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Horoscope for the Week of March 28

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Your Weekly Horoscope for March 28 – April 3

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For all the horror unfolding as the world burns, there is hope in the web that connects us all. Like trees, on the surface, we stand alone, but beneath the surface, the roots of the trees and grandfather rocks are entwined into one forest. I find inspiration as an artist in what you share in your Horoscope I receive from you each week. Thank you.” ~ Dee

Tip of the Week:

The Aries Solar Eclipse on March 29 is historic in part because Neptune makes its initial entry into Aries one day later, on March 30.

Situated at 9 Aries, the estimated six-month influence of this Solar Eclipse aligns with the fixed star, Algenib in the constellation of Pegasus, which contributes an emphasis on assertive, frank expression and communication, which is likely to give rise to heated debate and exchanges revealing staunch partisan postures. Although these are the norm these days, the volume stands to increase noticeably.

Positively, people will be able to break through rigid beliefs to consider factual reasoning. How this will play out in any given person’s life depends on the finer details of their Birth Chart.

Neptune will advance to 2 Aries 10, when on July 4th… it will station and begin to retrograde, and then re-entering back into Pisces on October 22, retreating to critical 29 Pisces 22 when it will station and begin to resume direct motion again, re-entering Aries where it will begin its official 13 years through fiery, bold, pioneering, assertive, edgy Aries.

The two key takeaways for now include:

1) the fact that Neptune will hover at the critical 29th degree of Pisces where it can manifest as mass deception and delusional, belief-driven assumptions on one end, or a higher road or spiritual transcendence based on heightened intuitive access, faithful surrender, and the flow of authentic alignment.

2) Second, the last time Neptune entered Aries was April 12-13, 1861, and among the most significant historical events under the newly elected presidency of Abraham Lincoln, was that the US Civil War began that very day, leading to the eventual emancipation of slavery on January 1, 1863.

​Have a great week,​



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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

With a yearning for peace and flow, you are determined to tread softly, at least for a while. Be aware that Neptune in your sign could have a disintegrating effect that will either lead to a sense of transcendence of the past, or if you are attached, your very sense of identity and grip on reality could become increasingly fragile. Let go, let God.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Great achievements begin with great dreams, followed by a determined plan, effective strategy, deliberate action, and follow through. So, now it is time to dream again. In their own way, dream visions can be described as destiny downloads. The key is to tune in and be receptive. The good news is that you can do it while completely relaxing.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Intuitive glimmers and glimpses of your future will be sparked by all this Aries energy. These will inspire you to embark on new adventures but could leave you feeling frustrated if you feel in any way restricted. If so, an intellectual journey might suffice. Clear the clutter as necessary, in thought or surroundings, and make way for new interpretations and realizations.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

The powerful Aries factor will have an impact on your public and professional life. Positively, this could lead to a promotion or perhaps a new career altogether. If you are eager to start a business, or anything else major and legal, just wait a bit until Mercury and Venus are completely clear of their retrograde cycle in Pisces and have re-entered Aries. I can help with the timing.

Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Fiery, visionary, inspiring Aries is your friend and ally and is destined to boost your morale. Things will get especially hot when Mars enters your sign in a few weeks. Then, or in the few weeks or so that follow could prove to be an excellent time to launch any exciting, major new initiatives. There is a theme of surrender at play, yet it is to your own true power.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

This eclipse will trigger themes of breaking free from resistance, fear of change, purification, and transformation. These are invariably associated with your deeper destiny, so have faith and cooperate as necessary. Consider that excessive rumination, and especially that which manifests as worry is a sign of fear. Heal it by exercising gratitude and faith.

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

The significant Aries factor is destined to impact your relationship life. This includes the one you are having with yourself. In other words, a new you will emerge. The main question to ask is: ‘how can I contribute to making it the kind of change I truly want and need?’ A deliberate learning curve is implied and, if it is not already underway, might require revolutionary action.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Are you ready for a jumpstart of your lifestyle? Well, ready or not… It could have to do with needed changes in your habitual rhythm. Your diet could also be up for review. Unconscious reactions to attempt to restore balance could have evolved to become imbalances, as is a common issue. These could well have an impact on your public and professional life.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

When fire meets fire, it could equate to a bigger one or each snuffing the other out. Either way, things could get exciting, even entertaining, but dramatic too. You could also feel a boost of motivation and/or courage to confront fear and doubt demons, or you could find yourself seeking any means of escape available. In any case, aim to move forward.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

This eclipse will trigger activations close to home. These will have an impact on your relationships and things could get edgy. Positively, you could get a lot done. The key is to know your outcome. So, set goals as necessary. Passivity, denial, evasion and so on are bound to cause trouble now. The time is right to roll up your sleeves and get it done.

Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

You can expect a flurry of information exchanges over the coming days and weeks. These could require extra efforts. New dreams and ideals could be part of the plot. This is a time for imagination power. Yet, if you notice that your imagination is taking over, as with conjuring negative hallucinations about the future, be aware and get out of there.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

A push to increase your income stream is a likely result of this eclipse. That you are determined to achieve your goal more fully by inspiration than perspiration is featured. In this regard, get creative and don’t assume that no amount of effort is required. Be willing to revisit what you started previously before you initiate new endeavors.