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Your Weekly Horoscope for March 14 – 20
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“Under the light of the Full Eclipse of the Moon, take some to reflect both on how you feel and what is happening in your world. Reflections on the themes and trends of outer reality are valid too, but what about you, who are you? Is asking such a question too deep? Do you assume that you completely know yourself and what constitutes the finer details of your nature and destiny?” ~ Michael O’Connor
Tip of the Week:
In the last days of winter with spring only a week away, and under a Lunar Eclipse at 23 Virgo 57, (generally symbolic of releasing limiting perceptions), a last look at Pisces for now, is in order.
With the Sun, Saturn, Neptune and the Lunar North Node all closely huddled in the last Decan of Pisces (the last Decan being Scorpio), a strong theme of archetypal influence is indicated, that aligns with and contributes to this theme of releasing.
In terms of Pisces, illusions, delusions, denials, misunderstandings, misinterpretations and wishful thinking are all examples of what is meant to be released. These can manifest as attachments to various attitudes, assumptions, pet theories, conditioned perspectives and wishful thinking in general.
The challenge we each are now presented with therefore, is to consider what these might amount to and how they are manifesting in our personal life. It is not a matter of morality or ethics so much as the liberation that comes from surrendered notions to which the ego-mind tends to become attached.
Have a great week,
Weekly Horoscope:
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
This Virgo Lunar Eclipse is influencing you to identify what aspects of your lifestyle you need to leave behind. The emphasis is probably on negative habits. These could come in the form of compulsive assertions and/or reactions to people and situations that might be deemed harsh or toxic. Pay close attention to where you might take things too personally.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)
What habit patterns do you have that might be recognized as ego-centric and selfish? Could you be more conscientious and understanding and less entitled and expectant in any way? As humbling as this may sound, it is par for the course, and the rewards of this recognition and effort to overcome and transcend are especially your own.
Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
Are there any stagnant patterns in your home that you could break? Sometimes simply moving the furniture around makes the home seem new again. The patterns could also reach deeper as with inherited attitudes and habits. Genuinely thinking our own thoughts is not as common as it may seem, since we can be influenced without knowing it. Shake it up!
Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)
It is said that familiarity breeds contempt. In addition to the possibilities of taking certain people and situations for granted, or feelings that others are doing that with you, is important. Other possible issues include assumptive thinking based on conclusive notions, and vice versa. What perception patterns are blocking your progress?
Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)
Money patterns that could be the possible source of issues are up for review with this eclipse. Perhaps it is time to stimulate new streams or to determine where there are leaks, or spending habits that could be improved. Both saving and investing are ideal, along with better spending habits, and all these considerations are up for review.
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
The time has come for new modes or angles of approach, and perhaps of self expression. This can include new strategies, perhaps especially in your public and professional life. This process can include reinterpretation as well in terms of habitual perspectives. So, you might feel the need to rethink aspects of your approach.
Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)
This Virgo eclipsed Moon is likely to leave you feeling a little lost and perhaps a little empty. It has to do with reflecting upon whether you feel you are getting your needs met, or you are detecting this with significant others. It may not be a lasting influence but does present an opportunity to check-in both with yourself and others to see what can be done.
Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)
Deciphering who your true friends are, or thoughts regarding the health and wholesomeness of your friendships, or lack thereof, or even what friendship means to you, are possible considerations under review. Changes in this area are quite likely now and could amount to new activations and will perhaps even lead to meaningful new connections.
Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)
Shifts and changes in your public and professional life are destined now. Themes of endings and new beginnings are featured. Practical considerations are part of the plot and could amount to seeking new employment or ways to stimulate more streams of income. In terms of new employment, while the money is important, aim for something fun and creative.
Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)
Changes in your overall philosophy or world view are flowing in now. With the introduction of new information or points of view, you might be reconsidering your position. This could amount to a whole new round of study and communications with conversational exchanges as you push for solid facts, and not just what you want to believe.
Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)
Death, endings, completions, graduations and processes of regeneration and of rebirth are all likely themes coming into play with this eclipse. Financial realities, especially in terms of income, might be undergoing the pressure in these regards. Slow down, carefully consider your options, place a pause on unnecessary expenses and be open to new leads and strategies.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Are there any relationship patterns that you project and express that are no longer working? It could be that significant others are going through changes, and they are impacting you. Either way, the impulse to take new leads and to explore the options is featured. Circumstances may require an extra creative approach beyond the usual.