Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week: November 18, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    Venus entered Sagittarius on November 16th, followed by Mercury on the 17th and the Sun will make its entry on the 22nd. This new cycle of influence will have a direct impact on Jupiter in Pisces for the 3rd time. I mentioned previously how rare this is. Generally, it refers to a spiritual influence. With so much chaos and corruption on social and political fronts, as with the efficacy and integrity of voting laws, people are turning within to focus more on higher powers to offset the distrust and lack of faith in many of the world’s leaders and media. Although the advances of science and technology will continue to change the social and economic stage and climate, relying solely on these material advances does not hold the same appeal it once did. Changes in the economy are a major theme all the while, with digital currencies and crypto-currencies as well both advancing to new levels of sophistication. Perhaps divine inspiration will lead us also to higher reaches of our collective humanity.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    With eclipse season having delivered its payload, you should know by now what the destined impact of it was for you, however sometimes there is a delay. The main emphasis is on your financial status. Meanwhile, a steadily growing influence from Sagittarius should serve to boost your spirits.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Last week’s Lunar Eclipse in your sign is bound to be reverberating in your world. Increasing your sense of individuality is a central theme. Deepening of certain relationships, especially the one with your own self, and pulling away or outright endings regarding other associations continues.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    A regenerative process linked to your health, diet and lifestyle in general continues. Meanwhile, a new impulse is rising which bodes well for your social life. This will become increasingly evident this week as circumstances lead you to reach out and engage friends and new cultural experiences.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    A strong creative impulse is steadily rising. It does include cooperation and a new balance of power on relationship fronts. Circumstances are pushing you to make some very real changes. The beauty is that you are meant to be more creative, not less, so use that as your guiding principle.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    In the deepest sense, changes close to home have and continue to unfold. These may have to do with interior design and renovations. However, the changes may be deeper, yet also subtler, regarding new attitudes. Improvement is a keyword, in this regard, so direct your focus accordingly for best results.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Destined changes in some of your perspectives continue to unfold. A rising sense of determination is featured. You may feel inspired to advance to the next level on a variety of fronts. Creating a more beautiful and functional home environment is on the list. Outline a to-do list.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Questions regarding what you feel you truly want and need continue to occupy your thoughts. This process can manifest as doing research for the sake of making sound investments, or you may be assessing what you want to purge. Themes of freedom are a core motivation guiding your choices.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Last month’s eclipse in your sign has likely had a larger impact for you than for most others. Yet, you may still find yourself deliberating and discerning regarding your best approach. Why are you doing what and how you are doing it? Are you being reactive or genuinely visionary?

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    It is quite possible that your confidence levels have been shifting. You may have experienced some dips over the past several weeks, but also some rises. Now, with a fresh activation due to planets entering your sign, you will likely feeling boosted, empowered and determined.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Deciphering who you are and are not is an important theme of late. Of course, this connects to what you do and do not want to do. Questions of career are featured, but may reach to deeper, inner levels, as well. In other words, you have possibly embarked on a soul-searching journey, which will continue.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Endings, completions, graduations and other such changes and processes in your career and public life continue. In some respects, what was might have disintegrated or your own interest has diminished. Positively, this will lead you to explore new options and opportunities.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Changes in your beliefs and philosophies continue. Meanwhile, some of the energy is directed to your home and living environment. A renovation process is quite likely and could linger through to spring. The emphasis is also already shifting to your career and social responsibilities.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: Nov 4, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    On November 8 at 11:01 am GMT the Moon will culminate from the Partial Solar Eclipse on October 25th to a Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus 00. Although when it comes to the impactful power of an eclipse, the Solar Eclipse is the real deal – the true ‘super moon’. This is ironic because it occurs at the time of the New Moon and people are usually focused on the grandeur of the Full Moon, which is sometimes experienced as extra large and light and has popularly been given the status of a super moon. But, compared to the potential power of a Solar Eclipse, regardless of whether it is Total, Partial, Annular, or Appulse, the large, epic visuals can be regarded as pretenders. The Lunar Eclipse can also prove powerful and it can indeed manifest as events, but the effect tends to be more emotionally impactful than eventful. The distinction is admittedly subtle sometimes because it comes down to the aspects the event makes to planets and angles in our own Natal Chart.