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Horoscope for the Week: December 8, 2023

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Tip of the Week: The yearly natural cycle is rapidly drawing to a close. Yet, it will do so under the creative and exuberant light of the waxing New Moon. Due to a strong contribution from Leo, this lunation cycle will prove playful, fun, and passionate, if also dramatic at times. Mercury in Capricorn, even if retrograde, also as of December 12 starting just hours after the Sun/Moon conjunction, will bring mixed results. On the high side, it will contribute to stabilizing the overall dynamic. On the other hand, due to Saturn’s position in Pisces, it requires letting go of the past and building upon new foundations. Indecision and procrastination could prove costly now so use this time to at least begin planning for the future. Better yet, actions taken now to activate a new momentum will likely prove successful and rewarded.

The Moon this week hosts the New Moon on 12-12-2023 at 20 Sagittarius 40. The overall theme of the seed chart reveals a visionary and explorational dynamic. Guided by possibilities, expressions will prove innovative and original. Those who are successful are the ones who are able to tap into what others want and need, even if they do not know it. Tune in and aim to strike the chord of sympathetic resonance.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Sun and Mars joining forces in Sagittarius has been providing with a big added boost these past couple of weeks and this trend will continue for a couple more anyway. This is just what you asked for to have those extra reserves to forge ahead to achieve your fortunes.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
You are in a deep pace now and it is fueling your ambitions. This includes abundance and prosperity. Expansion is the other side of the coin, and it includes risks. While you are willing to risk-venture, you are also determined to do your research and read the fine print. Good idea!

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
A busy time on relationship fronts includes handling the likely curve balls that you have been experiencing of late. You should expect more of the same and then some perhaps due to Mercury turning retrograde this week. This is your cue to be more mindful to manage the stress.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
Whether by inspiration or due to circumstances, the pace and load have increased over the past couple of weeks and will continue. On the high side, this could include travel and adventures. The overall dynamic will also push you to think more critically starting this week.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
A fiery and exuberant mood prevails. This is an expansive cycle, especially in your public and professional life. The key now is to feel the fear and do it anyway; to take calculated risks. Expect this momentum to continue for the rest of the year and even through to summer of 2024.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
Digging in close to home can manifest in a variety of ways. In any case, it will be best achieved with a practical, creative focus that includes a visionary perspective for the future. In short, clear the way, fix anything needed, make plans and/or prepare the ground for the sake of future actions.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
A busy cycle continues. Attending to a variety of fronts may require you to do the rounds, or to move to the next thing as soon as the current focus is done. This could work especially well if you have the opportunity to travel. Otherwise, enjoy the kaleidoscopic pace.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Getting extra clear on what you deem important is in the spotlight. This process of prioritization could lead you to step back and see the bigger picture of your life. A growing determination to expand your scope of outreach for the sake of desired returns is featured.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
The New Moon in your sign this week will synchronize with you taking new leads. At worst, you are not sure of your best direction, and your confidence levels are low or at least wavering. Focus on how you feel inspired to express yourself in beautiful ways and let it show you the way.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
A call within by your inner muse is a source of inspiration now. It could prove to be a creatively productive time. However, if all you do is enter a state of receptivity, trust that and hold the intention to clarify what you have received and strategically position it for future action.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
Cultivating your sense of individuality is the call now. It includes tapping into your reserves of skills, gifts, and talents. Doing so will increase your confidence levels and boost your morale. Also, focus on gathering new tools, techniques, and methods for the sake of implementation.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)               
A push to expand has been present for a few weeks now and will continue for a few more. The time is right to at least outline a strategy plan. Brainstorm for ideas as necessary, but do not edit or try to develop them yet. List as many possibilities as you can then begin to decipher how.

Michael O’Connor

Life Coach Astrologer
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