Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week of May 3
    Michael O’Connor <>Fri, May 3, 10:30 AM (22 hours ago)
    to me
    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ MentoringGift Certificates ~ Testimonials RecommendationsYour Weekly Horoscope for May 3 – 9Thank you for sharing with friends!​Looking for deeper understanding, guidance, and direction?Gain more clarity, insight, and strategy with an Astrology or Numerology Reading.Had a Reading lately, and want to top it up with some valuable bonuses? Check out my popular Package 360.​Learn how an Astrology Reading can help you​​Make an AppointmentUranus, Pluto, and Saturn too in their respective, challenging sign placements, are indicators of these increasingly complex times. How we will adapt will require more strategic thinking than usual. This is where gaining a clearer understanding of your destiny cycles and rhythms supporting clearer visions will prove extra helpful.” ~ MichaelTip of the Week:
    ​In the final, fading light of the lunation cycle that was seeded by the Solar Eclipse on April 8, we prepare for the New Moon seed on May 7/8 at 18 Taurus 02. (Each sign is comprised of 30 degrees and, like time, a degree is comprised of 60 minutes and each minute has 60 seconds of ‘celestial arc’).Interestingly, the New Moon will form close aspects to Saturn and Uranus. Where Saturn is symbolic of tradition, Uranus reveals the revolutionary impulse of change. In the process, the status quo is ever-challenged, and we are all pushed to adapt.​Saturn in Pisces, the last and most mystical sign of the Zodiac symbolic of the disembodied soul, (where it can be described as in the added process of the dissolution of form and structure), indicates that resistance to the march of time is even more futile than usual.​Mercury closely aligned with Chiron in Aries indicative of a fiery, visionary, and pioneering impulse shares close association with both assertive Mars also in Aries, Jupiter and Uranus still closely aligned in foundation-building and resourceful Taurus. Innovation and invention are keywords. How will you respond?​Have a great week, and… stay tuned for updates on my next Masterclass: Numerology For Life!​Michael​
    ​​***Get extended weekly tips, monthly video forecasts, discounts, and more with a Membership!​Weekly Horoscope:​Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)Despite last month’s historic eclipse in your sign, Mars closely aligned with stoic Saturn and nebulous Neptune was adrift as if called into the abyss by mischievous mermaids. Mercury was also retrograde, so the overall impact could have proved quite uneventful, or delayed. You can expect the influence of the Taurus New Moon to be much more assertive.​Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    Whatever remaining energy there is from last month’s eclipse will be squeezed out as the New Moon in your sign enters a rapid growth cycle. Returns for prior efforts, or lack thereof, for better or worse, continue as an important influence this week. While outer activities require your attention and input, you may have to shift your attitude into resolve mode.Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    You have likely been navigating the processes of change more than most. The melting away of yesteryear has been steadily underway for many weeks, years even, in the bigger picture. The final stages of this process, probably amidst all the complex weave of energies of a whole new major chapter, are forcing at least much of the old to yield and desist.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    You likely experienced the impact of last month’s eclipse more fully than others. It indicated changes in your social status somehow. Positively, it has introduced a fresh start and promising new momentum. This influence will continue for some weeks yet, so keep thinking forward and answer the call to break through any resistance to take new leads.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    Slowly but surely, a process of transformational change is underway. This began a year ago, but the pace is now accelerating. Yet, there remains a slow and gradual influence as well, inspiring an adaptive flow and reducing any sense of urgency. If you have been resisting, avoiding, and procrastinating, you will be in crisis, so use this to assess your situation.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    Your commitment to the future implies a learning curve combined with the need to change your approach. Mars entering Aries this week will serve to ignite your ambitions. Expect your workload to increase. Managing your time well will prove extra important and there will be little time for idleness. Focus on strengthening relations, both personal and professional.​
    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    An important cycle of change will be germinated by this New Moon. A significant emphasis on finances and returns on investments is indicated. To this end, your attitude will prove shrewd and edgy and could perhaps even prove ruthless to some. Be careful not to jeopardize harmony by slipping on the proverbial velvet gloves over your iron fiscal fists.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    The Aries cycle was rather complex for many and you were not exempt. Positively, it pushed you to assert a new resolve in your daily rhythm and routine. Especially thanks to expansive Jupiter and innovative Uranus, the results could be significant in terms of promising new alliances that will undergo a robust growth cycle starting this week.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    Despite all the complexities of this lingering significant Aries impulse, it has probably proven to push you forward somehow. Now you are entering into the adjustment and adaptation phases at a whole new level. Subtle but sure changes in your usual approach are indicated and you are challenged to persevere faithfully, so take things one step at a time.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    As the turn of spring builds momentum, you find yourself in a creative and inspired mood. This trend will not only continue but increase in the coming weeks. What better way to respond than to engage with innovative projects emphasizing beauty? An easy, graceful flow will have to contend with an ardent push to purge, to realize the deeper meaning of spring cleaning.Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    The Aries impulse was destined to loosen the grip of prior perspectives. Like turning last year’s garden in preparation for new seeds and plants, you are fast approaching the time to act more decisively regarding these destined directives. Your best strategy probably includes creating more beauty close to home and raising your overall vibration.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    Taurus time is one of generating new ideas. With Mars especially in Aries, taking an assertive approach will feel right and probably necessary. It will also inspire your ambitions to take on larger creative projects. These will probably continue through much of June as well and following through will leave you feeling like you are in alignment.​​​​
  • Horoscope for the Week of April 26
    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ MentoringGift Certificates ~ Testimonials RecommendationsYour Weekly Horoscope for April 26 – May 2Thank you for sharing with friends!​Looking for deeper understanding, guidance, and direction?Gain more clarity, insight, and strategy with an Astrology or Numerology Reading.Had a Reading lately, and want to top it up with some valuable bonuses? Check out my popular Package 360.​Learn how an Astrology Reading can help you​​Make an Appointment“I just wanted to thank you for all of the insight you gave me on my future. I really appreciate it and I have to say I was very surprised by how accurate you were about me as a person. No one else before has ever even come close to being as good as you were.” ~ NickTip of the Week:
