quite positive. Changes on relationship fronts are indicated, some of which could seem to come from left field. The time is right to give more than you might usually, yet by doing so you will receive. All the while, an ardent push for freedom is indicated. If you see the sign for the high road, take it, because the low could prove extra costly.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)Many new perspectives are illuminating your mind. Changes in your daily routine and perhaps your lifestyle in general continue to percolate. Venus entering Aries will bring a boost of passion and morale, perhaps even leading to new adventures. Expansion is a keyword, but you will have to reach for it and not expect it to be given idly.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)Getting clear on what you deem your highest priorities is in the spotlight. This trend will continue for another couple of weeks. The fine print suggests that you may have to forego certain desires or habitual patterns to get what you truly want. A push for more information may be required but try to avoid anything that gives you reason to worry

    .​Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)A push forward has been underway and stands to become increasingly clearer this week. At least some of the emphasis points to your relationship life. Whether it is love, family, or career, things could get progressively hotter with the waxing Leo Moon. Circumstances may be pushing you to work harder than usual, and it looks like the right thing to do.​

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)A busy time behind the scenes continues. Positively, you are in an industrious mood and feel inspired by the aspiration to be innovative. A long-term process of paying your dues and/or building for the future is featured and requires faithful, patient perseverance. Heightened creativity is indicated, yet so too is the need for determination.
  • Horoscope for the Week of January 31

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for January 31 – February 6

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    “Our family has been stuck as to how best to support one another and move forward with compassion. Your astrological reading and intuitive insights have given us so much light on the situation that we feel confident in moving forward with much deeper knowledge and understanding. Thank you,” ~ May

    Tip of the Week:

    We have all heard that ‘change is the law and it is the only constant.’ Yet, despite the futility, it is also common to resist change. This is the sign of ego-control. Ego basically equates to fear and instinct, while soul equates to love and intuition. Yes, instinct and intuition are distinctly different. The question to ask is: Am I predominantly centered in fear or love?

    Centering in love implies presence, whereby over-emphasis on the past and future are reduced. Other examples include innocence without naiveté’, loyalty without blind allegiance, surrender without reactive conformity, a deep sense of connection with people and life in general, without feeling alone or alienated or orientations to networks that uphold rigid repeats of attitudes, perspectives and self-concepts.

    To be centered in love implies presence, gratitude, receptivity, joy, and peace, and relegates fear to instinctual response when needed, as opposed to the norm. It can also be said that love supports intelligent, intuitive adaptation, while fear resists.

    Aquarius is symbolic of futurism, humanism, revolutionary change, and the reality that while change steadily flows, it can also prove, or at least seem to be, sudden and unexpected. Aquarius is also symbolic of individuality balanced by a deep feeling of communal connection with others, intuitive, illuminating insight, and epiphanies.

    So, ‘let’s exercise our Aquarius’ to consider what being centered in fear looks like…

    A ‘fear-centered’ posture can be easily recognized because the perspective and attitude are highly highly polarized and rationalized, such as knowing exactly why this, that, or the other(s)… are hated. The dialogue exchange and sharing of thoughts, feelings, concerns, interpretations, and knowledge is replaced by highly rationalized polarization, rejection, alienation, and at least passive-aggressive conflict, or worse.

    Yet, the rationalization is based on irrational reaction, due to unconscious over-idealism, and notions of utopia, both symptoms of extreme instinctual reaction and ego-survival. The projection of ‘fight’ is that the ‘others’ are deemed insane imbeciles who give their allegiance to absolute evil, both of whom should be ‘re-educated’ or ‘deleted’ altogether.

    If yours or anyone’s perspectives are highly polarized as with reactive, matter-of-fact, dismissive rationalization, it is probably the symptom of fear and unrecognized and unresolved trauma. Occasional lapses into fear is natural, yet centering in it can be described as an imbalance or illness As the story goes, the medicine required is love, which can be identified as open, mutually respectful discussions of perspectives that are intuitively received, leading to new, evolving considerations.

    So, in alignment with the 9-Year that 2025 equates to, the number of endings, completions, and graduations, the themes of the Year of the Wood Snake from Chinese Astrology, and those of the White Spectral World-Bridger from Mayan Astrology (which aligns with it) are all converging to reveal quite a similar theme, which can be described as definite and ‘probably’ radical changes, which I will do my best to provide insights about to guide you through.

    To do so in a very personal and precise way, a personal Reading with me is the way to go.

