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Horoscope for the Week: June 4, 2021

Horoscope for the Week:  June 4, 2021

Tip of the Week:
This week begins at the mid-point between the May 26 Total Lunar Eclipse and the June 10 Solar Eclipse which occurs at 19 Gemini 47. As well, Mercury is retrograde in its own sign at 20 Gemini 41, less than one degree away. So, this Gemini theme will remain strong throughout June and even dip well into July.  The main theme reveals communications shared. Venus in Cancer adds to this theme in terms of people wanting to feel secure. Uranus in Taurus plays a special role as does Saturn in Aquarius in this scenario, producing a strong, if indirect, Aquarian theme thus activating a rebellious impulse to ‘get the facts’, beyond the mainstream narrative. Thus, the social dialogue will include a powerful surge of intrigue and debate, all of which could prove quite polarized. Mars entering Leo the very day after the New Moon Solar Eclipse will also add hot sauce to this portrait as more and more people seek true answers and justice.
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
The Gemini influence will strongly activate you to put on your strongest thinking cap. You will enter into dialogue with a sporting attitude and one in which you want to win. You will score points by getting facts outside the mainstream box and by offering intel to others of the same caliber. Seeking solace from it all will lead you also to desire quietude and retreat to meditate and reflect upon it all.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
You tend to be a busy bee and this will prove especially true over the coming weeks. You will go harder and dig deeper than you perhaps have for some time. Creating a whole new level of beauty close to home could be a strong focus.  Yet, the emphasis may be more specifically directed towards security. Fortifying foundations is featured in this overall theme focus.
Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
Strong emphasis of planetary activity in your sign will activate pioneering initiatives of some kind. These may include new perceptions and interpretations of what you previously regarded as fact. Awakening to imagine realities that you previously did not consider could prove unsettling. Mars entering Leo will activate increased energy levels and some measure of drama too.
Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
The Gemini factor could push you behind the scenes for a while. Meanwhile, Venus in your sign could manifest as the urge to express yourself creatively and artistically with beauty guiding your focus. Mars in Leo will contribute by firing your engines for the sake of financial returns. Investment thinking could gain more attention as you assert with added, revolutionary fervor.
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
The themes of rebellion in association to this eclipse are strong in general and this will prove especially true for you and this trend will continue and deepen this month and well into July. Still, you may find yourself treading softly for the better part of this month so as not to get blasted by backlash by anyone unable to think outside of their conditioned, comfortable perceptions.
Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
This eclipse has and may still produce changes close to home. Some of these may seem small and relatively inconsequential, yet will be measurable just the same.  On the other hand, changes over the past several weeks and over the coming weeks and possibly months, as well, could be much more noticeable and you will learn about these very soon.
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
New visions are dawning. This trend will continue throughout June. Like an upgrade to your operating system, you may feel a little lost with it for a while. Recognizing that you did not see reality as it was before and you do not now, either, because no one does, not in any absolute sense, but that you are learning to see it differently, should suffice. Awaken to new perceptions and interpretations.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Changes on relationship fronts continue to roll-in. The fuller realization of who is involved should have culminated or at least become stronger at the time of the recent Lunar Eclipse. If it is happening but you are not aware of the reasons or implications in terms of your own destiny, you probably have some work to do. Positively, new partnerships are dawning.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Subtle shifts in your lifestyle and or daily rhythm and routine continue. Due to Uranus’ influence some of these may seem counter-intuitive. Positively, a new wave of confidence and peace has found its way in. This is due to Jupiter in Pisces.  It will be there until late July before it re-enters Aquarius until it re-enters Pisces again in late December, so make the most of it.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
A creative impulse was activated at the last New Moon. Shifts in your perspectives, perhaps especially related to relationships, were featured. Outer events underway now will activate the next phase of the destiny cycle. These may catch you by surprise and you may feel a little overwhelmed by the array of activities triggered by it. This trend will continue so keep your imagination in check.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
A new level of peace has entered your consciousness. Perhaps you have come to new realizations that allow you to transcend the depth of drama unfolding in the world, or perhaps you have simply surrendered. Either way, it is probably the result of inner work you have done. Enjoy it now and prepare for a new round of creative activity that will include outer instigation.
Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
Slowly but surely, some of your perspectives have changed.  These have likely culminated as shifts in your public and professional life, as well. Positively, you have entered an expansive mode and you feel inspired and enthusiastic to participate. Purges, cleaning, clearing the clutter and making way for the new could range from new appliances to new perspectives altogether.
Michael O’Connor
Life Coach Astrologer
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