Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week: April 29, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    May days are almost here. Astrologically, this means that the Sun enters the Virgo decan of Taurus. With Mercury newly in Gemini, this will amplify curiosity and intellectual exchange guided by a rigorous critical and analytical process on the social, global stage. With Venus entering Aries on May 2, the focus will also experience additional fire power. Mars in Pisces meanwhile could dampen the flames, yet this placement during Taurus time adds to the revolutionary impulse and resolve, one way or another.

    The bigger story, however, is the Solar Eclipse that occurs on April 30 at 10 Taurus 28. Although technically a ‘Partial Eclipse’, it is still powerful and will have destiny-activating effects for us all, generally, and for those with planets and angles at this degree or within 2-3 degrees on either side, especially. Whether these will produce opportunistic or challenging influences is something that can only truly be determined on a case by case level. What we can be sure about is that its influence will be colored by 2 very ‘ambitious’ Fixed Stars: Schedir and Hamal.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Balancing the inward pull with outer activities reflective of the season continues. In the bigger picture, this eclipse will have a direct impact on your financial affairs. It may prove wise to be extra prudent in this regard. The time is right to lie low, but perhaps also to do your homework. Expect to dig deep to get to the bottom of things.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Your ambitions will receive a big extra boost consequential to the power of this eclipse.  It may even have the effect of spurring actions outside your usual norm and comfort zone, or that of others. Like a tidal wave with a deceptively powerful torque, your actions over the coming weeks and months stand to prove to carry a lot of weight.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Your imagination is probably running extra strongly of late.  The eclipse will have a big impact on you subconsciously, the domain of your imagination. Bringing it to the surface is certainly the theme of creative thinking, yet you will also have to make extra efforts not to be at its mercy. Make friends with your imagination by keeping it in close check.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Fertilizing your sense of individuality implies giving it a boost. The extra fire-power of this eclipse will help you to do just that. Meanwhile, a reflective and contemplative mood is the perfect setting to nurture your dreams and visions. Meanwhile, deep changes continue to rumble both within and without and can be compared to shedding skins.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    This eclipse will have a direct and strong impact on your career and social status, in general. It is quite possible that the results of it will be more positive for you than most, or at least could manifest as some good karma. Given the reputation of the fixed stars involved, this more positive theme is the exception.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    The double dose of the earth element will inspire you to be outside and to get your hands dirty. It’s more indirect influence will occur on relationship fronts and could also prove extra strong. The result could be mixed but generally leans to the positive. The challenging bit implies dealings with unreliable people, so stand ready to adapt proactively.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Financial realities are playing an extra strong role now. These are or will likely manifest as rather sudden changes of fortune. This process will likely have more than one episode and could flip-flop from positive to negative quite quickly, and the opposite is also true. So, remain grounded, reasonably detached and flexible, avoiding unnecessarily risky ventures.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Sometimes love arrives unexpectedly, or leaves just as quickly. The reasons are many and mysterious as they are; they are all features of the probabilities of destiny. This eclipse certainly has the potential to produce such effects. Especially with the arrival end,  take things extra slowly as you can and know better with whom you may become entangled.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Creating beauty, comfort and atmosphere of your liking close to home may be proving to require more effort than imagined. Regardless, doing so is important. With the eclipse influencing your daily rhythm and routine, focusing to include an emphasis on health may prove extra important. Mercury in Gemini says ‘let’s talk about it’.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    As likely as is the inspirational influence of this eclipse, it could also be the source of drama in your life. This includes siblings, neighbors and/or children. Yet sometimes, the drama proves enriching and meaningful. Either way, the signs are that the game is afoot and matters will not prove boring. Be ready to lend assistance as necessary.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Adding to the already disruptive influence of Uranus stirring things up close to home these past many months, the eclipse will add its own super-boost. There are some positives indicated in the way of positive returns for good deeds committed in the past. However, it may still produce an unsettling effect and possibly even prompt a major move.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    The influence of Taurus closely aligns with your overall mode of perception. So, be ready for the results of this eclipse to have a measurable impact on your perspectives. It could well coincide with the pursuit of dreams and their realization. The urge to escape could also prove strong. Aim for the mystic’s posture of being in but not of the world, for best results.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…Attachments area

  • Horoscope for the Week: April 22, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    Taurus time has begun. The warm days and blossoming beauty everywhere uplifts spirits.  The beautiful and fragrant season of buds and flowers and the garden preparation and seed sowing joys becomes a central focus for many people. And April 22 is Earth Day and merits our full respect and acknowledgement.

    In the wider, social and political sense, the Sun is now moving towards its annual conjunction with Uranus. It is a very significant contributor to the synchronicity of the changing economy, along with Pluto in Capricorn. As natural as it may seem to some that the time has come, we should also be aware  of  the very real perils implied in this process.

    Every war is invariably linked to land, ownership, access, privilege and power symbolized by Taurus. A digital economy may sound good to some, but the dangers are very real and we are wise to be more awake and aware of the implications. The biggest danger is that artificial intelligence can pose very threats to human life, as many science fiction movies have… warned. Look up  the term ‘technocracy’ to deepen your understanding.

     Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    A time of turning within is upon you. This within can point to your own backyard, literally. Yet,   a soul-searching journey is also implied. At least, a time of rest and retreat to commune with your inner voice and to simply be is implied. This time of respite will linger for up to several weeks and you are wise to rest deeply, you will need all your reserves later.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The powerful combination of Taurus, Aquarius and Pisces is destined to activate your revolutionary spirit. It is likely that it is already activated, in which case, it will serve to catapult you to the next level. Discerning between fact, fantasy, fiction and intentional fallacy is likely, whether it is your own or that of others.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Imagine that it is your job to be a dream weaver! This does not mean you are out of touch with reality. In fact, you are more grounded than some might believe. Yet, you also tend to feel like you are in but not entirely of the world. You see it as a game and a stage and as an adventure to be lived as well as  a story to be told and understood. Keep up the good work!

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    A kaleidoscope of visions is moving through your mind. Memories, hopes, dreams, realizations and possibly fears and trepidations about the future are converging, each assuming the central position for a while, only to be replaced again. As well, your sights are set on the future and you are inspired and determined to build upon more solid ground.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    The Taurus factor finds you focused on very practical matters. The Aquarius influence finds you committed to build upon a more solid future and healthier lifestyle. Yet, it is the Pisces factor currently playing such a strong role that represents a period of limbo between what was a will be. The key now is to be willing to let go of what was. Onward and forward!

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Taurus time is one during which circumstances guide you to emphasize the more practical realities of your overall philosophy of life. This year, it is very tightly woven into your relationship life and dreams of creating a beautiful life with the one(s) you love. Yet the challenge to see through and beyond the mirage is very real.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    You have entered a cycle during which time maintaining your center and equilibrium is extra   important but possibly equally challenging as well. Circumstances are causing you to have to give more and work harder somehow. The focus on health does continue to spike on the graph. There is also an emphasis on finances possibly requiring further investigation.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    The Taurus factor is shining its light on your relationship life. Venus and Mars in romantic Pisces lend a strong supportive influence. Of course, you have to be in the game to play and win. As well, the finer details of destiny are the deciding factor. Whether it is your existing relationship that enjoys fresh blooms, or new interests are budding, love relationships are emphasized.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Taurus time is directing your focus to the finer details of practical reality. Much of your intention is likely to be on home and family. Realizing the dream, despite the frightful times, and creating order out of chaos are likely scenarios. This is the rebirth or resurrection phase after the death and transformation process.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The earthy element of Taurus aligns with your own, producing an inspirational effect. The strong Piscean influence also harmonizes with it and supports nourishment and growth, especially regarding your perceptions and interpretations. The Aquarius factor is the more sobering theme requiring persistence and follow-through.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    The big emphasis is on your home. Creating a foundation of stability and beauty from which you can grow your garden and your dreams is your main focus. Moves of some kind are indicated and they also imply a whole new set of priorities. Next week’s Solar Eclipse New Moon is already actually and will play a major role over the coming months.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    This time of year tends to have a powerful effect on you. Like the rising sap, your energy levels are higher and you yearn to reacquaint yourself with the soil. This year, due to the strong Pisces influence, you yearn to dive more deeply and fully into realizing your dreams. Be willing to cash in on your good karma and begin a whole new adventure.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…Attachments area

  • Horoscope for the Week: April 15, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    The final week of the first month of spring begins now.  The Aries lunation cycle that occurred on April 1 (or March 31 in the west), waxes to full in Libra on April 16. It will serve to activate deep sentiments regarding security.  Due to Venus in Pisces it will also evoke a powerful wave of empathy and compassion. 

    This is compounded by the rare and important Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces, exact on April 12 but still very active, which is the anchor event for what will invariably emerge as a spiritual awakening and revolution as was indicated by the triple conjunction of Venus, Mars and Saturn in Aquarius at the time of the New Moon.

    The opposing possibility is a continuation of mass psychosis and mass formation psychosis which can be understood as widespread cognitive dissonance that plagues much of the populations of the world. This theme is illustrated in the movie ‘Don’t Look-Up’.  All of these themes are gaining a lot of attention and momentum on the web and merit further investigation.

     Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Pushing through lines of opposition has arrived at an important juncture. While over the past several weeks the emphasis was more external, now it is also meant to occur internally. This implies a deep dive into your own mind to identify, confront and overcome negative and limiting belief, self-concept, perception and interpretation patterns.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The weave of Aquarius, Pisces and Aries influences active now are destined to guide you to identify your allies. Some of these may naturally be identified as those souls on your outer stage that you trust deeply. On the other hand, you can also strengthen your bond with your inner allies.  This begins with communion with your soul.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Asserting your sense of individuality and independence has been a central theme these past several weeks. While this focus will continue through much of this week, the gears will change by the weekend.   Circumstances will lead you inward for a while. This cycle could and will ideally guide you to access tools, techniques and strategies to create inner security and peace.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Whether you want, choose, like it, or not, destiny is calling you to see a bigger picture. Which area of focus you are meant to understand better depends on you. This is an invitation to think more clearly and critically and probably requires you to ask harder questions. Comfort and complacency have their limits so focus to push through.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A philosophical and adventurous mood prevails. You may find yourself on a quest both literally and mentally to discover deeper truth about who you are and your place in the world. It is likely that changes and transformations are underway close to home. Themes of endings are also featured but, as ever, they are also pointing to new beginnings as well.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    An expansive time on relationship fronts continues. These are invariably having an effect on you leading to subtle but real changes in your perspectives and approach. This is and will  continue to require you to exercise an attitude of grace under pressure. Positively, you are clearing clutter both from your mind and your living environment.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    While new beginnings on relationship fronts are a source of excitement and inspiration, they also require you to give more than you may want to. As well, your efforts may not come with clear guarantees of success and you may have to proceed with faith.  To surrender to the process with gratitude for the lesson regardless of the outcome is a spiritual test.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    The focus has been on your daily routine and lifestyle.  Now, the shift is moving more fully in the direction of your relationship life. Positively, there are signs of love and romance indicated by Venus and Mars in Pisces, the sign of your dream lover. Whether this amounts to dreams and fantasies fulfilled or to wishful thinking and deceptions is another matter.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    You are receiving the call of the mystic in your soul. It is calling you out to play.  Do it now, though, because by this time next week this call will require you to do the work. Think of it like the excitement of the first week of a new school year when friends reunite and everything feels fresh and then the assignments and homework are issued.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The Aries impulse has been igniting your spirit.  It has pushed you to dig deep and clear away the dead wood. But now the focus is shifting to a more creative and imaginative focus. Embrace this new impulse with awareness and gratitude as it too is time stamped. A spirit of invention is also featured yet investments will be required.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    The information war not only continues. This war is about perception and interpretation. Of course, knowledge is a feature of it. Among the more important realizations that have emerged into the collective mind is that whoever controls the narrative, regardless of its veracity or not, controls the masses. You know it is true and want others to know it as well.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune all now in Pisces are strongly coloring your perspectives.  Positively, they are inspiring you to explore new horizons and/or to exercise methods of beautiful self-expression. Expect this process to have a strong impact on your perceptions and priorities supporting you to know much more clearly what you truly want.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…

