Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week:  August 13, 2021


    Tip of the Week:

    Summer season has officially peaked and we are now on the downward slide towards equinox. By now, the hours of daylight are noticeably shorter. This annual rhythmic pattern revealing the intimate relationship shared between Earth and Sun is much more significant psychologically and spiritually than is commonly realized. That the weather patterns are so chaotic, however, can be understood as a synchronicity of the human condition and the chaotic shift of energies linked to the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

    Jupiter and Saturn both currently retrograde in Aquarius are playing major roles in this epic tale of the shift of ages. Together they reveal the revolutionary impulse that is changing the social dynamic on a global scale. The many various players on the world stage, regardless of their apparent power and influence are invariably pawns moved by inner forces both within their own subconscious mind and linked to subtle dimensions behind the larger destiny rhythms. Experiences, lessons and tests are the common denominator and we each are accountable to the laws of karma, no exceptions.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Mercury just joined Venus and Mars in Venus adding to the sobering tone of this time. Although the Sun remains in fun in the sun Leo, that sentiment is countered by Virgo’s lean towards work and critical analysis. Positively, it is inspiring you to focus on your health. Venus will enter Libra this week as well which will inspire your appreciation of beauty.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The Virgo influence may prove dryer for some, but for you it represents fertile ground for creativity, fun, play and romance. Yet, this impulse must contend with the Aquarian influences which represent a much more serious and sober theme linked to your public and professional life. While expansion is indicated, it does require contraction and discipline.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    A busy time close to home combines with a social impulse activated by the Leo Sun. This could be the perfect excuse to do a deep clean of your home, as revealed by Mars in Virgo, in preparation for hosting a Leo-time inspired party. Meanwhile, thoughts about truth, freedom and justice may be flowing through your mind as you contemplate larger realities.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    An impulse to take stock of what you have, what you want and desire and what you genuinely need is activating your thoughts. Deep changes are rumbling within and these are likely manifesting as outer experiences as well. Returns are indicated and a clear indication of these, stand to be realized this week. Cooperate with the flow of deep changes underway.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A pioneering spirit continues to guide your focus. Your sights are set on the future and you are determined to meet it prepared. At this point, you are keen to think and act with practical considerations in mind. Yet, you are determined to take as frugal an approach as you can. Thus, directing your critical analysis to what constitutes sound investments is likely.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Mercury, Venus and Mars in your sign are sure to be activating your focus on creating a brighter future. You are eager to advance, even if it requires a patient, stepping approach. Considerations of your overall lifestyle are featured. You are willing to adapt as necessary and may even find yourself feeling quite excited about the possibilities.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    A quest to more fully and clearly identify your sense of individuality continues. Implied in the process is the courage to ask harder questions. Being your own best friend all the while will help you to maintain a healthy balance. This will activate an inspired flow of creative inspiration that will begin this week making the effort worthy of your time and energy.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Getting the attention you want and feel you deserve, continues. Achieving it may require an added measure of critical thinking, or two. This includes agitating others and circumstances just enough to be seen, heard and heeded. This window will close for this cycle when the Sun enters Virgo August 22, so this is your cue if you still yearn for earned recognition.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Paying attention to the details of the bigger picture has emerged as a central theme again.  How wide your scope reaches is relative to youR nature and destiny. Either way, practical concerns and considerations are forefront on your mind. Despite a variety of distractions, you have arrived at a time when concentrating your focus is extra important.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Although usually guided by strongly practical objectives, you have entered a contemplative cycle. It comes as a feature of a period of inner change. Although perhaps only subtly, you are undergoing a change of values and priorities, as the new emerges to replace the old. Financial considerations going forward into an uncertain future is the main driver.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Engaging with others more than usual continues to hold appeal. However, you are also undergoing some deep inner changes that are consuming a lot of your energy and focus. These have included various extremes, both challenging and rewarding. These will alleviate steadily starting this week leading to a more harmonious period.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    A cycle of drive and determination continues. It is leading you to pay closer attention to the details. Positively, your powers of critical analysis are running strongly. Negatively, you are dealing with worry-driven anxieties. A soul solution is required as with cultivating your spiritual center in order to manage the stress. Keep breathing, exercising gratitude and willingness to be proactive.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


