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Horoscope for the Week of May 31

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Your Weekly Horoscope for May 31 – June 6

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“In a Universal 8 Year, June is a 14/5 month, symbolic of the quest for new knowledge and experiences.” ~ Michael

Tip of the Week:

2024 is a Universal 8-Year. It is determined by simply adding the numbers in the year. This type of logic would be difficult for more linear, scientific, and materialistic minds because, upon reflection, the notion that it is actually 2024 is somewhat debatable, given that modern civilization amounts to at least six thousand years.

And there are very old cultures with different calendars and year counts. So which calendar holds the most authority?

The best answer is the one that is in popular use, and to which we agree upon, which is the Gregorian Calendar. As the game of thrones and empires go, it is the one that has prevailed. So, due to our collective agreement, we are creating reality around this year count, and it therefore corresponds with the Numerology which measures cycles both generally, individually, and personally.

What this suggests is that the mystics of old, and the mystical branch of science called ‘quantum physics’ are correct when they say that what we deem ‘hard reality’ is much more fluid and relative than it may seem. In this regard, existence can be understood to ultimately be some kind of ‘simulation’, a hologram, or a divine matrix. The paradoxical twist is that while this may be ‘ultimately true’ it remains a hard reality to the multitude or multifarious life forms and beings that live ‘in it’, in this dimension, which includes human beings. Yet, what makes us distinct from other species and other mammals, is that due to distinct factors, we are co-creators and not merely separate objects in an indifferent, objective universe.

Further, our co-creative faculties are not simply the result of materialistic evolutionary forces or even the notion of gene-splicing by advanced inter-dimensional aliens. This co-creative faculty is much more intrinsic than either of those such notions, which are bulky and sluggish by comparison.

Understanding this mystical, magical matrix that we call ‘reality’ can be approached by a deeper understanding of Numerology and its archetypal roots, which is also based on Sacred Geometry. Learn more in my new blog post: Introduction to Numerology – Numbers By Nature.

To this end, I invite you to embark upon an inspiring journey of awareness and realization all wrapped in a practical tool that you can use for life! My next Masterclass is called Numerology for Life and you can participate live tomorrow, June 1st. Or, a recording will be available for participants who can’t make it live.

This Masterclass is a great opportunity to build and strengthen your self-help knowledge base. Follow this LINK to LEARN MORE.

Have a great week!




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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
It is likely that over the past several weeks you have experienced the dichotomy of feeling both more grounded, yet also busier. The busier part is a feature of the season yet is inflated by Jupiter in Gemini. Since Mercury is still in Taurus where it will remain for several more days, you are likely to be able to focus on practical matters.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
The Taurus lunation cycle has likely synchronized with a variety of new initiatives. As if suddenly, the urge to ‘do it all’ came to the fore. This impulse will continue for many months, actually. Positively, you will be able to accomplish a great deal. Negatively, you could find yourself spread too thin. So, take a hint and avoid scattering.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
Jupiter tends to have an uplifting, inspirational, and exuberant impact. This overall feeling should be quite evident by now. It may feel as though you have been given a new lease on life. Optimism, enthusiasm, and a general feeling of excitement for life are examples of the mood that Jupiter in one’s Sun Sign produces, but there can always be exceptions like overwhelm.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
While others are gleefully riding the dragon and feeling the euphoria it tends to produce, you may find yourself feeling more cautious. More thoughts, angles, and levels to consider is an example. At worst, you have been catapulted into the labyrinth of your mind, which is seldom a fun place to dwell for too long. Aim to be more present in the moment and less in your head.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
The Gemini factor is destined to increase your social network. The signs of this activation could already be apparent and will be so over the coming weeks. This marks a time when you might want to polish up on your social graces. On the other hand, a determination to be the individual that you feel you are will also prove important.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
Somehow, you are undergoing an expansive push in your career or social status in general. If this is not already apparent, it should be soon, especially due to next week’s Gemini New Moon and Mercury entering the sign of the twins as well. Obtaining new tools and skills is indicated to support your determination to take some calculated risks to reinvent yourself.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
Gemini in your horoscope is associated with a visionary perspective on the future. It includes a weave of rationale, philosophy, and a spirit of adventure. Risk and exploration are keywords in this regard. With Mercury lumbering through Taurus, you are likely to still be in the research phase. This is about to change however, but it will help a lot to keep notes.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
True to the dual sign of Gemini, it carries something of a dual theme and influence for you. Images of double-edged swords, higher and lower roads, the proverbial fork in the road, and so on, are examples. This cycle, which specifically extends for another entire year, is your challenge to think carefully before you commit to pivotal choices and actions.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
The world is not your oyster to be greedily consumed with a slurp and gulp, nor is it anyone else’s. Life is a journey that implies relationship, partnership, sharing, and cooperation. These themes and lessons should also be evident, and they will continue well into 2025. So, step back, see a bigger picture, and ask yourself where and how these themes make sense regarding your choices.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Gemini time tends to increase your attention to the details, yet there is another side as well, just like the two hemispheres of the brain. The left, logical, detailed side is ideally met, matched, and countered, as the case may be, with more imagination and empirical experience that stimulates feelings and together ignites creativity.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
Air Sign Gemini is a match to that of your own, and such alignments tend to prove inspirational and confidence-boosting. You are already in the initial curve in the turn, but it is about to get sharper yet, perhaps even with hairpin events. So, it might be a good idea to slow down over the coming week yet fully prepared to accelerate in sync with the waxing New Moon.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
Gemini is like a cornerstone sign for you. In this regard, it can prove both edgy and yet necessary. The creative and varied perspectives of Gemini align well with your naturally imaginative and inventive nature. What you tend to be best at inventing is new ideas and concepts, or ways and methods. However it manifest, for best results. direct the focus to practical productivity.