Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week of January 17

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for January 17 – 23

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    Thank you Michael, the reading was a real game-changer for me and has me feeling a lot more connected to my soul. Sincerely,” ~ Megan

    Tip of the Week:

    Mars in Cancer is synchronisticly wielding the sword of Shiva this time. The disastrous fires in Los Angeles have already added to the long list of catastrophes in the United States alone, which are just a fraction of the global count.

    Destruction is always occurring somewhere and always has. Some call it the scorns of Satan. The more suspicious assert that it is specifically supported by the nefarious forces of unscrupulous ambition. Others assert it is the wrath of Mother Nature violated by the toxicity of modern industrialism and technology, though nature has always been the greatest inexorable force of destructive power and always will be. Of one thing we can be certain, destruction and death are features of the very fabric of life; yet so too are birth, rebirth, beauty, joy, life, and love.

    In this context, another truly historic week begins.

    The inauguration of controversial President-Elect Donald Trump is slated for Monday, January 20. Many do not simply dislike D.J.T., they are literally terrified of him. Trump’s Sun in Gemini closely conjunct Uranus in his Birth Chart indicates that he is a revolutionary and controversial figure, a real shaker, true to the symbolism of Uranus.

    Interestingly, the ceremony occurs on the heels of the Sun entering Aquarius, and just a day prior to the Sun forming its first conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius, where it will be for 20 years! Thus, this first of 20 Sun/Pluto conjunctions, each of which can be expected to prove revolutionary, especially the first 7, begins now…

    PS: Click here for upcoming Masterclasses in 2025 with Michael.


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    A whole new set of waves of awakening and realization will begin to wash in this week. These are sure to stimulate your imagination as well. Some of your focus will be consequentially directed to the future. To this end, your thoughts will turn to practical matters as with obtaining tools, resources, and supplies.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Your public and professional life is about to get a boost of attention. Returns from previous efforts, hopefully good ones based on sincere diligence, are featured. Either way, these will activate a stealthy push forward. But avoid doing so with your head down lest you end up charging in where you wish you hadn’t.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    A broad spectrum of new visions and realizations is broadening your scope on reality. Some will be obvious while others are there yet may be delayed for a while before they come clearly into view. In the meantime, destiny is summoning you to share your visions and ideals of possibility.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    You have entered a period of purging, transformation, and regeneration. It could prove to be an excellent time to go on a special diet or an organ cleanse program. The focus could also be directed to simply clearing the clutter. Some attention could be directed to the careful consideration of long-term investments.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Extra attention on relationship fronts will become increasingly important this week and for the next several too. The focus will be shared with both your personal and your professional or public life in general. Change is a keyword and could include some measure of fame or notoriety, but possibly infamy too.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Aquarius time tends to be extra impactful for you, stimulating a strong sense of future-oriented vision and activating you to strengthen your sense of security. A weave of philosophy and practicality is indicated, and will also support deepening your commitments. Topped with a creative drive, the time is right to advance.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Aquarius is directly associated with your sense of creative genius. Innovative plans and designs could begin to appear clearly in your mind’s eye, perhaps even leading to original invention. While you are probably determined to remain practical in your approach, the future prospects are a source of excitement!

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Aquarius time will have the effect of shaking your world, and close to home, for better or worse. Change is part of this plot and of the kind that looks favourable. Patience remains a keyword, so expect a steady flow versus a sudden payload. Maintaining a practical perspective is featured, emphasizing fortifying your foundations.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Your sights have been firmly set on the future, yet will be even more so starting this week. Changes in your daily rhythm and routine, and perhaps affecting your overall lifestyle are in the script. Beautifying your world is an inspirational motivator, even if the reality of the steps required, seems a little daunting.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Whether due to inspiration, desperation, or instigation, the time has come to bring more attention to fortifying your overall foundation. Making investments is implied and they could prove significant. A whirlwind of imaginative thoughts and ideas are featured, yet you are determined to be realistic.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Your time in the Sun has arrived. This indicates a pioneering impulse. Some of your attention will be directed to your home, and could include new infrastructure and/or practical possessions. Guided by a blend of idealism and practicality, things are likely to get busier, if behind the scenes.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    While Aquarius time tends to be when you are happier to nip out of sight for a while, the opposite could prove to be true this year. With a steady flow of fresh thoughts and ideas to guide you, your sights are probably directed to realistic considerations going forward. With your confidence levels running high, the time is right to make some key moves.