  • Horoscope for the Week: April 8, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    Followed by last week’s now waxing New Moon in Aries, which arrives at half-mast now, there were a series of other key conjunctions. These include Mercury to the Sun and then to Chiron, the Sun to Chiron and Mars to Saturn all over the course of just a couple of days. These new cycles will prove quite evident as spring 2022 shifts quickly from low to high gear.

    These altogether reveal a renewed expression of the spirit of community. This can occur locally over via communities of people from all over the world, thanks to the internet. Themes of awakening, healing, revolution and freedom are all featured in this line-up.

    The historic conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces is next and occurs on April 12. It hosts all the vision, passion and purpose of the centaur (Chiron) with its mighty bow stretched to full capacity and full feathered arrow aimed at the very center of the galaxy, the symbolic vortex of truth.

     Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    A bold, energetic, determined and strategic resolve is guiding your actions now. Windows of opportunity have opened and you are determined to take full advantage.  Your focus is sharp and pointed, yet your approach may also be described as alternative and maverick.  Just be careful that excess will does not obscure wisdom.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Some cycles are better for inner work than outer and this is one of them. You may, however, find yourself splitting the difference, attending also to usual, outer routines The inner work implies clearing doubt, confusion, lack of focus and simply clearing the clutter or attending to unfinished business and strategic planning.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The added Aries impulse triggered an assertion of your sense of individuality. This will prove especially evident if you find yourself exploring new places.  In fact, circumstances of late have been pushing you to explore new frontiers, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or imaginatively. One way or another, you are likely experiencing dissolution of the past.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Fresh starts socially, publically and/or professionally should be evident by now. These include an expansion of your scope, vision, philosophy and some of your core beliefs. Yet, these new impulses may be leaving you feeling confused and a little lost as you enter new territory. If this is true, keep moving forward but slow down.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Exploring new horizons is a source of excitement and adventure for you now. It comes with a provocative, passionate and edgy tone. As well, it could lead to the fulfillment of long-cherished dreams. Changes in your career, social status and lifestyle in general are also likely and these will become especially evident next month.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    A period of clearing and purging has entered its next effective stage. While a lot of activity may be external and in your environment, a personal transformation process is also highlighted. Life a snake shedding its old skin the process can be somewhat unsightly but the end result is a fresh, gleaming and renewed sense of being.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    New energy in the relationship department should be evident by now. If something new and important begins for you now in this regard, themes of healing will be strongly featured. Yet, you should also be prepared to give more, initially at least, than you might want to. Positively, the changes could prove beneficial financially.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Fresh starts in your overall lifestyle are indicated now. These will prove to be the consequence of both deep changes close to home and significant changes on relationship fronts. Venus entering Pisces includes a good possibility of romance, or at least of quality times shared with people you love. The key is to take the initiative.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Balancing a mood for inner retreat, which has been strong for some months, with the springtime impulse to explore new possibilities is a current theme. Since your sights are set on the future and to making changes in where and how you live, you will be on the search. All the while, you yearn for comfort and a deeper sense of security.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    You are feeling the Aries fire at your core, or at least experiencing it close to home. You will recognize it as new and vigorous assertions guided by an exploratory urge. Yet, in some respects you may be in a process of rediscovery of yourself and your place in the world. Change is brewing on many levels but for now it may be largely internal.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Aries time for Aquarius often synchronizes with intellectual assertion. You become more assertive and less likely to idly agree with others. In fact, you tend to push through and beyond popular opinion guided by a spirit of debate and genuine journalistic determination. Other factors indicate a whole new sense of appreciation of beauty.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    The Aries spark tends to activate your ambitions to generate more income somehow. While you may have begun to do so already, this impulse will grow stronger from mid-April. In fact, ‘doing the numbers’ could well emerge as your main focus for a while. Guided by a weave of practical needs and deep dreams, the results could prove quite enchanting.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…

  • Horoscope for the Week: April 1, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    The Aries New Moon is the star this week. This annual event serves to give spring a big boost. Beyond the actual weather, it is the archetypal energies and themes associated with Aries that activates the season’s pulse. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and that is why spring is referred to as the ‘Zodiacal New Year’.

