West Kootenay Regional Arts Council

March 2025Artist credit: Kelsey Van RaayNEWSREGISTRATION DEADLINES APPROACHJoin us during the tour! To become one of the essential stops of the 2025 Columbia Basin Culture Tour, register by March 23 (early bird) or March 31 (final deadline). READ MORE
CKCA APPLICATIONS DUE / OTHER GRANTS COMING UPRemember to submit your CKCA application by this Friday (for all programs except Community Grants, which is already closed). Also check out these granting opportunities:First Peoples’ Cultural Council’s Arts Program (apply by March 19)BC Gaming Grants for Arts & Culture (apply by April 30)

If you’re an arts organization seeking to better understand, measure and communicate your impact, attend Mass Culture’s online session “Defining Your Impact: Who and what really matters,” taking place March 6. READ MORE
Good mental health is essential for anyone, including those involved in arts, culture and heritage. Here are a few resources that could help you or others in your organization:AFC: for those working in performing arts and entertainmentUnison: for those working in the music industryCanadian Mental Health Association: for workplacesREAD MORE NEWS STORIES HERE

BEHIND THE SCENESQ&A WITH IRMA DE VISSER, CKCA STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERTo help arts, culture and heritage in the Columbia Basin thrive, we rely on a dedicated team of board and steering committee members. Here, meet Irma de Visser, CKCA Steering Committee Member. READ MORE

Formerly from Hyderabad, India, Nelson resident Surya Sameera Gonella has created A Celebration of India—which will take place on April 12, 2025, at the Capitol Theatre in Nelson—to showcase the “roots, traditions and culture” of her Indian heritage. READ MORE ON PAGE 14 OF ARTICULATEREAD MORE STORIES HERE

SELECT EVENTS IN THE REGIONBOOM: THE MUSIC, CULTURE AND EVENTS OF THE BABY BOOM GENERATIONThis mind-blowing experience takes us through 25 turbulent years, and gives voice to over a 100 influential politicians, activists and musicians. (Trail) READ MORE

AFKO FAIT SON SHOW: LA PATENTERising from the dark recesses of New Brunswick to set the stage ablaze, the quartet presents a raw and uncompromising cocktail of punk-rock and country-folk offset by a unique contemporary splash! (Nelson) READ MORECRYSTAL JOURNEYDavid Hickey’s set-up includes quartz crystal bowls, Paiste planet gongs, Persian santoors, harmonica and occasionally vocals to create harmonized chants. (Taghum) READ MORE

ART & ECOLOGY BOOK STUDYThis five-week course will provide an opportunity for discussion, reflective writing and art-making to critically examine the present and inspire the process of imagining and eventually realizing better futures. (Nelson) READ MORE

SUBMIT A LISTINGDo you have an arts, culture or heritage event you’d like to tell everyone in the Columbia Basin about? Submit your item now! 


Thank you to our funders: