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Horoscope for the Week of July 19

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Your Weekly Horoscope for July 19 – 25

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Tip of the Week:

Mars conjunct Uranus on July 15 (see last week’s Tip) manifested in accordance with its predicted probability, with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

The synchronicity of any planetary dynamics and aspects is a constant, but most go unnoticed. In other words, randomness is a relative illusion. Of course, in the complex flow of life, it is naturally perceived as such, since trying to predict every event neither makes sense.

The main point, however, is that the future is indeed probable, yet never certain, especially when free-will-wielding humans are involved. Ironically, free-will can be understood as a chaos factor, a disruption of the otherwise significantly higher probability.

In other news, assertive Mars enters energetic and animated Gemini on July 20, the Sun enters playful, passionate Leo on July 22, and Mercury enters critical analysis Virgo on July 25/26.

So, pay attention to notice the shifting dynamics and their synchronicities this coming week.




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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Leo time is calling you out to play and Mercury, at least for the next few days, is chiming in. Venus there lends a sexy and passionate impulse. Mars in Gemini will add to the excitement and should manifest as a rise in your energy levels. Tune in to this fun factor while it lasts.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
Leo plays a significant role in your life as the sign that sits at the root position in your solar chart. This suggests Leo influences you at your very core, manifesting as a deeply proud and stubborn factor. With Mercury, Venus, and the Sun there, family time is in the spotlight.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
Leo time tends to prove extra fun for you, amplifying your airy, solar nature. This is extra true now with Mercury and Venus there, but don’t delay because this timestamp is temporary. With expansive Jupiter in your sign getting amplified by Mars, this is a high cycle.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
You thrive on inspiration derived from playful and sporting adventures, and this theme is extra strong now. However, it might seem like something is holding you back. Perhaps low-lying worries or lack of faith are valid, but it could be that you are simply thinking too much. Get in the game!

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
This is your time, and it implies taking a creative lead. Supported by Mercury and Venus too, your sense of excitement is even higher. Mars in Gemini could well manifest as a rebellious impulse. Positively, you will be able to direct the heightened energy to joyful ends.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
A strong creative theme is present, yet the emphasis is more behind the scenes where few others will notice. Yet, the prospects of achieving long-standing goals are present and this trend will continue. You could get a lot done over the next couple of months, squeezing in a get-away, or two.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
A whole new sense of individuality is steadily emerging in you and there are indications that you are quite excited about it. The time has come to create new stories, dreams, and memories. Adventure is also indicated, and the time is right to also explore distant lands and shores.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Your public and professional life is in the spotlight. If you have been wanting more attention and acknowledgement, based on earned recognition, this is a good time to get it. With rewards from past efforts rolling in and your ambitions steadily rising, this could prove to be your break-away opportunity.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
The deep dive cycle is done and now is the time for more fun in the sun. It won’t take too much coaxing for you to engage in any and every bit of cultural opportunity available. Yet, do it now, for the approaching Virgo energy will redirect your focus to sober and practical realities, once again.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
So, some cycles are deeper than others, and yes, they can require some measure of purging, and yes, it is also true that themes of death and rebirth or transformation are implied. The key is to engage consciously to make it work for you as opposed to against. Work now, shine soon!

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
Your social life is about to get a boost. It could simply amount to more quality time shared with the one(s) you love. Yet, a rising spirit of adventure will inspire you to venture out, beyond familiar boundaries and borders to explore new people and places that will support you to see the world anew.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
Directing more attention to your health and that of your lifestyle in general is in focus. This trend will both continue and deepen over the coming weeks. Positively, you could activate a whole new upward spiral. You will be pushed to get to the root cause of issues, which will take extra effort.