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Horoscope for the Week: Aug 4, 2023

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Tip of the Week:

In the forefront, we are experiencing a unique situation with the Sun in Leo is currently advancing degree by degree, day after day, while Venus also in Leo is in close sync with the Sun’s pace. Yet, there is one major difference. While the Sun is advancing as it always does, planets turn retrograde in their rhythmic flow and dance adding complexity to the celestial plot. Interestingly, Both the Sun and Venus are moving at almost exactly equal rates from either end of the sign and are therefore moving toward each other. The meeting or conjunction is set to occur on August 13. The general effect of this combination is to produce feelings of added weight in terms of moods and attitudes. It is harder to lighten up and embrace the moment with abandon. Mercury and Mars in Virgo are contributing to this overall theme. As ever, the key is to tune in and cooperate. Finding joy in intellectual pursuits, for example, may prove more satisfying than parties. Dive into a book, a course, or a constructive project to align with this influence.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

A practical mood has steadily emerged and it is now entering a stride phase. Positively, you are in the mood to be productive and constructive. Casting a critical, engineering eye at every aspect and angle is likely. Hardly a light and playful mood, you may feel compelled to carry a double load.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

You yearn to deepen bonds with family especially, but friends too and possibly even neighbors. You want both peace and security with an emphasis on how each reinforces the other. Improving relations and healing old rifts and wounds may also emerge as are oriented to increase a community spirit.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

For all the creative inspirations that Leo tends to inspire, Venus retrograde may be crashing the party. You may yearn for too much attention or too little. Feelings can be overanalyzed while rational thinking is intercepted. Try not to overanalyze replacing it with simply seeing without judgment or reaction.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

Reflections on all that you have, past experiences, and future dreams and desires are all vying for your attention. Yet, the pull of Venus retrograde is strong in every way and you could be experiencing an inner tug of war. Focus to put each aspect in its place and aim for a balanced perspective.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

Striking the balance between giving and getting attention may prove a little more challenging than usual with Venus retrograde. As is often the case, it is a question of degree. What constitutes too much or too little? Fortunately, the active Virgo factor represented by Mercury and Mars will help you to discern.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

The Mercury and Mars emphasis in your sign is the ideal combination for self-expression. The Leo factor will also support you to be more creative behind the scenes in your den, studio, lab or garage, for example. Aim to be both a crowd pleaser and to enjoy your creative process yourself.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

The scales may be swinging wildly these days. If so, blame the influences of Venus retrograde. The good news is that you can be at peace knowing that the influence is temporary. The bad news is that you have a month to go. As ever, the key is to be aware and, in this case, increase your focus to be centered.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

The Leo drama and desire for attention is extra strong for you this year. Positively, you will be seen, heard, heeded, recognized and rewarded for past efforts and earned accomplishments. If this is not the case, reflect on how you can do things differently and what adjustments in your attitude and approach may be needed.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

A natural desire for freedom is amplified by the Sun and Venus retrograde in Leo for you. That said, the emphasized Virgo factor suggests that you either recognize or circumstances are reminding you that true freedom is the result of discipline. Use this combined energy to do the work to break free.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You have been ushered into the deep end. A six-week cycle is indicated during which time you are destined to cut the fact in terms of ego attachments and lower desires. So, it is simply a matter of identifying unnecessary wants that probably cost you one way or another and then eliminating them.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

Opportunities are knocking, yet in order to take full advantage you are challenged to be both as genuine and authentic as you can. This includes your ability to realistically exercise self-honesty in terms of your current reality. Sober and realistic acceptance of what must be done to capitalize is the key.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)               

Circumstances currently are pushing you to give more. This would prove true even if you are on vacation. One way or another, you are wise to show up to give more and expect less. If you can achieve this, you stand to increase your influence and generate the returns they imply.

Michael O’Connor

Life Coach Astrologer
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