Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week: June 16, 2023
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392

    Tip of the Week:

    Summer Solstice is upon us. The longest day of sunlight occurs over the course of June 20 to 22 as the exact moment of solstice is, as usual, on June 21st. This is when the Sun enters the time/sign of Cancer, measured by Earth’s orbit around the Sun with rhythmic consistency.

    This stabilizing factor linked directly to the Sun’s light subject to the Earth’s angle of axial tilt also corresponds to the regular progression of the seasons thus marking the official start of summer which, ironically, corresponds also the progressive decrease of hours of sunlight culminating at Winter Solstice.

    Can you see how this symbolically corresponds to the waxing and waning Moon revealing a rhythmic, cyclic process of minimum to maximum light and back to minimum again? On that note, the New Moon in Gemini occurs on June 18th.

    Interestingly, the backdrop to these consistent cycles reveals an ever-changing context of planetary positions and inter-relational dynamics. In fact, this planetary context is always changing and is never the same twice!

    In this regard, life manifests as an ever-changing process of social, economic, and political dynamics with core themes remaining the same: a dynamic spectrum of an ever-changing climate, antagonists and protagonists, villains and heroes as the spectrum of life from people to empires rise and fall, invariably, inevitably, consistently and certainly each ever seeking a new spin of perspective, opinion, and ambitious assertion often with justified secrecy, deception, and aggression, as the Earth rhythmically turns and cycles.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Your mind is clear and sharp, and all your senses are on full volume. This arousing spirit will inspire you to seek entertaining people and engage in corresponding activities. Although summer is officially here, spring fever is lingering and could well persist for weeks to come.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Your energy levels are running high and strong. Harnessing this boon to redirect it in every direction you feel determined to pursue could prove to result in high productivity. This is an expansive time for you, and you feel excited to use it to advance your overall position.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    This New Moon seed in your sign will ignite your pioneering spirit. As if suddenly, you yearn to enter new territory somehow. To counter what has likely been a period of retreat, the time is right to take new initiatives of all kinds and at least capitalize on this boost of inspiration.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Your creative spirit will experience a boost from this New Moon. Expect to be more animated and imaginative. Whether in your lab, studio, garden, or garage, this moment beckons creative engagement. It could even manifest as an inventive impulse that inspires you to new and surprising innovations.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Who are your friends, or is the emphasis on your audience? Either way, inspiration to increase your engagement is likely and could well achieve a boost of popularity. Social engagement is generally favored. If you are in the business of building your list and expanding your network, this is your cue.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    The spotlight is on your public and professional life. The emphasis is more sober than playful but could prove extra inspiring in terms of advancing your position. Jupiter in Taurus is well positioned to support this effort and will continue for many months, so focus to capitalize!

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    The air-sign Gemini Moon is in your element and will likely prove inspiring and uplifting for you. It signals an auspicious window of opportunity to get away for a bit, if only for a few days. In this regard, do it now if you can. Circumstances could swing quickly to more sobering affairs soon after the solstice.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    The influences of Gemini tend to be a bit more complex for you than others. However, it can be harnessed positively, especially in terms of personal growth. Use this energy to strip an unwanted layer or two, whether it be in your perspectives, attitudes, habitual approaches, or otherwise.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    The emphasis on relationships continues and increases this week thanks to the Gemini impulse. The time is right to engage with friends and lovers. The advent of solstice could turn the energy to deeper matters, however. You could be confronted with themes of ending, completion, and transformation.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The focus has been and continues to be directed to your health and lifestyle in general. The emphasis will lean toward the quality of your relationships, both in your personal and professional life. Making investments of your energy, time, focus and perhaps money too is featured.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    This New Moon contains seeds of creative inspiration for you. There are romantic overtones as well and the combination of these energies could prove quite satisfying. With your confidence levels on a steady rise, you are in a good position to advance to the next level of your overall journey.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    A fresh burst of energy will inspire even more focus on your home and family. It will shift into a stronger creative impulse progressively over the coming days and weeks. Extra efforts will be required and are already so direct your focus to an attitude of determination and a ‘whistle while you work’ approach.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: June 9, 2023
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392

    Tip of the Week:

