Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week of September 6

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for September 6 – 12

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    “Thank you for your brilliant coaching! I appreciate your honesty and careful approach regarding giving advice. Your guidance helps me to find my own way, yet with greater confidence and with better tools than I had before.” – Elin

    Tip of the Week:

    Summer is in its final stretch and officially ends with Autumn Equinox on September 22. The waxing of the Moon since its recent seed event for yet another cycle that began on September 2 comes to a Full Moon in Pisces on September 17 as the Harvest Moon, and due to its close proximity to Earth in its elliptical orbit it will appear large and epic as a so-called Super Moon.

    Meanwhile, Mercury remains in Leo where at worst, it has been busy stirring intrigue and upset on relationship fronts.

    Yet, Virgo’s influence indicates themes of completion, resolution, and healing.

    Mercury joining the Sun in the sign of Virgo ‘the Virgin’ which is accurately understood as symbolic of resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, and wholesomeness, will contribute to the process.

    So, tune in and cooperatively co-create to harness this influence according to the rhythms and realities of your world.

    Have a great week!

    PS: Do you, or someone you know live in the Ottawa area? I will be giving a presentation in Smith Falls on Saturday, September 7. Learn more here!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

    This could amount to the last call on the summer. Although there technically remain a couple of weeks, beyond the weather alone, the shift can be understood as Mercury entering practical, analytical, earthy Virgo. Combined with other factors, back to work you go, so enjoy this last blast.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

    Weaving creativity into your work is a core aspiration and is especially strong these days. This trend will end soon so make the necessary effort to get it in this week. If you do, the momentum could see you through the month and maybe longer. ‘When’ we initiate does matter, and the time is now.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Directing your focus to the home front will prove extra satisfying now. Use this inspiration to tackle projects that have been waiting for their time. These are completion projects, the ones that have been pushed to the side due to other priorities. You will likely be able to handle larger tasks with relative ease.

    Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

    The busy bee is getting busier with beautifying. Your home is your canvas. Creating a more secure and stable base is a beautiful thing too. Either way, your goal includes feeling inspired and confident. A bold, determined and edgy mood can be harnessed to push through obstacles.

    Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

    Investments of your time, energy, and focus, continues. The energy part could include money. A steady learning curve is also indicated. An inventive, experimental approach might prove to work best. You will also very soon experience an increased demand on your time and attention. Get ready to be busy behind the scenes.

    Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

    Initiative, increase, and expansion are keywords for you now. Your finances could improve measurably over the coming months. The increase could also touch upon creative abilities and your spiritual focus too. Yet, to succeed, you will have to make deliberate efforts with discipline and follow through.

    Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

    A deep dive into the hidden layers of your mind is calling you within. This summons will get progressively louder over the coming weeks. On the other hand, an assertive drive in your professional life could include training. Whether you are giving or receiving, the ability to concentrate more than usual could be required.

    Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

    Exploring new aspects of your sense of individuality continues. It includes an adventurous determination to confront limitations and obstructions, whether within or without. Returns for past efforts, or the liabilities of the lack thereof, are rolling in quickly now revealing the quality and effectiveness of your efforts.

    Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

    Advancing your position, publicly and/or professionally is in the spotlight. This trend will continue and deepen. While what you know matters, who you know could have more leverage at this time. Be willing to socialize, fraternize, and aim to meet new people who can help further your interests and ambitions

    Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

    Increase and expansion is going on everywhere these days and you are getting your share too. Some of it is due to other old stuff getting cleared. It may feel like you are melting at this time. But if you are impatient and are trying to force things, to push the proverbial river, you may well undergo a meltdown. Plan now to go big later.

    Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

    You too are destined to dig deep now. This process has been underway for a couple of weeks already and will continue for a couple more. Yet, you are beginning to see a new light like a bright shining star in your sky. It will get brighter yet, especially later this month and in October. It may well be calling you out to venture far.

    Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

    A steady increase on relationship fronts continues. Returns and rewards are featured. Yet, you will have to work for them, faithfully, diligently, and creatively. If you can gain a lot from the process itself you will already be richly rewarded. In other words, there is much to do and it could even result in mastery.

  • Horoscope for the Week of August 30

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

    Gift Certificates ~ Testimonials Recommendations

    Watch: The Jupiter-Saturn Cycle: 12-21-2020 to 11-20-2030

    Podcast Interviews with Michael

    Your Weekly Horoscope for August 30 – September 5

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    “Accurate & clear – you’ll be glad you get the chance to work with him!” – Ian

    Tip of the Week:

    Summer’s end for many, at least psychologically as students return to school, coincides with a series of events astrologically. These include a Virgo New Moon on September 1.

