michael Oc

Horoscope for the Week of June 21

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Your Weekly Horoscope for June 21 – 27

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Tip of the Week:

Happy Summer Solstice!

The Sun entered Tropical Cancer marking the official moment of Solstice at 8:51 pm GMT. This year it comes with an extra bang due to the Moon waxing to Full, which is exact in the evening of June 22 in Greenwich UK at 1:08 am. It is believed that the impact of the Full Moon is strongest prior to the actual exact opposition to the Sun. While this assertion is somewhat debatable due to a variety of other variable factors, it is true that the build-up process can prove quite intense, dramatic, and pivotal. Maybe you are feeling that today (Friday).

Interestingly, Summer Solstice and the longest hours of daylight of the year that it implies, is symbolically associated with the Full Moon. The exact degree of the Full Moon is 1 degree Capricorn 07 minutes. Since Capricorn’s ruling planet, Saturn is in Pisces, it serves to ‘disposit’ the energy. Of itself, Saturn in Pisces has a disintegrating effect.

This means that this Full Moon could well manifest as old structures dissolving. The structures could refer to actual outer realities, like associations, or to actual physical things, or more psychological themes like attitudes, perceptions, interpretations, and even to lifestyle rhythms and patterns.

Have a great week!




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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
The solstice energies are activating familial themes close to home. These could of course extend to the physical aspects of your home, but there is a distinctly emotional theme at play. At worst, since the Moon is the ruler of Cancer and is associated with the ever-changing dynamic of moods, or moodiness, it can be expected as part of the plot.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
Cancer time tends to be a busy one for you. Upon reflection, you will notice that either by inspired choice, or circumstances, you find yourself busier than usual or at least covering more varied ground. This can prove to be a stretch, but it can also prove quite stimulating and productive too. Weave creative and playful activities into the mix for best results.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
The Sun in Cancer triggers an association with your overall priorities in life. There is usually a close connection with family, or friends deemed familial. An impulse to be more organized and to get your ‘house in order’ also comes to the fore. All the above, but especially the latter includes more sobering realities and duties that equate to very real, personal responsibilities.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
The Sun in your Sign accompanied by Mercury and Venus signals a time of taking new initiatives. It includes both the desire and perhaps also the need to express yourself. A creative and artistic theme is implied, but it could also lead to sharing thoughts and feelings with significant others that you would not normally…expose.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
Although summer tends to be a time for getting out and about, you are likely already feeling quite happy to hover close to home, and even there find yourself happy in your office, studio, garden, or whatever other private place equates to creative activity and productivity. There are some deeper themes at play this year so navigate the complex waters mindfully.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
Identifying and connecting with your sense of individuality is an important theme for you when the Sun is in Cancer. With Mercury and Venus there as well, it is extra strong this year, and the New Moon in early July will amplify it. Other factors include a process of self-honesty in association with what you feel you truly want and need.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
Activations in your public and professional life and your overall social status are shaking your world. You could be seeking a new job or living situation altogether. Health considerations and concerns are likely contributing factors, your own and that of significant others. Old associations may also be ending, as if dissolving before your eyes.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
The time has come to step back to see a bigger picture. Your own life situation is probably involved, but it could also be that of the future of things in a more general, social, and political sense, as in the human condition. That said, focus on your sphere of influence even if that of your sphere of concern has increased.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
You have entered a period of change, and perhaps of personal transformation. Positively, it will lead to dreams coming true. Negatively, you may be challenged to confront denials, deceptions, delusions, and blind spots in your overall perspective. If the latter is true, consider that seeing yourself and your situation more truthfully is a key to personal power.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Your relationship life and perhaps especially that of your family, home, living situation, and lifestyle are all undergoing activations. Circumstances could be pushing you to get to the bottom of things. Positively, a deep resolve is present to help you push through and beyond outer blocks and inner procrastination. Focus on meeting the needs of each and all involved.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
The health and quality of your overall lifestyle is up for review. Adjustments are required and some of these may prove awkward and uncomfortable. You should also be aware of what constitutes ‘dues’ that you must pay, whether literally or figuratively, as with certain required efforts, to meet the demands of entrance to the next level.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
The Sun in Cancer tends to coincide with a particularly creative cycle. Thanks to Mercury and Venus there as well, this stands to be extra true for you now. Mercury will be there until July 2 and Venus until the 12th, so use this time to at least activate and create projects whose time has come. On the other hand, you might simply enjoy playtime with family.