    ​The April 23rd Scorpio Full Moon culmination of the historic Solar Eclipse on April 8 was in the spotlight this past week. How it was destined to synchronize with changes in evolutionary activations in your life should be quite evident by now. Sometimes the influence is delayed, but this is much less common. Yet sometimes the shifts are subtle and not easily detectable.​Mercury now direct after a longer than usual retrograde cycle is the other news. Venus entering its ruling sign of Taurus on April 29, and Mars entering its ruling sign of Aries on May 1, add to the happy headlines.​From a wide angle, the biggest conjunction of the year between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus last weekend is now in its germination phase…​Have a great week!​Michael​
    ​​***Get extended weekly tips, monthly video forecasts, discounts, and more with a Membership!​Weekly Horoscope:​Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)This week will prove pivotal for many, perhaps even for all of us. For you, it will signal a call to adventure. Your confidence will rise along with a fighting spirit. However, it may require added levels of discernment to make sure that you are not fighting a losing battle. Some aspects of your life are meant to melt like snow in spring, so don’t pit your will against it.Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    The April 8 eclipse activated some destined karmic returns for you. Hopefully, these are good karma. But the results could also be at least mixed, as is life. In any case, circumstances will guide you this week to express yourself in a variety of ways, revealing your resourceful facets. On the other hand, you also have some inner work to do.Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    You have arrived at an important turning point. Of course, you are not alone, and it is occurring on collective levels as well. But, in your personal story, these shifts should be quite evident and require your full attention. A mix of drive and determination combined with acceptance and surrender is the complex twist in the plot.Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    The signs were all there, perhaps even going back months, let alone weeks. And now the stage is set for the destined changes to manifest more fully. These could come with some measure of drama and perhaps even some unexpected events and changes. Yet, there are some creatively inspiring indications as well.Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    Changes in your public and professional life are underway. If this is not yet evident, then you can be sure that they are occurring beneath the surface. Sometimes we must step back to acknowledge the signs for what they are. Positively, this is an expansive phase, but one that requires sincere effort, especially over the next month.Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    Changes can prove subtle, yet powerful like a king wave that goes unnoticed until it washes onto the shore. Something deep and powerful is underway. There is nothing to fear. Just tune in and adapt. Observe what is happening in the flow and trust your intuitive guidance, as it is the part of you that is most connected. If you feel unclear, I can help.Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    A healing process in your love life is underway. It may well be a healing process with your own body, mind, heart, and soul and the quality of your projections. We all project and our outer reality is very significantly the reflection. This is a call to be more self-aware and kind, caring and loving with yourself. In so doing, others will experience the benefits as well.Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    The big shifts and changes underway now could prove quite promising. They do require a change in your beliefs and visions of what is possible and how and perhaps with whom you might realize your dreams and goals. Lifestyle changes to accompany these are also indicated to loosen the grip on your comfort zone and stretch into the new day.Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    A creative impulse to make changes in your usual rhythm and routine has been activated. It is your job to tune in and cooperate with the process. You should expect that you will have to work patiently and diligently for the results you desire. Fortunately, Mars entering Aries on May 1 will give you an added boost of creative drive.Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    Some important activations should by now be bearing fruit. These include reasons to feel creative, innovative, and inventive. Just be careful that the energy does not manifest as a clever vice. Consider this possibility and the implications since ‘pride comes before the fall’. Positively, you will direct the energy to be more conscientious, thus countering a fall.Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    Your perspectives are steadily changing and along with them, your priorities. You likely have reason to feel confident, yet you may also sense that the ground you stand upon is not as solid as you would like. Compensating for it can best be achieved by redirecting your energy and focus to explore alternatives and perhaps new approaches altogether.Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    The Sun in Taurus along with Jupiter, Uranus, and Venus this week are all contributing to a practical, creative focus and dynamic. You yearn to get traction and make every effort count. Investment of your energy holds strong appeal while expenditures of it, do not. While you are wise to take the lead, cooperative efforts with others will likely produce the best results.
  • Horoscope for the Week of April 19
    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ MentoringGift Certificates ~ Testimonials RecommendationsHappening April 20 – Masterclass: The Laws of Energy and the Psychology of BalanceYour Weekly Horoscope for April 19 – 25Thank you for sharing with friends!​Looking for deeper understanding, guidance, and direction?Gain more clarity, insight, and strategy with an Astrology or Numerology Reading.Had a Reading lately, and want to top it up with some valuable bonuses? Check out my popular Package 360.​Learn how an Astrology Reading can help you​​Make an Appointment“This current conjunction, in context to the current stage of the human condition, indicates that the next 14 years could indeed prove extra challenging for us all. Increasing our awareness at this critical juncture is important. However, the higher level of awareness is not about politics but psychology and specifically that of spiritual psychology, which can also be understood as spiritual science or the science of the soul. ” ~ Michael O’ConnorTip of the Week:
    ​The Sun in the Sign of Aries has had its turn and now it is Taurus time, starting today – April 19. What is extra special about it this year is that right on the heels of the first day of the Sun in the Taurus cycle, Jupiter and Uranus will form a conjunctionalso in the sign of Taurus, less than a day later.​These two gas giants only form a conjunction every 14 years. The last time they formed a conjunction was June 8, 2010 at 0 Aries, the literal alpha degree of the Zodiac which was the beginning of a grand cycle of about 170 years. In this regard, this 2024 conjunction is ‘phase 2’ and continues until September 8, 2037 when Jupiter and Uranus will meet once again in the sign of Cancer.​Looking back, that Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in June 2010 at 0 degrees Aries was a triple conjunction, followed by two conjunctions in Pisces. The first of the two in Pisces was on September 19 and the second was on January 4, 2011. This triple punch, so to speak would have been very potent for people with planets and angles at the late degrees of Pisces and the very early degrees of Aries.​Now, this cycle which kicks off April 20/21, 2024 with the conjunction in Taurus, can generally be described as a ‘worldwide renovation project’ associated with the distribution of wealth, which requires removing old foundations and replacing them with new ones. Time will tell how this will play out on the world stage, for better or worse. ​

    PS – my Masterclass series continues, with The Laws of Energy and the Psychology of Balance happening tomorrow – April 20! It will include Q&A, and will be recorded if you can’t make it live.​There’s still time to register… Learn more and sign up here.​​Have a great week!​Michael​
    ​​***Get extended weekly tips, monthly video forecasts, discounts, and more with a Membership!​Weekly Horoscope:​Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)The desire is there, and perhaps even your energy levels too, but is the spirit willing? This is a question of attitude and motivation, on one hand, but of destiny at deeper levels yet. You have every right to challenge such ‘esoteric notions’. The truth will come out in the end. Doing inner work by clearing doubt or apathy could prove to be worth the effort.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    Fresh waves of power and rebellious determination to change the status quo somehow, or at least your own, are indicated. You could be feeling the call to commit to a great vision or higher cause. This impulse has been brewing for a few months anyway. The next big push will begin in early May. In the meantime, you will be busy preparing.​Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    A whole new sense of who you are as an individual is on the rise. Inner reserves will be released along with talents. The focus includes self-care. There is a theme of change and transformation implied, especially regarding your daily routine and rhythms and perhaps your lifestyle in general. A learning curve is implied and includes unlearning as well.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    Shifts, changes, and new beginnings in general in your world were triggered by the recent eclipse. These are now in their developmental stages. You are being called to be both empathetic and assertive. Yielding to the larger flow and opening your mind to receive what wisdom and lessons are included will smooth the edges.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    While the eclipse has likely inspired new visions, you are also contending with the slow but sure process of transformation. It is pushing you to get to the bottom of things, according to the circumstances and flow of your reality. This could include deep repairs and renovations, on one and, or confronting core fears on the other, and more…

