michael Oc

Horoscope for the Week of July 12

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Your Weekly Horoscope for July 12 – 18

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“Some Astrologers and enthusiasts have been predicting violent events associated with the conjunction between Mars and Uranus due to a close alignment with the Fixed Star Algol. Knowing where the outer manifestations will occur and how exactly, requires a clear and strong focus on individual charts, again of individual persons or places.” ~ Michael O’Connor

Tip of the Week:

The Sun in the third decant of Cancer hosts a dreamy, imaginative, meditative Piscean energy theme that will continue for the next 10 days or so, until the Sun enters Leo on July 22.

With Neptune currently in Pisces, where it is in honor, this theme is further emphasized. That said, Neptune is also symbolically associated with hurricanes and tidal waves.

Saturn in Pisces is also playing a supporting role to this overall theme, yet technically it is not so well aligned with the practical, earthy aspirations of Taurus. While Pisces is ethereal and inclined to formlessness, and even of disintegration, the Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus aspires to achieve a more practical and stable, if complex result.

This conjunction between Mars and Uranus on July 15 in Taurus, activating a 2-year cycle producing an unpredictable and rebellious alliance, shares association with both Neptune and Saturn.

The Moon in Scorpio during the conjunction on July 15, and in close alliance with Pisces adds some deep, hidden underwater influences that could be described as volcanic, and carries the torque of plate tectonic shifting magnitude!

So, while the call to fun in the Sun will be heeded by many, much is stirring that is hidden and could be deemed sudden and significantly eventful. Yes, this is a complex dynamic, as is illustrated by the above technical analysis.

Have a great week!




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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
A little more playtime and fun in the Sun has been the theme of late, perhaps even a few little getaway adventures have uplifted your spirit. While there is an impulse to get back to business, a counterforce to just let go and let God for a while longer is also present. Taking it slow at least could be the sweet spot.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
Keeping busy on a variety of fronts has been a prevailing theme since spring. It has included the assertion of new initiatives requiring you to push through resistance or obstruction – both within and without. This theme flow associated with bringing more attention to your gifts, talents, and skills continues and will get stronger yet.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
Getting clearer on what you need versus simply want is an important lingering influence. Your sense of individuality is emphasized and includes your artistic interests, along with being there, with, and for, significant others in your life. Get creative or bring attention to the intricate beauty of nature, along with recognition of what makes you and others special.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
Taking new leads has become an important focus since the New Moon in your sign. In its waxing phase currently, the momentum has steadily increased. Emphasis on your sense of artistry or creative leadership is indicated and features a strong streak of individuality and innovation. Avoid excessive analysis and enjoy the process.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
Inclined to linger behind the scenes in your home, office, or studio…, bringing your time, energy, and attention to creative projects and simple activities that bring you joy, and pleasure is emphasized now. It could well prove quite productive yet require training or instruction to meet the tasks associated with new skills.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
Bringing extra emphasis to your sense of individuality and perhaps also to your creative genius is in the spotlight. Much of the work is probably occurring in private and all being well you are on a creative roll. These efforts do share association with your public and professional life, and stand to prove transformational, ushering you to new levels of confidence.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
If you have been seeking extra attention and acknowledgement, you are in the zone now. The key is to bring attention to your distinctiveness and what makes you unique and special. An added measure of assertion is indicated and is supported by an ardent ambition. Bring attention to both the bigger picture and the many advantages, for best results.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
You have entered something of a philosophical mood. This could include shifting your perspective to see things differently. With a variety of options regarding your approach, it appears that the key is to look for the sweet spot between. A creative influence is present and will prove extra satisfying if directed to practical and professional fronts.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
The deep plunge into mystic waters continues. It could simply amount to a somewhat dreamy or perhaps escapist mood. Ironically, your social life has likely been expanding steadily and you have been eager to get the most out of the associated newly emerging cultural advantages. Overcoming these conflicting pulls may simply amount to time management.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Some extra attention has been directed to your relationship life, perhaps especially with family members. There are some indications of complex factors associated with changing values and priorities that have, and continue to emerge somewhat unexpectedly. Adjusting your daily rhythm seems to be the time-honored solution.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
An emphasis on health and nutrition towards improvement and new levels of refinement has emerged as an important focus. The process implied required a creative and cooperative approach. In some respects, you are being pushed to dig deep to get to the bottom of things. This could imply a deep cleanse to purge and rebuild.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
A creative influence continues to inspire your focus. The activities implied may require more effort and critical thinking than you anticipated. Fortunately, your energy levels are probably holding strong, and you are in the mood to tackle projects requiring new and perhaps innovative approaches. Intend to pay close attention to the details.