Category: Horoscope

  • Your Weekly Horoscope for January 26 – February 1

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    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392

    Tip of the Week:

    The Leo Full Moon on January 25 has everyone sharing inspiring insights and reflections about it. The first of the year and in the sign of the Sun are some of the good reasons to be excited. Commonly, it is referred to as the Wolf Moon. Interestingly, in some years it is in Cancer while during others, it is in Leo, like 2024.

    It should be noted, however, that casually referring to it as the Wolf Moon with nonchalant confidence is an assumption because it was named differently by different cultures the world over, and the list of different titles is long, as might be imagined. Here is a LINK to learn more about the short list of various titles given by indigenous cultures of North America.

    I have also read some posts that enthusiastically encourage people to plant their seeds while others are referring to it as new beginnings. Astrologically, the deeper truth is that the Full Moon is symbolic of releasing all that has culminated but which does not authentically align or hold much, if any, real importance, anymore. As well, regarding beginnings, a Full Moon signifies the ‘beginning of the end…’, of the current lunar cycle.

    The two-week waning cycle is largely devoted to follow-through, but also to reflection and introspection to digest, assimilate, and refine, as well as begin the planning process for the actual seeding time of the next New Moon.

    The best seeds are those that align with the themes of the sign it occurs in. Interestingly, the next New Moon occurs in Aquarius and marks the first day of the Year of the Wood Dragon.

    This week’s Horoscope will shed some light on the Moon cycle for each sign, from the January 11th New Moon in Capricorn to the January 25th Full Moon in Leo.

    Have a great week,



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Since the New moon occurred in Capricorn, the anchor to this Full Moon in Leo was in your solar house of career, public life, and social standing. So, the emphasis now is on creativity and summoning a bold, courageous spirit to think out of the box. This includes innovation and perhaps also requires steps and measures toward reinvention.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Seeing a bigger picture is the anchor theme for this lunation cycle. It includes recognizing the signs of the future that are coming fast now. What will thrive and what will not survive are questions to ask. Looking to the future with all four hooves firmly planted will guide you to direct your focus to what is truly important. Ask yourself, where can less prove to be more?

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Deep changes are brewing and the New Moon earlier this month on January 11 activated your clear realization of them. Now with the January 25th Full Moon, the emphasis is on looking to the future with a detached and philosophical perspective with full willingness to adapt accordingly. This is one of those times when ‘who’ you know may prove more important than ‘what’.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    New beginnings on relationship fronts is a central theme now. It requires you to think critically, which includes a weave of empathy, instinct, intuition reason, and imagination. Change is in the air, and this will become increasingly obvious. For now, focus on where you can make wise investments of your time, energy, and money.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Changes in your overall lifestyle were seeded by the recent New Moon on January 11. This includes health and the disciplined and strategic focus required to achieve it. Among the bigger challenges are pride, reaction, and reckless rebellion. Focusing to be clearer and more conscientious in your communications will help win the day.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    A creative burst of energy was activated by the January 11th Capricorn New Moon. Now with the Sun in Aquarius, the focus is on follow-through and refinement supported by creative, critical thinking. The Leo Full Moon is offering a nudge to get clear on what feeds your spirit and what does not. This process will continue, so take note and make a list.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Shifts and changes close to home have likely spurred you into action. Positively, you are feeling creative, inspired, playful, and excited to embrace the future. Attending to your health remains a core need and this process will continue, so be willing to ask the right questions of yourself and others and to take the time to learn what is required.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Many new thoughts, perspectives, and interpretations regarding what is possible going forward are running through your mind. This is triggering the impulse to make important decisions that will invariably lead to changes in your relationship life, perhaps on both personal and professional fronts. Meanwhile, you want attention, but you are happy to hide out in the open.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Your thoughts have turned to practical matters. These are connected to new knowledge. You may be dealing with silent fears manifesting as escapist tendencies, such as procrastination, or worse… The time is right to think out of your box and to consider new ways and approaches. Sometimes, the best way to do so is to take a break from the same old.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The recent New Moon in your sign was destined to activate new initiatives. All being well, you have been doing so and are already in the consolidation phase. This likely includes deciphering what must go and where you need to bring matters to completion. As usual, practical considerations are at play, but not necessarily strictly regarding finances.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    What do you feel truly feeds your soul and what does not? This is an important question worth asking yourself. Doing so will produce new insight, answers, and at least considerations in preparation for the New Moon in your sign in a couple of weeks. Already, with the Sun there, circumstances should be leading you to consider future directions involving significant others.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    Activations of your emerging sense of individuality have culminated in new considerations, prospects, and goals. These include a good deal of activity behind the scenes to prepare the ground and activate a sifting and sorting process. Exercising a new level of determination supported by realistic and practical consideration will help you feel grounded.

