michael Oc

Horoscope for the Week of October 4

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Blog: Libra Solar Eclipse: Revolutionary Activations in Complex Times

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Your Weekly Horoscope for October 4 – 10

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“Michael’s readings have given me great insight over the years. He has a gentle, inquisitive, wholesome approach. I consider myself very fortunate to have someone so committed to his practice and to the well-being of the other.” – Lorne

Tip of the Week:

The October 2nd Solar Eclipse is delivering the first phase of its payload.

I did a spotlight on it which you can read in my blog: Libra Solar Eclipse: Revolutionary Activations in Complex Times.

Pay attention to the synchronicities in your own life. You can also focus on what is occurring on the world stage. The exact degree of the eclipse included revolutionary Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus where its bullish, snorting, unpredictable fury rages strongly. The torque and gravity of this is evident, if you have the knowledge to see.

Hoping to get the real facts and deeper truths from popular media is like hoping to get the nutrition one needs from fast food. Although citizen journalists are working hard to fill in the gaps, many of them are also invariably biased, misinformed and/or compromised…, as well. This is a central theme of our times, a natural reflection of the technology available, and in a rapidly-changing, revolutionary dynamic on a global scale.

After all, with the level of our technology now available, not the least of which includes robotics and artificial intelligence, the age-old game of power based on military might has also broken through all previous barriers and has emerged to nuclear proportions, literally. Hoping that this trend will end soon can be accurately deemed naïve and wishful.

So, we are left to get physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared. The physical part includes backup preparations, basically in terms of water, food, and fuel. As for the other three, among the more important things you can do is to have a clearer sense of your destiny and deeper purpose to authentically engage and evolve, and this is where I can help you.

Have a great week!




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Weekly Horoscope:

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Are you experiencing and/or feeling the scope of depth and passion synchronizing on your stage? This eclipse activated deep levels of change for us all. While it does depend on how it is configured in your actual Birth Chart, the general theme is one of earnest resolve to go deeper than you perhaps have ever before.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21)

Like your Aries friends, Venus in Scorpio and other factors have ignited a fire in your belly. As much as you yearn for peace and flow, a warrior spirit usually kept hidden, is also kept close. What once felt solid and secure, has been dissolving steadily and perhaps suddenly of late as well. Inner instincts and outer signs can be interpreted as ‘battle stations’.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

While a playful and creative mood lingers, circumstances are pushing you to be more sober and vigilant. Jupiter in your sign since May has triggered a spirit of adventure and inspiration to go big, perhaps on a variety of fronts. This impulse is pushing you to give more again, probably more than you want, but the feelings of need are there.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Home is where your heart is and it includes creative activities. In turn, these require the materials, time and space to support them. This is where a strategic resolve to accumulate all the supplies you need and to rearrange either your literal living space, or your attitude and resolve, come to the fore. Avoid procrastination and do it now!

Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23)

Whatever your plans were just a short while ago, a flow of new intuitions, inspirations and perhaps epiphanies too are shifting your perspective. Trusting this process without resistance or apology is ideal. They could simply amount to elaborations or alterations in your approach more than complete changes. Take the time to listen within, more deeply.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Getting clearer regarding your values, priorities and best approaches is a current, central theme. In some regards, this could require you to push through inner resistances, limiting beliefs, apathy, and their procrastination-producing tendencies. Take the time to tune in to what best approaches align with how you think and feel and outline a plan.

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)

The Sun in your sign signals a time to advance, to take new leads and strides. Mars in Cancer for you emphasizes actions taken associated with your public and professional life, and/or family duties and responsibilities. Practical considerations are guiding your focus and your focus includes knowing how, where and when to invest your time and money.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21)theme

If circumstances allow, the time is right to retreat, rest, recuperate and re-center. You can do this even amidst your regular rhythms by slowing down, engaging and communicating less, and perhaps sleeping more, or at least deliberately recharging your energy reserves somehow. Redirect your communication exchange with your inner voice.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21)

Aligning with a clearer sense of your individuality continues. It includes tuning into and aligning yourself more fully with how you genuinely feel, as opposed to what you simply think or believe. Your ambitions and resolve stand to be running strong now, and while outer ambitions may be relevant, now is the time to connect with your true nature.

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

The focus on your career and public life in general, and how these mix with your primary relationships, home and family are extra emphasized now. Some of your more intimate exchanges are probably charged and edgy as you push to enter new territory and/or create new understandings toward a more realistic status quo.

Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19)

Determined to see a bigger picture, a search for the best tools and resources is underway. You are willing to do the work required to be clear, aware, and prepared for whatever might come next. You know that this is hardly a time to be passive and dismissive, and this trend will continue for months to come. Meanwhile, social engagement will balance the scales.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Some cycles include deeper dives than others, and this is one of them. Your focus could be practical, psychological, spiritual, or all of the above. A spirit of playful engagement is featured, or perhaps sporting is more accurate. This could well include more intimate exchanges; however these factor in your life. Communicate your needs and desires.