For immediate release: November 14, 2019
Contact: Anita Werner, Program Coordinator, Nelson Police Department Restorative Justice
Phone 250 354-3919 Cell 250 505-6623
This year Nelson Police Department Restorative Justice (NPDRJ) celebrates Restorative Justice Week in collaboration with Kutenai Art Therapy Institute with An Art Show for Social Justice; Exploring Restorative Practice. Join us for an evening of artwork, community and connection at 191 Baker Street in Nelson on Friday November 22 from 7-9 PM.
Correction Services Canada’s Restorative Justice Division proclaims the third week in November to focus on the important work being done by Restorative Justice (RJ) Practitioners and advocates in communities across Canada.
A grass-roots, non-adversarial, non-retributive approach to justice that views crime and conflict as harm done to people and relationships, RJ is a philosophy that emphasizes healing in victims, accountability of offenders, and the involvement of citizens.
NPDRJ’s volunteer RJ Practitioners bring together those who have been affected by crime, those who are responsible for the harm, their respective supporters and other stakeholders into a conference designed to empower all participants to share their experience and explore ways to repair the harm. A resolution agreement is carefully drafted based on the collaborative efforts of all participants.
Through Restorative Justice, a unique understanding about harm and its impact on individuals and the community is gained. Victims are central to the process. They are supported to express their needs and concerns. Offenders are supported to take responsibility for their actions and to work to heal the harm.
Nelson Police Department Restorative Justice is funded by the City of Nelson, the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and community sponsors.