  • Weekly Horoscope for January 19, 2024
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392

    Tip of the Week:  

    Pluto’s second of three ingresses in Aquarius occurs on Saturday, January 20, 2024. Interestingly, just hours prior to making this grand second entry the Sun and Pluto form an exact conjunction at the 29th degree of Capricorn activating a cycle that will continue for exactly 1 year, when the next cycles between Sun and Pluto occur at the first degree of Aquarius on January 20, 2025!

    So, this is the BIG news now and many predictions are flooding the airwaves ranging from the most egregious to lofty notions of a new dawn for humanistic attitudes sweeping the world. Both ends of the poles are likely to be true, but one thing is certain, it is most likely to be a very revolutionary two decades through to 2024 when Pluto enters Pisces. 

    The first thing to understand is that while Pluto did already in March 2023, and is again now on and it will be there until Sept 1, 2024, when it will once again re-enter Capricorn and hover at the critical 29th degree for 2.5 months! Then, finally, the official long haul through Aquarius, the Water Bearer, the Master Number 11 sign position in the Zodiac, occurs on November 19, 2024, with the Sun in the late degrees of Scorpio…

    This week’s Horoscope will bring some attention to the likely impact of this significant event.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
    Pluto in Aquarius is already and will activate changes regarding your long-term goals. What once appealed to you does no longer, and you are probably excited to explore new territory. Your friendships are also likely to change, as with whom and why you want to associate. By extension, this will lead to new associations all around.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    Your ambitions have probably been spiking since Pluto entered Aquarius last year. Due to the three-beat process, the larger measure of it will occur in 2025. However, already the impulses will be there, and you can feel it like revving and roaring your engines before the big race. The main challenge is to know what you want and your direction.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    Your worldview is destined to change significantly over the coming years. This process was technically initiated last spring. Your scope on life is destined to both deepen and widen. This will become increasingly evident when Uranus enters Gemini in the summer of 2025. For now, enjoy this next major phase of cultivating your higher mind.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    Wow, Pluto in Aquarius for you is destined to be very powerful indeed. It can be accurately said that you will experience the full scope of its powers of regeneration and transformation. Admittedly, with Scorpio comes themes of death and endings, yet also of rebirth. You could also become more interested in esoteric and occult subjects.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    Aquarius is your polar opposite sign and so is directly associated with your most intimate relationships. This can include your spouse or life partner but can also extend to business partners. In any case, major changes are certain, but they may not end, per se’. Rather how you engage together may be what changes.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    Your entire lifestyle is the focus of the regenerative process that Pluto in Aquarius symbolizes. Naturally, this will include the quality of your health or lack thereof. Positively, you will replace old, negative habits with new and better ones. The key is to think long-term and not assume that some crash diet or exercise fad will suffice.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    Destiny is inviting you to identify what makes you special and what constitutes your true power. At the high end, you will point the spotlight on latent interests, talents, and skills.  You could even achieve various levels of fame and acclaim or at least notoriety. Guided by deeper passions, you will strive for excellence and even mastery.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    Pluto in Aquarius will give rise to a more refined and defined sense of your individuality. Authenticity is a keyword, and you will feel compelled to move beyond wishful thinking and step into who you truly are. Changes close to home and with family are also destined and these will probably manifest both where and how you live.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    Your overall scope of perception is destined to change with Pluto in Aquarius. This could include prior beliefs that you once held dear and any assumptions you may have will be challenged by both people and circumstances. Your willingness to listen more and learn from everyone and everything, ever keeping an open mind, will make the journey smoother.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    Your overall scope of value and what and who you deem to be important is changing. Old foundations will undergo a steady breakdown. This could amount to losses and financial challenges. However, the exact opposite may also be true. You could finally break through years of poverty or financial struggle and achieve great wealth.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    Pluto in your sign is destined to bring about changes in your overall mode of self-expression and your personality. Positively, you will learn to express yourself more powerfully. Self-improvement campaigns are a distinct possibility. The biggest challenge will be to direct your focus to self-control and not to attempt to control others.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    Deep, psychological changes are destined with Pluto in Aquarius. Positively, hidden, latent powers will be brought to the surface. Yet so too might some darker sides of your personality be flushed out. This is a prime opportunity to do inner or shadow work. At best, you will significantly clear your subconscious and bring forth powers you only dreamed of.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Weekly Horoscope for January 12, 2024
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392

    Tip of the Week:  

    The first of many ‘stelliums’ destined in 2024 has occurred in Capricorn.