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    A subtle but sure process of personal change and transformation is underway. It could well be associated with your focus on health and fitness. You are ready to replace old habits with new ones. Meanwhile, an ardent commitment to the future is countered by a steady disintegration of past interests, orientations, and relationships.​
    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    Fresh starts and beginnings on relationship fronts could be the source of new excitement. These may require more effort than anticipated, however. A learning curve and possibly even an emphasis on training is indicated. Financial factors play a role in your overall assessment of the value and importance of your engagement.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    Jupiter conjunct Uranus occurs in your relationship sector. Expect big changes, many of which should be evident in terms of themes that have been gestating for some time. This could be just the breakthrough you have been dreaming about. On the other hand, if you have been resisting or in denial, these changes could seem big and sudden.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    Although the recent eclipse was destined to awaken you to inspired new visions, some major drama has likely been unfolding these past several weeks. Themes of renovation, or medical procedures like operations or soul searching are part of the plot. These have likely shaken you, perhaps even at core levels. Cooperation is the key.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    Questions about who you are really, authentically, at a core level, and what you feel you genuinely need let alone simply want have been activated. While such processes can be supported by intellectual knowledge, superficiality will not suffice. In fact, this entire process is just getting underway, and it will continue in stages for some years!

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    New perspectives and considerations about your place in the world or how you interpret it and yourself in it have all been stirred or even agitated by this eclipse. These destined themes have been waiting for this moment. Like garden bed soil in early spring, your task includes turning, weeding, and preparing to plant seeds. What do you want to grow?

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    While the eclipse activated new ambitions, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune in your sign have probably contributed to feeling content to cruise in the slow lane, for now. The positions of all the planets each in their respective cycles contribute to the plot, producing unique themes and personal timing. Attend to unfinished business and prepare for the big push, coming soon…​
  • Horoscope for the Week of April 12
    Michael O’Connor <>11:17 AM (1 hour ago)
    to me
    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ MentoringGift Certificates ~ Testimonials RecommendationsMasterclass: The Laws of Energy and the Psychology of BalanceYour Weekly Horoscope for April 12 – 18Thank you for sharing with friends!​Looking for deeper understanding, guidance, and direction?Gain more clarity, insight, and strategy with an Astrology or Numerology Reading.Had a Reading lately, and want to top it up with some valuable bonuses? Check out my popular Package 360.​Learn how an Astrology Reading can help you​​Make an Appointment“Our family has been stuck as to how best to support one another and move forward with compassion. Your astrological reading and intuitive insights have given us so much light on the situation that we feel confident in moving forward with much deeper knowledge and understanding. Thank you,” ~ MayTip of the Week:
    ​The waxing Moon from the Total Solar Eclipse seed event of April 8 will culminate with the Full Moon on April 23 in the early degrees of Scorpio.​It will do so on the heels of the next major event of 2024, which is the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, which officially occurs on April 21, (but it will be April 20 here in North America). This important conjunction will itself occur on the heels of the Sun entering Taurus on April 19.​Mercury will be retrograde in Aries until April 25, so all these events will occur under its watch.​As is generally true when Mercury is retrograde, the finer details warrant closer scrutiny, and given the indications of hidden agendas, vigilant observers are wise to be on extra alert to eventful clues of participation of such players. As ever, we are wise to exercise critical thinking and not be naïve with accepting matters at face value.​

