Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week of October 18

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for October 18 – 24

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    “After my Astrology Reading with Michael O’Connor, I’m truly amazed at the depth of insight and clarity it provided. His expertise and guidance helped me gain a profound understanding of my life’s journey and purpose. I feel more empowered and inspired to navigate life’s challenges and opportunities. Thank you, Michael, for an excellent and educational experience! Grateful for your support and expertise.” – Annica

    Tip of the Week:

    This week presents a turning point with the waning Moon, which was the culmination of the Solar Eclipse at 10 Libra on October 2. Usually, the influences of the eclipse are experienced within hours and days of the event, but sometimes they are delayed. As well, while the major themes are usually experienced quite quickly, the overall dynamic and unfolding process can ensue for up to six months.

    The next Solar Eclipse only occurs in Aries on March 29, 2025, which is the polar opposite sign to Libra, and both events occur very closely by degree. So, there will be yet another activation for anyone, (or place) who was significantly impacted by this last one on October 2.

    Of course, if the synchronicities were strong enough, the turns and events that occurred could endure for a lifetime and this double hit from both ends of the pole is noteworthy.

    Venus exited Scorpio and entered fiery, philosophical, enthusiastic, adventurous Sagittarius on October 17.

    The other big news is the fact that the Sun enters Scorpio on October 22 to begin what is referred to as Scorpio time or season, some of the deeper themes of which align well with Halloween on October 31st, which coincides this year with a later waning Moon, sometimes referring to as a ‘Dark Moon’. While the absence of the Sun’s light reflected by the Moon does not imply evil, per se’, it is symbolic of mystery or what is hidden behind and within, thus associated closely with words like occult and esoteric.

    All Saints Day is November 1, which so happens to also be the day of the Scorpio New Moon. P.S

    Have a great week!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    Under the waning light of the Aries Full Moon, striking a balance between your own assertions of autonomy and independence vies with the challenge to be more fully present and engaged in some of your more intimate relationships. Play and adventure are on your mind, so as long as others are sporting, things will flow smoothly.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    A busy cycle continues for you and is associated with shifts and new developments in your overall lifestyle rhythm. With Venus in Scorpio, you have likely been dealing with deeper themes than most, probably associated with financial concerns and interests and these have demanded your attention on a variety of fronts, and will continue…

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The colorful, inspiring atmosphere of Libra time has included some deeper and heavier themes for you as well. These have required you to give more than you might have wanted. Positively, Venus in Sagittarius will synchronize with a fresh wave of events destined to uplift your spirits. With Mercury still in Scorpio, the combined influences speak of adventure and intrigue.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    The emphasis on home and family has been strong and continues. An investigative approach supported by creative and strategic design continues to guide your focus. Now comes the greater task of actual implementation. The process could require more effort than you would like, but the Sun entering Scorpio will contribute firepower to your resolve.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Libra time is drawing to a close, yet as the story of overlapping cycles goes, there has already been an emphasis on social awareness, combined with themes and processes close to home. These influences will continue, deepen, and even merge over the coming days and weeks. Positively, you will be immersed in creative fervor.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    The teetering and tottering of financial income and outlay has perhaps been pronounced over the recent weeks, and this trend continues. Less inclined to spend, yet willing to invest, a more deliberate process of focus, restraint and strategy has guided your choices. An innovative and theme to create beauty close to home has been at play and will continue.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    The powerful influence of the recent Solar Eclipse in your sign has undoubtedly activated a whole new determination to enter new territory. This has included getting to the bottom of things and really rooting out what no longer fits, belongs, or serves. Even if the process has simply been one of taking note, the dynamic has begun.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Mercury and Venus in your sign have been forerunners of the Sun. Like scouts venturing ahead to scope out details and possibilities going forward. This reconnaissance continues and will deepen yet as the Sun joins forces with Mercury starting this week. A process of careful consideration, as with measuring twice before you commit, is featured.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Identifying a clearer and stronger sense of your own individuality continues and deepens this week as Venus graces your sign. Inspirations to engage in expressions of beauty are likely, and are associated with social outreach. First impressions matter and you are determined to make the extra efforts necessary to open doors before you arrive.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Taking new leads and strides in your public and professional life continues. Getting the attention and recognition that you feel you deserve is featured. A learning curve is also woven into the plot. Yet, it could be at least as much about ‘unlearning’, as with how new knowledge and perspectives can alter our interpretations and approaches, entirely.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Seeing a bigger picture has been an important theme these past weeks. In some respects, your focus has perhaps become so philosophical, seeing new players engaged in age-old plots and power ploys, leaving you feeling unimpressed and detached. Closer to home, new tools, techniques, and trouble-shooting knowledge have been keeping you busy.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    A subtle process of transformation continues. Positively, you have assumed a more grateful attitude of late, and one which supports a deeper dive into understanding yourself and your best approach regarding our complex times. If you have come to realize the importance of giving more, then you can confidently say that you have evolved.

  • Horoscope for the Week of October 11

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

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    Podcast Interviews with Michael

    Your Weekly Horoscope for October 11 – 17

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    “There is not a photograph in existence that compares to the majesty and power of a Birth Chart cast for the exact minute, as it ‘captures’ the archetypal power and significance of the celestial, cosmic, specifically planetary alignments at any given moment in time, which profoundly ‘reveal’ significant, measurable, relevant and accurate features of one’s nature and destiny.” – Michael O’Connor

    Tip of the Week:

    Balancing a harmonious, social orientation due to the Sun and Mercury in Libra, with deep desires simmering within due to Venus in Scorpio and an edgy determination to get to the root of matters and source causes due to Mars in Cancer, is all part of the current astrological mood.

    The waxing Moon stemming from the October 2 Solar Eclipse, having now rounded its First Quarter turn revealing the ever-interesting half mast luminary, (generally referred to as the Half Moon), is among the other top headlines.

    It is quite a fact that pretty much all the planets currently are in difficult sign positions, even the Moon. Yet, while these factors do influence the mood and tone of any given day, there are ever larger factors at play.

    Altogether, however, they offer a clear reflection and lend to an understanding of why the world is in such turmoil. The simple answer can be described as the labor pains of the Age of Aquarius and, by extension, the emerging global village. If you are wondering and hoping that these dynamics will end soon, you will likely be disappointed. It will prove wiser to anticipate that the scope of drama will steadily increase over the coming years, let alone weeks and months.

    The key to navigating these complex dynamics is to align with your own authentic nature and destiny and I, with the deep lens of Astrology, can help you.

