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Weekly Horoscope for January 12, 2024

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Tip of the Week:  

The first of many ‘stelliums’ destined in 2024 has occurred in Capricorn.

A stellium officially occurs when 3 or more planets are conjunct by the degree in a sign. If they are more loosely knit and are not conjunct but are in the same sign, they comprise a stellium by sign. (The latter is not as strong, but it still counts, yet has a more generalized impact).

So, everyone is experiencing this first of 8 stelliums that will occur in each consecutive sign in 2024 as follows: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo, which then culminates with the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2.

This lineup of stelliums is indeed exceptional and epic, just as 2024 is destined to be. Are you as aware and ready? Ready or not, here we go!

The Moon this week; The first stellium New Moon of the year occurred at 20 Capricorn 44 on January 11 with the Sun, Moon, and Pluto at the critical 29th degree closely aligned.

This week’s Horoscope will shed some light on how this configuration will play out in your life.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Your public life, career, and social status in general are getting activated by this first New Moon of 2024. It generally indicates an optimistic boost. This dynamic has been brewing since Winter Solstice but now it receives the most potent impulse. Contending with Saturn in Pisces is the main issue.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
When practical considerations are at the core of one’s philosophy, pragmatic action tends to be the obvious choice. This is likely true and could support you to achieve a lot over the coming weeks, provided your direction is clear and your efforts over the past few years have been focused and consistent.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
As valid and noble as it is to assume that you are in complete control of your life, the greater truth is that some cycles of destiny push us to realize that our best choice is peaceful surrender. The good news is that doing so indicates that your free will is still operative. Since change is the law, and resistance is futile, choose to yield and cooperate.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
While there has been a dynamic focus on your closest relationships these past few weeks, this New Moon will register as a spike on the graph. The focus on your future goals and dreams is emphasized. Yet, to succeed, you must be willing to break free from your comfort zone and give more. Collaborate and strategize.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
The focus now turns to your lifestyle. The emphasis is on health, and this is your opportunity to implement new routines of discipline. For example, you could resolve to drink more water, consume less refined sugars and starchy foods, and enjoy a more targeted focus on exercise. For best results, get clear on your desired outcome.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
Well, the coasting in the slow lane phase, as 2024 begins, is now over. Expect the pace to accelerate and you are about to get busier. Some of the focus will likely be directed to cleaning and beautifying your home environment. Doing so will prove inspiring and motivating. Get in the corners and at least clear the clutter.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
The impact of this New Moon will activate your home and family life. There is an emphasis on improvements and a learning curve is implied. Yet sometimes the lesson is to unlearn. This implies shifting your attitude and being open to new perspectives and interpretations for the sake of breaking unproductive habits.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
The emphasis of the New Moon is upon seeking, identifying, and acting upon new opportunities. A sharper emphasis on creative, critical thinking is part of the plot. Patient perseverance is also featured and includes getting clear on which relationships merit deeper commitment and which you need to let go.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
This Capricorn New Moon will take your approach to being more grounded a few solid steps further. The biggest obstacle stands to be unconscious fears delaying progress or holding you back altogether. This is when your truth-seeking and self-honesty aspirations are needed most to vanquish the power of these hidden enemies.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
This New Moon in your sign is your cue to take new leads and strides. A learning curve is implied, and you are wise to decipher what constitutes your best focus in this regard. Some form of practical training is quite possible, instead of loftier intellectual and scholarly interests. The more you can outline the process, the better.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
Working behind the scenes and getting organized with the backend of things is likely throughout this lunation cycle. The time is right to establish a more solid foundation. Take some time to decipher what this might imply, and the steps required. Taking deliberate action this way could give you the edge for the entire year.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
Brainstorming for new ideas and strategies is the call now. Exercising a visionary perspective is featured and implies seeing a bigger picture over the longer term. Be willing to be innovative and take a pioneering approach. Novelty and originality can prove very attractive and could win accolades, new fans, and clients.

Michael O’Connor

Life Coach Astrologer
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