  • Horoscope for the Week: August 6, 2021

    Horoscope for the Week:  August 6, 2021


    Tip of the Week:

    The Leo New Moon occurs on August 8 and it is a powerful one. Eclipses are not the only powerful Moon events and the so-called ‘Super Moons’ would rank as the mirage that they are compared to the understanding of what constitutes a truly powerful New Moon. Understanding when such a powerful cycle will occur is where actual astrology comes to the fore. The exact degree of this New Moon will produce a tower-toppling effect wherever false witness and lies have attempted to build edifices of power out of sticks and straw. This is not to say that the forces activated will not confront opposition. Yet, this marks a decisive time, a turning and an emergence of collectivity that will sweep the globe. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus will play leading roles altogether contributing to a powerful revolutionary juncture whose time has come! This is how synchronicity works and is already evident and will escalate measurably in the weeks to come.


    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    A focus to realize the sweet spot between work and play continues. This may manifest best as constructive creativity. Sun and Mercury in Leo will inspire an urge to entertain and could even evoke the hero in you. What causes call you to contribute? The work will require the right attitude yet if it is guided by love you will be the first to feel it.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Hovering close to home will prove extra satisfying now. Your heart is beating loudly for the one’s you love and you are determined to squeeze in every ounce of quality time you can. These sentiments could also be directed creative projects. Yet, an air of romance also lingers and where the opportunity exists, you will seize it.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    You are in a playful mood and your energy levels are running high. Creating beauty close to   home has suddenly emerged as a new priority. This could manifest as basically as clean-up and minor repairs. Yet, the impulse is also present to dive deeper into a full-blown bout of renovations. Then again, since home is where your heart is, literally, inner work may be your focus.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Making key investments for the sake of the future continues. Returns for past efforts are coming in now. Hopefully your karmic score card reveals more pluses than minuses since the returns will mirror it accurately. Venus and Mars in Virgo will serve to raise your energy levels and inspire a spirit of adventure. This period could prove to be a big boost!

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    The Sun and Mercury in your sign signals pioneering initiatives. You are ready to explore new territory and are feeling extra expansive in part due to Jupiter in Aquarius. The current Virgo factor is leading you to exercise your critical analysis faculties to make key investments. You are extra determined in this regard and feel guided by a spirit of victory.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Although you find yourself busy behind the scenes, this is hardly a period of retreat. Your ambitions are running strongly and you are determined to learn what you must to  prevail. This is one of those ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ periods and you are all in. Mars and Venus in Virgo are supporting your cause as your drive force shifts into high gear.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Gaining clarity in terms of your sense of authentic individuality is running strong now. This is pushing you to do inner work to confront subconscious fears and to attend to a healing process where necessary. You also feel extra creative and are determined to make key investments. To this end, your focus is sharp regarding any and all opportunities available.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Your time has come to shine more brightly and to be seen and heard more fully than usual, as well. This may come as a mixed blessing, especially for others as you assert yourself in ways that could prove abrasive. Yet, your resolve is clear and you are determined to push as necessary to lay claim to the full measure of your truth and to express it loud and clear.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    You have entered an extra powerful cycle. It implies measurable changes in your lifestyle that may unfold over the coming months, but which begins now. The time is right to be fully aware and alert to opportunities now. Your willingness to gain new skills and to gather whatever tools you deem necessary is extra important. Focus on strategic practicality.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    A powerful cycle of change and transformation continues. It will lead you to investigations and to deepen your research. Your intellectual powers will prove especially strong and you will be digging for answers. Before August is over, you will have changed so much, at least in terms of your perceptions and interpretations, that you may be shocked.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Your relationship life is undergoing both an expansion and a process of deep change. Jupiter back in your sign is activating a powerful push to breakthrough prior limitations. Your resolve is so strong that you will oppose any opposition that might arise with ardent determination. Some cycles require us to push harder and dig deeper than others and this is one of them.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    The Leo influence is synchronizing with a sharpening of your wits and focus. The Virgo factor is contributing a blend of grit and grace. Like a diplomat who cannot afford to take no for an answer, you will do whatever it takes to see your goals and dreams realized. This cycle can indeed be described as revolutionary and you will advance with the finesse of a high-tech bulldozer.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