  • Horoscope for the Week of January 10

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for January 10 – 16

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    Looking for clarity, insight, and strategy to navigate 2025?

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    “Michael’s readings have given me great insight over the years. He has a gentle, inquisitive, wholesome approach. I consider myself very fortunate to have someone so committed to his practice and to the well-being of the other.” ~ Lorne

    Tip of the Week:

    Astrologically, Mars Retrograde now in Cancer is the BIG news. In the sign of the crab, Mars tends to operate like the demolition process of a renovation project.

    Pluto in Aquarius for its 20-year cycle, destined to utterly transform humanity as a whole, indicates a revolutionary dynamic that will prove to be the foundation of a whole new era that will endure for centuries, at least.

    The Sun forming its FIRST conjunction with Pluto on January 21 (since it first entered Aquarius in March 2023), is the other big event, which will prove revolutionary – a core Aquarian theme.

    Mars and Pluto are the co-rulers of Scorpio, so both planets in the spotlight as 2025 gets underway is a foreshadow for the year. Mars is the ‘verb’ planet, symbolic of action, assertion, and aggression too. Pluto is the planet of purification, regeneration, and transformation. While its function is benevolent, the process of it can prove challenging as the old is removed, or invariably recycled. It all comes down to what the situation is and how ready one is for the processes to occur. It is directly associated with the Law of Change, to which the human ego tends to be instinctively adverse and resistant, preferring comfort, familiarity, and security.

    Both planets can be regarded as penetrating, which can be regarded as painful and invariably intense.

    The synchronicities of this dynamic series of demolishing and revolutionary astrological influences are certainly manifesting strongly as suggested. On the global scene in just the first 10 days of the year, we are watching the horrendous California fires, the Canadian Prime Minister announcing a retirement and a prorogued (suspended) government until March 24, and President-Elect Donald Trump announcing aspirations to expand the United States, and what he calls the ‘free world’ to include Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal.

    2025 is certainly delivering, as I predicted over the past many months, and we’re only getting started.

    To stay informed in such a way as to recognize the synchronicities at play and to offset the otherwise likely tendencies to react fearfully and with confusion, I invite you to become an Annual Member of my longer Weekly Horoscopes, which also include Monthly and Yearly Horoscopes articles and videos, and discounts on Readings and upcoming Master Classes with Michael. To have a look at the outline of the Member’s Area, click HERE, and to learn more about Michael’s Master Classes, click HERE.

    In any case, thank you for being here, stay tuned, and… fasten your psychic seatbelts, because this ride is about to get wilder…


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    An ardent determination to be grounded and realistic is guiding your focus as 2025 builds momentum. However, you may also sense that the very ground beneath you continues to shift and even dissolve altogether. Digging in deeper yet will feel like the right thing to do and includes getting to the bottom of things, where it matters most.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Stepping back to see a bigger picture makes sense. The challenge to do so, however, is that you are probably busy on a variety of fronts. Dealing with a steady flow of returns from past efforts could be tilting the scales, for better or worse. The proverbial ‘losing sight of the forest for the trees’ is a likely theme. Be deliberate with your determination to expand your scope.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    You will likely notice that you are undergoing a steady process of deep changes. During such transition periods, patience is usually the wise choice. You likely do feel a sense of responsibility to strengthen your foundation anyway, which is also usually a wise choice. To this end, be open to what tools, techniques, or other resources can help.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    A busy time on relationship fronts continues. A process of increasing your sense of personal power is directly associated with also increasing your self-worth. This could prove more challenging than it seems. Nurturing a better relationship with you is ideal in this regard. Focus on self-acknowledgment, self-acceptance, self-like, and self-love.