    ​Have a great week!​PS – my Masterclass series continues, with The Laws of Energy and the Psychology of Balance on April 20.​Learn more and sign up here.​​Michael​
    ​​***Get extended weekly tips, monthly video forecasts, discounts, and more with a Membership!​Weekly Horoscope:​Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)Have you noticed a boost in your energy levels, drive, or determination that has been activated by the eclipse? You should not necessarily, but maybe. With Mars in Pisces, it could lead you to react with denial, avoidance, or escapism. If so, try to be aware and counter these tendencies. In the deep end, it could have triggered a soul-searching process.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    There was something of a rebellious or even revolutionary impulse associated with the eclipse for you. It could simply amount to a determination to push through and beyond any perceived restrictions, barriers, or limitations that you deem unnecessary or undermining. With Uranus and Jupiter in your sign, and Pluto transforming your social status, you are a force.​
    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    The repercussions of this eclipse include seeing yourself and the world, and in the world, in new ways. A balance between assertion and surrender is featured. Positively, you are keeping an open mind and cooperating with the flow. In the deeper reaches, there is not just a silver lining but one which can be more accurately understood as gold.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    If you needed the destined timing to arrive for changes in your career, social status, or public life in general, then these should be evident by now. The shifts could even be occurring in multiple ways or on various fronts. Positively, returns for past efforts are coming in, even though they may require you to reciprocate with diligence.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    A process of building upon new foundations, perhaps especially in association with your career, not only continues but will advance to the next level due to the magnitude of recent events. The eclipse has likely spurred a visionary, adventurous, and perhaps even philosophical impulse. The time is right to get the attention you feel you have earned and deserve.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    Are you noticing any changes in your attitude and approach? You could feel a bit more punchy than usual and bent on making improvements with an emphasis on precision or accuracy. This could serve you well where detailed work is required. You could also find yourself mixing it up with others with feisty exchanges. Aim to keep your cool in the heat.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    Destined shifts and changes on relationship fronts should be apparent by now. These may all seem to just be part of the flow, but there are likely to be higher-than-usual spikes in the graph. Positively, these are a source of excitement and progress. Still, there are indications that you will be challenged to meet the situations with extra effort.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    Are those predicted changes in your daily rhythm and routine being sparked? Your entire lifestyle, and where and how you live may even be under review. If so, trust the flow and make sincere efforts to cooperate. Often when negative circumstances arise, it is our clue to either respond with defense or to surrender, and the latter seems to be the case.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    This eclipse has likely activated some rather dramatic events with long-term implications. In some regards, these could be deemed surgical, at least figuratively. Positively, what had to be removed was, or is in the process, allowing you to continue your journey with a new sense of creative freedom and optimism.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    Circumstances close to home are likely undergoing tremors at the least, but perhaps quakes with much larger magnitude. If you are dealing with difficult events or circumstances, consider that your sense of authenticity may require healing, or more acknowledgment and attention. A willingness to learn or perhaps to unlearn is featured.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    Aries is directly associated with your overall mode of perception. This includes your perspectives associated with your home and living situation. On one hand, you probably have reason to feel confident about things. On the other hand, however, something is agitating you to make changes which might require help to clearly decipher.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    An ardent push to increase your overall lot in life was at least germinated by this eclipse. This seed will grow steadily over the coming weeks and months. Due to the strong Pisces factor however, you have probably not leaped into action, perhaps quite the opposite. Even so, rest assured, that your determination will grow steadily, especially in May.​
  • Horoscope for the Week of April 5

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for April 5 – 11

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    Looking for deeper understanding, guidance, and direction?

    Gain more clarity, insight, and strategy with an Astrology or Numerology Reading.

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    “Just remember that the influences of an event like a Total Solar Eclipse, like the one on April 8, 2024, can be both collective, and very personal, as with how it triggers your own Birth Chart.” – Michael O’Connor

    Tip of the Week:

    The so-called Great American Solar Eclipse occurs on Monday, April 8 at 2:31 pm EST. The exact degree is 19 Aries. As relevant as eclipses are and as significant as their impact can be, this one is gaining an inordinate amount of attention. There are several reasons why it has captured the attention and the imagination of people the world over.