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    The impact of eclipse season is bound to be noticeable in relation to your finances. Negatively, you could be dealing with issues like having to pay back taxes or possibly even be contending with bankruptcy. Positively, you could be receiving an inheritance or an insurance claim.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The Scorpio and Taurus eclipses are, or will invariably influence your relationship life. Perhaps new love is entering your life or someone is possibly exiting the stage. Either way, you are beginning to see the world as with new eyes. Hopefully, any tears are those of joy.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The eclipses are triggering you at deep, subconscious levels. The outer effect will emphasize your health and the quality of your lifestyle. There is a reminder that food is your best medicine and includes consuming plenty of fresh water, daily. Focus to flush and cleanse and boost your immune system.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    An inspirational activation is likely with this eclipse and includes key investments. At worst, circumstances may prove extra dramatic with life and death themes coming to the fore. Either way, your sense of individuality is being activated and is calling for leadership and perhaps courage too.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Both your home and personal life and your public and professional life are being activated by this pair of eclipses. New appliances, renovations and family matters are indicated, on one hand, while career and status are being impacted, on the other. Either way, the influences are measurable and powerful.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Your perceptions, interpretations, beliefs, and philosophies are all destined to undergo key changes at this time. This process will continue to unfold through spring 2023. Trust that these are destined to occur and are not simply the result of outer circumstances. Most importantly, cooperate with the process.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Like your Aries friends, this eclipse pair is having a direct impact on your financial life. You could be experiencing a boost and boon or the result could be a bust. Either way, somehow you could be left with feelings of lack or disappointment. If so, focus on gratitude and making secure investments.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    A whole new mode of self-expression is being activated by these eclipses. The process of adjustment and building momentum with it could take several months. However, the seeds of change have been planted. These are directly related to or will also influence the significant others in your life.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Circumstances currently are pushing you to be more sober and realistic regarding your health. Your diet and lifestyle habits may have to be reconsidered. Yet, the influences may also be strongly triggering you emotionally, as well. Focusing on what you can do while also accepting your limitations will help.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Your overall sense of individuality is undergoing important changes. Positively, these are leading you to a whole new scope and focus on creativity. This possibly includes the prospects of generating new streams of income. Do what you love and perhaps it will generate financial returns, as well.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Your line of power is being directly impacted by these eclipses. There are indications that positive returns are coming in. Yet, changes in your public and professional life are quite possible as well. Perhaps you are being promoted. Whatever is happening, trust and cooperate.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Themes of death or endings and rebirth or new beginnings have likely been a prevalent theme all of your life. Once again, they are coming to the fore as the flow of circumstances pushes you to contend with them. Positively, you are making deliberate changes that amount to strengthening your overall foundation.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: Oct 28, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    The waxing of the Solar Eclipse seed is the main forefront theme this week. Since such an event carries so much power potential to activate processes of change, eclipses are an age-old feature of prediction. While the reverberating influences can last upwards to six months, like tremors after an earthquake, the deeper fact is that it will produce changes that will literally change the course of people’s lives. This is actually true collectively, but with so many cyclic processes ever at play, it is difficult to isolate the impact of any single one. Yet, some people will experience noticeable shifts and these generally include anyone born between the 23 and 28th of any given month, especially those of us born around these dates in January, April and July. It should be noted that while major change can prove uncomfortable, they can prove to be very positive activations. Also, even those inner impulses and outer synchronicities deemed negative can be steered to good outcomes, provided that we surrender faithfully and adapt proactively and creatively.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    The triple conjunction of Sun, Mercury and Venus that comprised the Solar Eclipse indicates a transformational process for you. True to the themes of Scorpio, you can expect definite endings or the impulse to cleanse and purge. Focus on positive eliminations to produce a lighter overall flow.