    Leo (July 22 – August 23)

    Achieving personal liberation has many angles to it. Among the main areas to focus on, at least initially, is making peace with this past. This can include learning to forgive and forget. The forgiveness part might require yourself. Another approach is to accept that life is all about change and that it happens beyond personal choice or control, so the best choice is to keep moving forward.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    When it comes to progress, simply focus on doing at least one significant action or power move each day. The next consideration is to determine what ‘power moves’ look like for you. This is where setting larger goals comes into play. People tend to overestimate what they can do in a day, or even a week, but underestimate what can be achieved in a year.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Successfully making your way into this next major chapter is an important focus. You know that you need to make extra efforts, but drifting in or through the dream also holds appeal. Making improved health a top priority is probably a good place to start. Sometimes we need support to get clear, and to feel inspired and motivated, like now perhaps.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Freedom can imply abilities like playing an instrument, or it can be from outer circumstances, or freedom from inner blocks or resistances, or achieved through access to resources and means, such as money. Ask yourself what constitutes freedom for you at this stage of your journey. In the bigger picture, better health and opportunities for adventure are indicated.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Perhaps it is already a feature of your nature or a central aspect of your destiny, but either way, what can you do to feel more optimistic and confident? Planning more and analyzing less is probably a good start. Also, exercising gratitude is literally a cornerstone of the science of happiness. Begin to outline your plan, literally and gratefully, and do it now, yes now.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    When it comes to relationships, the four pillars are love, compatibility, trust, and respect. For you, respect is probably uppermost. Since our outer life is the reflection of our projection, the key is to exercise that which you wish to experience, to lead by example. The key is to command, not demand respect, and it begins with increasing self-respect.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Balance, fairness, equality, equanimity, and democracy too are not simply concepts, they are dynamic processes. The first step is to clearly identify with the meaning and the implications of the words. Next, make these words part of your regular vocabulary. Third, take deliberate action in accordance with the meanings. Beyond wishful thinking, these are the trinity of magic.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    The first measure of success is simply showing up. On the other end is follow-through to completion. Guided by vision and excellence, this timeless strategy can even transcend notions of success and the rewards it brings, which includes literally enjoying the creative process. If you don’t feel like doing it, then don’t. So, what do you feel like doing, that makes sense?

  • Horoscope for the Week of January 3

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for January 3 – 9

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    Looking for clarity, insight, and strategy to navigate 2025?

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    “A deeper understanding of Astrology reveals that life as a whole is conscious, intelligent, intentional, and purposeful, yet it is our job to be aware and willing to consciously and intentionally cooperate with it. This is what is meant by the phrase, ‘conscious co-creation’.” ~ Michael O’Connor

    Tip of the Week:

    Another year begins under a waxing Moon which crossed the threshold of Mercury’s shadow period on January 2, which you might have noticed as a somewhat glitchy and awkward breach.

    We are now dealing with Mars Retrograde in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius on Friday, January 3. The ‘fog’ infesting much of North America and Europe is a dark example of this… synchronicity. Even such ‘events’ are features of the whole destiny, if representing the lowest vibrations.

    By Monday, January 6Mars will re-enter Cancer where it was already from September 4 through to November 3 when it entered Leo, the period over which it synchronized with the scrappy U.S. Election. In Leo and moving slowly, (approaching retrograde which it did on December 6), Mars retrograde entering Cancer on January 6, (the sign of its sign of ‘Fall’), will remain there until April 17, but turning direct again on February 24.

    Expect it to be edgy and aggressive, thorough and resolute, at every vibrational level of expression.

    This first Horoscope of the year will shed some light on Mars in Cancer for each sign.