    Here is a breakdown of factors:

    • The path of this Total Solar Eclipse crosses that of the most recent one in the United States in late August 2017.
    • The exact cross point is located at the New Madrid fault line.
    • The path also encompasses a series of small cities with the same name with biblical references called ‘Nineveh’ which has stirred a lot of fear, especially among strongly devout Christians who are referring to it as a ‘bad omen’.
    • An unusual ‘horned’ comet dubbed ‘The Devil’ comet will be visible during the actual event, contributing to superstition-driven fears, also especially among religious types.
    • CERN it so happens will resume its next round of experiments with its large hadron collider on April 8, 2024, adding even more fuel to already ignited imaginations.
    • NASA will be conducting ‘tests’ by firing 3 rockets designed to illuminate the sky 45 minutes prior, during, and after the event.
    • Most schools, many businesses, and so on are canceled for the day with a ‘state of emergency’ being called with the National Guard on full alert.

    These coinciding factors altogether are adding up to produce a lot of anxiety among large segments of the population. I wrote an article offering some more in-depth astrological insights which I posted last week, but just in case you did not see it, here again is the LINK to read that.

    This week’s Horoscope will provide some insight into the possible influences you can expect in accordance with your Sun Sign.



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    This now-famous Solar Eclipse in your sign is destined to activate a whole new level of assertive, self-expression. Your ambitions and drive will be triggered. However, you will be contending with feeling blocked, and discipline and determination will be required to offset inertia and apathy, especially in April.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Since this eclipse will occur in your solar 12th House, you might not feel or notice its effects as much as others. There are other possible factors to consider, however. Especially due to Jupiter and Uranus in your sign, the impulse to push through any restrictive barriers has been, and will continue to be strong. It could feel like your soul is pushing your ego aside.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Rediscovering who you are within the context of others and a rapidly changing outer dynamic, continues as a central theme and challenge. You may feel as though you are caught between worlds, between what once was and what will be. Accepting your role to contribute to the situation by surrendering to the flow and cooperating is perhaps your best choice.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    The call to assert versus the impulse to retreat continues. It does appear that the assertion factor will prevail however, and you will notice this shift this week. Ironically, the key is to surrender…, to the fact that you cannot deny, avoid, procrastinate, or escape any longer. The time for decisive action has arrived and you will soon feel its full force.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A deep dive has been underway for many months. A regenerative process of some kind is implied. One way or another, the new is being born out of the old, and what has served its time needs to be replaced. Fortunately, this eclipse stands to inspire new visions and activate your energy levels. Yet, it may take until May for the momentum to build.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    This Aries Total Solar Eclipse stands to have quite a powerful, transformational effect on you. It occurs in your Solar 8th house, the domain of transformational Scorpio. So, you should expect one or even several processes of transformation to be activated. The signs of these are probably already there, but they will be extra clear soon.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Aries is your polar opposite sign and is directly associated with your relationship destiny. The hidden pearl of this understanding is that the primary relationship is always with your own body, mind, heart, and soul. That said, there are significant others in your life as well. Expect activations on both ends of this poll from this eclipse.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    The quality and health of your lifestyle is a personal journey. No one can eat or exercise for anyone else, for example. So, it comes down to personal choice and responsibility. Any tendency to feel victimized or to blame others is a trick of your own mind, and you are also the one who is fooled by it. Personal power is anchored in choice and personal responsibility.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    What makes you special? This is an important question, and it should not be interpreted as ego-centric. We all have various gifts and talents and the purpose of this eclipse is to jumpstart a process of identifying, laying claim to, and affirming your unique qualities. Doing so within the context of your existing reality, unless it is blocking you, is probably wise.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    You are an independent warrior at your core. At worst, this could manifest as rugged individualism that is abrasive to others. This eclipse is destined to ignite your resolve to assert yourself. Doing so with conscientious integrity is the high road. While you can’t please all the people all the time, aim to proceed with authentic diplomacy.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    In the subtle reaches of this eclipse are seeds of change associated with your lifestyle and working life. Since the influence of an eclipse can linger for many months, this process may not occur suddenly, yet you should get a few clues over the next couple of weeks. Watch for the signs, both outwardly and as personal changes in how you think and feel.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    This eclipse stands to activate the drive and determination to generate a more abundant flow. What kind of abundance you feel you want and need is for you to decide. Finances are the obvious focus, but perhaps it is increased energy levels, more inspiration, more attention, more fun, or adventure, or all of the above. Take time to reflect on what kind of flow you want to increase.