  • Horoscope for the Week: July 30, 2021

    Horoscope for the Week:  July 30, 2021

    Tip of the Week:

    The Moon enters its last quarter phase as August begins. The complexity of the waning process may prove palpable due to these complex times.  Currently, Mars has entered Virgo as of July 29 just hours after forming a dramatic opposition with Jupiter in Leo and Aquarius respectively. Generally, this aspect produces a pull between the drive to achieve and a desire to play. Self-discipline and the need to be more patient is the usual advice, which does not sound like much fun, yet is best achieved with an aspiration to find the sweet spot in-between.

    Yet, since both Mars and Jupiter are at the critical and charged 29th degree of Leo and Aquarius, and given the continued drama on the global stage including heavy governmental restrictions, mass protests and severe weather patterns,  achieving this will  prove even more challenging than it would  usually. This is where gaining a clearer and deeper perspective on your own personal destiny that astrology can offer could prove even more helpful than usual.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    You want to play, but circumstances may be preventing you from feeling at peace and able to enter the flow. The sweet spot for you may be best achieved by engaging in constructive projects, primarily, while tucking in quality bouts of play time. Reaching out to engage friends on both accounts is likely and could work best if they are able to do both with you.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    You may be among the luckier ones who are able to take full advantage of fun-in-the-sun Leo time this year. This is largely due to the influence of Venus and Mars in earthy Virgo. However, Jupiter joining Saturn in Aquarius also indicates that you are dealing with some cold realities in your public and/or professional life. Creative activity will keep you warm.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The Venus/Mars factor in Virgo is pushing a lot of people to focus on practical projects this summer, despite the playful impulse of Leo. In fact, this push may be stronger for you than it is for others. As a result, you may feel compelled either from within or subject to outer circumstances to dig deeper and work harder than most. Focus on beautifying for best results.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    One way or another, you have entered new territory over the past few weeks. In fact, this may be true in a variety of respects. This has led you to at least investigate how to best invest into this new chapter. The first step probably includes deepening your research and exercising your critical thinking faculties. Digesting the implications of your studies is another matter.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A creative exchange of energies with significant others is underway. This includes some measure of expansion, yet it also includes the need for a deep sense of commitment to the future. In both respects, changes in your lifestyle and your financial affairs are implied. The follow through will require further practical thinking and realistic action.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Although you probably remain busy behind the scenes, a cycle of more outer and deliberate expression starting this week is indicated. This trend will continue well into September actually and includes taking pioneering leads and strides. Positively, it includes an extra creative cycle     which, despite the real efforts required, will likely prove empowering.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Balancing quality time shared with friends and an inward draw to get things done behind the scenes and/or simply to escape are likely themes now. Despite the complexity of this current cycle, it does come with the potential of some positive returns for efforts made in the past. This includes the increased possibility of making new friends.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Rather than wait to get the attention you feel you want and deserve, you are likely to make the effort to pull what string you can to make things happen. With Jupiter re-entering Aquarius, you will likely experience a boost of your confidence levels. This will empower you to be true to your principles and to be clearer than usual in your dealings with others.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    The Sun in fiery Leo is a compliment to your own nature. Other factors point to an ambitious assertion of your will. This includes getting organized and obtaining tools, training and skills. So, the focus is much more on practical considerations than frivolous fun. This will also probably lead to a busier cycle than you have had for a while.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Venus and Mars in Virgo will give you a boost. These will contribute to a more positive process of change and transformation of your values and priorities regarding the future. Other factors are helping you generate creative ideas based on paying closer attention to the details of the bigger picture. Jupiter now in Aquarius will support your focus.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Leo time brings greater emphasis to your relationship life. Mercury there along with the Sun will stimulate your ability to think creatively especially as you combine your efforts with your partner(s). A new level of ambition is on the rise and it includes making extra efforts and digging deeper than you perhaps have for some time.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    A steady flow of change in your overall lifestyle continues. The Virgo influence from Venus and Mars will stimulate a blend of creative cooperation and assertive determination. The main issue regarding the latter is that you do not misplace anger and frustrations and direct them as blame upon others. Jupiter back in Aquarius will push you to dig deeper into your reserves of faith for the future.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