    Have a great week,​


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    The primary relationship in life is ever with your own body, mind, heart, and soul. As obvious as this is, it is often overlooked, neglected, and taken for granted. Honoring this relationship, and supported by a determination to be genuinely honest with how you feel, determine what major decision you need to make in your life.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    This Aquarius New Moon in your solar house of career and public reputation, and with its ruling planet Uranus in your sign, and now direct after several months of retrograde, altogether indicate that either some key events are destined to activate you, or the time has come to make some power moves.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The Air Element of Aquarius harmonizes with your own and is destined to synchronize with waves of inspiration. However, you may have to be intentional and receptive to both recognize and receive them. Anticipate them and exercise gratitude to enter the best state of presence – yes the most precious gift.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    This Aquarius New Moon brings with it a theme of liberation. What form it comes in depends on you and your circumstances. In alignment with Imbolc, consider doing some early spring cleaning, consider an organ cleanse or purification of your mind and soul, and be thanking, forgiving, and releasing past people and experiences.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    This Aquarius New Moon is directing the spotlight to your relationship life. This can include family and colleagues too as well as love partners. Either way, the invitation is to dive deeply into a place of intimate acknowledgment and/or of embrace. Love is ever the elixir and it is time to let it flow.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Aquarius energy combined with your sign tends to activate inventiveness. It can be in the form of original ideas, designs, or new ways of approaching habitual situations, and so on. In this instance, a quiet and receptive state may prove necessary to think and feel deeply, or simply to open your mind.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Aquarius is a creative compliment for you and during its cycle you are given even more opportunity to align with it. The key is to be playful, to allow your child out, which includes a relative state of openness and a willingness to lighten-up, see the humor and the value of making others smile and laugh.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    While it might come as a surprise to hear, Aquarius has an influence on you at a core level of your being. It is that quirky side of you, and the rebellious one too. It is the source of your sense of individuality, guiding you to be uniquely you, and which you probably have little choice otherwise, anyway.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    This Aquarius New Moon is destined to awaken you to a whole new perspective. The emphasis points directly to your daily rhythm and lifestyle in general. Creating more beauty to feel inspired is featured. Yet, you will probably need some help to shift out of dreaming mode and into action.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    The Aquarian factor now fully activated will guide you to plan for the future. This can include broadening your perspective, assessing both the probabilities and the possibilities, and making key investments. The main caution is to keep your imagination in check and balancing awareness with presence.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    The New Moon in your sign signifies an impulse to take new initiatives. This is your cue to be deliberate to break out of any patterns whether of perception, attitude or behaviour that might be limiting you. Some degree of willful determination might be required, so decide and replace analysis with action.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    Aquarius time offers an invitation to lay low and retreat for a while. Yet, this does not strictly imply passivity. In fact, you could even be busier than usual, and on a variety of fronts. What you might yearn for less of is social engagement. Productivity and advancement, even personal growth and evolution are keywords.

  • Horoscope for the Week of January 24

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    Masterclasses with Michael in 2025

    Your Weekly Horoscope for January 24 – 30

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    “With Uranus turning Direct next week, combined especially with the influences of Mars Retrograde in Cancer, things are about to get even more ‘exciting’. So, fasten your emotional seat belts and get ready for that, especially after the waxing of the Aquarius New Moon on January 29 commences.” ~ Michael O’Connor

    Tip of the Week:

    ​Every week these days is packed with passion and power. These early days of the first of 20 cycles of Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, (a 20-year process with 20 strikes of Pluto’s staff), are destined to utterly transform the world, for better or worse.

    In the shorter term, Mars in Cancer is serving to inspire renovations, not just of our living environments, but of our mental and emotional patterns as well. Wisdom invites us to tune in and cooperate according to our respective realities.

    The Aquarius New Moon on January 29 features Uranus in Taurus turning Direct, releasing the Minotaur…, and Mercury conjunct Pluto encouraging critical thinking and dialogue based on carefully considered facts over conclusive convictions, projecting cognitive dissonance.

    The January 29th Aquarius New Moon also launches us into the Year of the Snake, deemed the most karmic of the 12 Chinese totems, and its Wood Element indicates rapid growth.

    celestial spectacle of visible planets in the night sky meanwhile, has many excited, some even making sensational predictions of synchronicities here on Earth, assuming the role of Astrologer, yet without any clear understanding of the holistic science and archetypal principles at play, and projecting literalism in hopes of countering its esoteric roots.