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    A deep dive into your most personal and subjective feelings could draw you inward with compelling force. A journey into your personal past, where memories of formative experiences come under review, could even include deeper ancestral roots, or perhaps even past lives. Face yourself to break free of any unwanted feelings, be on the watch for blame, and own responsibility for being there, at all.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    A strong yearning to make a meaningful impact will require patience. Desires to be connected to and involved with everything and everyone around you would reveal issues of fear-based control. In this regard, you could get stretched very thin, trying to micro-manage people and situations. Accept that playing your part in the whole, sincerely, is enough.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    You may be feeling that you could do anything, if you had the energy and time to do it. Your greatest dream is to harness a fuller measure of your potential. Clarity, focus, and pacing yourself patiently is the timeless way. If jealousy of others seemingly able to focus and follow through surfaces, transform your attitude to allow their achievements to inspire you.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    Mars retrograde in your sign is indicative of the proverbial double-edged sword. Overcoming fears, manifesting as impatience to control outcomes anchored in unconscious notions of low self-worth, are possible issues. Tendencies to exaggerate or to crush opposition, requires you to be extra mindful of feelings expressed, perhaps especially towards yourself.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Liberating parts of yourself imprisoned in the past, including memories and possible resentments that could be a source of anger, is your challenge with Mars in Cancer. Accepting the experiences you have had and owning full responsibility, for your part, are among the keys. Yet, your greatest liberation will come from the ability to genuinely forgive, and forget.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Allowing yourself to dream big is the call of Mars in Cancer for you. However, you also need to harness their inspirational power and, more importantly, break free of tendencies to live ‘in’ rather than ‘for’ your dreams. Procrastination is the simple word. The key is to realize that living the dream requires clarity, vision, focus, persistent effort, and follow-through.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Decisiveness tends already to be a challenge yet it could be amplified with Mars retrograde in Cancer. More than usual, it could prove helpful to be more receptive to the advice and even guidance of significant, qualified others. Who can you trust with whom you can feel confident to reveal your insecurities and vulnerabilities?

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    For you, Mars retrograde in Cancer will strongly center on themes of freedom. Do you feel as free as you would like? If not, how can you be? Ask yourself these questions. You are likely to feel extra rebellious and punchy if and wherever, or from whomever you feel blocked. Yet, reaction will not serve you. What is required now is clarity and intelligent strategy.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    A whirlwind of desires and frustrations in satisfying them is featured for you with Mars retrograde. Negatively, you could experience intense feelings stemming from jealousy, linked to fears of rejection or abandonment. A sense of depravity or isolation might also agitate your imagination. Focus to cultivate gratitude and grace to tap its power potential.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Mars retrograde could manifest as significant relationship challenges. Anger and frustration could even manifest as feelings of hatred. Trust issues could come to the fore, possibly linked to infidelity, but trust associated with feeling recognized, acknowledged accepted, and respected. Focus to project these sincerely and you could even advance to higher ground, together.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Is there a genuine balance of powers, rights, freedoms, and responsibilities in your relationships? Whether at work or at home, the aspiration to achieve a sense of fairness is important. Silent resentment is the hidden enemy. Stepping back to see and feel into things more objectively will help. While every situation is unique, focus to determine if you are at peace with the status in each case.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    Prioritizing what constitutes your best focus for the sake of both fulfillment and productivity is possibly at issue with Mars retrograde in Cancer for you. Working on existing projects where you can make any adjustments and improvements will probably work best. You won’t know until you take a closer look, so start there.

  • Horoscope for the Week of December 27

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    Christmas Special – Save until December 31

    Your Weekly Horoscope for December 27 – January 2

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    Looking for clarity, insight, and strategy to navigate 2025?

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    The most recent reading that I had with you Michael, was amazing and spot on! Your insights have helped me to navigate with ease (less frustration) and yes, especially more grace.” ~ Brigitte

    Tip of the Week:

    The last week of 2024 has arrived and we are well into the countdown to 2025. This Horoscope will offer a sneak peek into January.

    The New Moon in Capricorn on December 30 indicates that we will begin with a prominent Mars in fiery Leo and Mercury in fiery, truth-oriented Sagittarius – together symbolic of the courageous determination to ask hard questions.

    While these can be directed to the larger scope of reality or the human condition or the current political status of affairs, the truly wise and courageous will direct their focus to their personal status in terms of their cycles of destiny and what they can do to make meaningful contributions to their own personal alignment, health and growth. In this highest sense, this includes orientations for the benefit and welfare of others.

    In the meantime, the festive season continues. In my universe, the 12 days of Christmas are from December 19, when the Sun is conjunct the Galactic Center, to December 31. In this regard, my Christmas Special aligns with this dateline.

    Given the fact that 2025 promises to be… eventful, now is a good time to pay it forward and reserve time in the bank for Readings, get an Annual Membership (or two), which you can keep or give as gift(s) to my Member’s Newsletter and allocate 30-minutes to any upcoming Masterclass in 2025.

    P.S. Purchased time never expires. Look HERE to see the depth and scope of my NEW Member’s Area, designed to provide you with a clearer perspective above and beyond what you will find anywhere else.

    Happy New Year! I wish you every success and happiness in 2025.