    Mercury turned direct on August 28 after its triannual retrograde cycle which included a complex bout in Leo, where it is generally regarded as… challenging.

    Venus entered its own ruling sign of Libra on August 29 which should also prove uplifting and socially stimulating.

    Mars will enter Cancer where it can prove quite edgy on September 5.

    Uranus takes its turn to retrograde starting on September 1, just hours before Pluto, also retrograde, re-enters Capricorn.

    Uranus at 27 Taurus will retreat as it retrogrades to 23 Taurus by late January 2025 – so if you have planets in this range, especially in Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, or Scorpio, you will likely be pushed to make or adapt to changes associated with unusual or unexpected turns.

    Pluto will hover at the 29th degree of Capricorn until November 19 so if you have planets at or near this degree, you can expect the inner impulse (or outer push) to purge and/or change your approach somehow.

    Understanding the full spectrum of types of questions you can ask based on areas of focus I cover is outlined in this short video: Learn more HERE.

    Have a great week!

    PS: Do you, or someone you know live in the Ottawa area? I will be providing Readings and a presentation in Ottawa, Manotick, and Smith Falls from September 4 – 8. Learn more here!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
    While the theme of balancing work and play continues, a whole new level of inspiration on relationship fronts is rolling in. On the downside, you are about to get busier. This includes a diving urge to get to the bottom of things, which could include a renovation project or two. Yet the focus could be on your attitude.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    A creative drive continues to guide your focus. The need to give more has become a noticeable theme and it too continues. Deepening desires on relationship fronts are part of the plot and are partly where the extra give will go. Positively, your confidence levels are steadily rising, even though you are busier.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    Attending to practical matters enters its next and deeper phase now. This could simply include having everything you need for various adventures that are calling you out. Things could get a little more serious before the week is out regarding health considerations and what you need to do to feel strong.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    A busier cycle or at least contending with more on your mind of late continues. A turn of focus to create more beauty and harmony close to home is part of the plot. This could require you to become more assertive with matters and perhaps certain people as well. Just be careful not to overdo it with aggression.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    Practical considerations are that much more emphasized for you now than others. Yet, the twist is that the best way to tackle them could well require some measure of inner work. This can include changing your perspective, attitude, reasoning, or approach, or all the above. Nothing personal, it is simply time, and your first main task is to consciously cooperate with the process. By doing so, answers will emerge.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    The New Moon in your sign will activate a whole new burst of energy, determination, and drive. Inspirations to enter new territory will also become apparent and if you do, you will likely make progress. You may have to push against the grain somehow, which could include those of habitual beliefs and self-concepts.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    Venus entering your sign will likely inspire you to express yourself in new and appealing ways. This could require new skills and/or tools. Yet, you might also feel the urge to retreat for a while. Combining these factors, the time is right to focus on personal development and acquisition of knowledge and training.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    Everyone will feel and notice the array of planetary shifts that will occur this week. What could prove most noticeable for you is the desire to be more independent and authentic to how you feel. In other regards, you could experience an ardent push for freedom that could prove revolutionary.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    Fresh starts on public and professional fronts could be a source of inspiration, but also possibly of stress. Making key moves is indicated and doing so might require discipline and resolve. You should be prepared to put in the extra time and effort. Fortunately, your ambition levels will rise starting this week.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    A whole new perspective is emerging in your mind. This includes the bigger picture over the longer term. A steadily rising realization that you will have to get to the bottom of matters is featured. This could include taking approaches that you did not previously even consider. New tools and skills may be required.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    A cycle of change and transformation is underway. It could prove subtle or obvious, but it has already begun and will continue and even deepen due to the influences of the new lunar cycle. This could prove true, especially on relationship fronts. Venus and Jupiter will prove helpful, so you are protected.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    New activations on relationship fronts are destined and these could prove quite fruitful indeed. Perhaps the biggest challenge will be to be willing to give more than you might have planned. Fortunately, your confidence levels are holding strong, and this supporting factor will help smooth out any edges.