    Astronomy and Astrology are like siblings, and they can and do play together, even happily sometimes, yet ‘he’ seldom comes close to understanding her profound depths and mystery, despite his tendencies to delusional notions of certainty. She neither is so inclined to any interest in his grandiosity of time spans that make grass seem young and distances that make Pluto seem like a next-door neighbor. Yet, the visuals could prove pretty and inspiring.

    Have a great week,​


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    Clearing the way, the clutter, the past…, to bring in the new continues. In some respects, you may feel that you have little choice. This is where choosing your attitude comes to the fore. Sweet surrender now includes ‘answering the call’. For now, all you have to do is say: ”Yes, I will.”

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    You have likely been stepping back to see a bigger picture and to assess your overall situation to make a plan. If you have not yet done so, do it now, because the time to make major and important decisions associated with your career and public life is fast approaching. Yet, you still have a couple of weeks to prepare.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    You have been steadily emerging from a deep dive that required a balance of dutiful response and clarification of your ideals. With the momentum for 2025 steadily building, the urge to be more social has and continues to escalate. Some measure of contemplation or research may still be required, so broaden your scope.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    You have been summoned within to make some very realistic assessments. These could well be associated with important investments. Taking a constructive and innovative approach is likely and ideal. A yearning for peace asks you to breathe more deeply in quietude and inner listening.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Creating more harmony at home is closely aligned with rising to the occasion professionally. By doing so, you will be more centered and content. Embrace the efforts required and enjoy the creative process. Yes, changes are implied, but these have been underway for almost two years, so focus to follow through.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Orientations to integrate a more practical philosophy into your lifestyle have and continue to keep you busy. Getting better prepared and organized for the inevitable mishaps of life is part of the plot. Listing out what you can do and need in terms of supplies and strategies could include some original ideas.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    A steady flow of changes these past 7 years that has significantly changed you and your overall lifestyle, now enters the final chapters. The more significant themes are associated with your financial reality and status. In this context, health challenges remain a priority. All being well, you are healthy and helping others.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Literally or figuratively, you have recently entered new territory. Positively, you feel uplifted and inspired. Yet, there are probably also improvements and repairs required. The more creative your approach, the better, yet exercise patience since bringing things to your desired level could take longer than anticipated.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    After what probably amounts to a series of pretty extreme moves and measures over the past long while, you are in the mood to take new steps to counter-balance. Lifestyle changes are indicated. Visions of the beauty you want to create will require sincere efforts and measurable investments.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    A deep dive into your financial reality is pushing you to assess your investments. You are in the mood to add to your overall score. A learning curve associated with new knowledge and tools and their implementation is likely. Yet, make sure to steer clear of wishful thinking and approach get-rich-quick schemes with due caution.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Taking new leads and initiatives will become even more obvious this week as Uranus turns direct. This could amount to the next major phase of changes close to home. Striking the balance between beauty and function is featured. Recognizing the extra efforts required as paying your dues for later returns, will help.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    A steady flow of new thoughts and ideas will become increasingly apparent this week. The time is ripe to be engaged in expressions of beauty. You may also be considering what new tools and skills you want or need to acquire. You are open to the possibilities, but are determined to realize practical results.

  • Horoscope for the Week of January 17

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    Masterclasses with Michael in 2025

    Your Weekly Horoscope for January 17 – 23

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    Thank you Michael, the reading was a real game-changer for me and has me feeling a lot more connected to my soul. Sincerely,” ~ Megan

    Tip of the Week:

    Mars in Cancer is synchronisticly wielding the sword of Shiva this time. The disastrous fires in Los Angeles have already added to the long list of catastrophes in the United States alone, which are just a fraction of the global count.

    Destruction is always occurring somewhere and always has. Some call it the scorns of Satan. The more suspicious assert that it is specifically supported by the nefarious forces of unscrupulous ambition. Others assert it is the wrath of Mother Nature violated by the toxicity of modern industrialism and technology, though nature has always been the greatest inexorable force of destructive power and always will be. Of one thing we can be certain, destruction and death are features of the very fabric of life; yet so too are birth, rebirth, beauty, joy, life, and love.

    In this context, another truly historic week begins.

    The inauguration of controversial President-Elect Donald Trump is slated for Monday, January 20. Many do not simply dislike D.J.T., they are literally terrified of him. Trump’s Sun in Gemini closely conjunct Uranus in his Birth Chart indicates that he is a revolutionary and controversial figure, a real shaker, true to the symbolism of Uranus.