  • Horoscope for the Week of March 29

    Astrology Readings ~ Numerology ~ Coaching ~ Mentoring

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for March 29 – April 4

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    “Just remember that the influences of an event like a Total Solar Eclipse, like the one on April 8, 2024, can be both collective, and very personal, as with how it triggers your own Birth Chart.” – Michael O’Connor

    Tip of the Week:

    Last week’s Lunar Eclipse on March 25 will have produced whatever influences each of us was destined to undergo. These influences could continue for a while, perhaps even as long as until the next Lunar Eclipse on September 18th, 2024. In this case, the prolonged duration would be due to deeper themes of destiny with the initial event subsequently triggered by other transits. More generally, you should know by now unless these events are in your blind spot.

    Solar Eclipses are the bigger deal, and the April 8th Great American Solar Eclipse is fast approaching. This event has gained global attention because it happens to cross the path of the most recent previous Solar Eclipse in the United States on August 21, 2017.

    I have devoted a longer article to this major event and, due to its potential importance, have made it publicly available. You can read it here: The Great American Solar Eclipse – April 8, 2024.

    P.S. Mercury turns retrograde on April 1st. No fooling…

    Have a great Easter weekend!



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Despite an enthusiastic determination to forge ahead, both outer circumstances and your own mood are driving you inward. Retreat is a keyword. You may simply want to escape from reality for a while. On the other hand, you may feel the need or even the desire to do inner work, such as to confront and overcome inner resistance.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Big changes are brewing in your public and professional spheres, and the outcome of these may take until the end of the year to be fully appreciated. A revolutionary impulse is indicated, and it looks like you will not tolerate opposition gracefully. This will become increasingly evident over the coming weeks. It might be a good idea to rest and charge your batteries.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    A strong sense of your own individuality vies with larger, collective needs and realities. This rather complex mix indicates that you might not be able to simply do just what you want. It may feel like circumstances are pushing you to make sacrifices for the greater good. At worst, you feel cornered. Aim to surrender and trust the flow.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    You are probably feeling pulled between two worlds. It might be helpful to know that you are not alone. A whole new dynamic will be activated by the coming New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. It will activate a momentum that will steadily build. Take it slow and avoid overthinking, especially regarding your career. The clouds will clear soon.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Nurturing a visionary perspective on the future is likely now. This trend will not only continue but it will deepen over the coming weeks and months. It is all a feature of a much deeper process of change destined to occur. The key is to cooperate and trust your feelings, even though they may be leading you out of your comfort zone.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Subtle yet real shifts and changes on relationship fronts are underway. Some of these may be more of a feeling than obvious, outer reality. Yet, it will progressively unfold to reveal that there is more at play than was apparent. The key is to patiently commit to learning new methods and approaches, which can best be achieved by experience.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Changes in your overall lifestyle which have been brewing for many months will soon become more apparent. Positively, you have already put out the feelers. Yet, with Mercury retrograde, some of your intel may not be as trustworthy as you like. You are probably wise to put as many major decisions on hold as you can now and proceed slowly.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    A creative impulse is stirring. You are feeling a steadily growing urge to take new, independent initiatives. This trend will continue and increase over the coming weeks. It is probably not time yet for major outer change. On the other hand, the time is probably right to do the inner work of getting mentally, emotionally, and physically prepared.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    A creative and playful impulse vies with deeper needs to go within. This could simply amount to an antisocial cycle. Positively, the combined energies can be harnessed for creative, constructive work. This could be directly to your home and living environment as with renovations, or it could amount to a soul-searching journey.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    You have the soul of a warrior but the mind of a mystic. The key to success is based on accessing your sense of authenticity. To the extent that your allegiance is to external sources or powers, your integrity is liable to be compromised. Combining the two is ideal and could lead to great achievements based on feelings of deep dedication that few others can understand.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Aries time tends to activate an ardent pursuit of facts, knowledge, and insights. This is true now and will even be further emphasized with Mercury retrograde. Yet, the pace may also seem slow, at least until Venus enters Aries on April 5. Yet due to other factors, you will remain happy to proceed in the slow lane for another few weeks yet.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    The recent New Moon in your sign continues to lead you into new territory. While Mars in your sign has been a delay factor for many, it has perhaps had just the opposite effect on you. Ignited to forge ahead, you have likely taken a series of key initiatives and the momentum will continue to build. By the end of April, you will be a busier bee yet.