michael Oc

Horoscope for the Week: November 25, 2022

Horoscope for the Week: November 25, 2022

Tip of the Week:

Sagittarius time is underway. Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all featured and playing leading roles. This is serving to raise the overall vibration and tempo after the otherwise introverted influences of Scorpio. Jupiter in Pisces is itself quite introverted, so it is dampening the overall vibe, somewhat. Yet, there are enough factors at play to reveal a very exciting atmosphere activating themes and principles of ethics, truth, justice, and liberty. Like a clarion call piercing the airwaves the world over, disrupting usual rhythms and routines, people are talking and an awakening is underway. These signs of this will become stronger this week and over the next few. In some respects, the awakening is social and political, while in others, psychological and spiritual. References to these times as ‘apocalyptic’ which translates to mean ‘unveiling’, is quite appropriate and this process is undergoing a super-boost right now. To tune in, take a moment to realize that you do not see reality as it is, but rather as you are, according to your nature and conditioning. So, who are you and what conditioning factors are you exposed to?

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

The influences of Sagittarius will likely inspire new visions for you. This can include a widening of your horizons and scope of perspective and awareness. You could simply feel happier and more optimistic. At the deeper levels, you could experience rare insights and epiphanies of truth.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

Sagittarius time is one during which you generally undergo various kinds of change and transformation. This will include some measure of investigation and research that takes you beyond familiar perspectives. Wanting to know what others know and why they think and believe as they do will drive your focus.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Your relationship life should already be experiencing a boost and this trend will continue. The desire to meet and greet comes with the seasonal festivities common to this time of year and these will prove extra strong. Your public and professional life will be amplified but will require more effort.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

Paying closer attention to the quality of your overall lifestyle and the health or lack thereof is emphasized. You will want to understand via a combination of broader perspectives and specific facts. The inclination towards denial and escapism are present, but circumstantial realities may play a counter role.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

The fiery influences of Sagittarius will ignite your own. This will continue to a more playful mood, yet one which could just as quickly escalate into drama. Jupiter in Pisces is having a deep influence on you and is likely swinging the pendulum between trepidation and increased confidence.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

A creative boost is indicated by these Sagittarian influences. Directing this inspired energy to beautify and decorate your home, are some examples. Yet, the focus could also turn to more focus directed to your hobbies and talents. As well, you are likely to experience social expansion and increase.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You are in a ‘need to know’ cycle. It will continue for several weeks. Obtaining new knowledge includes study and exposure to various means and avenues. This can include the desire for engagement as well as dialogue with friends and exposure to new networks and forums.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You are in a ‘show me the money’ kind of mood. It could also swing over to wanting to have a clearer understanding of your priorities and your best strategies to advance your position. All the Scorpio influences of the past several weeks have activated your resolve and now you are determined to capitalize.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

A pioneering impulse is being activated by these Sagittarian impulses. You can expect to undergo a new sense of courage and resolve. This will prove especially true after next week’s New Moon in your sign. For now, the focus is on the build-up phase so buckle in and start your engines.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Now is the time to duck out of the limelight for a while. Use this time to retreat and recharge. You may choose to keep busy behind the scenes, but be sure to pace yourself and rest as much as you can over the next few weeks because you will be extra busy afterward. At least slow the pace as much as you can.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

Your sense of individuality, although probably already quite pronounced, will be extra emphasized over the coming weeks. This will likely lend to the desire for increased engagement with friends new and old. Sharing visionary thoughts, philosophies, and convictions regarding rights and freedoms are highlighted.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

Your public and professional spheres will undergo an increase in the coming days and weeks. Getting desired attention and that which you feel you have earned and deserve is featured. Acquiring new skills and tools is also likely. The time is right to forge ahead and expand your scope of power and influence.

Michael O’Connor

Life Coach Astrologer
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