    Interestingly, the ceremony occurs on the heels of the Sun entering Aquarius, and just a day prior to the Sun forming its first conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius, where it will be for 20 years! Thus, this first of 20 Sun/Pluto conjunctions, each of which can be expected to prove revolutionary, especially the first 7, begins now…

    PS: Click here for upcoming Masterclasses in 2025 with Michael.


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    A whole new set of waves of awakening and realization will begin to wash in this week. These are sure to stimulate your imagination as well. Some of your focus will be consequentially directed to the future. To this end, your thoughts will turn to practical matters as with obtaining tools, resources, and supplies.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Your public and professional life is about to get a boost of attention. Returns from previous efforts, hopefully good ones based on sincere diligence, are featured. Either way, these will activate a stealthy push forward. But avoid doing so with your head down lest you end up charging in where you wish you hadn’t.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    A broad spectrum of new visions and realizations is broadening your scope on reality. Some will be obvious while others are there yet may be delayed for a while before they come clearly into view. In the meantime, destiny is summoning you to share your visions and ideals of possibility.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    You have entered a period of purging, transformation, and regeneration. It could prove to be an excellent time to go on a special diet or an organ cleanse program. The focus could also be directed to simply clearing the clutter. Some attention could be directed to the careful consideration of long-term investments.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Extra attention on relationship fronts will become increasingly important this week and for the next several too. The focus will be shared with both your personal and your professional or public life in general. Change is a keyword and could include some measure of fame or notoriety, but possibly infamy too.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Aquarius time tends to be extra impactful for you, stimulating a strong sense of future-oriented vision and activating you to strengthen your sense of security. A weave of philosophy and practicality is indicated, and will also support deepening your commitments. Topped with a creative drive, the time is right to advance.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Aquarius is directly associated with your sense of creative genius. Innovative plans and designs could begin to appear clearly in your mind’s eye, perhaps even leading to original invention. While you are probably determined to remain practical in your approach, the future prospects are a source of excitement!

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Aquarius time will have the effect of shaking your world, and close to home, for better or worse. Change is part of this plot and of the kind that looks favourable. Patience remains a keyword, so expect a steady flow versus a sudden payload. Maintaining a practical perspective is featured, emphasizing fortifying your foundations.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Your sights have been firmly set on the future, yet will be even more so starting this week. Changes in your daily rhythm and routine, and perhaps affecting your overall lifestyle are in the script. Beautifying your world is an inspirational motivator, even if the reality of the steps required, seems a little daunting.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Whether due to inspiration, desperation, or instigation, the time has come to bring more attention to fortifying your overall foundation. Making investments is implied and they could prove significant. A whirlwind of imaginative thoughts and ideas are featured, yet you are determined to be realistic.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Your time in the Sun has arrived. This indicates a pioneering impulse. Some of your attention will be directed to your home, and could include new infrastructure and/or practical possessions. Guided by a blend of idealism and practicality, things are likely to get busier, if behind the scenes.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    While Aquarius time tends to be when you are happier to nip out of sight for a while, the opposite could prove to be true this year. With a steady flow of fresh thoughts and ideas to guide you, your sights are probably directed to realistic considerations going forward. With your confidence levels running high, the time is right to make some key moves.

  • Horoscope for the Week of January 10

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for January 10 – 16

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    “Michael’s readings have given me great insight over the years. He has a gentle, inquisitive, wholesome approach. I consider myself very fortunate to have someone so committed to his practice and to the well-being of the other.” ~ Lorne

    Tip of the Week:

    Astrologically, Mars Retrograde now in Cancer is the BIG news. In the sign of the crab, Mars tends to operate like the demolition process of a renovation project.

    Pluto in Aquarius for its 20-year cycle, destined to utterly transform humanity as a whole, indicates a revolutionary dynamic that will prove to be the foundation of a whole new era that will endure for centuries, at least.

    The Sun forming its FIRST conjunction with Pluto on January 21 (since it first entered Aquarius in March 2023), is the other big event, which will prove revolutionary – a core Aquarian theme.

    Mars and Pluto are the co-rulers of Scorpio, so both planets in the spotlight as 2025 gets underway is a foreshadow for the year. Mars is the ‘verb’ planet, symbolic of action, assertion, and aggression too. Pluto is the planet of purification, regeneration, and transformation. While its function is benevolent, the process of it can prove challenging as the old is removed, or invariably recycled. It all comes down to what the situation is and how ready one is for the processes to occur. It is directly associated with the Law of Change, to which the human ego tends to be instinctively adverse and resistant, preferring comfort, familiarity, and security.