  • Horoscope for the Week of August 23

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

    Gift Certificates ~ Testimonials Recommendations

    Michael in the Ottawa area September 4 – 8

    Podcast Interviews with Michael

    Your Weekly Horoscope for August 23 – 29

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    “I have been going to Michael for over 20 years now for his astrological insight – which goes way beyond a general reading that is commonly available online or in the papers. His knowledge of astrology is extensive, but he is also highly intuitive, and conducts his consultations with a Holistic approach. I would not hesitate to recommend Michael to anyone seeking a higher level of guidance on any important issue.” – Leah

    Tip of the Week:

    The Sun entered Virgo on August 22. Although summer still officially has a month to go, many tend to deem it to end along with August or at most by Labor Day. As it is, this coming week is eventful, astrologically.

    Mercury comes to an apparent stop and then resumes forward motion on August 28 after a few weeks of retrograde motion.

    On September 1st, Uranus will turn retrograde and Pluto will re-enter Capricorn for the last time.

    With these reversals, we can expect the same in the outer world somehow. This is especially true on the larger stage. With Uranus and Pluto now forming a creative and inspiring Trine aspect (120 degrees) and both forming a social, intellectual, and awareness-oriented Sextile (60-degree aspect) to Neptune, there is an emphasis on spiritual awakening and seeing through the relative illusion of it all.

    This refers to both the notion that existence itself is not as solid as it appears, and to the antics of propaganda, to use illusions to convince people of fabricated notions of reality. This process will figure strongly in the Age of Aquarius, and it has emerged to a significant level already, as with the technologies of modern moviemaking, CGI, and AI. While the entertainment prospects of this are wonderful, the social and political prospects are much more serious.

    On more personal levels, Mercury resuming its forward motion will contribute to a feeling of greater flow, if within the context of Virgo which tends to activate a back-to-work mood. In this regard, the remaining weeks of summer can feel like a bonus for some, especially those living above the 40th parallel.

    Have a great week!

    PS: Do you, or someone you know live in the Ottawa area? I will be providing Readings and a presentation in Ottawa, Manotick, and Smith Falls from September 4 – 8. Learn more here!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
    A weave of work and play is the mood now. You would not be alone if you are experiencing the need to persevere in some critical areas requiring follow-through. This theme could also be described as a breakthrough, as in busting through both literally and figuratively with barriers in your mind and attitude.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    Virgo time harmonizes well with your sign. It invites a creative and playful approach. With Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, you could feel like a very busy bee, and a determined one too. Covering a lot of ground on a variety of fronts is your overall desire currently, but doing so has been intercepted, until now.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    Virgo can be described as your ‘home’ sign. It is that factor that supports you to be practical and realistic, even strategically frugal to maintain a balance between your Gemini dreams and reality. Fortunately, Jupiter and Mars in your sign currently are a boost to your morale and energy levels.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    The influences of Virgo tend to produce busy cycles for you. While this is true for many of late due to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, their influence on you could prove more internal than external. Positively, you will feel inspired and able to harness their influence to do some needed inner work to… refine your mind.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    Aligning with the practical focus of Virgo comes quite naturally to you. Your sign can be described as the ‘practical fire sign’. Pushing through inner and outer restrictions is part of the plot currently. Fortunately, with Mercury in your sign, you could feel even more creative than usual. Tune in to make the most of it.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    When the Sun enters your own sign, the tendency is to feel energized with pioneering determination. However, if you are born later in the sign, this feeling can prove delayed. In fact, you could feel more inclined to retreat. If so, use this time to plan and recharge, and trust the flow.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    Although the Virgo cycle is not known to be a strong one for you, other factors are compensating, in fact probably very well. An adventurous impulse lingers, perhaps finding you away from familiar territory and enjoying the stimulation of new energies, places, and people. This trend will continue so stretch into it.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    Aligning with a fuller sense of your individuality comes supported by an impulse to be more independent is in focus. Yet, you may feel that you have arrived at something of a crossroads. It could even be described as a soul-searching process, even a dark night. A firm grip on practical reality will guide you well.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    Virgo is the sign that closely aligns with your public and professional life. It can be understood as a civilizing factor that helps you keep the wild impulses of the centaur from galloping away into the wilderness forever more. Besides, the marketplace offers more… stuff, easier than you can obtain out there.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    Virgo time will likely feel like a fresh breath of air. Yet, with Mercury still retrograde and in Leo, you are not out of the murky waters, yet. As helpful as the Mars/Jupiter combo in Gemini is for many, it is pushing you to work harder, both literally and on having faith that the world is not coming to an end.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    Virgo time can prove transformational for you. Positively, the process can include purging, clearing, and cleansing, leaving you feeling lighter and renewed. The key is to cooperate with the rhythmic flow. Mars and Jupiter in Gemini should be synchronizing with a more animated and playful mood of late that continues…

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    Fresh stimulations on relationship fronts will keep you busy for the next several weeks. In fact, the overall dynamic will both increase and deepen. Thanks to your confidence levels steadily rising, your engagements will likely prove stimulating and satisfying overall, if a bit edgy at times.