    Happy Thanksgiving weekend to my Canadian subscribers!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    The celestial factors at play currently, are inspiring and perhaps pushing you to go deeper and harder. Doing so with a fine balance of grace and grit could prove quite satisfying. Altogether, they reveal changes on relationship fronts. Financial considerations are also playing a key role. Moreover, your overall scope of priorities are probably also changing.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    A steady flow of changes in your lifestyle is underway. These could include endings, transformations and/or graduations of sorts on relationship fronts. Either way, these are stimulating a lot of energy, and perhaps drama too. The key to offsetting negative reactions like despair or cynicism is to exercise a healthy measure of creative, critical thinking.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Some cycles ask us to give more than others and this is probably one of them. Giving can come in the form of a good attitude, or simply to be more patient and understanding than usual. Slowing down to be more prudent and intentional will also help. Doing so will help you to see a bigger picture and, thereby, to accept and understand.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    Shifts and changes close to home are underway. Adapting to these requires a creative approach that includes clearing the clutter in whatever form, mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual (=subconscious blocks) and to design and implement new approaches and arrangements. Focus on deciphering what is in the way of a more harmonious flow.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    A steady stream of creative thoughts inspirations and perhaps epiphanies too are flowing in your mind. The more practical question is to ask if you are capturing them or simply allowing them to flow through and away. Capturing them can include taking notes, drafting a plan, verbalizing your thoughts and feelings, and so on.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Getting clear about what you value most is a current focus. Your list probably includes peace of mind, financial stability, relationship harmony, and the realization of some of your dreams and fantasies too. Regarding the latter, knowing what these are and clearly outlining them is the first key to manifesting them, whether sooner or later.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    A steady stream of new steps, measures, and initiatives should be keeping you busy. Financial considerations and concerns may be forefront in your mind. At worst, you will allow an overactive imagination to get the better of you. To offset this, direct your focus more fully to the facts and realities in your present moment backed by what you can do.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Taking some time out to rest and reflect, but also to plan and prepare continues. The emphasis now includes pushing through barriers and opposition. Consider that some of these are subject to your own patterns of perception, interpretation, self-concept, and the attitudes that stem from these. Genuine change always begins as an inside job.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Yours is considered the philosophical sign of the Zodiac. Upon reflection, it will become clear that deeply interpreting the meaning of words, therefore, is a central feature of philosophy. Currently, reflecting on the difference between the meaning of words like individual, individuality, and individuation will lead you to personal truth.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Shifts and changes, publically and professionally are underway and keeping you busy. While there are indications that returns are rolling in, these could be those of liabilities instead of, or at least as well as, benefits. Either way, how you handle these and especially in terms of the quality and harmonious flow of your relationships is extra important.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Libra time is one of vision and scope for you. This includes both envisioning and planning for yourself and significant others going forward. Gathering new tools, resources, and perhaps reserves or supplies are all featured in the plot. Making the extra efforts implied is also important, and this trend will continue, for some months.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    A process of change and transformation is underway. While Venus in Scorpio plays a key role in this regard and usually one that is more challenging, it could actually prove extra positive for you since its water element aligns with your own. Mars in Cancer is usually a challenge too, but for you, it could contribute to long desired breakthroughs.

  • Horoscope for the Week of October 4

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

    Gift Certificates ~ Testimonials Recommendations

    Blog: Libra Solar Eclipse: Revolutionary Activations in Complex Times

    Podcast Interviews with Michael

    Your Weekly Horoscope for October 4 – 10

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    “Michael’s readings have given me great insight over the years. He has a gentle, inquisitive, wholesome approach. I consider myself very fortunate to have someone so committed to his practice and to the well-being of the other.” – Lorne

    Tip of the Week:

    The October 2nd Solar Eclipse is delivering the first phase of its payload.

    I did a spotlight on it which you can read in my blog: Libra Solar Eclipse: Revolutionary Activations in Complex Times.

    Pay attention to the synchronicities in your own life. You can also focus on what is occurring on the world stage. The exact degree of the eclipse included revolutionary Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus where its bullish, snorting, unpredictable fury rages strongly. The torque and gravity of this is evident, if you have the knowledge to see.

    Hoping to get the real facts and deeper truths from popular media is like hoping to get the nutrition one needs from fast food. Although citizen journalists are working hard to fill in the gaps, many of them are also invariably biased, misinformed and/or compromised…, as well. This is a central theme of our times, a natural reflection of the technology available, and in a rapidly-changing, revolutionary dynamic on a global scale.

    After all, with the level of our technology now available, not the least of which includes robotics and artificial intelligence, the age-old game of power based on military might has also broken through all previous barriers and has emerged to nuclear proportions, literally. Hoping that this trend will end soon can be accurately deemed naïve and wishful.

    So, we are left to get physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared. The physical part includes backup preparations, basically in terms of water, food, and fuel. As for the other three, among the more important things you can do is to have a clearer sense of your destiny and deeper purpose to authentically engage and evolve, and this is where I can help you.