    Symbolically, it refers to the exact moment of sunrise, when the light of the sun below the horizon casting its dawn light reveals its ignition moment as what appears to be the very top of the disc reveals a veritable explosion of solar light to officially begin the day.

    While this specific event does occur annually it does so on a different day and at a different time each year, making each one unique. This is actually true of all events measured with the lens of Astrology. Moreover, the chart assessed as a whole, reveals the positions and interactive dynamics of all the other planets and produces its own unique archetypal theme of creation.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    The powerful impulse activating by the New Moon in your sign will catapult you into action. Sun, Moon, Mercury and Chiron are all huddled very closely revealing themes of healing and repair. Mars in Aquarius meanwhile, also closely aligned with Venus and Saturn indicates unique individual self-expression, rebellion and/or revolution.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The Aries impulse will serve to awaken the dragon which sleeps in your subconscious mind.  Like a volcanic eruption, it stands to be explosive and sudden. Yet, there are usually signs and these have likely been revealing themselves for some weeks, at least. Get ready for a dynamic spring season of bullish assertion.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The powerful Aries activation will trigger your sense of individuality. Tune-in and focus to identify what makes you feel unique and special. It will also switch on a sense of wonder and adventure. Family dynamics weave into the plot as well, but these could prove a bit more sobering. Clean, clear and organize to feel liberated to explore new horizons.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    The Aries archetype is directly associated with your career. In this regard, you tend to assert a strong sense of independence. This invariably includes themes of leadership, at least in terms of your actions, if not also directing others somehow. This year, a rebellious and possibly disruptive energy pattern will push you to purge.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Spring activates your visionary side. Seeing a bigger picture is backed by strong desires to venture out and explore. This will have the effect of stimulating and/or perhaps agitating people and situations. Whether for the sake of professional exposure and expansion or simply to make an impression, you will likely be seen and heard.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Deep changes are already underway and these will get an extra boost this week. Whether it’s your mood, attitude, perspective, approach, environment, lifestyle… or all of the above, the time has come to make some power moves. This is an expansive time for you thanks to Jupiter in Pisces and this is your cue to answer the call.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Ready or not for new activations on relationship fronts, here they come. A mix of fun, play, games and romance are featured. You may also feel the urge to take a walk on the wild side, but it could just as well simply manifest as a kinky mood. You can blame the Aquarius factor with Venus and Mars there for desires for new licks of fire.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Taking new leads and strides in your daily rhythm and lifestyle in general continues. One way or another, you are pushing to get to the bottom of things, to remove what is in the way and to reveal the beauty that is concealed or to create it. It is important that you be willing to pay your dues now which include facing certain fears. 

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    The fire of Aries is a compliment to your own. It is serving to inspire new visions of possibility. The consequence of this process is increased confidence which when combined with inspiration, will manifest as an upward spiral. This is your long-awaited opportunity to enter new territory whether literal or figurative.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Your warrior spirit continues to beat strongly.  In fact, the sounds are getting deeper and stronger by the day. A cornerstone of your focus now is to rediscover yourself and find your place in the world again. Another corner of your purpose includes creativity and innovation. Altogether, these may unite into a process of reinvention.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    An added assertion of your intellect to gather knowledge and to be up to date with matters important to you will prove increasingly evident. Positively, your energy levels are running high and you are in the mood to explore your options. Your willingness to face your fears and to make investments of time, energy and money as required is important now.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Aries time tends to be one when your ambitions get sparked. This will lead you to reach out and create opportunities. An investigation into making key investments is likely.  Dealing with various financial responsibilities is therefore featured. Expect this trend to increase over the coming weeks and perhaps all spring.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…

  • Horoscope for the Week: March 25, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    The Week begins with the Moon forming a conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn indicative of continued overbearing authority and restriction. However, two triple planet alignments (stelliums) in Aquarius and Pisces remain strong players as well. These together reveal themes of revolution and also of spiritual awakening.

