Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week: December 16, 2022
    Michael O’Connor – Astrologer

    Tip of the Week:

    Jupiter re-entering Aries on December 20 and Winter Solstice on December 21/22, depending on your time zone, are the big stories now. This combination of events will have a strong activating effect. Important decisions brewing in the background will become more evident as they are shifted into high gear. As Jupiter enters Aries, it will yield the position of planet of highest degree, which it has held for a couple of months, to the Sun for a very brief day or two, which will then pass it back to Pluto in Capricorn. The result of this is that the year-end, encompassing Christmas and other cultural celebrations, will have to contend with an otherwise sobering impulse of authoritarianism. Rebels and revolutionaries will struggle to counter this impulse and some will prove effective, yet the next major phase of social, political and economic change will be activated. So, between the powers that be and the rebels destined to vigilantly assert their views and actions to intercept casual executions they deem corrupt, the beat and temp are about to spike on the graph!

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    The Sun in its final days transiting through Sagittarius include the influence of Jupiter in the final degree of Pisces. A sense of adventure, but also of vision, courage and wisdom are some of its gifts. You have to be in a state of receptivity and awareness to align with this celestial gift and this is your cue.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Themes of transformation have been percolating in you for some weeks now. They include a whole new sense of self and resolve to harness your creative power and potential. All being well, you find yourself busy on a variety of fronts with a growing determination to face your fears and lay claim to hidden power.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    A cycle of increase, expansion and inspiration has been steadily unfolding. This impulse will continue but now requires various forms of purification and transformation. This process began on about December 7, aligned with the Full Moon in your sign and will continue for some months, actually.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Tending to the quality and health of your daily rhythm and lifestyle in general continues as a central theme. Seeing a bigger picture is implied and includes vision and commitment. Changes in your public and professional life have been brewing for many months and these are about to undergo another key activation.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A strong, creative impulse has been yours to harness and enjoy over the past few weeks and continue now. Yet, a shift towards more practical choices and actions has also already begun. Reconciling current realities that are beyond your control and focusing on what is in your power to do and change is in the spotlight.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    You may be accurately understood as a practical philosopher. In other words, meaning really only has value where there is some actual benefit that can be experienced. Shifting gears to engage this very impulse beyond subtle or lofty notions of truth has already begun and will advance to the next level this week.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    A steady flow of change in your usual perceptions and interpretations has been underway for some weeks now. In the bigger picture, returns for past actions and from key associations have also been coming your way. Especially take not of any negatives in this regard so you can adjust your attitude and approach accordingly.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Getting clear on what you value, want and need continues. This prioritization process has already and will continue to be directed towards practical realities. Taking a creative lead in this regard is important and the inspiration and determination to do so should now be evident; if not, seek counsel.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    The Sun in your sign has likely had the effect of boosting your confidence levels. However, you may have and continue still to deal with various complexities on relationship fronts. If so, get very clear on what you want and need, then meet others by asking what they want and need so you can create a win/win.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Hopefully you have enjoyed a bit of rest and respite over the past few weeks. If not, there may still be time. However, your thoughts have already begun to scan the spectrum of realities and possibilities before you. By this time next week, you will be more fully engaged as duty calls you to outer engagement.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Your sense of individuality has been emphasized of late. Yet, more recently, you have been called within to listen more, reflect, contemplate and meditate. This cycle will continue for some weeks, actually, and will deepen yet. Accept this influence as an opportunity to retreat and fill your inner peace tanks.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    The time is right to get the earned attention you want and feel you deserve. Jupiter in your sign has helped by increasing your confidence levels and the time is right to take more deliberate action. Some measure of inner work is implied for the sake of increasing your awareness to be more practical and realistic.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: December 9, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    The Full Moon in Gemini that waxed to full on December 7 is the main obvious focus this week. In addition to coming to its energetic peak, it also joins forces with the other three personal planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in their collective out-of-bounds status amplifying the extreme expressions this condition tends to produce. The fact that the Moon will also be exactly conjunct Mars and both exactly opposite the Sun further amplifies the likely expression of anger and veritable outrage. Given these combined factors, there is no doubt that this will be an exciting Full Moon, to say the least. Since the Moon is symbolic of the masses in general, it is likely to manifest as mass hysteria, at least somewhere in the world. Given what is occurring in China, it appears that it is providing us all with examples of what totalitarian control can amount to. This is just one example and with this awareness, other examples will also become evident.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Especially since your ruling planet Mars is conjunct it, you will be experiencing this Full Moon strongly. Since Mars is retrograde, it could push you to revisit and redo what was started some time ago. At worst, you could feel very reactive and angry so be aware and choose to direct your energies wisely.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Amidst a cycle of measurable change and even transformation of some kind in your world, you have also been extra determined to get a lot done and this continues. However, with Mars retrograde, you run the risk of burnout and are wise to slow down, be more patient and center your focus.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Striking a balance between outer engagement and independent action is important now. Mars retrograde in your sign will effectively increase your drive and determination. Affirming and asserting your sense of individuality and independence while also engaging with others is the golden mean you seek.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    A busy outer schedule vies with a strong impulse to retreat or escape. The middle ground could be understood as focusing to do inner work. This largely amounts to clearing subconscious emotional irritations. In this regard, focus to thank, forgive and release – a spiritual formula for inner peace and freedom.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    The uplifting, inspiring, and visionary activations from Sagittarius continue to motivate you. Creativity is a keyword now and the time is right to both receive intuitive guidance and capture these ideas so that they do not get forgotten. There are times when dreaming is needed, like now.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Nestling-in close to home where you can cultivate creative ideas and beautify your living environment is emphasized now. Yet, your focus does include your professional and practical status and effectiveness. The time is right to fill in the gaps by tending to unfinished business to strengthen your overall position.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Freedom is a keyword for you and especially so now. It is important to remember that it all begins in the mind. We can liberate or imprison ourselves with our thoughts, attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, interpretations, self-concept, and mindset in general. Free your mind and the rest will follow.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    What do you want, need and have? Assessing what you have in terms of ideas, resources and opportunities are also important to clearly consider in regard to attaining what you want and need. A review of all that you have will empower you to get organized and generate more personal power.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    A pioneering impulse continues to guide your choices and actions. Your focus is strong and may prove necessary to help you to follow through on things. As eager as you are to engage with significant others, you also want to do what you want to do. Get clear on your priorities, manage your time and communicate clearly.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    As eager as you may feel to engage in social and cultural activities, you may also feel called to retreat. Qualitative bouts of stillness and receptivity to fill your energy tanks may be all you need. Avoid stacking your to-do list as you are likely to get scattered. Slow down and into flow mode for a while.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Gathering with friends is important to you and likely now. As eager as you may be to get things done, by recognizing the value of your social life and connections making time for such activities will balance the scales. Sometimes, apparently idle interests and quality time shared are worth a million.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    A big focus on your public and professional life continues. The time is right to be seen and heard and to receive the rewards and returns that you have earned. You may have to push a little harder to get the attention you want, but if you do you will likely succeed. Make your presence, ambitions, and goals known.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: December 2, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    The Sagittarius beat rolls on. Last week’s New Moon waxes to full on December 7/8, depending on your time zone at 16 Gemini. Interestingly, this degree shares association with both Libra and Sagittarius and their ruling planets of Venus and Jupiter, the princess and prince of the planetary pantheon. With Venus currently in Sagittarius, its influence is amplified. These factors will manifest as travel and cultural interests, on one hand, and on the other with fairness, justice, truth, and principle-driven attitudes. Mercury, Venus and Mars meanwhile have all moved ‘out-of-bounds’ over the past few days and, as the designation suggests, this implies that their usual expressions are more extreme. This will invariably manifest as big drama of one kind or another on the social and global stage and as key players acting bolder, speaking louder, and generally asserting themselves much more strongly and thereby getting more attention. It can prove helpful to be aware of these extremes and perhaps counter them with extra calm and caution.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    New visions are gestating. You experienced a foreshadow of their destined reality from mid-May through to late October. Now you have the opportunity to rest a bit and prepare to more fully enter into the new expressions implied. If you have the opportunity to take a holiday, now looks good.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    A transformational process continues. It is invariably producing changes in your relationship life, both personal and professional. The need for new knowledge, skills, tools, and direction is likely. To this end, a period of research, reflection, and receptivity to inner and outer guidance may feel necessary.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Your social life is experiencing a boost. More engagements with friends and lovers are highlighted. Yet, you are also destined to attend to an expansive impulse in your public and professional life. Yet, ironically, this expansion is asking you to surrender somehow and perhaps to be willing to make sacrifices.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Attending to your overall quality of health and that of your lifestyle, in general, is extra important at this time. You are meant to become more knowledgeable and aware and to give more than you might usually. Giving more, here, means to you. Consider carefully that taking care of yourself is an unselfish discipline.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    An inspired and creative mood prevails. As though your inner child has been reawakened, you feel more playful and are able to laugh more easily. This is also a time of returns and hopefully, these are the sort that you actually want, ranging from financial increase to spiritual realization.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Increase and expansion close to home is yours to enjoy now. Decorating and generally beautifying your living space is a source of creative purpose. Exploring philosophical knowledge and exploration of unchartered intellectual realms where facts and truths stand tall is also indicated.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    It may seem like your perceptions are on steroids as a mighty impulse to know drives you onward. In some respects, you may feel nervous about what you are coming to realize. The shift began in mid-spring and there has been no turning back. Embracing change is extra important.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    You are in the mood to play ball and it may be hardball. Not that you wish anyone harm, but you do want results and returns on investment. To this end, you are also looking for other key players with whom to play and work. There is power in numbers and a team spirit and approach beckons.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Onward and forward is the call now. All the impulses to engage this inspiration are present. Fortunately, this theme will increase as the year ends and the new one begins. So now is the time to build as much momentum as you can to prepare for Jupiter’s re-entry into Aries in a few weeks.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    You are a warrior at your core. Whether this manifests as a soldier of fortune or as a general or a visionary leader is another matter. It all depends on the finer details of your destiny. This is an excellent time to attend to unfinished business as much as possible before the year ends.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    You value spiritual authority and higher truths more than anything else. The authority you seek, however, is within and you are much less inclined toward outer sources unless they are focused to guide you inward. Humanistic principles and ethical standards are also very important and very much so now.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Sagittarius time is one during which you tend to undergo increase and expansion in your public and professional life, or at least get more attention. This is strongly indicated this year thanks to Mercury and Venus contributing to the effort and Jupiter in your sign once again is all for going big!

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: November 25, 2022

    Horoscope for the Week: November 25, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    Sagittarius time is underway. Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all featured and playing leading roles. This is serving to raise the overall vibration and tempo after the otherwise introverted influences of Scorpio. Jupiter in Pisces is itself quite introverted, so it is dampening the overall vibe, somewhat. Yet, there are enough factors at play to reveal a very exciting atmosphere activating themes and principles of ethics, truth, justice, and liberty. Like a clarion call piercing the airwaves the world over, disrupting usual rhythms and routines, people are talking and an awakening is underway. These signs of this will become stronger this week and over the next few. In some respects, the awakening is social and political, while in others, psychological and spiritual. References to these times as ‘apocalyptic’ which translates to mean ‘unveiling’, is quite appropriate and this process is undergoing a super-boost right now. To tune in, take a moment to realize that you do not see reality as it is, but rather as you are, according to your nature and conditioning. So, who are you and what conditioning factors are you exposed to?

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    The influences of Sagittarius will likely inspire new visions for you. This can include a widening of your horizons and scope of perspective and awareness. You could simply feel happier and more optimistic. At the deeper levels, you could experience rare insights and epiphanies of truth.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Sagittarius time is one during which you generally undergo various kinds of change and transformation. This will include some measure of investigation and research that takes you beyond familiar perspectives. Wanting to know what others know and why they think and believe as they do will drive your focus.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Your relationship life should already be experiencing a boost and this trend will continue. The desire to meet and greet comes with the seasonal festivities common to this time of year and these will prove extra strong. Your public and professional life will be amplified but will require more effort.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Paying closer attention to the quality of your overall lifestyle and the health or lack thereof is emphasized. You will want to understand via a combination of broader perspectives and specific facts. The inclination towards denial and escapism are present, but circumstantial realities may play a counter role.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    The fiery influences of Sagittarius will ignite your own. This will continue to a more playful mood, yet one which could just as quickly escalate into drama. Jupiter in Pisces is having a deep influence on you and is likely swinging the pendulum between trepidation and increased confidence.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    A creative boost is indicated by these Sagittarian influences. Directing this inspired energy to beautify and decorate your home, are some examples. Yet, the focus could also turn to more focus directed to your hobbies and talents. As well, you are likely to experience social expansion and increase.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    You are in a ‘need to know’ cycle. It will continue for several weeks. Obtaining new knowledge includes study and exposure to various means and avenues. This can include the desire for engagement as well as dialogue with friends and exposure to new networks and forums.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    You are in a ‘show me the money’ kind of mood. It could also swing over to wanting to have a clearer understanding of your priorities and your best strategies to advance your position. All the Scorpio influences of the past several weeks have activated your resolve and now you are determined to capitalize.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    A pioneering impulse is being activated by these Sagittarian impulses. You can expect to undergo a new sense of courage and resolve. This will prove especially true after next week’s New Moon in your sign. For now, the focus is on the build-up phase so buckle in and start your engines.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Now is the time to duck out of the limelight for a while. Use this time to retreat and recharge. You may choose to keep busy behind the scenes, but be sure to pace yourself and rest as much as you can over the next few weeks because you will be extra busy afterward. At least slow the pace as much as you can.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Your sense of individuality, although probably already quite pronounced, will be extra emphasized over the coming weeks. This will likely lend to the desire for increased engagement with friends new and old. Sharing visionary thoughts, philosophies, and convictions regarding rights and freedoms are highlighted.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Your public and professional spheres will undergo an increase in the coming days and weeks. Getting desired attention and that which you feel you have earned and deserve is featured. Acquiring new skills and tools is also likely. The time is right to forge ahead and expand your scope of power and influence.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: November 18, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    Venus entered Sagittarius on November 16th, followed by Mercury on the 17th and the Sun will make its entry on the 22nd. This new cycle of influence will have a direct impact on Jupiter in Pisces for the 3rd time. I mentioned previously how rare this is. Generally, it refers to a spiritual influence. With so much chaos and corruption on social and political fronts, as with the efficacy and integrity of voting laws, people are turning within to focus more on higher powers to offset the distrust and lack of faith in many of the world’s leaders and media. Although the advances of science and technology will continue to change the social and economic stage and climate, relying solely on these material advances does not hold the same appeal it once did. Changes in the economy are a major theme all the while, with digital currencies and crypto-currencies as well both advancing to new levels of sophistication. Perhaps divine inspiration will lead us also to higher reaches of our collective humanity.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    With eclipse season having delivered its payload, you should know by now what the destined impact of it was for you, however sometimes there is a delay. The main emphasis is on your financial status. Meanwhile, a steadily growing influence from Sagittarius should serve to boost your spirits.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Last week’s Lunar Eclipse in your sign is bound to be reverberating in your world. Increasing your sense of individuality is a central theme. Deepening of certain relationships, especially the one with your own self, and pulling away or outright endings regarding other associations continues.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    A regenerative process linked to your health, diet and lifestyle in general continues. Meanwhile, a new impulse is rising which bodes well for your social life. This will become increasingly evident this week as circumstances lead you to reach out and engage friends and new cultural experiences.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    A strong creative impulse is steadily rising. It does include cooperation and a new balance of power on relationship fronts. Circumstances are pushing you to make some very real changes. The beauty is that you are meant to be more creative, not less, so use that as your guiding principle.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    In the deepest sense, changes close to home have and continue to unfold. These may have to do with interior design and renovations. However, the changes may be deeper, yet also subtler, regarding new attitudes. Improvement is a keyword, in this regard, so direct your focus accordingly for best results.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Destined changes in some of your perspectives continue to unfold. A rising sense of determination is featured. You may feel inspired to advance to the next level on a variety of fronts. Creating a more beautiful and functional home environment is on the list. Outline a to-do list.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Questions regarding what you feel you truly want and need continue to occupy your thoughts. This process can manifest as doing research for the sake of making sound investments, or you may be assessing what you want to purge. Themes of freedom are a core motivation guiding your choices.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Last month’s eclipse in your sign has likely had a larger impact for you than for most others. Yet, you may still find yourself deliberating and discerning regarding your best approach. Why are you doing what and how you are doing it? Are you being reactive or genuinely visionary?