    Have a great week!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    Are you experiencing and/or feeling the scope of depth and passion synchronizing on your stage? This eclipse activated deep levels of change for us all. While it does depend on how it is configured in your actual Birth Chart, the general theme is one of earnest resolve to go deeper than you perhaps have ever before.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Like your Aries friends, Venus in Scorpio and other factors have ignited a fire in your belly. As much as you yearn for peace and flow, a warrior spirit usually kept hidden, is also kept close. What once felt solid and secure, has been dissolving steadily and perhaps suddenly of late as well. Inner instincts and outer signs can be interpreted as ‘battle stations’.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    While a playful and creative mood lingers, circumstances are pushing you to be more sober and vigilant. Jupiter in your sign since May has triggered a spirit of adventure and inspiration to go big, perhaps on a variety of fronts. This impulse is pushing you to give more again, probably more than you want, but the feelings of need are there.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    Home is where your heart is and it includes creative activities. In turn, these require the materials, time and space to support them. This is where a strategic resolve to accumulate all the supplies you need and to rearrange either your literal living space, or your attitude and resolve, come to the fore. Avoid procrastination and do it now!

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Whatever your plans were just a short while ago, a flow of new intuitions, inspirations and perhaps epiphanies too are shifting your perspective. Trusting this process without resistance or apology is ideal. They could simply amount to elaborations or alterations in your approach more than complete changes. Take the time to listen within, more deeply.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Getting clearer regarding your values, priorities and best approaches is a current, central theme. In some regards, this could require you to push through inner resistances, limiting beliefs, apathy, and their procrastination-producing tendencies. Take the time to tune in to what best approaches align with how you think and feel and outline a plan.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    The Sun in your sign signals a time to advance, to take new leads and strides. Mars in Cancer for you emphasizes actions taken associated with your public and professional life, and/or family duties and responsibilities. Practical considerations are guiding your focus and your focus includes knowing how, where and when to invest your time and money.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)theme

    If circumstances allow, the time is right to retreat, rest, recuperate and re-center. You can do this even amidst your regular rhythms by slowing down, engaging and communicating less, and perhaps sleeping more, or at least deliberately recharging your energy reserves somehow. Redirect your communication exchange with your inner voice.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Aligning with a clearer sense of your individuality continues. It includes tuning into and aligning yourself more fully with how you genuinely feel, as opposed to what you simply think or believe. Your ambitions and resolve stand to be running strong now, and while outer ambitions may be relevant, now is the time to connect with your true nature.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    The focus on your career and public life in general, and how these mix with your primary relationships, home and family are extra emphasized now. Some of your more intimate exchanges are probably charged and edgy as you push to enter new territory and/or create new understandings toward a more realistic status quo.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Determined to see a bigger picture, a search for the best tools and resources is underway. You are willing to do the work required to be clear, aware, and prepared for whatever might come next. You know that this is hardly a time to be passive and dismissive, and this trend will continue for months to come. Meanwhile, social engagement will balance the scales.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    Some cycles include deeper dives than others, and this is one of them. Your focus could be practical, psychological, spiritual, or all of the above. A spirit of playful engagement is featured, or perhaps sporting is more accurate. This could well include more intimate exchanges; however these factor in your life. Communicate your needs and desires.

  • Horoscope for the Week of September 27

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

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    Listen: Astrology and the Big Picture Perspective: 2024 – 2030

    Podcast Interviews with Michael

    Your Weekly Horoscope for September 27 – October 3

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    “It is not so much a matter of who is on the world stage, (although it does matter), it is more fully a feature of our times. In other words, these dynamic trends and outer realities are all features of the human condition at this turn of history.” – Michael O’Connor

    Tip of the Week:

    Despite the lower temperatures as Autumn 2024 gets underway, things are heating up on the social, political, and global game boards.

    Given the status of planetary sign placements and aspects between them, these exciting and dramatic synchronicities are apt. All the far outer planets, including Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are in one form of complex, and even complicated positions or alignments with other planets.

    Altogether, these reveal heightened tensions, especially regarding social politics and themes of justice. As an altogether moody cycle that will last throughout October, we are probably wise to anticipate things getting even crazier progressively. With a historical election race unfolding in the United States, this comes as no surprise, but it too is all a feature of these alignments, as well as a strong source of the circumstances stirring the proverbial pot of the revolutions of evolution.