  • Horoscope for the Week of August 16

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

    Gift Certificates ~ Testimonials Recommendations

    Podcasts with Michael

    Your Weekly Horoscope for August 16 – 22

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    I just listened to my past reading again. I love how readings never grow outdated. There is always something more on each listening.” ~ Jo

    Tip of the Week:

    Mercury in its retrograde process re-entering Leo, and Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, (an event that only occurs about every 27 months, and much more seldomly in the same sign), and while both aspects occur in the context of the Moon waxing to Full (culminating to exact on August 19) are in the spotlight this week.

    Because the Moon will be a so-called “Super Moon”, meaning since it occurs while the Moon is at its ‘perigee’ or closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, it will appear to a much larger in the sky. Aside from the awe-inspiring spectacle, the actual impact subject to the gravitational pull of the Moon is less certain. So, it will be for you to determine if it is stronger or not.

    It will be a Full Moon in Aquarius, an air element sign in which the influence is generally understood to be less dramatic, compared to when the Moon is Full in fire and water element signs.

    However, since both the Sun and Moon will be forming exact square aspects to Uranus in Taurus on the same day (August 19), which technically indicates a T-square aspect pattern with Uranus at the apex point, we can and are wise to ‘expect the unexpected’.

    Direct your attention to observing the synchronicities of erratic, chaotic, rebellious moods, attitudes, and events.

    And as always, have a great week!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
    Although summer technically ends at equinox, it may feel like it is winding down quickly now and if you are going to get in a few last licks, you better get them in now. The Full Moon will prove to shine a bright light on your friendship network, yet it could also ignite some unusual, even eccentric experiences.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    Directing some of your abundant creative energy of late to your ‘home’ could include that place where your heart is literally, in your body. In other words, self-care or inner work may feel more necessary than usual. Otherwise, you may simply achieve inner healing as you complete outer repairs.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    This waxing Full Moon will inspire opportunities to engage in creative expressions and surprise adventures shared with friends. This delightful window of quality time could coincide with inner rumblings that are somewhat difficult to decipher. Focus more on intuitions supporting original expressions than on analysis.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    Life is all about making choices based on priorities. While seemingly obvious, this process can prove challenging. This may be especially true now as circumstances are guiding you to dive deeper than usual to access hidden reserves of faith. Positively, the act of discernment involved can be understood as a spiritual process.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    Venturing beyond familiar territory to pioneer and explore continues. While Mercury Retrograde in Leo can prove quite complex, for some more than others, for you it could prove to increase your focus. This constitutes a good time to get a lot done. Meanwhile, the Full Moon will stimulate your social life.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    An internal draw continues. Yet, this orientation will shift when the Sun enters your sign later next week. Also, an assertive push in your public and professional life may be preventing you from retreating altogether. Still, you are wise to lay low this week and recharge. Ironically, a bit of creative clean-up could prove uplifting.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    Identifying with and expressing your self of individuality has been and continues as a central theme. Yet the terrain features some complexities such as venturing out to explore new horizons on one hand, while seeking peace and quietude to also attend to some needed healing and recuperation, on the other.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    Shining your light for the world to see involves harnessing your imagination more fully. Part of the challenge is overcoming the impulse to introversion that you so naturally feel and yearn to enter more fully. Finding the sweet spot is where creative thinking comes to the fore, lest you get lost in the labyrinth of the mind.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    An expansive and perhaps bold and assertive drive to increase your outreach is underway. You may still be in the visionary stage, yet you will progress steadily to establish a solid foundation somehow that perpetuates this process. A cornerstone of the task is to identify what you feel makes you unique and special.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    A rather complex cycle that began a few weeks ago, entered a deeper phase about a week ago. Positively, a variety of cultural interests and orientations have been serving to counter what could have been a dark night. Now, the solution is to direct your focus to what must be done beyond what is simply desired.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    One way or another, your world is opening to include more variety and diversity. At worst, you are more challenged to focus, while at best this shift has sparked a whole new spectrum of inspiration. Destined new beginnings are part of the plot and some of these may have come about quite by surprise.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    Creating your world and your daily routine and rhythm differently continues. This process includes digging deeper to access core levels of insight and awareness. Alternately, the emphasis may be on actual outer realities requiring maintenance, cleaning, or renovation altogether. This cycle will continue so chip chop.

