michael Oc

Horoscope for the Week of October 18

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Your Weekly Horoscope for October 18 – 24

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“After my Astrology Reading with Michael O’Connor, I’m truly amazed at the depth of insight and clarity it provided. His expertise and guidance helped me gain a profound understanding of my life’s journey and purpose. I feel more empowered and inspired to navigate life’s challenges and opportunities. Thank you, Michael, for an excellent and educational experience! Grateful for your support and expertise.” – Annica

Tip of the Week:

This week presents a turning point with the waning Moon, which was the culmination of the Solar Eclipse at 10 Libra on October 2. Usually, the influences of the eclipse are experienced within hours and days of the event, but sometimes they are delayed. As well, while the major themes are usually experienced quite quickly, the overall dynamic and unfolding process can ensue for up to six months.

The next Solar Eclipse only occurs in Aries on March 29, 2025, which is the polar opposite sign to Libra, and both events occur very closely by degree. So, there will be yet another activation for anyone, (or place) who was significantly impacted by this last one on October 2.

Of course, if the synchronicities were strong enough, the turns and events that occurred could endure for a lifetime and this double hit from both ends of the pole is noteworthy.

Venus exited Scorpio and entered fiery, philosophical, enthusiastic, adventurous Sagittarius on October 17.

The other big news is the fact that the Sun enters Scorpio on October 22 to begin what is referred to as Scorpio time or season, some of the deeper themes of which align well with Halloween on October 31st, which coincides this year with a later waning Moon, sometimes referring to as a ‘Dark Moon’. While the absence of the Sun’s light reflected by the Moon does not imply evil, per se’, it is symbolic of mystery or what is hidden behind and within, thus associated closely with words like occult and esoteric.

All Saints Day is November 1, which so happens to also be the day of the Scorpio New Moon. P.S

Have a great week!




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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Under the waning light of the Aries Full Moon, striking a balance between your own assertions of autonomy and independence vies with the challenge to be more fully present and engaged in some of your more intimate relationships. Play and adventure are on your mind, so as long as others are sporting, things will flow smoothly.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

A busy cycle continues for you and is associated with shifts and new developments in your overall lifestyle rhythm. With Venus in Scorpio, you have likely been dealing with deeper themes than most, probably associated with financial concerns and interests and these have demanded your attention on a variety of fronts, and will continue…

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

The colorful, inspiring atmosphere of Libra time has included some deeper and heavier themes for you as well. These have required you to give more than you might have wanted. Positively, Venus in Sagittarius will synchronize with a fresh wave of events destined to uplift your spirits. With Mercury still in Scorpio, the combined influences speak of adventure and intrigue.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

The emphasis on home and family has been strong and continues. An investigative approach supported by creative and strategic design continues to guide your focus. Now comes the greater task of actual implementation. The process could require more effort than you would like, but the Sun entering Scorpio will contribute firepower to your resolve.

Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Libra time is drawing to a close, yet as the story of overlapping cycles goes, there has already been an emphasis on social awareness, combined with themes and processes close to home. These influences will continue, deepen, and even merge over the coming days and weeks. Positively, you will be immersed in creative fervor.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The teetering and tottering of financial income and outlay has perhaps been pronounced over the recent weeks, and this trend continues. Less inclined to spend, yet willing to invest, a more deliberate process of focus, restraint and strategy has guided your choices. An innovative and theme to create beauty close to home has been at play and will continue.

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

The powerful influence of the recent Solar Eclipse in your sign has undoubtedly activated a whole new determination to enter new territory. This has included getting to the bottom of things and really rooting out what no longer fits, belongs, or serves. Even if the process has simply been one of taking note, the dynamic has begun.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)

Mercury and Venus in your sign have been forerunners of the Sun. Like scouts venturing ahead to scope out details and possibilities going forward. This reconnaissance continues and will deepen yet as the Sun joins forces with Mercury starting this week. A process of careful consideration, as with measuring twice before you commit, is featured.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

Identifying a clearer and stronger sense of your own individuality continues and deepens this week as Venus graces your sign. Inspirations to engage in expressions of beauty are likely, and are associated with social outreach. First impressions matter and you are determined to make the extra efforts necessary to open doors before you arrive.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Taking new leads and strides in your public and professional life continues. Getting the attention and recognition that you feel you deserve is featured. A learning curve is also woven into the plot. Yet, it could be at least as much about ‘unlearning’, as with how new knowledge and perspectives can alter our interpretations and approaches, entirely.

Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Seeing a bigger picture has been an important theme these past weeks. In some respects, your focus has perhaps become so philosophical, seeing new players engaged in age-old plots and power ploys, leaving you feeling unimpressed and detached. Closer to home, new tools, techniques, and trouble-shooting knowledge have been keeping you busy.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

A subtle process of transformation continues. Positively, you have assumed a more grateful attitude of late, and one which supports a deeper dive into understanding yourself and your best approach regarding our complex times. If you have come to realize the importance of giving more, then you can confidently say that you have evolved.