    Have a great week!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    Life is all about relationships and that is your main focus now. A deep dive into passionate engagement whether of the pleasurable sort or the more dramatic, or both, should be quite evident by now. In any case, you are determined to get to the root of matters and you won’t likely handle interference or rejection very well.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    A busy, creative cycle requires more attention on more fronts than usual. This naturally suggests that you have to give more than usual. Digging in deep with aims of getting to the bottom of things, or to be thorough in your efforts, are featured. Fortunately, there are indications that your energy levels are running high.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Virgo time is one during which even more attention than usual is directed towards home and family. Practical considerations are featured, along with subtler, psychological themes. You may have to work a little harder than usual, yet with a steady pace you will be better able to achieve your goals.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    Mars in your sign has been pushing you to be more proactive and drive harder than usual. However, it also offers the opportunity to explore new territory and to enjoy some of life’s simpler pleasures as well. Realizing the sweet spot between these contrasting themes will prove uplifting.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    A process of building upon new foundations, and or fortifying existing ones, continues. If all you do is get organized in terms of your strategic approach, you will be on track. When the Sun enters Libra a more intellectual, possibly social, and inventive mood will be activated so do what you can to prepare.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Themes of adventures and pioneering initiatives have been guiding your choices and actions. Ironically, these can include breaking away from areas and avenues of focus that no longer hold appeal or serve your practical interests. Reconsidering your priorities includes time management and this focus will continue for several weeks.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    Although with the Sun in Virgo you have likely been inclined to retreat for a while, at least in bouts, Venus in Libra currently indicates inspirations to express yourself in original and creative ways. Yet Mars in Cancer seeks knowledge of the methods to get to go deeper yet, as with deep repairs and healing.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Exploring new frontiers, at least in your mind, and perhaps especially regarding your own realms of thought and expression continues. This could include new friend prospects and social networks. Feeling torn between playful experiences and those that are more practical and dutiful is an ongoing balancing act.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Virgo time generally includes thoughts and experiences regarding your public and professional life. Deciphering how to incite more attention and the kind you want is featured. Beyond practical realities, your aim now is to align that much more fully with your sense of individuality, which involves social engagement.

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Pluto back in your sign is serving to push you to attend to whatever requires final touches and actions that bring old affairs to completion. Circumstances will push you to be sober and realistic in your assessment of what mode of perception and thinking simply no longer serve. Interestingly, you are learning to unlearn.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Virgo time is ideal for you to focus on cleaning, cleansing, and purging. Healthy improvements are central themes. Sun and Mercury in Virgo are supporting this focus. This process is associated with deep changes in you that have been percolating since spring 2023, at least. Much of the focus is directed to home and family.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    Your social outreach includes the quality or lack thereof of your engagement. The time is right to activate new strategies and to make key improvements. Sometimes, some adjustments and refinements are all that are needed. A learning curve is implied so adjust your attitude accordingly.

  • Horoscope for the Week of September 20

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

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    Podcast Interviews with Michael

    Your Weekly Horoscope for September 20 – 26

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    “I had a relationship reading 2 years ago, and now I am thinking how accurate you were to see the relationship for what it was and to see each of us so clearly. Thank you for your reading.” ~ Hyegwi

    Tip of the Week:

    Autumn Equinox is upon us and technically occurs on September 22 at 8:44 am EDT. Casting the chart for that moment offers insights for the entire season based on a principle of fractals, which indicates that the whole can be ascertained by significant features of the parts. Observation has proven this to be true and relevant. Among the more significant factors to observe is the exact relationship between the Sun and Moon, which itself offers a fractal perspective of the whole chart. Of note is the fact that the Moon is waning in the early degrees of Gemini widely conjunct Uranus.

    The exact degree and phase of the Moon reveal themes of high levels of skepticism, leading people to think critically and conduct their own research on matters, further emphasized by Mercury in Virgo and Mars in Cancer. This can include delving into deeper levels of metaphysical and spiritual truth as well as those associated with social politics.