  • Horoscope for the Week of August 9

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

    Gift Certificates ~ Testimonials Recommendations

    Podcasts with Michael

    Your Weekly Horoscope for August 9 – 15

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    Looking for deeper understanding, guidance, and direction?

    Gain more clarity, insight, and strategy with an Astrology or Numerology Reading.

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    Thank you so much for your absolutely brilliant reading. Your reading has given me the most helpful and healing insight into my complex and challenging relationship with my husband. This was much more than I was expecting. Your ability to help me understand what is going on in our lives without judgment and with compassion at a higher perspective is everything I needed. This was like having years of therapy but the healing I need came in one session with you. I was distraught and confused for a long time and after your reading, I woke up this morning with a sense of peace and clarity that I’ve haven’t had until now.” ~ Patti

    Tip of the Week:

    While the Moon waxes due to the August 4th New Moon cycle, Mercury turned retrograde the same day, joining the complex dynamic with SaturnChironUranus, and Neptune, which are also all retrograde.

    This indicates something of a cross-current set of influences, which is usually the case, so relax. Tuning into the Moon is subtle but is much more powerful than most people are aware of, simply because it is not common to pay such close attention. Thanks to Astrological calendars however, anyone can learn to follow the Moon more closely as it transits each sign about every 2.5 days. (I teach a course on how to follow the Moon so if you are interested, send me an email).

    The Moon’s orbital speed is also ever-vacillating, if rhythmically due to its elliptical orbit.

    Since the seed event of the New Moon on August 4 occurred at 12 Leo 34, the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, symbolic of larger social and economic trends, play contributing roles and will come to a sharp turning point mid-month. Stay tuned for more on this developing theme.



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
    Amidst a growing spirit of adventure, fun, and perhaps even games, more sober, practical realities, and considerations are also influencing your focus. Some form of balancing of accounts is featured, so don’t blow your earnings at the racetrack or via some other gamble before you attend to your responsibilities.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    You have entered an ultra-creative cycle. It is one during which you will likely aspire to cover a lot of ground. Attending to a variety of duties and creative projects will likely manifest as doing the rounds. Sometimes, focusing on one thing at a time is best, but not always. Enjoy the kaleidoscope approach.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    Despite an otherwise playful and social mood, some of your focus will be directed to home and family. On the home front, the literal practical realities of your house or living space might require repairs, improvements, or simply a fresh rearrangement. Focus to uplift and beautify, without breaking the bank.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    Getting clear on what and who is most important in your life is in the spotlight. This process will include some measure of critical analysis. You may even be pushed to dive deeper than you have for a while. To this end, aim for a period of retreat that supports the opportunity to reflect and contemplate.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    Taking new leads and strides should be apparent. In some regards, you may even be reaching beyond familiar territory and breaking through prior barriers. These could be literal or mental, as with blocks in your perspective subject to limiting beliefs and attitudes. Opportunities will be more obvious if you keep an open mind.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    Balancing the urge to get away from it all for a while with an ambitious drive to forge ahead in your public and professional life is an important balancing act now. Since good ideas are keys to success, perhaps enjoy a period of brainstorming and planning without taking action, except to make drafts and notes.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    Who are your friends and allies and why? Asking why you deem them so will support you to understand yourself better. Thanks to themes of freedom and expansion, a 1-year cycle that technically began in May, you are beginning to see the world as with new eyes. This will become stronger next month, but first, you have work to do.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    Co-creating your niche in the world is a central theme now. What this implies is based on the finer details of your destiny. This cannot be specifically determined by a Weekly Horoscope but does generally include some measures of freedom, adventure, and inspiration. Seek the sweet spot between love and money.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    Your world is opening up again. Circumstances may however, push you to stand your ground and acknowledge your worth and value. With Mercury retrograde, your confidence could waver, perhaps especially due to challenges from external sources. Asking for help if you feel you need it is ever wise.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    Clearing the old to make way for the new continues. It could be perspectives, interpretations, and attitudes as much as clearing literal clutter. At worst, you could feel a little lost and confused amidst the purge process, and it could continue for several weeks… So, keep it simple and take it slow, and be grateful for what positively is.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    An expansive, social, and playful cycle is underway. The time is right to visit new places and meet new people. Yet Mercury retrograde and closely aligned with Venus in Virgo does imply something of a deeper dive requiring creative, critical thinking. Show people what you want them to see, until trust is earned.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    Health and lifestyle continue as a central theme. Circumstances are pushing you to get to the bottom of things. Fortunately, you are likely getting answers and your confidence levels are rising. Yet, you probably still need to be committed and not say or hear simply what you want, regardless of the truth or facts.