  • Horoscope for the Week:  July 23, 2021


    Tip of the Week:


    Leo time has begun and on its heels, on August 23 is a Full Moon in Aquarius. Interestingly, this will be the first of 2 Full Moons in Aquarius, the first at 1 Aquarius 26 and the second  on August 22 at 29 Aquarius 36. It is also worth mentioning that from the perspective of Astrology especially, no two Full Moons are ever the same due to the compound factor that all the planets must be taken into account as a whole. This is the ‘golden rule’ among true astrologers.

    During the current Full Moon, Jupiter Retrograde at 0 Pisces is on the verge of re-entering Aquarius itself which it will do on July 28. Meanwhile, Venus, having just entered Virgo, will oppose Jupiter. This is just one factor yet it is a somewhat challenging one whereby the prince and princess of Astrology when in such ‘opposition’ tends to manifest as social ambition and competition. Extravagance vies with wastefulness and a child-like expectancy and entitlement can be an issue. Conscious effort towards modesty and moderation is ideal.


    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Questions regarding who your true friends are is highlighted this week. This extends to who you are not on your journey and what you need and value. Naturally, these change over time. Extra efforts may be required to keep the peace especially since Mercury is in Cancer where thoughts and perceptions are more subjective than usual.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Home and family take the spotlight this week. You yearn for quality time shared more than usual. Strong emotions will guide your thinking and upsets are quite possible, or at least some sentimental ,   possibly teary, moments. Otherwise, you are in the mood to play. Just be careful that fun and games do not take a sudden turn to hard ball.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Your energy levels have been running quite high and this will continue. You have likely been enjoying some fun in the sun quality time of late. This trend will also continue yet will also include a more sober and serious approach towards making improvements. Cleaning and doing repairs is featured. In the deeper end, philosophical thoughts are on your mind.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    The recent New Moon in your sign culminates now and will synchronize with a definite wave of change in terms of emotions linked to your social network.  Mercury in your sign will likely manifest as stronger emotional expressions than usual. Your critical faculties will be running strong as well serving to raise your energy levels but perhaps also your blood pressure.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A busy time behind the scenes will now enter a more obvious, frontal assault of deliberate assertion. That’s what is likely to happen when the Sun enters your own sign and when it happens to be Leo! Yet, your critical faculties will also be running strong leading you to practical considerations above all, such as how to save money.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    A busy cycle begins both behind the scenes and involving stronger outward expressions, as well. Your focus will be towards making improvements. Positively, this will amount to a creative cycle during which time projects awaiting their time can begin. Gathering tools and materials is especially likely and may constitute the greater measure of your efforts.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    The Sun transit through Leo will have the effect of activating a strong sense of your individuality. Some of this may come about by way of inner work or at least emerge as if out of the blue from your subconscious mind. If the latter is true, the effects may be a little delayed, yet will also be strong and more evident.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    This is your moment of opportunity to get some well deserved attention. To this end, you may find yourself working harder than usual. Neither will you be in the mood to ‘suffer fools gladly’. Your resolve stands to be ambitious, determined and pragmatic. In fact, others may regard your actions as revolutionary, or at least markedly rebellious.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    The Sun and Leo will add to an enthusiastic and exuberant mood. You will feel excited and inspired to go big somehow. Venus and Mars in Virgo will help you to keep both feet on the ground all the while. You will push for practical results which may include acquiring new skills, tools and techniques. Get ready to get busier!

