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Horoscope for the Week: June 30, 2023

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Tip of the Week: As Cancer time progresses into the 2nd period this week, the Moon waxes to full in Capricorn on July 3rd. Despite the sober and practical focus of the Moon in the sign of the mountain goat, other factors will serve to moisten and soften the air. Specifically, this includes Saturn in Pisces which is like a misty rain falling on the rugged slopes. Yet, in the deeper reaches, it is having a disintegrating effect as though melting away snow from last winter in the higher elevations. Venus and Mars in close alignment do lend a playful provocative and passionate mood to the overall plot. Yet, Mars having formed a waxing square to Uranus earlier this week is now followed by Venus. These aspects lend a more dramatic tone to the otherwise serene atmosphere and bring caution to avoid reckless attitudes and behavior due to the erratic charge this combination tends to produce. The chart as a whole amplifies this theme carrying over into next week, so be aware and slow down if you are venturing out.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Home and family combine with fun, games, and the prospects of new love. Even long-standing relationships could experience a reset for romance. Otherwise, the energy will ideally be channeled into more playful, creative, and even artistic activities. Just be careful that selfish desire does not dampen the mood.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

You have been in a mood to get to the bottom of things for the past several weeks. Positively, this has proven to be a satisfying and productive process during which you are cleaning and improving where it is needed. This push will go to the next level this week, but you are cautioned to take extra care.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Getting clear on what you want and do not and need and do not is a central theme now. This process of prioritization comes around periodically and is strong now. All the while, a restless mood is agitating you to step out and do something new with an emphasis on social engagement.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

You have come around an important corner and you have begun to accelerate. Somehow entering into new territory is indicated. Your energy levels are probably running high as a weave of desire and passion pushes you to make your ambitions known. A spirit of surrender lingers in the background.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

In some respects, you feel a surge of energy with abundant power drive supporting you to be more assertive. On the other hand, you are happy to be busy behind the scenes and yearn for quietude. This is the perfect combination to be busy in your creative space and/or to enjoy private time with your lover.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

A career push continues to guide your focus. By now, it has entered a phase of experimentation and invention to meet the challenge of the changing times. This trend will continue so trust your hunches that it is a good time to consider new approaches and to wow the world with a new you.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

A philosophical mood lingers, despite the fact that you also feel moved to get more attention, or at least more action, in your public and professional life. Taking an alternate approach is also indicated. Perhaps you do simply want a promotion, but one that comes with a new career altogether.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Some rather deep activation sparked by the Gemini New Moon a couple of weeks ago is invariably producing deep changes within you. Like shedding old skin, the process may not be comfortable, but there is a high side to feeling like you are able to let go of stagnant thought patterns, attitudes, and approaches.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Your relationship life continues to undergo changes. You may notice that deeper themes are brewing and it may feel like a part of you is dying. Yet remember, a rebirth of some kind follows death, and the reference is metaphorical. Engage by entertaining new possibilities and exploring new approaches.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

A steady flow of shifts and changes in your overall lifestyle ideally includes both improvements of some kind and an emphasis on a deeper and more intimate engagement with the significant other(s) in your life. With your passions running so strongly, you are bound to make a big impression.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

A creative and playful mood prevails. It is one that is calling you out to explore new territory. Independence is a keyword and is perhaps the best way to engage this energy pattern. Be as resourceful as you can and be careful of expectations of how others will meet you; be ready to adapt quickly to other interests.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

The emphasis on home and family continues. This could well include practical projects. Giving more than you might feel the desire to is part of the plot. This is where an added measure of determination and strength of character to support your resolve is required to see you through to completion.

Michael O’Connor

Life Coach Astrologer
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