  • Horoscope for the Week of August 2

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

    Gift Certificates ~ Testimonials Recommendations

    Podcasts with Michael

    Your Weekly Horoscope for August 2 – 8

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    Looking for deeper understanding, guidance, and direction?

    Gain more clarity, insight, and strategy with an Astrology or Numerology Reading.

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    “This is seriously the best reading I have ever received in my life. I have had previous astrology readings and nothing compares to the guidance, inspiration, and validation I received from Michael today. I am totally mind blown with the accuracy of the information I received.” ~ Neena

    Tip of the Week:

    Sunday, August 4 is special because on that day there will be a New Moon at 12 Leo 33, Mercury in Virgo will turn retrograde, and Venus will enter Virgo.

    By August 7Mercury and Venus will form a conjunction to begin a new cycle between the two inner planets.

    While the implications are many-layered, as usual, we can trace some of their emphasis and destined influence simply by how they are positioned in our own personal Solar Charts as determined by our Sun Sign, which is how Horoscopes work, based on principles of holism and fractals.

    So, this week’s Horoscope will emphasize these themes for each sign.

    Have a great week!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
    The Leo New Moon aligns favorably with your Sun Sign. It will inspire you to let your inner child out to play. However, it is also symbolically associated with themes of ‘let go and let God’. The Mercury/Venus/Virgo factor will challenge you to think critically and engage diplomatically.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    This New Moon cycle will bring extra emphasis to changes close to home. Creative improvements are also indicated, and these could require more effort and investment than you want. Get ready to be busy on a variety of fronts and in ways that push you to address core needs.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    New perspectives about your place in the world and your sense of responsibility will be activated by this New Moon. You should be prepared to ‘pay your dues’ somehow. This could amount to simply getting clear on meaningful contributions that feel important.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    Getting clear on your priorities continues and deepens due to this New Moon. Circumstances will guide you to take a philosophical approach and to be open to new knowledge, which could even alter existing notions, quite considerably. The challenge includes widening your scope of reality.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    This New Moon in your sign is destined to spark new beginnings and initiatives. These are associated with a process of deep changes within you, which will have a metamorphic effect. The results of it will take 12-18 months, so aim to identify them and engage faithfully and cooperatively.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    The New Moon will serve to trigger new levels of resolve and commitment to new knowledge. It includes deep dives to further reaches than you have ever achieved before. Fortunately, the activated Virgo factor is quite in your favor, but you should be ready to earn it with diligent efforts.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    Leo is your friendly sign so the New Moon there will bring extra attention to this aspect of your life. Positively, existing friendships will deepen, you could make new friends, and there is the possibility that some friendships could simply seem to dissolve. The key is to trust the flow and avoid over-analysis.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    Leo is the sign closely associated with your social status and career orientation. In this regard, you aspire to create a niche somehow, or more specifically, target a career in the arts or at least one that includes creativity. The time is right to dream and realistically assess the possibilities.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    The Leo lunar seed will inspire new adventures. The inner challenge associated is that to answer the call, you may have to identify and confront certain lingering fears. The key to doing so is to also project into the future to determine the price of procrastination or the rewards you stand to achieve.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    Leo is a somewhat complex sign for you. It tends to indicate what and how you need to purge persistent ego patterns that simply are not good for you. This requires increasing your capacity for self-honesty and the discipline and determination to identify and break from unhealthy habits.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    Leo is your polar opposite sign and features strongly in your relationship life. So, this New Moon is destined to synchronize with new encounters and experiences. Given the Virgo factor, it might be wise to exercise discernment and take the time for others to earn your trust before deepening commitments.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    Leo is directly associated with themes and realities associated with your lifestyle and specifically that associated with healthy habits or lack thereof. So, expect to bring extra emphasis to the fore inspired by the reality that healthy is the true beautiful and it feels good too. P.S. Commit to the steps you need to take.