    With a strong Pisces factor involved, possible themes of mass deception are part of the plot.

    Venus and Pluto both at the critical 29th degree of Libra and Capricorn respectively, basically imply themes of overcoming.

    Fasten your seatbelts, folks, the ride is about to get wilder, as truth seekers push to see through deceptions and make efforts to engage others in their findings.

    PS: Click here to listen to my talk on September 7: Astrology and the Big Picture Perspective: 2024 – 2030.

    Have a great week!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    A deliberate focus on relationship fronts will become increasingly evident this week. Dealing with deeper complexities than usual will lead you to want to dive in and seek out root themes and causes with ardent ambition, determination, and drive.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Get ready to push harder than usual for the truth of love and the love of truth. Your creative, critical thinking cap is on and you will be making full use of it. Determined to focus on a variety of fronts, things could get a bit hectic and scattered, so aim to be organized.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The Sun in Libra tends to be a creative cycle for you. Yet, it could also prove somewhat dramatic. Venus in Scorpio will add to the drama requiring you to give more than you perhaps want to. You are probably wise to slow down a bit and curb expectations.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    A dynamic cycle is underway and will accelerate yet. While many will be struggling with Venus in Scorpio, it stands to lend a passionate, playful, and inspirational verve to the plot. With Mars firmly anchored in your sign, you will probably need creative outlets to release the pressure.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    A more varied and stimulating social cycle is starting and will last several weeks. There is a creative impulse, but it could require that you tie up loose ends and unfinished projects, clear the clutter, and purge as necessary to release stagnant energies.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Paying closer attention to your overall balance score is likely over the coming weeks. Your focus will likely include a variety of fronts, from finances to energy levels and health to relationship boundaries. With Mercury in your sign, your focus is sharp supporting precision.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    The Sun in your sign will boost your energy levels and lead to whole new initiatives over the coming weeks. Financial matters will play a lead role. Pushing ahead in your public and professional life is featured. It may be time to assert yourself in ways you have not before.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Get ready to get busier behind the scenes. While this is often a time for retreat, it could amount to a busier cycle than usual. As well, your retreat could emerge to become an adventure as you are called to enter new territory. The more you acknowledge your core sense of individuality, the better.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Who are your friends, who are not, and who could perhaps be? A social mood vies with deeper considerations about what you feel you truly as opposed to simply want or desire. With your ambitions running strong, you could push through prior obstacles, or get away from it all

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Sometimes life can seem like three steps forward and 2, 3, or even 4 steps back. Perception and interpretation are relative so focus on seeing the positives so that if you are stepping back, you are still one step ahead. Still, you may have to meet people and situations with an added edge.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    Libra time is often one during which you step back to see a bigger picture, as with admiring the beauty of the season. This year, deeper ambitions that are already brewing are leading you to assume different attitudes and approaches to familiar orientations.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    Some cycles require deeper changes than others and you are just entering one now. Positively, these will lead to the breakthroughs you feel you want and need. With your energies running a little higher than usual and a lingering playful mood, focus on harnessing it to productive ends.