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    The Capricorn New Moon seeing you across the 2025 threshold supports some measure of solidity, yet things will not likely catapult at high speed. Rather, you are probably wise to focus on clearing any debts, blocks and literal or psychological debris from yesteryear. This orientation should become increasingly evident as 2025 builds momentum.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Stepping back to see a bigger picture is likely now. Assessing the quality of the flow of returns from prior periods and choices made in your life continues. It is often a mixed bag and the courage and strength required for self-honesty may be required. Positively, you are enjoying fulfillment on a variety of fronts, even if you yearn to achieve more.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    It is an ironic fact that leadership and authority can be achieved by surrendering. It comes down to knowing what you have influence over and what you do not. Purging lofty, idealistic notions and more fully embracing what is… will help you to dismiss your mind from agitating your emotions. Surrender and acceptance are keys to inner peace.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    Seeing the truth and purpose of your most significant relationships could prove both illuminating and perhaps sobering too. This could prove true on both personal and professional fronts. Some measure of sacrifice, or more of it, might be required. Turning within to access hidden reserves of faith will help.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Making deliberate improvements wherever possible will increase your confidence now. This can include clearing the clutter and liberating yourself from energy drains. This process of getting into the corners both to clear and to improve will require extra efforts, but will reward you with increased energy levels and creative inspiration.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Capricorn power is yours to harness. It speaks of creative purpose, power, and determination. Within this scope, variety is the spice, so allow for it to glide from one area to another, and then another, as fits your situation. Saturn in Pisces is asking you to commit and to bring emphasis to new designs.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Solidifying your overall base of operations continues. The theme has significantly included health and it remains a core goal. The rub here is that it has and continues to require more time and energy than you want to give to it. Moderation is ever a keyword and it can include moderate exercise and moderations to your diet.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Capricorn time for you indicates one of generating fresh perspectives. These can include your interpretation of matters, but also cultivating new and better self-concepts. What we think and believe about ourselves is extra important and, accordingly, requires extra effort. The key is to be your own best friend, balancing self-honesty with self-acknowledgment.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Keeping both feet on the ground, or all four hooves, as the case may be is extra important now. As you look forward and find yourself taking pioneering leads, it is important to get clear on what constitutes personal freedom and what you have to do to achieve it. This can include establishing healthy boundaries, and to know when and how to say yes and no.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    The Sun in your sign indicates a call to take new leads and strides. As determined as you may be to do so, however, you may be dealing with various obstructions to your vision. You are not alone in this regard. In any case, you likely have leftovers from 2024 with which to contend. You are probably wise to focus on cleanup and completion, leaving the ‘new’ for spring.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    The Sun in Capricorn tends to lead you to retreat, or more introversion. However, other factors are also activating a philosophical perspective on the future. Dealing with overwhelm in this regard may be an issue with so much readily available information from which to choose. Meanwhile, needed renovations can point to attitudes, but could also prove literal.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    Who are your friends and why? This question is personal and only you can answer it. Yet, determining whether you are experiencing a fair exchange as opposed to left feeling wanting or drained is important. An honest review is important, so be willing to vote for yourself and your right to choose to deepen or depart, or at least take space.

  • Horoscope for the Week of December 20

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    Christmas Special

    Your Weekly Horoscope for December 20 – 26

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    Looking for clarity, insight, and strategy to navigate 2025?

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    All the signs that 2025 is destined to be a year of significant changes are there. In the bigger picture, it is likely to be a year of preparation, which can include the process of removing what is in the way, and or who. Like the clearing and cleaning required in a renovation project prior to rebuilding, things can get messy.” ~ Michael O’Connor

    Tip of the Week:

    Winter Solstice, nature’s New Year, occurs on December 21, as it always has and always will. The consistency of the Sun/Earth relationship is significant indeed. Beyond the annual, and seasonal weather probabilities and subtler variations, it is the overall status of the Sun’s light that is the real takeaway.

    Of course, at the very moment of exactitude, like a New Moon, the hours of daylight begin to increase daily once again culminating at Summer Solstice.

    The annual Winter Solstice event also coincides with the Sun in the sign (season/time) of Capricorn. Winter Solstice is the deeper, global, cross-cultural celebration, beyond Christmas, which some will recognize as symbolically aligned with the ‘Sun’ of God, or if you prefer, of Mother Nature, or whatever other pronoun you like. Either way, the cycle of the Sun/Earth relationship is consistent.