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The eclipse is likely manifesting as an invigorating activation of your spirit. It may however, include the need for diplomacy, empathy and orientations to fairness and equality in your involvements with others. While business relationships are possible fronts, the emphasis on intimacy is especially strong.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Making deliberate adjustments for the sake of improvement, refinement and an overall healthier flow is in the spotlight. Some of these may prove awkward and will require extra effort. Fortunately, Mars in your sign is supporting higher energy levels supporting your resolve.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Luckily for you, this eclipse is destined to inspire you to creative expressions. Innovation and even invention are very real possibilities. This influence will prove especially strong over the coming weeks but could well linger longer carrying you all the way to the shores of springtime.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    This powerful Scorpio activation will manifest as some form of breakthrough for you. It will require that you make clear choices with the resolve to act upon them. The key is to take whatever initiatives are required. Once the first steps are taken, the others will be carried along by the momentum.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Expect opportunity to be knocking at your door now and over the coming weeks. These include social involvement, on one hand, and the generation of new thoughts, perceptions and interpretations, on the other. Of course, you have to answer the door and this is your cure to anticipate the knocks.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Money matters are emphasized in light of this eclipse. The influence of Mars indicates a push for more knowledge, answers truth and justice. Pluto continues to manifest as deep and powerful changes close to home, some of which are already a source of inspiration, so harness its power.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Due to the eclipse in your sign, you should already be experiencing whatever impulses are destined, prompting you to take new leads. Your ambition levels are likely running high, yet obtaining new knowledge and implementing it is necessary for success. Open your mind to new strategies.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    This eclipse will have a mixed impact for you over the coming months. On the high end, it stands to manifest as heart-opening experiences. The downside is that you could experience a blurred focus in your thinking processes. To counter this negative possibility, focus on generating ideas over acting upon them, yet.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    A whole new quality of being is rising with this eclipse. It could, however, require and therefore manifest as the decline of aspects of your ego. So, be willing to let go of outworn self-concepts, habitual attitudes and behavior patterns. Allow a new style and sense of self to emerge.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Shifts and changes in your public and professional life are likely at this time. Positively, these will manifest as new ambitions and opportunities to advance your position. In this regard, you should expect to be busier and take on more responsibilities. Obtaining new tools and skills is featured.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Expanding and deepening your scope of vision and overall philosophy of life is a probable outcome of this eclipse. It is likely that you have already begun this process, yet it will now deepen and accelerate. Digging deeper to get to the bottom of things is part of the plot.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: Oct 21, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23 this year and is followed by a Solar Eclipse on October 25. Scorpio is commonly referred to as the sign of death, sex and taxes, generally referring to complexities of life. Accordingly, this time period is ever one of mystery, depth, inward reaching, change, regeneration and transformation. Whether it’s Halloween, All Saints Day, Remembrance Day, etc., the key to success is to work with these themes, as is true of each of the 12 time periods designated by the signs of the Zodiac. The fact that the Earth/Sun relationship is very much the same as it has ever been since the time of recorded history and prior, is testimony to the power of these times, as nature responds in like manner along with the angle of relationship and the cast of the Sun’s light. The Total Solar Eclipse, the true ‘Super Moon, in terms of power and effect, at 2 Scorpio 0 is closely aligned with Venus at 2 Scorpio 33, forming a rare and foreboding triple conjunction!

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    A shift from a strong focus on relationships will prove somewhat gradual this week. Yet, this shift will also be definite as Mercury joins Sun and Venus in Scorpio on October 28. You will feel this both in relation to your overall power position in the world and as your energy levels undergo adjustments.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The mix of planets in Scorpio and influencing your relationship sector is a recipe for passion. Positively, the emphasis will be upon love, romance and pleasure, yet it could also shift into feelings of jealousy either from or towards you. Especially this week, exercise more empathy and diplomacy.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    While a playful and creative mood lingers, a steady shift toward more serious matters will be prove evident this week. You will be asked to give more somehow. It could be an excellent time to do an organ cleanse or clear the clutter. Yet, the greater emphasis could be on helping others.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Scorpio is the sign of the designer of the Zodiac. This can be directed to many types of designs, which includes strategies, schemes and plans. This highly creative and technical impulse can be harnessed for success if you align with it. Thanks to the eclipse, this influence will linger until next spring!

