Nelson, BC, July 5, 2023 – Following the success of the first season, the West
Kootenay Francophone Association (AFKO) is launching the new season of its podcast:
Franc Ouest.

The series consists of eight audio episodes and a short film dedicated to the fascinating
Francophone women of the West Kootenays. Sport, the outdoors and femininity in the
West Kootenays territory will serve as guidelines for this new season.

The team of Franco-Ontarian producer Patrick Lac is putting out a call to the public:
Which inspiring, athletic Francophone women should we interview?

From Revelstoke to Nelson, via Creston, Rossland, Kaslo, etc… you can help the team
in its search for sports personalities in skiing, biking, climbing, water sports – in short,
anything to do with the outdoors. Send your suggestions to or via
Facebook and Instagram to @francouest.

A look back at Season 1: Francophonie sauvage
The 19 episodes of Franc Ouest’s first season, “Francophonie sauvage”, are available to
listen to in their entirety on Apple Podcast, Spotify, WebOuest and
Franc Ouest not only showcases the French-speaking world, but also diversity; gender
diversity, extreme sports, racialized people and youth entrepreneurship are just some of
the hot topics covered in Francophonie sauvage.

The guests of host Patrick Lac share their experiences and stories. The first season
features inspiring guests such as :
● Mia Noblet, world slackline champion
● Alex Pilon, aka drag queen Johnny Poutina, Nelson’s LGBTQ+ ambassador
● Stéphanie Gauvin, renowned Rossland painter
● Sonia Ratté, entrepreneurial chef of Revelstoke’s La Baguette bakery

About AFKO
Located in the heart of the Queen City of the Kootenays, AFKO has been promoting the
French language in the region since 1986 through a variety of socio-cultural, community
and educational services and activities.

Source : Patrick Lac
Coordinateur balado
Podcast coordinator
AFKO: 250.352.3516