michael Oc

Horoscope for the Week: August 5, 2022

Tip of the Week:
The entire world has entered a time of revolutionary transformation. Never
before have we been united by such a widespread and common challenge. It
appears that humanity is undergoing a worldwide initiation. What is usually
implied is such experiences are some form of spiritual death and rebirth process.
In many respects, the deaths are literal despite apparent mysterious causes. So,
the question that remains is: what constitutes the rebirth? The basic answer is
that we become aware and empathetic and compassionate regarding what
segments of the human family appear to be dying from unnatural causes and
why. Tragically, sometimes the medicine or the procedure is the issue. That is why
it has long been said that ‘there is no one cure for all people’. Since ancient times
it has been understood that we have 4 ‘bodies’ and they can be understood as a
matrix or a synthesis including the mental, emotional, etheric and physical and is
now generally called the ‘mind-body connection’ – search it.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
A surge of inspiration to be playful and adventurous is the wind under your wings.
The play part could be with ideas, as with brainstorming. Enjoying attending to
projects close to home continues and ideally includes quality time shared with
loved ones. The future beckons and you are answering the call!
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
Doing your work creatively is a beautiful thing. Problem solving is also exciting.
This is especially true when doing them either leads us to refine our skills and
talents or to learn or uncover new ones. Critical thinking is part of the plot but
keep it focused on objectives and away from people.
Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

As one of the stronger artistic sign of the Zodiac, you usually find yourself
attracted to expressing yourself with an eye for beauty. The flip side is
appreciating the expressions of beauty which are everywhere to be seen both via
the talents of others and in the natural world. Both are strong themes now.
Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
The Leo Sun is destined to inspire you to make some needed changes. These will
require you to take some creative leads. It is important to do your homework or
research before you commit. There are indications that you could leap before you
look or get caught in indecision. Make informed choices.
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
A wave of inspirations is activation creative visions and pioneering pursuits. Your
ability to see a bigger picture is stronger and clearer than usual so do your best to
make the most of it. Feelings of love and compassion could also manifest as desire
and passion. The time is right to embark on an adventure.
Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
Despite the warm weather, this is a great time to enter you private office, studio,
den, lab, kitchen or wherever else you go to do creative work. Yet, in between
bouts of concentrated activity, enjoying quality time with friends, enjoying
cultural activities and mini adventures could be combined for summer success!
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
Fun with friends and lovers is extra emphasized now. Woven in the mix is the
need to be more empathetic that usual and this may require some extra effort.
Caring about who people are, in terms of their unique sense of individuality, is
featured. Like the people who are like you and celebrate differences too.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
You have entered an opportune window to get the attention you feel you deserve
and have earned. This can include applying for jobs, loans or promotions. Your

sights are set on the future and you yearn to feel more secure. As important as it
is to take an independent lead, the time is also right to collaborate.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Summer is a time for fun and festivals and cultural activities and entertainments
of all kinds. However you interpret it, you want your share. This is a call to get
past yourself somehow, to take a break from your personal story and problems
and to reach out to participate in making great memories.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
What aspects of your attitude would you like to leave behind? This is an
important question and can lead to liberation. After all, much of the restriction
we experience, whether via our feelings of experiences stems from how we
perceive and interpret things. Start with gratitude.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
Your relationship is in the spotlight now. The time is right to step out and
embrace the one(s) you love. Remind yourself why and how much you care about
them whether in words and/or deeds. The returns for such efforts will come back
if they feel the same, but if they don’t, find your exit.
Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                
A happy and healthy life occurs when creativity is woven into your daily rhythm.
Guided by imagination, craft and skill, the coming up with new angles,
expressions and approaches is a golden key to the gates of heaven. If you want to
be life the creator, create!

Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
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