~KootenayDanceNews~ Dancing Monday Oct 23/23

Yo ! Come Partner Dancing This Monday, Oct. 23 / 23 !

10 reasons to attend: 

  1. Friendly, informal & chill –You don’t need a partner. 
  2. Top up your social, fun and exercise quotient all at once.
  3. Emotional and cognitive benefits. (see ref. below)
  4. Brain release of “happy chemicals” cocktails. 
  5. We teach and coach.
  6. A mélange of highly danceable tunes. 
  7. Improves your confidence !
  8. Fabulous spacious dance hall, hardwood floor.
  9. You deserve this treat, why wait?
  10. Only 10 bucks… flexible as needed.

Bi-Weekly Monday Fusion Partner Dancing !

7:00 – 7:30 pm mini-lesson, all levels: Improvising, rhythms, lead & follow

7:30 – 9:30 pm social dancing , coaching by request

It takes practice to get experience, but it takes only one visit to our event to have fun dancing !

North Shore Hall

675 Whitmore Rd, Nelson, V1L 6H7

1 mile past the Orange Bridge

Hosted bi-weekly by Peter and Krissi

Next Monday events: Nov 6, Nov 20



ReferencesfromPsychologyToday,  Jan 2023

Builds strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance;

Impacts mood, happiness, and resilience;

Enhances memory, orientation, and concentration.

When we synchronize to a beat, our brains release cocktails of “happy chemicals”  of endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, etc. Humans feel more aware, alive, and resourceful, and more able to push through fear and tolerate pain.   