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A deep dive into beautifying your home will be a source of inspiration for the next several weeks. Positively, this period could prove extra imaginative. You may choose to direct this influence in other ways as well. Making improvements is emphasized and all of the above could come with an innovative twist.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Getting clear regarding what you want and what constitutes your priorities continues as a central theme. It will progressively prove to be an excellent time to attend to projects begun but left incomplete. This influence will last for several months but may not come again for a very long time, so get organized and focused.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Desires for more freedom will become increasingly apparent starting this week. What you want freedom from or for is relative to your specific circumstances. In the short term, it includes new modes of self expression, making this a good time to start new projects or hobbies.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Hopefully you have made the most of a period of relative retreat because it is now coming to its completion as a new cycle begins. Especially due to the eclipse in your sign, you will experience a powerful impulse to take new leads and initiatives. It is likely that you will busy on a variety of fronts.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Scorpio time is generally one during which you are inclined towards retreat. This will prove especially strong this year and progressively so this week. There does remain an impulse to mix-it-up in terms of engagement with others. An impulse to activate and agitate, guided by empathy and vision is likely, and ideal.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The sign shift currently underway will activate your sense of individuality. By extension, your focus will be directed to people with power and influence who you admire and recognize to possess attributes or leverage that you desire. However you do it, the time has come to make some power moves.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    This time of year offers you an invitation to step out somehow. True to the nature of your sign, while others experience the impulse to go within, it is your cue to make key moves. These may be deemed career builders or making specific improvements with emphasis on creativity.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    A visionary mood is rising. This presents an excellent time to expand your view both of what is possible and with longer timelines in mind. This can be described as the 5-year plan, for example. Weave vision with intention and strategic measures and pro-activity to get a lot done in a short time.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


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  • Horoscope for the Week: Oct 15, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    The Sun in the final 3rd decant (10 degrees) of Libra indicates a time of increased curiosity, desire for knowledge, information and answers, and communication and exchanges of the above. With Mercury and Venus both currently in Libra as well, this impulse is amplified, along with an emphasis on equality, fairness, and justice on one hand, and harmony, beauty, and cooperation, on the other. This influence will continue even into Scorpio time that begins on October 23 due to the fact that Mars, the co-ruling planet of Scorpio is in Gemini. While the impact of the coming Solar Eclipse on October 25 will emphasize this theme, it will add a shift toward finances and the economy which have been steadily building momentum after the stagnation created by Covid-19. Of course, the emphasis is now on the emerging battle between natural versus renewable energy and the question of climate change. While many hold matter-of-fact attitudes about this important topic, considering how easily anything can be politicized is a cornerstone of critical thinking regarding realities that affect us all.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Your focus has likely taken a strong turn toward your relationship life. A yearning for love, beauty, harmony, and companionship, in general, is featured. Do you feel fulfilled in this department? Who do you feel attracted to and why, and is this a good time to do something about it? These are all likely thoughts on your mind.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The emphasis of Libra currently is on creating more beauty and harmony in your lifestyle and living environment. This includes clearing the old to make way for the new. You may find yourself busy with unfamiliar activities that leave you feeling a little humbled, yet determined.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    This time of year is one when you are naturally inclined to be more playful and creative, on one hand, while more intellectually interested to gain knowledge and be aware on the other. Giving time and attention to both of these fronts can prove fun and also prove fulfilling regarding quality time shared.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Your aesthetic sensibilities are likely to be heightened at this time. This implies beautifying your home, which can include fall cleaning, re-arranging the furniture and adapting the décor to the changing season. Yet the impulse can just as easily be enjoying as a time of peace and harmony, if your home is settled.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Change is activated from both within and without and both can be recognized as synchronicities of destiny. Of course, circumstantial realities play a role, yet these too can be recognized to be the expressions of larger and deeper realities because everything is connected. Above all, trust and cooperate with the flow.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Libra time is one of inner work or projects attended to behind the scenes. With all the air sign activation currently, your attraction to knowledge is heightened as well. With a steady flow of returns for past efforts, you are likely busy yet have reason to feel at peace, unless the past few years have been wayward.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    A stronger assertion of your thoughts and views of late may be understood as finding your voice. This exuberant impulse could also manifest as creative interests. Either way, your higher energy levels may be experienced by others as having a cutting edge. Aim for expressions of beauty that uplift and inspire.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Stepping out of the public eye for a while continues. Ideally, this retreat includes bouts of rest and rejuvenation. You could also find yourself quite busy there due to a steady increase in your ambition levels of late. This growing drive will be with you for a while so be sure to recharge and re-center now.