  • Horoscope for the Week of September 13
    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ MentoringGift Certificates ~ Testimonials RecommendationsPodcast Interviews with MichaelYour Weekly Horoscope for September 13 – 19Thank you for sharing with friends!​Looking for deeper understanding and guidance in your life?Gain more clarity, insight, and strategy with an Astrology or Numerology Reading.​Learn how an Astrology Reading can help you​​Make an Appointment​”The most recent reading that I had with you Michael, was amazing and spot on! Your insights have helped me to navigate with ease (less frustration) and yes, especially more grace.+ ~ BrigitteTip of the Week:
    ​This last official week of summer begins with the Moon waxing towards a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25 Pisces 41 on September 17. Although it will technically only be a ‘partial eclipse’, it will carry more weight and influence than a usual Full Moon.​Generally, the mood of the partially eclipsed Full Moon, due to the influences of watery Pisces combined with both Saturn and Neptune also in Pisces, will at best manifest as a dreamy and mystical mood, yet negatively it could feel heavy and depressing. While we can choose to be positive, we will be contending with these influences, so use this opportunity to be aware and observe the synchronicities.​Yet, its specific, destined influence depends on how exactly it is situated in any given person’s Birth Chart. This is always true of any event like an eclipse or any planetary activity for that matter. Horoscopes offer a middle ground so to speak, since they refer to entire groups of people. The “Sun Signs” of Horoscopes are like the politics that influences an entire nation. It is real and has an impact, yet it is not as strong as other more local factors, for example, metaphorically speaking.​There are 1 or 2 other signs you can also read associated with your Sun Sign which can be determined if you know your time of birth. Ironically, knowing the exact time of birth is not necessary for having a ‘good’, meaning relevant, practical and useful or clarifying and empowering Reading of your Birth Chart, yet it will not be as clear or exact if the time of birth is known.​Have a great week!​Michael​
    ​​***Get extended weekly tips, monthly video forecasts, discounts, and more with a Membership!​Weekly Horoscope:​Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)Attending to practical matters continues and circumstances are requiring an added measure of critical analysis. Directing your attention to current and new developments is contending with the disintegration of the old. Cleaning and clearing yesteryear remains a better bet than launching new initiatives.Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)A busy, creative cycle requires more attention on more fronts than usual. This naturally suggests that you have to give more than usual. Digging in deep with aims of getting to the bottom of things, or to be thorough in your efforts, are featured. Fortunately, there are indications that your energy levels are running high.Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)Virgo time is one during which even more attention than usual is directed towards home and family. Practical considerations are featured, along with subtler, psychological themes. You may have to work a little harder than usual, yet with a steady pace you will be better able to achieve your goals.Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)Mars in your sign has been pushing you to be more proactive and drive harder than usual. However, it also offers the opportunity to explore new territory and to enjoy some of life’s simpler pleasures as well. Realizing the sweet spot between these contrasting themes will prove uplifting.Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)A process of building upon new foundations, and or fortifying existing ones, continues. If all you do is get organized in terms of your strategic approach, you will be on track. When the Sun enters Libra a more intellectual, possibly social, and inventive mood will be activated, so do what you can to prepare.Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)Themes of adventures and pioneering initiatives have been guiding your choices and actions. Ironically, these can include breaking away from areas and avenues of focus that no longer hold appeal or serve your practical interests. Reconsidering your priorities includes time management and this focus will continue for several weeks.Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)Although with the Sun in Virgo you have likely been inclined to retreat for a while, at least in bouts, Venus in Libra currently indicates inspirations to express yourself in original and creative ways. Yet Mars in Cancer seeks knowledge of the methods to get to go deeper yet, as with deep repairs and healing.Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)Exploring new frontiers, at least in your mind, and perhaps especially regarding your own realms of thought and expression, continues. This could include new friend prospects and social networks. Feeling torn between playful experiences and those that are more practical and dutiful is an ongoing balancing act.Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)Virgo time generally includes thoughts and experiences regarding your public and professional life. Deciphering how to incite more attention and the kind you want is featured. Beyond practical realities, your aim now is to align that much more fully with your sense of individuality, which involves social engagement.Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)Pluto back in your sign is serving to push you to attend to whatever requires final touches and actions that bring old affairs to completion. Circumstances will push you to be sober and realistic in your assessment of what mode of perception and thinking simply no longer serve. Interestingly, you are learning to unlearn.Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)Virgo time is ideal for you to focus on cleaning, cleansing, and purging. Healthy improvements are central themes. Sun and Mercury in Virgo are supporting this focus. This process is associated with deep changes in you that have been percolating since spring 2023, at least. Much of the focus is directed to home and family.Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)Your social outreach includes the quality (or lack thereof) of your engagement. The time is right to activate new strategies and to make key improvements. Sometimes, some adjustments and refinements are all that are needed. A learning curve is implied so adjust your attitude accordingly.​