    Both planets can be regarded as penetrating, which can be regarded as painful and invariably intense.

    The synchronicities of this dynamic series of demolishing and revolutionary astrological influences are certainly manifesting strongly as suggested. On the global scene in just the first 10 days of the year, we are watching the horrendous California fires, the Canadian Prime Minister announcing a retirement and a prorogued (suspended) government until March 24, and President-Elect Donald Trump announcing aspirations to expand the United States, and what he calls the ‘free world’ to include Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal.

    2025 is certainly delivering, as I predicted over the past many months, and we’re only getting started.

    To stay informed in such a way as to recognize the synchronicities at play and to offset the otherwise likely tendencies to react fearfully and with confusion, I invite you to become an Annual Member of my longer Weekly Horoscopes, which also include Monthly and Yearly Horoscopes articles and videos, and discounts on Readings and upcoming Master Classes with Michael. To have a look at the outline of the Member’s Area, click HERE, and to learn more about Michael’s Master Classes, click HERE.

    In any case, thank you for being here, stay tuned, and… fasten your psychic seatbelts, because this ride is about to get wilder…


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    An ardent determination to be grounded and realistic is guiding your focus as 2025 builds momentum. However, you may also sense that the very ground beneath you continues to shift and even dissolve altogether. Digging in deeper yet will feel like the right thing to do and includes getting to the bottom of things, where it matters most.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Stepping back to see a bigger picture makes sense. The challenge to do so, however, is that you are probably busy on a variety of fronts. Dealing with a steady flow of returns from past efforts could be tilting the scales, for better or worse. The proverbial ‘losing sight of the forest for the trees’ is a likely theme. Be deliberate with your determination to expand your scope.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    You will likely notice that you are undergoing a steady process of deep changes. During such transition periods, patience is usually the wise choice. You likely do feel a sense of responsibility to strengthen your foundation anyway, which is also usually a wise choice. To this end, be open to what tools, techniques, or other resources can help.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    A busy time on relationship fronts continues. A process of increasing your sense of personal power is directly associated with also increasing your self-worth. This could prove more challenging than it seems. Nurturing a better relationship with you is ideal in this regard. Focus on self-acknowledgment, self-acceptance, self-like, and self-love.

    Leo (July 22 – August 23)

    Achieving personal liberation has many angles to it. Among the main areas to focus on, at least initially, is making peace with this past. This can include learning to forgive and forget. The forgiveness part might require yourself. Another approach is to accept that life is all about change and that it happens beyond personal choice or control, so the best choice is to keep moving forward.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    When it comes to progress, simply focus on doing at least one significant action or power move each day. The next consideration is to determine what ‘power moves’ look like for you. This is where setting larger goals comes into play. People tend to overestimate what they can do in a day, or even a week, but underestimate what can be achieved in a year.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Successfully making your way into this next major chapter is an important focus. You know that you need to make extra efforts, but drifting in or through the dream also holds appeal. Making improved health a top priority is probably a good place to start. Sometimes we need support to get clear, and to feel inspired and motivated, like now perhaps.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Freedom can imply abilities like playing an instrument, or it can be from outer circumstances, or freedom from inner blocks or resistances, or achieved through access to resources and means, such as money. Ask yourself what constitutes freedom for you at this stage of your journey. In the bigger picture, better health and opportunities for adventure are indicated.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Perhaps it is already a feature of your nature or a central aspect of your destiny, but either way, what can you do to feel more optimistic and confident? Planning more and analyzing less is probably a good start. Also, exercising gratitude is literally a cornerstone of the science of happiness. Begin to outline your plan, literally and gratefully, and do it now, yes now.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    When it comes to relationships, the four pillars are love, compatibility, trust, and respect. For you, respect is probably uppermost. Since our outer life is the reflection of our projection, the key is to exercise that which you wish to experience, to lead by example. The key is to command, not demand respect, and it begins with increasing self-respect.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Balance, fairness, equality, equanimity, and democracy too are not simply concepts, they are dynamic processes. The first step is to clearly identify with the meaning and the implications of the words. Next, make these words part of your regular vocabulary. Third, take deliberate action in accordance with the meanings. Beyond wishful thinking, these are the trinity of magic.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    The first measure of success is simply showing up. On the other end is follow-through to completion. Guided by vision and excellence, this timeless strategy can even transcend notions of success and the rewards it brings, which includes literally enjoying the creative process. If you don’t feel like doing it, then don’t. So, what do you feel like doing, that makes sense?