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    It is quite possible that your confidence levels have been shifting. You may have experienced some dips over the past several weeks, but also some rises. Now, with a fresh activation due to planets entering your sign, you will likely feeling boosted, empowered and determined.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Deciphering who you are and are not is an important theme of late. Of course, this connects to what you do and do not want to do. Questions of career are featured, but may reach to deeper, inner levels, as well. In other words, you have possibly embarked on a soul-searching journey, which will continue.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Endings, completions, graduations and other such changes and processes in your career and public life continue. In some respects, what was might have disintegrated or your own interest has diminished. Positively, this will lead you to explore new options and opportunities.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Changes in your beliefs and philosophies continue. Meanwhile, some of the energy is directed to your home and living environment. A renovation process is quite likely and could linger through to spring. The emphasis is also already shifting to your career and social responsibilities.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
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  • Horoscope for the Week: Nov 4, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    On November 8 at 11:01 am GMT the Moon will culminate from the Partial Solar Eclipse on October 25th to a Total Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus 00. Although when it comes to the impactful power of an eclipse, the Solar Eclipse is the real deal – the true ‘super moon’. This is ironic because it occurs at the time of the New Moon and people are usually focused on the grandeur of the Full Moon, which is sometimes experienced as extra large and light and has popularly been given the status of a super moon. But, compared to the potential power of a Solar Eclipse, regardless of whether it is Total, Partial, Annular, or Appulse, the large, epic visuals can be regarded as pretenders. The Lunar Eclipse can also prove powerful and it can indeed manifest as events, but the effect tends to be more emotionally impactful than eventful. The distinction is admittedly subtle sometimes because it comes down to the aspects the event makes to planets and angles in our own Natal Chart.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    The impact of eclipse season is bound to be noticeable in relation to your finances. Negatively, you could be dealing with issues like having to pay back taxes or possibly even be contending with bankruptcy. Positively, you could be receiving an inheritance or an insurance claim.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The Scorpio and Taurus eclipses are, or will invariably influence your relationship life. Perhaps new love is entering your life or someone is possibly exiting the stage. Either way, you are beginning to see the world as with new eyes. Hopefully, any tears are those of joy.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The eclipses are triggering you at deep, subconscious levels. The outer effect will emphasize your health and the quality of your lifestyle. There is a reminder that food is your best medicine and includes consuming plenty of fresh water, daily. Focus to flush and cleanse and boost your immune system.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    An inspirational activation is likely with this eclipse and includes key investments. At worst, circumstances may prove extra dramatic with life and death themes coming to the fore. Either way, your sense of individuality is being activated and is calling for leadership and perhaps courage too.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    Both your home and personal life and your public and professional life are being activated by this pair of eclipses. New appliances, renovations and family matters are indicated, on one hand, while career and status are being impacted, on the other. Either way, the influences are measurable and powerful.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Your perceptions, interpretations, beliefs, and philosophies are all destined to undergo key changes at this time. This process will continue to unfold through spring 2023. Trust that these are destined to occur and are not simply the result of outer circumstances. Most importantly, cooperate with the process.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Like your Aries friends, this eclipse pair is having a direct impact on your financial life. You could be experiencing a boost and boon or the result could be a bust. Either way, somehow you could be left with feelings of lack or disappointment. If so, focus on gratitude and making secure investments.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    A whole new mode of self-expression is being activated by these eclipses. The process of adjustment and building momentum with it could take several months. However, the seeds of change have been planted. These are directly related to or will also influence the significant others in your life.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Circumstances currently are pushing you to be more sober and realistic regarding your health. Your diet and lifestyle habits may have to be reconsidered. Yet, the influences may also be strongly triggering you emotionally, as well. Focusing on what you can do while also accepting your limitations will help.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Your overall sense of individuality is undergoing important changes. Positively, these are leading you to a whole new scope and focus on creativity. This possibly includes the prospects of generating new streams of income. Do what you love and perhaps it will generate financial returns, as well.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Your line of power is being directly impacted by these eclipses. There are indications that positive returns are coming in. Yet, changes in your public and professional life are quite possible as well. Perhaps you are being promoted. Whatever is happening, trust and cooperate.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Themes of death or endings and rebirth or new beginnings have likely been a prevalent theme all of your life. Once again, they are coming to the fore as the flow of circumstances pushes you to contend with them. Positively, you are making deliberate changes that amount to strengthening your overall foundation.

    Michael O’Connor

    Life Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading


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