michael Oc

Horoscope for the Week of March 7

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Your Weekly Horoscope for March 7 – 13

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“What all of this Cosmic Soap Opera suggests is that we are experiencing the outer synchronicities of these complex planetary positions and themes. We should not idly expect things to be easy and peaceful currently, at least not on the larger social, global level. Yet, we can choose to be peaceful.” ~ Michael O’Connor

Tip of the Week:

The waxing Moon seeded at 9 Pisces 47 will culminate to a Full Moon on March 13/14 (depending on your time zone) at 23 Virgo 57 as a Lunar Eclipse. While Solar Eclipses are the bigger deal and activate larger events, (the next one of which occurs on March 29 at 9 Aries 0), Lunar Eclipses still can have a significant impact.

A Lunar Eclipse refers to attitudes, perceptions, and habitual patterns that we must release for the sake of advancing to the next effective level of our individual or personal growth. As is true of all Full Moons, they are ironically about releasing as opposed to seeding. Yet, they are also about harvesting. In fact, what they release includes seeds of the inevitable future. Determining what these seeds are is both a personal reality, yet also a collective one.

With pretty much ALL the planets in difficult signs currently, not to mention Venus Retrograde and Mercury about to on the heels of the eclipsed Moon, well you now can appreciate why, from this inner archetypal perspective, the airwaves are heavy with denial, delusion, deception… (at mass levels), all of which are negative themes associated with Pisces.

Don’t expect grace ‘out there’ now. As ever, it is found within, but you need to know how. Briefly, it is not in your head brain, which can be described as a labyrinth of duality where division and polarization are at home. The key is to surrender to your heart mind, your inner sanctuary and the realm of unity, peace and sanity.

Have a great week,​



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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Happy to retreat as much as and in any way you can, consider that it does not equate to escape, which implies denial of the consequences of the means. Either way, you are not entirely idle or passive, in fact you might be busier than ever digging to excavate deeper depths and reaches. Aim for presence, which is a state of awareness that transcends excessive thought.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

You are not alone in your yearning for peace. The question is, are you fostering it, or are you polarized and projecting division? Either way, it is your right, but is it your happy? Righteousness is usually unattractive, even ugly, and can often manifest as fear, hate, and blame. Whether you see and feel such extremes within or without, take the lead by being peaceful.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Are you getting the attention you want and feel you deserve? Whether by negative or positive means, it is your turn to request it. While both means can achieve the goal, the former comes with a debt and the latter brings rewarding returns. Consider that the lower ego mind divides, labels and unconsciously projects judgment when the higher unity mind is darkened by fear. Invest wisely, choose love.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

The irony of the higher mind is that it is not above our head somewhere up or out there, it is down and in there right in the bosom of the heart. The other irony is that it has long been said that the greatest battles are fought on the threshold of our own heart. Yet, this is incorrect. The key to winning the battle is to surrender the polarized intellect to the unified heart.

Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Upon reflection, you may notice that you have undergone a lot of changes over the past couple of years, and the process, or what can be described as a metamorphosis, continues yet. The question is, are you at peace with how the transformation is occurring? If not, this is your cue to engage your heart more fully. To do so, sincerely say: Thank you, I choose love.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Truth equates to love and unity, while lies manifest as victim consciousness and blame. So, truth is the goal, yet beliefs and perceptions manifesting as polarization are its antithesis. It is all very tricky, which is why the ego-mind has long been referred to as the trickster. The way to outwit it is to learn the difference between thinking with your heart rather than being blinded by sentimentality.

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

In your horoscope, Pisces is strongly associated with themes of health, habitual patterns and lifestyle choices. This is not simply a transient perspective. Your job is to recognize inherited appetites, behaviour patterns, and recognize what might satisfy, but does not nurture. This long-standing theme is nearing a turn that might require more attention.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Pisces is your creative sign and that of your ideal lover, at least in its symbolic sense. During Pisces time, your creativity heightens, and you yearn for expression and engagement. With the influences of this week’s eclipse, you are meant to let go of tendencies to isolate and conserve your energies. Ironically, breaking free now might have more to do with deeper engagement and intimacy.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

A quest for home base is underway. While it might literally include your living space, it might also include feeling good in your own skin, and in the whole sense, your own body, mind, heart and soul. This is not a quest anyone else can do for you, but you can be supported and even request assistance. Also, look to the future and focus to break free from the past.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Perception is ultimately relative, and Pisces plays a key role in this regard for you. Dreams, ideals, payers and wishes must contend with delusions, confusions, realities and wishful thinking. While you are certainly not alone in this regard, these issues are heightened as a feature of your soul’s choice to embody as a Capricorn, which includes getting real.

Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Although Pisces is the sign of mysticism, it is among your closest and most solid neighbors. Yet, its stability is fluid like liquid, which can become as hard as ice, as cutting as a laser, as hot as steam, as soft as snow and as mighty as waves. It is this range of possibilities that is its strength. The call now is to let go of wanting it to be something and to embrace its flexibility.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

What new initiatives are you being called to take? It looks like the focus includes financial interests and goals. With Mercury Rx, you will likely be guided to revisit, repair and/or repurpose what still has value and potential. Positively, doing so will activate a creative process. Yet, be receptive to learn what is wanted and valued, as specifically as you can.