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The Sun in Leo tends to be a transformational time for you. Over the coming several weeks you will undergo changes subject to new realizations, epiphanies and perhaps some measure of sober realization. A feature of this process includes something of a vision quest supported by a strong desire and determination to decipher what is and is not true.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Your relationship life is poised to undergo a process of change and transformation. Endings are very likely during the coming weeks yet these will be quickly followed by new beginnings as well. Yet, these will probably be experienced as practical choices that leave you feeling clear, sober and realistic regarding the overall process.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    Changes in your overall lifestyle will be activated by the Sun in Leo. The emphasis is upon health and self-improvement. Much of this focus will likely include your home and family. Shifts and perhaps even permanent changes in your usual perspectives are featured. Financial dealings, interest, ambitions and concerns are part of the plot.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


  • Horoscope for the Week:  July 16, 2021


    Tip of the Week:

    As the Sun enters its final phase of Cancer, which is symbolically related to Pisces, we arrive at a significant juncture. This juncture can be understood as having a distinctly spiritual flavor to it due to the contributing factors of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. As usual, there are two sides of the story, the lower and the higher. The lower refers to mass denial, irrational survival instincts ironically leading to suicidal feelings and actualities especially among many of our youth feeling despair in light of an uncertain future, and also contributing to addiction and escapism. The high side reveals a steady flow process of spiritual awakening revealing a deep sense of unity and compassion for all beings subject to this common-denominator global crisis and which is serving also to break us free of the limitations of religious, dogmatic beliefs. The July 9 New Moon further reveals a theme of revolution significantly linked to the economy. Altogether, adapting to the Kali forces of change and destruction is challenging, yet wise.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    The emphasis on home and family continues. Yet, now it turns to themes of love and romance, as well, or at least to fun in the sun and quality time shared. This may be easier said than done for some due to catastrophes, yet you may notice that either way circumstances are pushing you in that direction. Exercise humility and gratitude to meet these challenges.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    A busy cycle continues finding you covering a lot of bases and attending to a variety of fronts. One way or another, you are diving-in deeply. This could include home renovations or could direct your focus to healing and deepening your bond with your true love, on the other hand. New love interests are also indicated and all of the above imply emphasis on the details.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    New perspectives regarding what constitutes security continue to flow in.  Positively, you are able to live one day at a time and fully, letting tomorrow take care of itself. Your capacity to do   both is stronger than other signs, so you have that advantage. This is where your leadership shines most brightly. See the humor and the spirit through the drama.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    The steady flow of change sometimes comes with extra thrusts, like now. You are feeling the push to be more awake and aware. This includes an emphasis on relationships, yet it also touches upon investments, securities and inheritances. These themes will increase and deepen for the rest of the year. The main theme now is to push on and adapt.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A busy time behind the scenes continues. Yet, it includes the planning and actions required to take pioneering initiatives. These will increase when the Sun enters your sign on July 22. Then, another wave will be activated by the August 8 Leo New Moon. So, now is the time to prepare and build momentum and, consequently, confidence.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    An emphasis on your sense of individuality is strong now. It may be stirring philosophical thoughts about it all. Who you are and are not, what you will and will not do, and so on…, carry some rather revolutionary impulses. These may have and be manifesting as dramatic bursts, but also as creative and original insights and realizations.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    One way or another, your social status has been affected by recent events. These stand to have long-term implications. Positively, you are feeling more social and are getting wanted recognition. Yet, you are also feeling the urge to push through and beyond the existing status quo and this trend will both continue and increase over the coming weeks.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    A crazy cacophony of flows, circumstances and events are leading to changes in your relationship life. Some of these may not yet be apparent, but if you keep paying attention, you will soon become aware of them. On the other hand, the changes could be quite obvious, if unexpected. Either way, be open to new knowledge, tools and methods of handling them.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Some plunges into the deep end take us further than before and this is one of these times. They include some measures of cleansing and purging. Changes in your usual rhythm and routine are also indicated. Working consciously with these influences, focus this week especially to push through with any area of your life where these guidelines apply.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Changes on relationship fronts continue to roll-in. These will lead to personal changes, as well, which stand to have a direct impact on your finances and upon your overall scope of values and priorities. These all together comprise a rather serious tone and you are probably wise to pay due attention. Look to the future with fresh perspectives and realistic appraisal.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    A steady flow of changes in your lifestyle continue to unfold. The financial realities required to help make your dreams come true are featured. To this end, you may find yourself concentrating more and making extra efforts that you would not usually. Positively, you have reason to feel confident and you are ready to take a few risks.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    Your creative juices should be flowing steadily by now. Your confidence levels have likely been rising, supporting you to take a few risks and even a leap of faith. The time is right to at least take some preliminary steps and measures now, in this regard. Before experience is imagination, which can work for or against and after it is knowledge and know-how!