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Striking a balance between your own sense of individuality and that of others is an important theme of your destiny and is emphasized now. Which way the scales lean is for you to decipher. Ideally, sharing and exchanging views equally reveals a democratic spirit that requires you to uphold by leading by example.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    A window of opportunity to be seen, heard, and acknowledged, remains open but not for much longer. So, if you feel you have earned the right to have more or to advance your position, but have not taken the initiative yet, this is your cue. Don’t wait though; by next week it might have closed again.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    The influence of Libra in your life is to help you to achieve a wider scope that invites fairness, inclusivity, and justice for all. With Sun, Venus and Mercury huddled closely there currently, this theme is highlighted. Engage your creative intelligence to empathize more fully.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    To make changes, we sometimes have to remove the blocks and clear the clutter. We can also paint new coats, colors, and textures over the old ones to gain a whole new perspective. However you do it, such endeavors to replace the old with the new will prove liberating and reinvigorating.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…

  • Horoscope for the Week – October 7, 2022

    Tip of the Week:
    The Sun in mid-stride through Libra will largely manifest as a harmonious time,
    thanks in part to Venus also in Libra. When a planet is in its own sign, it is optimal
    in terms of the synchronicities it contributes to. This is especially true if it is the
    only planet in its own sign. Yet Mercury in Virgo, which is its own ruling sign
    (along with Gemini), now direct as of October 2 after its 3-week retrograde cycle,
    is competing for the spotlight. Although subtle, this will produce an element of
    critical thinking into the otherwise beauty and harmony-oriented Venus. Saturn in
    Aquarius and Neptune in Pisces are also in their own signs, further disrupting the
    emphasis. Lovely autumn colors and harvest abundance vying with the ravages of
    the recent record breaking storms on the shores of the Atlantic is an apt
    expression of this ironic disruption of planetary influences, with each pulling
    attention from the center to their own respective corner, as it were.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
    Love is in the air and your energy levels are running high as well. You might
    almost think it is spring… Casting a critical eye upon matters meanwhile, could
    have an intercepting effect, unless you direct it towards strategies that include all
    the trimmings and finer touches.
    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
    While some are swooning in romantic reverie, your focus is directed towards
    more practical projects. Tending to repairs, preparing for winter and making
    improvements are all likely activities. At deeper levels, you are pushing to make
    moves that matter to remain a step ahead of looming uncertainties.
    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)
    An animated and playful mood is lingering. Some of your focus has likely been
    towards home improvements, but that will end this week. Romantic interests will

    also rise noticeably. If fun and games is not your style, perhaps artistic activity is.
    But you can have it all as with having a party and inviting special guests.
    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)
    Home sweet home is the sentiment on your mind. On the other hand, the theme
    may be more about sweat than the sweetness of idle leisure. Getting things done
    implies a busy time behind the scenes, which is quite likely. Use this week to
    strategize and measure twice to cut once, since you will get right into it soon.
    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)
    Changes in your public and professional life and status are influencing your
    perspectives, and the opposite is also true. Despite a somewhat rebellious
    impulse of late, you have also been inclined towards deeper reflection and casting
    a constructively critical eye upon both external affairs and internal
    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)
    Building upon dreams continues. This has and continues to include practical
    considerations. A careful review of what is both desired and required for the sake
    of good home economics is featured. Although certain indulgences would tickle
    your fancy, attending to the real work will light your fire.
    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
    The time has come to take new leads and strides. In the very short term, this may
    be more a matter of thinking and planning as you exchange thoughts and ideas
    with significant others. This will also allow you to rest and you will be happy you
    did because you will take more deliberate action soon.
    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
    The emphasis on rest and retreat not only continues, it will deepen this week.
    Focus to take a break from outer business, as well as being busy in your mind
    along with all the emotional triggers it includes. Perhaps it is best to step back for
    a while. Simply allow yourself to be. If you do anything, just count your blessings.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
    Getting in touch with why you are you, and why you think, feel and act as you do
    is extra important now. This can be described as getting in touch with your truth.
    Summoning the courage to think and act accordingly while making every effort
    not to cave to inauthentic outer social pressures will bring rewards and blessings.
    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
    Getting a new kind of attention is important now. This will likely include new
    strategies of approach. If what you have been doing has not produced desired
    results, simply try another approach. Flexibility is a cornerstone of personal power
    and the more you can authentically adapt, the better.
    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
    Seeing a bigger picture is important now. This will likely include changes in your
    habitual perspectives, which has been underway for several weeks already.
    Recognize that much of what we believe and perceive is linked to feeling secure.
    There is nothing objective about such subjective feelings.
    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                
    The changes underway for you now can be described as shedding old skins. The
    results of this process can prove restorative and rejuvenating, despite the efforts
    required. Yet, even the effort simply includes patiently letting go of the illusion of
    control because resistance is futile, after all.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


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