    Both of these theme factors will also steadily increase over the coming weeks. In fact, both will receive triggers by the fast-moving Moon by March 28 and extending to March 31 quickly followed by the New Moon in Aries, which itself includes a close alignment of Sun, Moon, Mercury and Chiron.

    Altogether, these powerful activations indicate a strong pushback against government overreach that will grow steadily n might well into April, culminating by mid-month with both the all-important and rare conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on April 12 and the full Moon in justice-oriented Libra on April 16th. This Moon also is the annual portent of Easter symbolic of resurrection after death and the eternal life of the soul.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Spring Equinox followed by the New Moon in your sign indicates resurrection. You will feel the rising energies as a new lease on life. The finer details of the entire year ahead are indicated by the planets on your birthday, especially the sign and phase of the Moon. Either way, a drive for power and financial security will be backed by a revolutionary impulse.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Others have identified a defiant streak in you, or at least expressions that outline your unique sense of individuality. Connecting and bonding with friends carries deep emotional and even spiritual tones. A busy time behind the scenes will characterize much of the coming weeks. Yet, you are wise  to also include deep bouts of rest to recharge.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    A punchy, pioneering impulse has come to the fore since equinox. This week’s New Moon will add to this ignition and will reveal a rebellious resolve to be more fully awake. Cultural, philosophical or journalistic exposure and activity will support this focus.  The more willing you are to shake-it-up and think out-of-the-box to break free from winter’s slumber, the better.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Aries time is one of action and sober purpose for you. This will prove quite true this year. In some respects, you may still feel like you are searching for your authentic place in the world and this theme will be triggered. Meanwhile, aspirations for loftier visions of truth for the sake of peace of mind gain added importance.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A quest for visionary purpose coincides with Aries time and the first lunar cycle of the Zodiacal New Year (Spring Equinox). It comes with some measure of provocative agitation, especially close to home, but in your public and professional life as well. Somehow your status has and is changing and destiny is pushing you to engage, cooperatively.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Aries time activates a cycle of deep inner change for you. It can be difficult to see it when you are in it, but one way or another you will notice an urge to purge, regenerate and transform. The process this year will require extra effort, some of which will also require an extra positive attitude for best results. Fortunately, good fortune is shining through the clouds.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Aries time emphasizes relationships for you. This year, the plot is laced with passion and originality. Meanwhile, changes on financial fronts that have been underway for many months may require more of your attention. Your sights are set on the future and you are probably open to new possibilities and investments requiring discussion.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    You are in the mood to take new initiatives associated with your daily rhythm and lifestyle in general. Positively, you feel adventurous. You yearn to create a more beautiful and harmonious living situation and this is likely pushing you to dig deep, to get to the bottom of things and to clear out both psychological blocks and literal dead wood.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    A creative cycle is underway and will increase over the coming days and weeks. It comes with an energetic and rebellious push to break through limiting or narrow thinking. Where this is apparent in others you associate with, you will either push to   awaken from their slumber or you will take your leave of them, perhaps forevermore.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The warrior spirit that resides at the core of your being is awakening. Like a dragon asleep for a long time, you may feel a little clumsy at first, but you are also rested and ready for a whole new round. Deciphering who are your allies and who or what represents the opposition is the first task. Either way, you are already moving and accelerating.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Desires for fresh perspectives and new knowledge are a guiding force now. Venus and Mars in Aquarius are leading you into new territory, but Saturn is making sure that your actions are not frivolous or hasty. The time is right to proceed slowly and patiently and do not make final commitments before you have completed a thorough assessment of what is available.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    The Sun passage through Aries is one during which you are ready to explore new options and priorities. This year, your focus includes personal inner work, sober thinking and practicality. A process of clearing away the past, which includes familiar behavior and perception patterns, is central. Be willing to break free of old beliefs and nurture new expressions.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…