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Have a safe and happy Labour day!

Labor Day 2022: Facts, Meaning & Founding – HISTORY

Why do they call it Labour day?

It originated in the first workers’ rallies of the Victorian era. Historically, workers marked the day with various activities. These included parades, speeches, games, amateur competitions and picnics. The holiday promoted working-class solidarity and belonging during a time of rapid industrialization.

 It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894.

Why can’t I wear white after Labor Day?

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Wearing white represented that you could afford to get out of the city and vacation elsewhere when summer ended. Since Labor Day typically represents the end of summer, a ‘rule’ was established that you shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day if you didn’t have the money to take fall and winter vacations

Today, Labour Day marks the unofficial end to summer and the start of a new school year for children in Canada. It is a day of rest and, for unions and labour activists, a day to celebrate the accomplishments of the labour movement and the benefits of having a union at work