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Horoscope for the Week: June 9, 2023

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Tip of the Week:

 As spring season officially comes into its final stretch this week, the heat of summer is already on and in more ways than one. Venus now in play and passionate Leo on June 5 can now be said to be in hot pursuit of her lover Mars. This chase will continue for about a month when Mars enters Virgo. As destiny has it, just hours within the time of the exit of Mars, Mercury enters Leo. At this point, Venus will continue her pursuit but will slow her pace significantly prior to turning retrograde. So, the emphasis on engagement will turn to her winged-footed friend, Mercury, the influence of which inspired creative and artistic activities of all kinds. So, June is the warm-up for this developing theme. In the bigger picture, Pluto re-enters Capricorn on June 11 where it will linger in the higher degrees until January 24, 2024. This will synchronize with a renewed emphasis on government authoritarianism. However, with Saturn now in Pisces, its power and influence will prove much less potent than it has over the past several years especially.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Despite a lingering focus on practical affairs, a playful, passionate, and sporting mood has been rising life spring moving fast towards summer. Now is the time to attend to those lingering bits of business, which could be attending to the garden, before you enter a much more social cycle starting this week.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

You have likely been taking new leads and strides these past few weeks. Part of your focus has been on digging in deep wherever and however your life circumstances require it. As well, the focus has been on creating more beauty especially in and around your home.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Although the Sun has been in your sign for some weeks now, you have been happy to lay low and enjoy more quality time behind the scenes. The results have likely been mixed, however since the urge to be out and about is also strong. Well, good news, you will be much more engaging very soon.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

Currently, it is easier to be both out of sight and yet fully connected and engaging with your friends, business networks, and audience. Your ambitions are running strong and have been for some weeks, yet you may feel the need for a deeper bout of R&R. If so, get it in now.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

Gemini time tends to be a social one for you. However, Mercury lingering in Taurus these past many weeks due to its retrograde cycle has emphasized a more sober perspective. Career and/or social status building has been a central theme. While this will continue, there will be a shift to socialize more.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

Like your Leo friends, you feel determined to advance your position. Both inner Seeing a bigger picture, cultivating a vision, and establishing the foundations of it have been keeping you busy. This momentum will build and advance to the next level so get ready to get to work.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You have been in a studious and perhaps philosophical mood, and this will continue and even deepen yet. The focus has included research supported by fact-driven and healthy skepticism. In short, you are determined not to be easily sold, yet you also want to believe in something genuine and true.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Jupiter in Taurus can be credited for the synchronicity of this expansive cycle. Yet, there are ever many other cycles of influence at play. Hopefully, this emphasis on increase is the kind you want. Public and professional arenas are likely where the real action is and this will continue.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Life is all about relationships and you have been experiencing more focus in this area. However, you are likely contending with both overcoming fears, worry, or lack of faith and either too much thinking or not enough critical analysis. Focus to engage in more open communications with the intention of listening deeply.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Critical thinking is also referred to as creative thinking. Either way, this theme is emphasized and will continue and deepen. With your ambitions running strong, supported by an ardent determination to go deep and hard to get to the bottom of things, the one thing to review of your core motivation.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

The playful mood of Gemini time will advance to the next level starting this week. It has already been a time of deeper engagement on relationship fronts and this trend will continue. There may be some edgy factors to contend with, however, but if you can approach them with a negotiable attitude, you will advance.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

A busy time on the home front continues. Yet, there will be a qualitative shift this week to more intellectual areas of focus. Your willingness to give more than you may want could be the deciding factor between sooner or delayed success. Do the rounds but focus also to complete whatever you started.

Michael O’Connor

Life Coach Astrologer
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