Tip of the Month:
The Virgo New Moon on August 30 is the anchor theme for September. A stellium of the 5 personal ‘planets’, Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Sun and Moon all huddled close is bring a rather abrupt end to the fun in the sign side of summer. The shift began as early as August 18 led by Mars entering Virgo. A worker more than a player, the Virgo influence is best embraced accordingly. Although Summer technically ends at Equinox, Fall will begin early.
Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)
You more than other signs will experience the full impact of this Virgo influence. Hopefully, you were able to get in your summer licks and kicks early. Positively, you will be able to finish getting your house in order.
Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)
The Virgo emphasis could actually manifest as a creative urge for you. Achieving a new sense of balance in your life is emphasized. The sobering and disciplined influence could be best harnessed as a health focus.
Gemini (May 21-Jun 20)
You will be happy to ride out the summer close to home. Tackling creative projects and generally activating a clean and repair process in preparation for the cold season and even with a vision for next year could prove satisfying.
Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)
A high energy cycle emphasizing intellectual interests and ambitions accompanies this lunar cycle. You could use it successfully by getting a jumpstart on your studies. You will actually be enthusiastic to learn.
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)
Practical matters have been a major focus ever since mid-month. Now is the time to build upon new foundations and improve existing ones. You will feel happy to get down to business and this includes training and getting trained.
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
This powerful New Moon impulse will activate you to take new initiatives. These will reveal a distinct departure from old methods. In some respects, your choices and actions could feel and be regarded as radical.
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
An extra busy time behind the scenes is already underway as September begins. It includes embracing and believing in yourself. Confronting doubt demons could feel necessary. Yet, you may want to run. Face your fear and own your power.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Being you own best friend is extra important now. This implies taking independent leads. It also includes taking key initiatives that will produce measurable advancement. Be kind to yourself or give yourself a kick… start, as necessary.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
You public and professional arenas are getting a lot of attention. Acquiring new tools and skills is featured. You may also be sharing such knowledge with others. The time is right to be sober and realistic.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Your philosophy is pointed at improvement. Applying detailed, technical knowledge is indicated. This could be described as a studious and even scholarly focus. The time is right to do the work and achieve excellence.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
This is a rather deep cycle for you. It implies clearing the clutter and purging. You will want to create a streamlined approach and anything that you interpret to be a distraction will come up for review and could well land on the chopping block.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
All being well, you took the initiative to engage in creative projects last month. These probably required extra efforts and now the anti has increased. Your willingness to focus and work hard is important now and will bring rewards.

Horoscope for September 2019