     As spring season officially comes into its final stretch this week, the heat of summer is already on and in more ways than one. Venus now in play and passionate Leo on June 5 can now be said to be in hot pursuit of her lover Mars. This chase will continue for about a month when Mars enters Virgo. As destiny has it, just hours within the time of the exit of Mars, Mercury enters Leo. At this point, Venus will continue her pursuit but will slow her pace significantly prior to turning retrograde. So, the emphasis on engagement will turn to her winged-footed friend, Mercury, the influence of which inspired creative and artistic activities of all kinds. So, June is the warm-up for this developing theme. In the bigger picture, Pluto re-enters Capricorn on June 11 where it will linger in the higher degrees until January 24, 2024. This will synchronize with a renewed emphasis on government authoritarianism. However, with Saturn now in Pisces, its power and influence will prove much less potent than it has over the past several years especially.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Despite a lingering focus on practical affairs, a playful, passionate, and sporting mood has been rising life spring moving fast towards summer. Now is the time to attend to those lingering bits of business, which could be attending to the garden, before you enter a much more social cycle starting this week.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    You have likely been taking new leads and strides these past few weeks. Part of your focus has been on digging in deep wherever and however your life circumstances require it. As well, the focus has been on creating more beauty especially in and around your home.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Although the Sun has been in your sign for some weeks now, you have been happy to lay low and enjoy more quality time behind the scenes. The results have likely been mixed, however since the urge to be out and about is also strong. Well, good news, you will be much more engaging very soon.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Currently, it is easier to be both out of sight and yet fully connected and engaging with your friends, business networks, and audience. Your ambitions are running strong and have been for some weeks, yet you may feel the need for a deeper bout of R&R. If so, get it in now.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Gemini time tends to be a social one for you. However, Mercury lingering in Taurus these past many weeks due to its retrograde cycle has emphasized a more sober perspective. Career and/or social status building has been a central theme. While this will continue, there will be a shift to socialize more.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Like your Leo friends, you feel determined to advance your position. Both inner Seeing a bigger picture, cultivating a vision, and establishing the foundations of it have been keeping you busy. This momentum will build and advance to the next level so get ready to get to work.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    You have been in a studious and perhaps philosophical mood, and this will continue and even deepen yet. The focus has included research supported by fact-driven and healthy skepticism. In short, you are determined not to be easily sold, yet you also want to believe in something genuine and true.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Jupiter in Taurus can be credited for the synchronicity of this expansive cycle. Yet, there are ever many other cycles of influence at play. Hopefully, this emphasis on increase is the kind you want. Public and professional arenas are likely where the real action is and this will continue.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Life is all about relationships and you have been experiencing more focus in this area. However, you are likely contending with both overcoming fears, worry, or lack of faith and either too much thinking or not enough critical analysis. Focus to engage in more open communications with the intention of listening deeply.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Critical thinking is also referred to as creative thinking. Either way, this theme is emphasized and will continue and deepen. With your ambitions running strong, supported by an ardent determination to go deep and hard to get to the bottom of things, the one thing to review of your core motivation.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    The playful mood of Gemini time will advance to the next level starting this week. It has already been a time of deeper engagement on relationship fronts and this trend will continue. There may be some edgy factors to contend with, however, but if you can approach them with a negotiable attitude, you will advance.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    A busy time on the home front continues. Yet, there will be a qualitative shift this week to more intellectual areas of focus. Your willingness to give more than you may want could be the deciding factor between sooner or delayed success. Do the rounds but focus also to complete whatever you started.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: June 2, 2023
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392

    Tip of the Week:

    The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3 is among the bigger themes this week. It is the culmination of the Cazimi New Moon on May 19. Due to the exact degree placements of both Mercury and Jupiter, the outer manifestation in the lead-up to it has likely been a busy cycle with an emphasis on details and critical thinking. At worst, a scattered and frenetic energy pattern both due to worry and contributing to it as well has and continues to require deliberate, emotional self-control. Mars in the early degree of Leo has, at best, and continues to contribute an added boost of firepower to our efforts. This influence will continue and actually expand over the next few months, so it has been and continue to be a good time to make the most of this complex mix of energies. Venus enters Leo on June 4 where, due to turning retrograde on July 22 to September 3, will remain in Leo until October 2. In Leo, Venus can prove playful and passionate especially due to being in hot pursuit of Mars for the next several weeks.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Balancing work with play is characteristic at this time of year and 2023 is no exception. You are at least willing and maybe even happy to get your hands dirty, literally, and figuratively. So, this presents a go-ahead window for you during which time you can enjoy feeling progressive.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Your focus is strong, yet you are also determined to cover a lot of ground. One way or another, you have broken through walls of late, or at lead you have been dreaming about how you can. If so, the answer is less how and more, about what walls and why you want them down.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Contending with an outward push and an inward pull is a central theme now. This will continue all week but then will yield to push forward more fully. This will lead you to be more playful and social with an inclination towards variety. Allow this impulse to emerge organically because it will.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Like your Gemini friends, you are contending with a mixed energy with one leading you inward and the other to venture out. Quality time simply spent in the garden, for example, will likely suffice, especially if you have dinner with friends on the deck after the garden is in.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A busy time on a variety of fronts continues. You are in an expansive time, especially in your public and/or professional life. The time s right to enter a more deliberate mode of creative focus. This impulse will increase progressively and marks a window of opportunity to be extra creative.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Like your Leo friends, you feel determined to advance your position. Both inner work, or work done behind the scenes, and outer activity is indicated, but more the former. This will prove true for many weeks so focus to get things done that require both creativity and practicality.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    The Sun in Gemini indicates a cycle of adventure. It may not necessarily be high-seas travel, but it could lead you to new explorations or philosophical avenues. A strong emphasis on finances is indicated and could include taxes or inheritances. Somehow, returns are indicated and hopefully, the kind you want.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    You have entered a cycle of increase and expansion. This represents a big opportunity if you align with it wisely. It could also include travel and perhaps new levels of spiritual growth and understanding. Anything that has begun lately, perhaps especially in the relationship department could prove very rewarding.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Inspirations to increase your social outreach are likely now. Yet, your powers of critical analysis are running strong so your focus may be more sober and serious than simply light and gregarious. A spirit of adventure has also been sparked and could lead you to distant lands or at least to feel more sporting.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The time has come to discern what in your life is real and what is simply fantasy. Both do have their place, but it helps to know the difference. This extends to getting clear regarding your priorities, values, and larger vision for life linked to clearly defined aspirations and goals. 

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Gemini time coincides with a creative and inspirational cycle for you. Much of your focus this year emphasizes activities close to home. These include practical goals but may also tap into psychological and spiritual interests as well. Generally, your confidence levels are destined to steadily rise.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    You have entered a dynamic learning curve. It implies a concentration of your focus. However, this may not prove as easily done. So, make the extra effort to not take on too many projects and concentrate on following through on whatever is now underway with an emphasis on completion.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: May 27, 2023
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392

    Tip of the Week:

    Gemini time is well underway. It began last week under the auspicious influence of the Cazimi New Moon in Taurus. This offers a welcome influence after the two back-to-back and complex New Moons in Aries which synchronized with many new dynamics that continue to unfold. The entry of Jupiter in Taurus also indicates a stabilizing factor supporting new developments and fortifying foundations. After the many casualties of the past few years, this new impulse comes as a sorely needed opportunity for many. Yet, it comes with the dissolving influences of Saturn in Pisces and the revolutionary impulses of Pluto in Aquarius, despite the fact that it has turned retrograde on May 1 and will re-enter Capricorn on June 11 which will coincide with governments the world over experiencing strong push backs from its respective citizenry. So, it is within the context of these factors that we are rounding the corner toward the official start of summer. We can expect the momentum to build very quickly now and one which will continue for many months.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Although some of the ice-breaking work and heavy lifting is done, the focus on practical activities continues this week. Yet, now the emphasis is on beautifying, and might prove more fun. Investment-oriented thinking is featured and will likely be directed to home and family.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The busy season is well underway and you have not been left out. Attending to a variety of fronts is likely, yet you are also challenged to stay as focused as you can on each one. Getting to the bottom of things is part of the plot and could well be where the real work is required.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The Sun now in your sign indicates a cycle of new beginnings. However, with Mercury still in Taurus, these are not likely to break out of the gates early and with full thrust. Trust this flow and allow yourself to advance gently, enjoying the slow pace with one sure step at a time.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    One way or another, you find yourself in new territory or at least engaged in unforeseen circumstances not so long ago. These are requiring your continued steady focus, which has probably been the case for several weeks already. Positively, you are experiencing the fruits of earned rewards.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Fresh starts in your public and professional life are likely and ideal now. Working behind the scenes is indicated. Yet, some of your focus remains practically focused on projects that require some form of construction and building. Paying attention to the finer details is a central theme.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    After a period of deeper inner changes in your overall perspective and approach early this spring, the shift turned to see a much bigger picture of possibility. This emphasis continues and features some measure of cultural focus linked to new friends and interest groups.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Some rather deep inner changes are underway. These include and may even require research and further investigation and study. Obtaining specific tools, skills or strategies is part of the plot. Yet, circumstances are also guiding you to consider alternative approaches.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    The emphasis on new relationships continues. With Jupiter in Taurus, you have entered an expansive and more fruitful cycle than you have perhaps experienced for some time. This cycle will continue for many months so focus to align with it with realistic action. A slower approach and one step at a time is also advised.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Fresh starts in your daily routine have likely begun to take root. These may require extra discipline, determination, and faith on your part. Returns for past efforts are indicated, yet ideally, you are able to recognize them with graceful receptivity. Fortunately, your energy levels should be running high.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The recent Cazimi New Moon was destined to spark your creative passions. These are directly linked to home and family, or possibly to close friends, perhaps especially women. An ambitious push to support your efforts is indicated. This could prove to be just the impulse you have needed.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Some fresh starts close to home are indicated and come with some satisfying returns. These are supporting you to feel more confident, overall. You may, however, have to make some extra efforts to adapt to the situation. Just be willing to make the few extra efforts required.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    The seeds of new perspectives have been sown by this recent New Moon. Many new and creative ideas have begun to germinate and new sprouts of awareness are even beginning to show. The biggest challenge is to steady your focus and avoid taking on too many projects at this time.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: May 19, 2023
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392

