Oxygen Art Centre hosts Artist Talk by Slocan Valley-based artist Tanya P Johnson on her recent work in Mongolia, South Africa and Japan
Title: “Tanya P Johnson: recent work in Mongolia, South Africa and Japan”
Event: Thursday, November 7, 2019 @ 7:30 PM
Admission is free or by donation
Oxygen Art Centre hosts Artist Talk by Slocan Valley-based artist Tanya Pixie Johnson on Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 7:30 PM. Everyone welcome to attend. Admission is free or by donation.
Johnson’s Artist Talk will track her practice over the last two years. This will include residencies in Europe, collaborations, and exhibitions.
The talk will focus on a few key projects: Story Keepers for Land Art Mongolia Biennale, Samson, a multi media performance production in Cape Town; Conversation with my Dead Self, Vancouver and Istanbul; and Afterlife of a House for Nakanojo Biennale in Japan.
Johnson works in various media including painting, installation, assemblage, paper cutting, printmaking, collage and writing. Her practice is often concerned with concepts of belonging, liminality and consciousness. It is informed by ideas of colonial accountability, relationship with land and an interest in transformation and ancestors.
Oxygen is excited to offer this event to share Johnson’s practice as it has evolved over the last two years across many borders and topics. The artist talk will take place at Oxygen Art Centre featuring a digital slide projection and a short open dialogue afterwards.
Artist Bio:
Tanya P Johnson is a visual artist based in the Slocan Valley, British Columbia and part time in Cape Town, South Africa. She was born in Nairobi, Kenya and grew up in Cape Town. She received her Honours Degree in Fine Art from Michaelis Art School at the University of Cape Town, majoring in painting.
Her childhood was a curious dialogue between art and dance classes and the reality of apartheid and revolution. This marked her life and continues to inform her work.
After art school, Johnson left South Africa on a cargo ship, working her passage to Europe where she was drawn to the edges and underbellies of European society. She became affiliated with punks, environmentalists, anti fascists and renegades in her continued search for perspective on her identity of being a seventh generation South African with European ancestry. Traveling Europe, she made and sold art, taught art, wrote essays, performed on the streets and painted murals.
She is an adventurer, seeker, land defender, freight hopper, hitch hiker, cargo ship traveler. Political and environmental activism brought her to North America.
Johnson lives with her family rurally in British Columbia. In addition to a rigorous studio practice, her life includes growing food, collecting seeds, picking medicines in the mountains, swimming in rivers and lakes, walking in the woods with her black dog and working with indigenous people. She is drawn to the random, is fierce about justice, likes foxes and dislikes locusts, sharks and oppression.
Johnson has translated her visual language into various media including paper cutting, printmaking, collage, installation, design, painting in public spaces and collaboration with playwrights and choreographers. Her art practice examines edges, belonging, real history, thresholds, the unseen and relationship with land. She is interested in the supernatural, transformation, culture, language, cosmology and ancestors.
Tanya P Johnson has shown nationally and internationally at numerous public and private exhibitions and attended artist residencies in Canada, South Africa and Europe.
Press Contact:
Julia Prudhomme
Executive Director
Oxygen Art Centre