michael Oc

Horoscope for the Week: December 24, 2021

Tip of the Week:

The festive season is accompanied by two very significant events this year. This first is serious Saturn in Aquarius forming its final square to original and unorthodox Uranus in Taurus. The conjunction of these two gas giants occurred in 1988 and this marks the beginning of its final quarter which extends to 2032…. Since Uranus and Saturn share rulership of Aquarius, this already dynamic aspect is that much more powerful. The thing is that square aspects reveal energies at cross purposes. The outer synchronicity is a flailing economy on a global scale.  Whatever the exact causes, there it is. Some assert that it will ultimately lead to worldwide economic reform manifesting as the end of Fiat currency (money as we know it) and the takeover of digital currency, as with Cryptocurrency, perhaps. The other major event is Jupiter entering Pisces on December 28 but more on that next week. What stands out is the fact that Jupiter and Saturn are the social planets symbolic of norms, customs and traditions and Uranus is the trans-social revolutionary.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Your ability to be fully present in the moment to enjoy the festive season will vie with the pressures of larger fiscal realities. Like an earthquake that is being felt across the entire planet, it is hard to idly ignore it. Looking to the future with optimism will require deep acceptance and determination to adapt.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

You yearn to see and understand the bigger picture and the deeper meaning of the story. Change is the perennial keyword and tends to be antithetical to your nature. Solidity and endurance are keywords for you. Fortunately, Uranus in your sign indicates your willingness to enter new territory. The main question is: what constitutes fertile ground?

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Deep changes continue to rumble. Positively, these have manifested as a steady process of empowerment over the years. Jupiter in Aquarius has contributed to this expansion and as it enters Pisces, you will be challenged to endure a cycle of expansive contraction. For now, trust the metamorphic process occurring both within and without.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

Some cycles of change are much deeper and powerful than others and by now you are quite familiar with and aware of this fact. Yet, perhaps these have been positive for you, subject to deeper karmas and integral progress over the years. Either way, the process continues but the first major reprieve in a while is dawning now.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

A cycle of expansion and commitment that began in late 2020 continues yet will now take a definite turn towards deeper waters. These are destined to include spiritual themes of death and rebirth, transcendence and faith. This is actually an invitation to embrace the mystical side of your nature; to acknowledge your soul source.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

One way or another, you have been and continue to undergo an important learning cycle. It has and continues to require you to face some fears and/or  uncomfortable realities, but there are some victories  indicated too. Now, the shift is towards creative expansion which includes gaining the attention of a wider audience.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Despite a continuing process of deep, complex and sobering changes close to home and with family, you have also likely experienced a steady increase of creative confidence. Some of this has and continues to result as financial themes requiring your full attention. Some other big tests are fast approaching and will require faith and emotional self-control.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Many thoughts, ideas, plans, schemes and dreams are tumbling in your mind. Your confidence levels may have vacillated in 2021, but shifts are occurring producing new opportunities. Practical ambitions and creative aspirations will guide you to lay fuller claim to your gifts,   talents and resources. Focus to recognize your own assumptions and projections

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Asserting a strong lead to establish a whole new foundation continues. Your confidence levels are destined to rise in 2022, so focus to take full advantage.  The more committed you are to learn new skills or simply to explore new horizons, the better. Changes in your lifestyle are ideal and likely and include new financial commitments.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

A surge of energy and determination has already been activated and will grow steadily over the coming weeks.  Your focus will get both stronger and sharper. It remains that you have to do your part and do not expect handouts or free passes. However, opportunities may come from who you know at least as much as from what.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

Capricorn time is one of inner retreat for you.  Even if you are out-and-about, a reflective, contemplative, meditative urge pulls. Of course, other factors may counter. This year, a strong rebellious streak is present adding a philosophical and analytical emphasis. Progressively, your meditations will deepen and you may emerge more illumined and aware.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

Mars in Sagittarius is sounding trumpets summoning personal power.  Practical and professional interests lend a sobering element to the festive season this year. Positively, you could actually accomplish a lot. Jupiter re-entering your sign on the eve of New Year will activate an expansive and adventurous spirit that will grow steadily through to spring. 
Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
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