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


  • Horoscope for the Week:  July 9, 2021

    Tip of the Week:

    The New Moon in Cancer occurs on July 9. Since the Moon rules the sign of mothering,   nurturing, family, ancestry, home and security, these themes are emphasized when it transits through its own sign. During its annual conjunction to the Sun in this sign of nurses, healers, empaths, counselors and nurturers in general, it sows a celestial seed cycle that activates the impulse for families to gather. Sadly, we live in a world that has found reason to name a terrible disease after this most significant and precious sign

    In this chart, Venus and Mars are closely aligned in Leo and will form an exact conjunction on July 13, adding a playful, passionate and romantic theme to the plot. The exact degree of the New Moon activates Scorpio and Taurus, the money signs. With Pluto in big’ daddy Capricorn and maintaining a lead position, we are likely to see more harsh measures and power plays. If only safety and security were the true motives, but as with the disease called Cancer, contradictions and inversions will likely persist.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Yes, you want to huddle-in close to home and yes, it may involve a deeper cycle of reflection. Yet, you also want to get out and play and have some fun in the sun. Since drama on the airwaves has become the new norm, it will still be there when you return so… carpe diem! Focus on quality over quantity for best results and show the ones your love just how much you truly do.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Many thoughts about what constitutes true security and how you can achieve it are on your mind. You are willing to do the work and dig deep and make whatever changes you deem necessary. As much as you yearn for peace, ease and flow, you know that it comes at a price and you are willing to engage your own efforts and talents.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Reconsidering what you deem important has been a persistent theme.  Upon reflection, you may realize that some of your perspectives have shifted over the past several weeks. Questioning the popular narrative more than you did previously is likely. Yet, you also want to enjoy life more and make the most of the season.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    The New Moon in your sign indicates the urge to take new leads and initiatives. These will likely include others, especially your significant other. If there is no one occupying that position, you may want there to be, more than usual. Whether quality time shared with a friend or someone closer you yearn for beauty and passion to spice-up your life.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Balancing the urge to retreat with an equally strong impulse to venture out and explore new territory is a central theme now. What sort of unchartered territory you want to explore is for you to decide. Dreams, ideals, and fantasies too, are all likely categories. Desiring fulfillment is natural and sometimes the urge is much stronger than others, like now.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Your sense of individuality is increasing steadily now and this trend will continue. You may find yourself moving closer to certain people and streams of knowledge and communication and away from others. Questing what you know, understand and believe and how you express your views is featured.  Taking a more philosophical approach is also likely.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Fresh starts in your public and professional life will be activated by this New Moon. These may include returns on investment or other financial themes which may come to your attention unexpectedly. There are some positive indicators that things will flow your way, yet may require or include some alternative approaches.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Some cycles include paradoxical twists like ‘back to the future’, for example, and this is one of them. You may experience strong déjà-vu flashes. These will likely trigger memories of past relationships as well, offering you a fresh opportunity to observe how much you and others have changed along the way. Yet, the main question now is: what next?

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Periodically, the flow guides us to cleanse and purge and it looks like you have arrived at such a time. The good news is that such activity is a cornerstone of health and wellness. Your tasks to decipher what constitutes your best focus in this regard. Aim for a few fronts and do the rounds with the goal of raising your overall vibration.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    This lunation cycle will activate important exchanges with significant others. These are sure to stir your imagination, for better or worse. You may have to make extra efforts to be here, now and keep your imagination in check. Positively, you could experience some measure of spiritual realization. Meanwhile, Venus and Mars want you to dive into the deep end.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    New activations close to home and which will affect your lifestyle will be triggered by this New Moon. It carries with it an auspicious energy pattern which implies fortifying your overall foundation. Rich exchanges with your significant other are also featured and these will prove stimulating and energizing, if perhaps a bit edgy, at times.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    A strong, creative wave of inspiration will flow in thanks to this New Moon. In fact, it could prove to be a veritable surfer’s dream. In like manner, a spirit of will and determination are required to meet the challenge. Yet, the excitement aside, it could also prove to be a powerful turning point that serves to push you to advance to the next level.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading
