Oxygen Art Centre: Annual General Meeting, Nov. 13 at 6 PM
Oxygen Art Centre’s (Nelson Fine Art Centre Society) Annual General Meeting takes place on Thursday, November 13, 6:00 PM at Oxygen (#3-320 Vernon Street, alley entrance, Nelson, BC). Everyone welcome to attend.

Oxygen members and the general public are invited to attend the meeting, renew their membership or join for the first time, and learn about all the goings-on from this past year including reports on art classes, exhibitions, visiting artists, events, fundraising and much more.
Afterwards, Oxygen and Elephant Mountain Literary Festival will be hosting the second event of Author Reading Series: Home and Away, at 7:30 PM. Attendees are encouraged to stay for this event, which presents local authors, Ernest Hekkanen and Josh Massey. For more information about this event, visit our website here.
If you have any questions about the AGM and following Author Reading Series event, please contact us at info@oxygenartcentre.org.
In addition to the AGM proceedings, Members will be invited to vote on the following Special Resolution:
Notice to Members of Special Resolution
to be moved and voted on at the
Oxygen Art Centre AGM, November 13, 2019 at 6 pm.
Last year, Oxygen Art Centre complied with the Society Act transition by submitting new bylaws, which included a clause permitting, upon unanimous approval of the board, payment of fees, honoraria or per diems to board directors. This is legal under the new BC Society Act. To date, no director has been paid for their work as directors; the clause simply permitted such payments if the board chose to do so.
This clause, however, is not permitted by BC Gaming, so the Oxygen board is presenting a resolution to change the bylaw to comply with BC Gaming requirements.
Please see the current bylaw, and the resolution to be presented on November 13, below:
Current bylaw:
7.1 Directors may be remunerated (which includes fees, honoraria, per
diems, or any other form of payment) for their work as directors, upon
unanimous approval of voting directors.
Moved: That Oxygen Art Centre rescind the 2018 Oxygen Art Centre Bylaw 7.1
permitting directors to receive remuneration upon unanimous approval of the
Board, and replace it with the default clause from the Societies Act:
7.1 Unless permitted by the bylaws, a society must not pay to a director of
the society remuneration for being a director.
This resolution must be approved by 2/3 vote of members present.
Oxygen members and the general public are invited to attend the meeting, renew their membership or join for the first time, and learn about all the goings-on from this past year including reports on art classes, exhibitions, visiting artists, events, fundraising and much more.
Afterwards, Oxygen and Elephant Mountain Literary Festival will be hosting the second event of Author Reading Series: Home and Away, at 7:30 PM. Attendees are encouraged to stay for this event, which presents local authors, Ernest Hekkanen and Josh Massey. For more information about this event, visit our website here.
If you have any questions about the AGM and following Author Reading Series event, please contact us at info@oxygenartcentre.org.
In addition to the AGM proceedings, Members will be invited to vote on the following Special Resolution:
Notice to Members of Special Resolution
to be moved and voted on at the
Oxygen Art Centre AGM, November 13, 2019 at 6 pm.
Last year, Oxygen Art Centre complied with the Society Act transition by submitting new bylaws, which included a clause permitting, upon unanimous approval of the board, payment of fees, honoraria or per diems to board directors. This is legal under the new BC Society Act. To date, no director has been paid for their work as directors; the clause simply permitted such payments if the board chose to do so.
This clause, however, is not permitted by BC Gaming, so the Oxygen board is presenting a resolution to change the bylaw to comply with BC Gaming requirements.
Please see the current bylaw, and the resolution to be presented on November 13, below:
Current bylaw:
7.1 Directors may be remunerated (which includes fees, honoraria, per
diems, or any other form of payment) for their work as directors, upon
unanimous approval of voting directors.
Moved: That Oxygen Art Centre rescind the 2018 Oxygen Art Centre Bylaw 7.1
permitting directors to receive remuneration upon unanimous approval of the
Board, and replace it with the default clause from the Societies Act:
7.1 Unless permitted by the bylaws, a society must not pay to a director of
the society remuneration for being a director.
This resolution must be approved by 2/3 vote of members present.
Alterations to bylaws
17 (1) A society may alter its bylaws by filing with the registrar a bylaw alteration application.
(2) A society must not submit a bylaw alteration application to the registrar for filing unless the alteration proposed by the application has been authorized by special resolution.
(3) An alteration proposed in a bylaw alteration application takes effect when the bylaw alteration application is filed with the registrar.
(4) After a society alters its bylaws under this section, the registrar must furnish to the society a certified copy of the altered bylaws.
(5) Even if the bylaws of a society identify a provision of the bylaws as being unalterable, the society may alter the provision in accordance with this Act.