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Horoscope for the Week: September 29, 2023

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Tip of the Week:

As autumn 2023 steadily builds momentum, it should be quite evident that this season will not be a quiet and idle one, at least not on the world stage. Mars in Libra, Venus in Leo, and Mercury in Virgo at the turn of the season indicate that an edgy push for justice will manifest as dramatic expressions backed by critical thinking. The emphasis will specifically include themes of justice and liberty which are already very evident to anyone paying attention.

A bullish push implies stubborn determination that will likely lead to heated confrontations and debates. The specific degrees of the inner planets especially, Mercury and Venus, reveal diplomacy, patience, and civility. Yet, that of Mars is charged with a feisty and revolutionary spirit. Overall, this could provide an overall balance that might even support a retrieval of lost faith in humanity for many who have become quite disheartened over the past few years. Either way, rest assured, autumn 2023 will be eventful.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
A passionate, frisky, and punchy mood prevails. In fact, with the Sun in Libra, this mood will advance to the next level. Yet, a determination to channel the energy into productive activities is also rising. Making key investments is featured as you maneuver to cover any lost ground.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
Creating a better overall balance in your lifestyle is on your mind. This includes creative thinking and key discussions with important players on your stage. An expansive cycle that began in spring is yours to harness and avoid it going to your waistline…

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
A creative cycle has begun. Among your bigger challenges will be to decide which of a variety of interests will get your attention. You may choose to do the rounds, Gemini style, attending to each in rhythmic flow. Fun, games, play, and possibly romance too, are indicated.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
The focus has turned to home and family. You are determined to get to the bottom of things and route out anything that does not align with your flow, your values, or your changing aesthetic tastes. This could amount to doing renovations and you are willing to invest if necessary.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
Libra times often amount to bursts of energy and diversified interests for you. Short-distance trips or investigations into both business and cultural interests are also featured. Expressing yourself creatively yet with practicality in mind will uplift your spirits.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
A whole new surge of drive and determination is guiding your focus. Your powers of critical analysis, strategic thinking, and discernment are running strong. Venus in Leo is inspiring imaginative thinking as well as you commit to presenting new services to the market.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
The Sun now in your sign is activating a whole new level of ambition. This trend will continue and deepen over the coming weeks extending all the way through October. During this time, your focus and priorities will shift to both assert yourself more deliberately, yet to also seek refuge.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
The time has come to get busier behind the scenes. Yet, to achieve your goals, it is important to recognize and gain access to all the resources you will need. This can include tools appropriate to your focus and key people as well. Get clear on your goals and keep an open mind regarding how to do it.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Defining and refining your sense of individuality is an important, rising theme. This trend already began a few weeks ago and now the momentum is leading you to the fast lane. Beyond personal power and popularity, you will push for practical results.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Libra time ties in directly with your worldly, public, and professional ambitions. It is a reminder of the importance of diplomatic poise and reputation. Yet, it is also meant to remind you of what is truly important, such as the welfare of family and personal truth and integrity.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
Expanding your scope and reach of influence is in the spotlight. It includes a creative push to be seen, heard, and heeded. With your confidence levels on a steady rise, the time is right to ride this wave to greater heights yet! Make a plan and focus to follow through even if risk is involved.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)               
A whole new level of activity and stimulation on relationship fronts continues. This likely includes professional as well as personal orientations. Yet, change is a keyword and could even amount to personal transformation. Be willing to try new approaches to access hidden reserves of power.

Michael O’Connor

Life Coach Astrologer
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