    And around and around we go. Happy Solstice and Merry Christmas!

    Be aware…while the Moon will be in social and harmonious Libra on Christmas Eve, it will be in Scorpio on Christmas Day and pushing towards a square first with Pluto (which begins later in the evening of Christmas Eve), and then continues to apply to yet another square with retrograde-Mars through Christmas morning.

    All of which implies emotional tension and potential reactions. So be aware, and drive with extra care.

    PS: Take advantage of BIG savings with my annual Client Appreciation Christmas Special!

    It’s a great way to give Gift Certificates this holiday season.


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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    The Sun in Capricorn is likely to activate a new momentum. However, it is not likely to be loud and obvious as it would be otherwise, if Saturn were not in Pisces. At worst, it will manifest as a ‘hurry up and wait’ scenario. Positively, you will feel inspired to surrender to flow mode. Other factors could also leave you feeling playful and curious.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Stepping back to assess a bigger picture and over the longer term is likely now. This deeper dive began several weeks ago. Based on returns on investments over the past months or years, you are ready to assess the worth and value of your efforts and/or the returns involved. Seeking new tools and perhaps technologies or innovative approaches is featured.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Capricorn time tends to be one of passionate embrace, yet also of a yearning to nurture new dreams on the eve of another year around the Sun. However, the dreaming can wait a little longer as the moment calls for social outreach and engagement. Your energy levels may be wavering due to Mars retrograde however, so pace yourself.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    This time of year emphasizes home and especially family. Yet, you are happy to include friends new and old as well. If you are able to achieve the top of your wish list this year, it probably includes travel, or at least some form of escape from your usual routine. If you happen to be feeling stuck at all, let the magic of imagination bring sparkle to your approach.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    That Capricorn time coincides with Christmas is somewhat awkward, at least for you because it tends to manifest as more work than play. Positively, with a good attitude, you can work playfully. Fortunately, Mercury in Sagittarius will help boost your spirits, and Venus in Aquarius will inspire desires to be even more social than usual.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    The Sun in Capricorn tends to awaken the child in you. A creative and festive yearning aligns well with the kaleidoscope of activities that tends to accompany the festive season. Yet, this year you might be happy to lay lower than traditionally and give more of your time, energy, and focus to creative projects and/or nurturing visions for the future.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Capricorn time naturally brings a lot of attention to home and family for you. An added emphasis on health continues to be a central theme as well, so consider boosting your immune system before you travel or share close quality time with your significant others. Positively, Mercury in Sagittarius will inspire a social mood and Venus in Aquarius a playful one.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    The Sun in Capricorn will activate your common sense assessment of matters. Sometimes we procrastinate for emotional and other complex psychological reasons. This is your cue to break free from such saboteurs and get what really matters on your list, done. See a bigger picture to support your determination. Help your future self now.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Change is in the air and it could be stirring your fears, or at least leaving you feeling a little uncertain. The pinch includes the reality that new turns and adventures can cause others to be left behind. On the other hand, you are probably in the mood to expand and broaden your horizons. The spirit is willing, are you?

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    It has long been said that the only limitation is the imagination, referring to it being narrow, restricted, or blocked. While circumstances can certainly play a role, often it is our beliefs, perspectives, and interpretations that cause the restriction. Too much thinking and complaining can also get in the way so focus to accept what is, as gratefully as you can, and get it done.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    The time has come to go within for a while. It is a feature of a larger dynamic of paying your dues. Doing inner work is implied at this time. Where are you experiencing or expressing imbalances or excesses? These and other such questions, if sincerely asked with faith that you will receive wise answers, are examples of this work.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    Looking to the future with realism and determination is the call now. In the short term, you are probably wise to reconsider your overall approach and to determine where refinements are required and where excess can be eliminated. This includes making sound assessments and getting clear regarding what you must do.

