Kootenay Dance News

Breath Dancers

Warning: Breath Dancing is Addictive, and You may become a Flow Addict!

Breath Dancers choose to flow their breath to the beat and music of their hearts all day long. They are Heart and Mind Flow addicts, addicted to flowing their breath and body with healing postures connecting them to their core and internal dancing spinal breath.

Breath Dancers Dance their Breath and Breathe their Dance for most of the day because they enjoy  Flowing with the Dance of Life. When Breath becomes Flow instead of Work, it becomes your best friend and is available 24/7.

The flow of dancing with your breath is a  flow that builds the core spinal muscles that hold you up, centers and grounds you, and creates a space for the lungs to expand and contract, which is highly pleasurable.

Dr. Migdal has been a professional ballroom, hustle dancer, and Spinal and Breath Doctor for over 40 years. Her Forgiveness Breath Dancing Workshops, which includes Chakra (Energy) Forgiveness & Healing, is a magical combination of all three of her expertise that allows one to increase healing on all levels.

Breathing Shouldn’t be Work…
It Should Flow…

Dr. Migdal has been a certified Therapeutic Breath Work instructor, coach and breath and Nerve flow Doctor of Chiropractic for over 40 years. She has successfully helped thousands of clients on a journey of releasing negative patterns that have been preventing them from increasing their levels of health in their bodies, at home and in the workplace with Breath Work.

Breathwork can be done in private or group and requires supervision for the first 10 – to 20 sessions.

Holistic Breath Flow is when you allow your breathing to flow freely and fully with all emotions, postures and meals. Your breathing and spinal muscles are engaged and create healthy neuro chemistry for your whole body.

During breathwork therapy, you are usually lying down and are trained/coached into breathing into your entire lung space in a circular and completely connected flow.

The training sessions are usually 1.5 to 2 hours and create an environment where your body’s cells are nourished, energized, and strengthened as they are detoxified. The healthy nourishment of oxygen leaves one feeling clearer, happier, balanced and more peaceful.

Meet Dr. Lynn

Meet Dr. Lynn; here is more to read and choose what you want to use.

Please contact Maria at (250) 354-8085 to reserve your spot or reply here.