
Kalein Centre

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 Join us for our Annual
Festival of Lights
December 10, 2019
5:30 – 7:00pm
Remembrance Service ~ Refreshments ~ Entertainment
The Kalein Centre is pleased to invite you to our 4th Annual ‘Festival of Lights’, where we ask you to join us in lighting a candle in memory of someone who has passed away and to offer support and comfort to those who are grieving this holiday season.
Take a moment to walk through our grounds, reflecting on and remembering your loved ones, while you commemorate their life. We will feature a display of lights and serve hot chocolate as you are able to place your lanterns along the beautiful forested pathways.  The “Tree of Light’ will also be set up in our Evergreen Room, where you can fill out a card in remembrance of your loved one and hang it on the tree.
We are pleased to share that this year’s ‘Festival of Lights’ will feature special performances by Allison Girvan’s talented Vocal Ensemble, Corazón, along with the lovely sounds of internationally-renowned harpist, Julia Cunningham – Grant Recipient of the Canada Council of the Arts.
You can find more information on them here  https://www.corazonchoir.org/ and here  https://soulharp.com/
For many in our region, this event has become a significant touchstone of their holiday season.  A donation made to the Kalein Centre’s ‘Festival of Lights’ is a generous way of showing support for those community members who have recently lost a loved one.  Your contribution will provide comfort for those who are commemorating the loss of their loved ones or currently experiencing loss and grief.
Feel free to contact the Kalein Centre today to learn more about commemorating a loved one, or how you can sponsor a family experiencing a recent loss.  Aside from this, any donation made to the Kalein Centre of $25 or more, qualifies for a tax receipt.
This is a family-friendly event, with an admission cost of $10, at the door.
To confirm your attendance for this meaningful community event, we ask you to RSVP by calling our office today at 250.352.3331
This holiday season, we encourage you to take this opportunity to give the gift of compassion, and remember, that together, we can make a significant difference in building a more compassionate community.
With deep gratitude to our ‘Festival of Lights’ supporters, without whom, this community event would not be possible:
Thompson Funeral Services, Save-On Foods, Kootenay Woodstoves, Columbia Basin Trust, Home Hardware Building Centre, RHC Insurance, Columbia Power, Georama Growers, and Maglio’s Building Centre. 
Kalein Centre
402 West Richards St., Nelson
**Additional Parking available in the
Church of Latter-Day Saints Parking Lot**
Call us at 250-352-3331
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Tree of Lights Celebration & Refreshments
5:45 – 6:45 pm
There will be a welcome address and ancestral acknowledgement to open the event.  We then invite you to place your lantern throughout the grounds, write your loved ones’ name on a card and place it on the ‘Tree of Light’  displayed at the event, enjoy hot chocolate around the fire and the ongoing performances from Allison Girvan & the Corazón Vocal Ensemble, along with world-renowned harpist, Julia Cunningham.  It is sure to be a special evening for all!

Please visit our website for more information about the Kalein Centre and our programs.
You can make a tax deductible donation to support the Centre online or by mail.
Kalein Centre
PO Box 266
Nelson BC