  • Horoscope for the Week of December 13

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    Christmas Special

    Your Weekly Horoscope for December 13 – 19

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    “Hi Michael, I just listened again to the reading that you did for me last month. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are very good at what you do! Your reading was so bang-on, it’s kinda scary! Cheers,” ~ Renay

    Tip of the Week:

    The Full Moon in Gemini on December 15 along with Mercury Stationary Direct in Sagittarius just hours later is the big news now. A planet ‘stations’ or appears to stop, just prior to turning retrograde or just prior to turning direct at the end of its current retrograde cycle. It is like two cars side by side moving on the highway at the same speed each ‘appearing’ to the other to be at a standstill. These moments are considered to increase the ‘weight’ of influence of the planet.

    Also noteworthy, Mercury in truth-oriented Sagittarius and Jupiter in communications-oriented Gemini are in what is called ‘mutual reception’, or each is in the other planet’s sign of rulership. This auspicious aspect is coinciding with many deceptions, denials, and outright lies too from politicians, the media, and with increased levels of fraud, scams, and theft in society generally, coming into fuller light.

    This ‘truther-trend’ will steadily increase and come to a peak over the next couple of weeks as Mercury approaches exact opposition with Jupiter on December 26.

    There is a lot more ringing on the airwaves than Christmas Carols this year.

    Have a great week.

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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    You are likely busy on a variety of fronts, or at least in your own mind. The steady process of dissolution associated with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces continues in the background, according to your evolutionary need. The Mercury/Jupiter and Sagittarius/Gemini factor is pushing you to be self-honest and stoic; both signs of true strength.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Some cycles are deeper than others and this looks like it is one of those currently. Positively, you are getting long-sought answers and/or generating many new ideas that you probably hope to harness for their practical value. Acquiring new tools, skills, and other such resources is featured as you aspire to push through into new territory.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    An expansive phase on relationship fronts continues to expose you to new people and associated opportunities. Keeping an open mind and reserving judgment is part of the plot. ‘Different strokes for different folks’, as the cliché goes. Simply allowing for interest, fascination and wonder too, will help you see through to what is true.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    When it comes to quality lifestyle choices, including faith in your daily flow supports health and happiness as it serves to alleviate worry and stress. It is human to succumb to the illusion of control beyond the scope of one’s own self-management. In traffic, our job is to steer the car, not the traffic. A key to disrupting this reactive tendency is to breathe deeply and consciously.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Opportunities to experience an opening of your heart, which is the key to also opening your mind, are available now. It can be activated with sincere gratitude for being a part of the drama of life, at all… You know it is working when you notice that you are more fully present with people and situations, peaceful, and experiencing a steady flow of inspiration.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Happy to hover close to home, yet fully focused on larger, practical realities like your career and earning potential, is on your mind. Thinking about what is possible as opposed to lapsing into worry may be the main challenge. Aim to be willing and to do whatever it takes, without lapsing into desperation, and enjoy the creative process as fully as possible.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Stretching to increase and expand your perspectives on reality and your dreams, goals, and role in it going forward, continues. Accept that whatever you see and might assume is ‘it’, or reality, that there is ever much more to know. So, keep an open mind and avoid assumptions or conclusions. Above all, focus on getting healthier.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    As the most complex sign of the Zodiac, that of sex, death, and taxes…, you tend to have both more resources than average, but also more complexity with which you are destined to contend. The death part is usually the most challenging. Having faith that death is ever-followed by some form of rebirth, helps to have faith and to hit your reset button… again… now.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    A new sense of adventure should be evident by now. It includes expanding your social outreach. Yet, at deeper levels is also the challenge of confronting possible fears that are standing in the way of laying claim to latent gifts and powers. Simply set your sights on identifying these fears, as with ask and you will receive, and you will.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    It seems that everyone is being challenged to see a bigger picture. As important as facts can be, imagination is the key to soaring to greater heights. Stretching your imagination is an important aspect of your destiny at this time. Consider this famous quote: “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t.”

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Contending with the implications or beliefs, theories, facts and truths is an important feature of your destiny. Beyond intellect, it indicates an invitation to be experiential and experimental. Life can be described as having infinite facets and the game includes the adventure of exploring them, without attachment to outcomes or absolutes. After all, only the absolute is absolute.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    The demands and realities of your public and professional life require your full attention now. Your willingness to learn new approaches is featured. To this end, brainstorm for ideas and possibilities and outline as many as you can that make sense for your situation. Diligent effort for the sake of strategic follow-through is the other extra important task.