    A stellium officially occurs when 3 or more planets are conjunct by the degree in a sign. If they are more loosely knit and are not conjunct but are in the same sign, they comprise a stellium by sign. (The latter is not as strong, but it still counts, yet has a more generalized impact).

    So, everyone is experiencing this first of 8 stelliums that will occur in each consecutive sign in 2024 as follows: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo, which then culminates with the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2.

    This lineup of stelliums is indeed exceptional and epic, just as 2024 is destined to be. Are you as aware and ready? Ready or not, here we go!

    The Moon this week; The first stellium New Moon of the year occurred at 20 Capricorn 44 on January 11 with the Sun, Moon, and Pluto at the critical 29th degree closely aligned.

    This week’s Horoscope will shed some light on how this configuration will play out in your life.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
    Your public life, career, and social status in general are getting activated by this first New Moon of 2024. It generally indicates an optimistic boost. This dynamic has been brewing since Winter Solstice but now it receives the most potent impulse. Contending with Saturn in Pisces is the main issue.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    When practical considerations are at the core of one’s philosophy, pragmatic action tends to be the obvious choice. This is likely true and could support you to achieve a lot over the coming weeks, provided your direction is clear and your efforts over the past few years have been focused and consistent.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    As valid and noble as it is to assume that you are in complete control of your life, the greater truth is that some cycles of destiny push us to realize that our best choice is peaceful surrender. The good news is that doing so indicates that your free will is still operative. Since change is the law, and resistance is futile, choose to yield and cooperate.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    While there has been a dynamic focus on your closest relationships these past few weeks, this New Moon will register as a spike on the graph. The focus on your future goals and dreams is emphasized. Yet, to succeed, you must be willing to break free from your comfort zone and give more. Collaborate and strategize.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    The focus now turns to your lifestyle. The emphasis is on health, and this is your opportunity to implement new routines of discipline. For example, you could resolve to drink more water, consume less refined sugars and starchy foods, and enjoy a more targeted focus on exercise. For best results, get clear on your desired outcome.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    Well, the coasting in the slow lane phase, as 2024 begins, is now over. Expect the pace to accelerate and you are about to get busier. Some of the focus will likely be directed to cleaning and beautifying your home environment. Doing so will prove inspiring and motivating. Get in the corners and at least clear the clutter.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    The impact of this New Moon will activate your home and family life. There is an emphasis on improvements and a learning curve is implied. Yet sometimes the lesson is to unlearn. This implies shifting your attitude and being open to new perspectives and interpretations for the sake of breaking unproductive habits.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    The emphasis of the New Moon is upon seeking, identifying, and acting upon new opportunities. A sharper emphasis on creative, critical thinking is part of the plot. Patient perseverance is also featured and includes getting clear on which relationships merit deeper commitment and which you need to let go.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    This Capricorn New Moon will take your approach to being more grounded a few solid steps further. The biggest obstacle stands to be unconscious fears delaying progress or holding you back altogether. This is when your truth-seeking and self-honesty aspirations are needed most to vanquish the power of these hidden enemies.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    This New Moon in your sign is your cue to take new leads and strides. A learning curve is implied, and you are wise to decipher what constitutes your best focus in this regard. Some form of practical training is quite possible, instead of loftier intellectual and scholarly interests. The more you can outline the process, the better.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    Working behind the scenes and getting organized with the backend of things is likely throughout this lunation cycle. The time is right to establish a more solid foundation. Take some time to decipher what this might imply, and the steps required. Taking deliberate action this way could give you the edge for the entire year.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
    Brainstorming for new ideas and strategies is the call now. Exercising a visionary perspective is featured and implies seeing a bigger picture over the longer term. Be willing to be innovative and take a pioneering approach. Novelty and originality can prove very attractive and could win accolades, new fans, and clients.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


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  • Horoscope for the Week of January 5

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    Your Weekly Horoscope for January 5 – 11

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    Tip of the Week:

    Mars enters Capricorn, the sign where it is considered ‘exalted’ on January 4, joining forces with Sun and Pluto. This is a dynamic trio especially working together in the sign of the sturdy mountain goat.