    Tip of the Week:

    The two previous New Moons at 0 and 29 Aries respectively, with the latter a historic Hybrid Solar Eclipse, no less, the next one is also very special. Less commonly heard of, this next New Moon at 28 Taurus 25 possesses the special distinction of what is called “Cazimi”. This means that the Moon in its apogee, or furthest point away in its elliptical orbit from Earth, is effectively positioned in the center of the Sun, from our perspective. A Cazimi New Moon is generally considered auspicious for new projects, ventures, and start-ups so this is your cue to make the most of it. Ironically, this furthest point from Earth is also the determination for Black Moon Lilith which is yet another lesser known point in Astrology yet which is quite powerful. It is recognized to effectively symbolize a dark side of one’s emotional nature associated with unresolved traumas or as repressed hidden desires that tend to harbor a charge of resentment as revealed by the sign, house, degree, and aspects it makes in one’s Birth Chart.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    This Cazimi New Moon indicates on emphasis on personal finances. This is generally true for everyone due to Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and the Lunar North Node all in Taurus as well, but especially for you.  With Venus and Mars in Cancer, themes of security linked to home and family are emphasized.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Circumstances of late are likely activating your emotions to the point of dramatic concern. This New Moon will serve to ignite your resolve to focus intently and to take deliberate action. A growing determination to get to the bottom of things will be evident yet a patient resolve is your best bet.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    This lunar cycle is inviting you to retreat. There is a strong emphasis on emotional safety and security. While financial matters are featured, the emphasis may be more fully on health and self-care. Themes of transformation are also indicated and the result is that a whole new you is emerging.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Powerful changes in your overall status of late are now settling into a new norm. These do include an added degree of challenge regarding your energy levels, yet there are indications that you are already and will rise to meet the challenge. You may also learn who are and are not true friends and allies.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Challenges associated with your public and professional life triggered by last month’s Solar Eclipse should be evident by now. There is not likely a quick fix to resolve the issue. Rather, the situation requires a deeper resolve to be more practical and realistic regarding a whole new level of effort and discipline.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    You are on the other side of a period of change and transformation. This should be evident both within and without. Now, this new lunar cycle is inviting you to begin a rebuilding process. Don’t expect things to return to the way they were. Instead, approach things differently and with new strategies.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Destined new beginnings on relationship fronts should be evident by now. These may not be everything you want, however. You may be challenged to make extra efforts to embrace the opportunities presented. Doing so may even require new knowledge or even training of some kind.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Are you ready for a fresh start, perhaps especially in your relationship life? Well, if so, this may be the big break you have been waiting for. You may have to make extra efforts to break free from your comfort zone, however. This may prove easier said than done and may include learning new skills.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    The recent series of New Moons, including this one, are activating changes for everyone at both personal and collective levels. For you, the emphasis has been on the health and quality of your daily routine and rhythm and lifestyle in general. Now, the shifts will occur in your associations with others.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    This Cazimi New Moon carries a creative spark for you. It is one that could well prove to activate sudden and unexpected changes in your priorities and extend to your daily life. These will likely have an impact on your home and family situation as well. Expect the ignition soon.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    The seeds of change are being sown for everyone. Life works this way but it is extra emphasized now. Specially, these are serving to alter some of your perspectives and will also manifest as new developments close to home. You will also likely get a creative boost so hopefully, you can harness it.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Shifts in your overall self-concept and priorities are underway. These will now turn to impact your perceptions and interpretations extending to home and family. Positively, the next couple of months could prove to be very productive. In this regard, plan to take time off in late July or August.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


