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Horoscope for the Week: September 1, 2023

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Tip of the Week:

Month number 9 begins. This is otherwise, generally referred to as ‘Virgo time’, because Western Astrology is based on the time frame of the seasonal round. In this regard, the Sun and Mercury are ‘in’ the time sign of Virgo. That Mercury is retrograde lends a definite twist to the plot, as it does on a regular, rhythmic basis on an average of 3 times a year.

Interestingly, due to this optical illusion due to our subjective perceptual experience of the planets, while it takes a tidy 88 days to orbit around the Sun, it takes a tidy year for it to complete a cycle around Earth. Mercury will remain retrograde until September 15th, the day after the Cazimi (positioned in the center of the Sun) New Moon in Virgo.

Venus is also currently retrograde and has been since July 22, the same day the Sun entered Leo, but the cycle ends this weekend on September 3, which means ‘she’ is currently ‘stationary’, which means ‘appearing to be at a standstill’. In step, Jupiter turns retrograde on September 4th which means that it too is stationary.

Meanwhile, Mars is in Libra where it can prove quite edgy and controversial, Pluto is hovering at the higher degree in Capricorn indicating harsh assertions coming from official places like governments, while Saturn is in disintegrating Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus can be likened to an implosion.

Generally, in the background, all of this indicates a time when major change at a macro scale is destined, with the foundations of new norms already being established, In the foreground, logical, critical analysis, instinct and intuition are available to be harnessed to operate in unison at a higher rate than usual.

It might be said that we are currently in the eye of the hurricane, and we will probably ‘hit the wall’ again as early as mid-September, or by Autumn Equinox anyway, so stand ready and expect to feel the impact, which will continue for the rest of the year, at least.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

A passionate and feisty mood prevails. Making efforts to get in the last licks of summer are all part of your strategy. Your powers of critical analysis are running strong, and this will continue. The goal is to not let that vinegar mix badly with the honey that Venus in Leo is offering.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

A strong, creative impulse continues to direct your focus. Much energy directed to home and family could have mixed results, depending on circumstances and your overall attitude and interpretation. Positively, you are navigating and negotiating the relationship politics to make improvements.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

You are probably happy to hover close to home, or at least to share quality time with family. This could produce some mixed results as the ‘blood is thicker than water’ factor clashes with the potentially strong winds of differing opinions. Variety is the key to disrupting fixed positions so aim for it.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

Many thoughts on your mind and all vying for your attention is a current challenge. You may not be sure what is true or what to believe these days. One thing is sure, though, you are determined to make efforts to build upon a more stable future, like building a house and/or a life that can withstand disasters.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

Building new and improving upon new foundations is in the spotlight now. Directing your powers of critical analysis is part of the plot. Public and professional expansion is a central theme. This will likely prove to be an ongoing process, but advancing to the next stage or two is the current scene.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

Taking new leads and strides should be keeping you busy now. This dynamic will continue through to mid-October especially. Your focus is sharp now so use it to be productive and not simply to maintain existing realities. Prepare for fuller expression when Venus enters Virgo in early October.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Balancing between quality time shared with friends and quieter time spent alone is a current theme. Each can inspire the other. Meanwhile, assessing your financial reality against that of the larger social scene and your own dreams and goals is a feature of your reflections, research, and discussions.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Thinking by and for oneself is a cornerstone of the individuation process which is emphasized now. Doing some inner work, otherwise called shadow work, is indicated. This includes identifying your perspectives on things and beliefs and how these are then projected onto others.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Finding your true and happy place in the world is emphasized now. This does include earning satisfying returns, which does imply money, but not necessarily. Value and leverage are keywords. If your returns have both, then you can proceed without financial remuneration. If is the operative word.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Paying attention to the details of the bigger picture is a current challenge. If you feel like you are lost in the forest of ideas and truths, simply slow down, and keep both feet on the ground. Recognizing the clash of beliefs, contradictions, confusions, and corruptions…, will help.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

You have entered a cycle of change and transformation. This could simply amount to letting go of limiting beliefs and self-concepts. Or you could use it to do an organ cleanse or any other sort of purge, even in your home, such as some renovations perhaps. Aim for improvements for best results.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)               

Tuning in more fully to others is important now. This can certainly include your significant other and, with awareness and intention, it could lead to deepening the quality of your intimacy and relationship in general. The focus can also be directed towards partners in business or to your clients.

Michael O’Connor

Life Coach Astrologer
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