Nelson & District Hospice Society needs your help to reach its 2024 Fundraising Goals.
Did you know that we rely on community donations for over 25% of our budgetary needs? That means we rely on you to help us continue to deliver our compassionate supports to those experiencing serious illness, to grievers, to caregivers and to the community who needs support and education. A little can go a long way in a lean organization like Nelson Hospice. Just $40 can help us run a grief group session for up to 10 clients. A $100 donation can fund the bedside support and respite needs for the family of one seriously ill client. While a $500 donation can fund an entire week of programming to support seriously ill clients in a day hospice setting.
Any amount can show your support for making Nelson and its surrounding areas a more compassionate community!
Please consider a donation to Nelson Hospice as part of your year-end giving. Donations received by December 24 will receive a tax receipt.
You can either e-transfer info@nelsonhospice.org or visit us at https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en..