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  • Horoscope for the Week: May 5, 2023
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392
    Michael Photos 2017 3 e1679699462392

    Tip of the Week: The historic Hybrid Solar Eclipse culminates as a Lunar Eclipse on May 5 at the powerful 15th degree of Scorpio. This degree is symbolically associated with the last 8th period or approximately 45 days of the year leading to Winter Solstice. In this regard, it carries with it themes of ending, death, and decay but also the realities of change and the promise of regeneration, rebirth, and renewal. As wonderful as is the promise of the latter, it is the process of ending, change, and death that is the hard part. The impact of a Lunar Eclipse is generally emotional and subjective as opposed to eventful. Due to its association with the Lunar South Node, which is also in Scorpio, the symbolic message includes the need to consciously let go, move on, and not look back. It should be noted that the Full Moon is not the time to plant the seeds of intention as is commonly assumed. It can prove exciting regarding various ceremonies, yet its emphasis is more fully on individuality, priorities, and associated healthy boundaries.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    The Scorpio eclipsed Full Moon could prove extra emotionally complex for you. You could undergo any number of emotional reactions. Financial interests and concerns may be the most obvious practical theme. Yet, it is your emotional relationship and subsequent reactions to money that is highlighted.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    This eclipse occurs in your relationship sector. You can expect changes to occur accordingly. These could prove positive as well, especially if you have a good attitude regarding their interpretation and implementation. The influence could also lead to new associations and subsequent opportunities.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    What aspects of your daily routine and lifestyle, in general, are in need of change? It could be an issue of bad habits or the need to let go of traditional attitudes and approaches that no longer genuinely serve you. Focus on soberly and realistically assessing what needs to go or what changes need to occur.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    It is natural to become over-identified with various aspects of our personality. This can prove especially true if we achieved fame and acclaim for various roles played. Yet, change is the law and it is pushing you to entertain new roles and methods. Be open to reinvention of habitual roles as necessary.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Is your comfort zone eclipsing your sense of freedom and success? This is often the case in regard to missing opportunities. Although success is a relative term, circumstances may require that you become more responsible in terms of your choices especially in as much as they inhibit your overall health.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Our perceptions are often guided by our beliefs and convictions and lead to our interpretations. Are you sure you see things as they are or have you become attached to conclusive attitudes? If doubt exists, dialogue and debate are warranted and they include deep listening and possible reevaluation.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Our values and priorities are deeply guiding factors regarding our choices, much like our beliefs. Often both are either inherited or socially conditioned. Sometimes we assume that our thoughts are our own, yet upon closer examination, we might realize that they were learned from outer sources.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Are there aspects of your self-concept and overall attitude and habitual mode of expression that no longer serve you? This is an important question to ask at this opportune time with the Lunar Eclipse in your sign. The key now is to avoid the temptation to try to change others and to change yourself.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Making our subconscious, to which we are generally unconscious, conscious is a golden key to personal power. Worse than just buried treasure, sometimes what lurks in the subconscious are hidden enemies such as limiting beliefs, attitudes, and self-concepts. To clear them, all you have to do is identify them.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Do you know what makes you unique and special or do you have the attitude that you are neither? This eclipse is offering you the opportunity to break from of habitual self-concepts which can be understood as your apparent comfort zone, but which is actually causing you to feel quite uncomfortable, emotionally.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    It is common to either feel frustrated with our life or to feel like we are not realizing our potential. However, these opinions may not be accurate, and a clearer understanding of our life might reveal that our circumstances offer more than we realize in terms of time and space without extra obligations.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Whether we realize it or not, our entire scope of perspective on reality is linked to our core philosophy. Do you know what yours is? If asked, would you be able to describe what yours is? Above all, is yours healthy and empowering, or is it negative and cynical? This is your cue to undergo a process of inner review.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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