    However, Saturn in Pisces redirects the focus to the more spiritual expression of Capricorn symbolically depicted as the Sea Goat. So, the ground may not feel as solid as it would if Saturn was in a more tangible sign than mystical Pisces.

    It coincides well with the fact that January is a Universal 9 month, the number of ending and completions.

    The Moon this week; Although this is the beginning of the New Year, we are still in the Waning Moon cycle until January 11 when the first New Moon of the year occurs at 20 Capricorn 44. This supports a process of closing, consolidating, or completing things from last year and planning, preparing, and strategizing for 2024.

    Have a great week,



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    Weekly Horoscope:

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    You are eagerly out of the gates early this year. Yet, you may be dealing with delays, obstacles, and forces beyond your control, especially if you are trying to start new projects. Follow-through and completion stand to be your best options, and this might be the case all year. Fortify existing foundations.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    Guided by dreams and visions, you are eager to go big this year. Yet, changes in your values and priorities are leading you to reconsider what you want and how to go about getting it. Getting clear on what you want now and letting go of what no longer holds value or appeal is the main task now.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Although you are happy to socialize and are attracted to cultural events and activities, you are also undergoing a rather deep process of change. On the high side, you are purging doubts, and negative thoughts and breaking restrictive habits already and this is contributing to steadily rising energy and ambitions levels.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    A busy time on relationship fronts may include some contentious elements. Adjusting to adapt to changing circumstances and needs is an important focus this week. Avoid trying to change others and lead by example for best results. This will progress into a new round of communications and agreements.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    While the last remnants of the festive season are lingering, it may feel like many have left the part and it is late. This is your cue to redirect your focus more fully to practical matters. Deep changes continue to rumble within, and you are wise to have faith in and cooperate with the process.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    While some have packed up yester-year and are already on a march, you may feel happy to coast and continue with creative projects already started. This will likely continue for a couple of weeks anyway, and then the impulses of 2024 will begin to shift you into higher gear. Focus on being creatively productive.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    A busy time close to home continues as 2024 begins. This could include cleaning, clearing, or renovating. Getting to the bottom of things is the main impulse, A learning curve is implied and fortunately, you have and continue to be in the mood for it. The inspiration may not last, though, so focus on your studies now.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    Many new thoughts and ideas are percolating in your mind. This focus has been active for a few weeks and will continue. Yet, this might not be the best time to take action, nor will things likely progress quickly. So, use this time to collect ideas and strategies and learn what you can to prepare to implement soon.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    Taking sure, steady, and deliberate steps feels important as the year gets underway. You are in a practical mood and are determined to attend to sobering tasks right away. Doing so will prove empowering and will boost your confidence levels. Focus on the sobering details now and you will be ahead of the game.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    A momentum to take new initiatives that have been building for a few weeks continues now and will increase yet. This could include sharing inspirations and creative intentions. You are not the only one feeling the call to attend to various studies and doing so will prove to be the beginning of an ongoing process.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    Capricorn time tends to lead you inward. Yet, even so, with Mars there now it could activate a courageous determination to confront inner resistance. This represents the high side of this influence. On the downside, you could lapse into escapism and self-destructive activities. Be aware of this possibility and steer clear of it.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    Your sights are set on the future with visionary inspiration. You feel both the need and the determination to break through restrictive patterns, methods, and situations. This will likely include new tools, methods, and strategies. Your focus includes an orientation to be more authentic and aligned with your sense of individuality.

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  • Weekly Horoscope for December 29 – January 4
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392

    Tip of the Week:

    Happy New Year!

    Well…, almost… While it is never a good idea to take the present moment for granted, (which is why a gift is also aptly referred to as a ‘present’), we certainly are very close to the official launch of 2024.

    The Numerology alone is an indication that it will be an epic year. Not least of all is the U.S. Presidential race. Yet, it will prove much bigger than that, after all, it is a very big, small world. For example, are you aware that the landmass of the Sahara Desert is as large as that of the United States?

    Astrologically, included among the bigger events is Pluto’s historic re-entry into Aquarius on January 20, then re-entering Capricorn on September 1 where it will again hover at the critical 29th degree until November 19 to begin its uninterrupted 20-year transit through revolutionary Aquarius. This final two-step over the cusp of the signs of status-quo tradition Capricorn, and future-progress and revolutionary Aquarius will manifest as very significant outer synchronicities on a global scale.

    Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus on April 20, a conjunction symbolic of inventive genius, is the major conjunction of the year, yet with Aquarius-ruled Uranus involved, it will also prove revolutionary.

    These two events alone will warrant as much awareness as we can muster. Jupiter entering Gemini on May 25, the sign of its detriment, which tends to manifest as scattered and unfocused, is yet another factor that will merit helpful guidance to navigate.

    Solar Eclipses in the polar opposite signs of relationship-focused Aries and Libra occurring in early spring and autumn will contribute their own powerful spikes to the year’s punch.

    The implications of these events are significant, and I will provide lead-up and in-depth commentary and guidance throughout the year, especially for Members who will have access to the longer versions of the Horoscopes and the monthly, quarterly, and yearly articles and videos.

    Because this Weekly Horoscope is the last of 2023 and the first of 2024, I have made it longer than I do usually for the Free subscribers. Imagine, with the purchase of even a 60-minute Reading, you would get the Membership for the entire year as a bonus, as in, for Free! Unlike some Astrologers, I do not ask for donations to support my work, I believe in earning my way, but your commitment to be in-tune and aware is best achieved with even more tailored, personal insight and guidance than what I can provide you in my Weekly, Monthly and Yearly forecasts. So, I invite you to deepen your commitment to increase your awareness because… 2024 is going to be epic!

    The Moon this week: Mercury, (the Moon of the Sun), turns direct in Sagittarius on January 1, 2024. Our Moon enters its last quarter phase on January 3 just hours before Mars enters Capricorn, which will accelerate the cultural melting process on a global indicated by Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.


    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    A complex weave of rises and falls is underway for you as 2024 begins. An impulse to push forward, on one hand, and to let go of what once was on the other, is featured. Cleaning and clearing or completing long-standing projects is probably your best bet. Saturn in Pisces does not support the launch of new endeavors for you.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    Dealing with returns from past efforts is hopefully amounting to profit and progress as opposed to debt and decline. Whatever it is, you still have choices. Meanwhile, an adventurous and perhaps reflective and philosophical mood prevails as the year begins. If you have the opportunity to travel, this looks like an opportune time.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Amidst a process of transformation occurring both within and without, an ambitious push will steadily rise this week. It remains a good time to connect within, to outline your dreams, goals, and aspirations for 2024. Establish a stronger connection with your inner voice with faith and gratitude to support your visions.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    With changes in your overall lifestyle with the emphasis on your personal values and sense of individuality still lingering in the background, the outer focus has been on relationships. Determined to be clearly understood, the focus has been to share your perspectives with depth and precision, and this will continue as 2024 begins.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    A creative and playful mood that culminated with inner retreat will now resurface to a more dynamic momentum. At deeper levels, a process of change and transformation that began in early spring 2023 continues to percolate. The key is to align and adapt and doing so requires extra effort, so expect to enter 2024 running.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    Enjoying a cozy, creative, and constructive focus close to home continues as the year turns. In fact, this focus will accelerate and deepen over the coming weeks. Get ready to be even busier than you perhaps have been. The emphasis on beautifying your home will also increase as will a focus on practical wisdom.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    You have likely been busy on a variety of fronts, even if close to home. Positively, this has kept you from worrying about things, especially finances. The pace will accelerate over the coming weeks. Yet, you will also dig into matters or home projects more deeply. Whatever you do, read the instructions or fine print.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    Taking account has been a likely focus and in more ways than one. Evaluations of what you deem valuable and important and what you do not are featured. Expansion occurring on relationship fronts could be the other side of important endings and completions. Positively, your energy levels will increase as 2024 gets going.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    You have begun to take some new initiatives. These may seem small like seeds, but you know what the possibilities are with them. If not, just ask Jack. Venus entering your sign will inspire you to be more expressive and social. Mars entering Capricorn will ground your practical ambitions early on.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    Although you have felt both drawn inward of late and also pushed to engage with others, this inner conflict will progressively subside before the fireworks are over. You may also feel more inclined to give more than you perhaps have of late. Mars entering your sign is increasing your drive and determination even now.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    An extra emphasis on health and new techniques and technologies associated with it captured your imagination over the past weeks. Now the emphasis is swinging back to other cultural and philosophical interests. While others will be guided by outer ambitions, you will turn inward to tend to spiritual work.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

    A disciplined effort to increase your outreach continues. Your drive will shift to become dynamic and steady. Both acquiring and sharing knowledge are indicated. Both fronts include practical tools and methods. An innovative approach is indicated and will remain active for several months steadily building momentum.