Category: Horoscope

  • Horoscope for the Week: May 27, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    The next New Moon is in Gemini and occurs on May 30. Mercury is the ruling planet for Gemini and it will still be retrograde in Taurus until June 3. So, the New Moon seed carries this extra weight, especially since Mercury is nearing its stationary stage prior to turning direct again which means that it is moving very slowly compared to its usual quick motion. Negatively, this could cause the post shadow period of Mercury retrograde, which lasts 3 weeks, to feel stronger than usual.

    Mars formed a conjunction with Jupiter in Aries on the eve of the New Moon, however, and this will produce a significant counter-balancing effect. In other words, despite the drag of Mercury retrograde in Taurus, this super-hero combination has the potential to overcome all obstacles and beat all odds. Since the opposition will also use this energy to their full advantage, be sure to as well, to stay relevant in the game.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    A strong desire to get close to the earth and linger in your garden or at the closest patch of nature nearby is likely now. This could prove to be a very productive time and there is some emphasis on investments for the sake of beautifying your environment. Yet, Mars in Aries conjunct Jupiter will also inspire big action somehow.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Expressions of art and beauty will prove more natural than usual this week. Your focus is likely to be diversified even with the added focusing power of mercury in your sign. Meanwhile, the spiritual warrior in you will feel the impulse to push through fears and doubts. So, if you have been feeling the need to build some momentum, this is your cue.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    The warmer weather is not the only inspiration leading you to venture out.   The Sun in your sign will activate the pioneering impulse. Yet, with Mercury, Venus and Uranus in your solar 12th house, the realm of the subconscious mind, you may feel drawn to explore your inner world instead.  Or, you may simply choose to ride on the wings of imagination and sweet dreams.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Despite the fiery and exuberant influence of Mars and Jupiter in Aries activating your public and professional life, you may also find yourself inclined to dream more now. With this combination, the key is to dream big. Still, with Mercury retrograde, just be careful not to dream a big pie in the sky that requires big investments too. Patience…

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    A call to adventure has been sounded by the piercing trumpets of Mars and Jupiter in Aries. They are destined to awaken, or at least arouse, the visionary in you. The Taurus influence will have its toll, however, potentially manifesting as feelings of insignificance and insecurity regarding taking professional risks. At least take preliminary steps.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    The Sun in Gemini is your cue to get attention you feel you have earned and deserve. You will have to make extra efforts to concentrate though due to Mercury retrograde’s position in your chart which implies feeling a little lost. So, focus to be as organized as you can. Fortunately, Mars and Jupiter are bringing rewards and ambition to the fore.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Gemini time is usually one of inspiration to venture out and explore new cultural horizons for you. Yet, there may be a delay this year due Mercury and Venus in your solar 8th house, which implies introversion. Yet, Uranus there also stands to counter this with inventive genius, so allow for the inner draw but make good of it by brainstorming.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Gemini time is one during which you are tested. The lure of both the higher and the lower roads is stronger than usual at this time. The higher is often more arduous and requires patience but bigger returns as well, at least eventually. The lower roads include self-indulgence, deception and pity. Mars in Aries is well positioned, meanwhile, to boost your resolve.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Relationship arenas take on added importance during the Sun in Gemini cycle. While Mercury, even though retrograde, is well positioned to support your activities, Venus in Taurus could manifest as lethargy. But, thanks to Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Aries, you will experience the added fire power to overcome all obstacles.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    Since health equates to beauty, you are in a good position to experience more of both. The time is right to try new approaches. The question to answer is how to not get led astray by a fad that is more hype than substance? Mars in Aries will guide you to get to the bottom of things while Jupiter there will  boost your confidence.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Gemini time is one during which creative inspirations spike on your graph and includes a mood for more fun and games. The Taurus factor does support this in some respects, especially regarding hobbies and interests close to home. Yet, Mercury there for you tends to produce added introversion. Positively, Mars and Jupiter in Aries will raise your energy levels… significantly.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Although Gemini time tends to be one during which you are happy to hover close to home, the Taurus influence could make this an extra productive cycle for you. The key is to have clearly defined goals lest you fritter the energy away on tangents. Yet, Mars and Jupiter in Aries will serve to fuel your ambitions to focus to harness this power supply.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…

  • Horoscope for the Week: May 20, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    The Sun enters Gemini on May 20 this year to begin what is sometimes described as Gemini ‘time’. Western Astrology is directly linked to the calendars and clocks that have emerged as the global standard. There remain some other calendars in use, but these are recognized by minorities only. Knowing the true exact time is a very old question and an important feature of astronomy measuring the exact relationship between earth and the sun’s light.

    The angle of light changes daily and reveals an annual, cyclic and rhythmic process that is very precise. Yet, due to the fact that a cycle has 360 degrees and there are 365.25 days in a year, the quarter day lending to the reason for leap years every 4 years, is why the Sun enters a sign at a different time each year and sometimes on a different day. This variable in an otherwise precise cyclic process can be described as the crack in the cosmic egg manifesting here on earth.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    The Sun entering Gemini will increase your curiosity factor. No sooner does it do so as Mercury in retrograde motion crosses paths with the Sun and re-enters Taurus. This could either have the effect of increasing your capacity to focus or will activate a stubborn streak. Positively, your focus and resolve will support you to pack in more in your days ahead.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)es

    Gemini time will prove to be extra busy for you. This will also amount to a heightened focus and could, therefore, prove to be a very productive time and on a variety of fronts. Much of your focus could be behind the scenes, however, so don’t expect a lot of fanfare. The emphasis is  upon doing what you do for you specifically, which could include your family.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    A strong sense of your own individuality will fuel an assertion of self-expression, and the opposite is also true. A strong Aries factor behind the Sun in your sign is the main cause of this ignition. Ironically, you may discover that your ability to focus will steadily decrease for a bit. If this occurs, take it slow and know that this influence will not last long and you will be extra focused soon.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    New beginnings in your public and professional life should be keeping you busy. A creative building process or project is indicated and will require a good deal of concentration and effort. Yet, it may prove wise to question the practical reality of your efforts before you put in too much time. Run a check to make sure you aren’t building a fantasy.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    You are beginning to see a bigger picture. This includes alternative thinking and approaches. Doing so will require confidence so focus to increase it and focus to make sure you are not sabotaging your efforts with negative thoughts or apathetic attitudes. Rather, take a strategic, logical and step by step approach.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    The time has come to shine publically and professionally. This can include getting the attention you feel you have earned and deserve. This can prove to be an excellent time to go for that promotion. All those planets in Aries indicate a transformational process and opportunity to shed old skins and to reveal aspects of yourself that only you know are there.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    A powerful process of change and transformation activated by the Solar Eclipse a few weeks ago continues. By now, it is manifesting as various changes on relationship fronts. Positively, this is an expansive time. However, be aware that as Mars enters Aries this week, the tone of exchanges with others could get extra edgy.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Building on new foundation in your relationship specifically, but also in your lifestyle generally is the new spring in your step. Certain people may be exiting the stage while others are stepping on to it. These changes may evoke strong emotional reactions in you. This dynamic will likely continue for several weeks.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    The recent Lunar Eclipse may have activated some rather deep emotions. You could suddenly feel able to tap into what others are feeling like never before. The challenge is that you could feel overwhelmed and depleted due to the accumulation of both your own and their emotional states.  This too will pass so see the bigger picture.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    A strong creative impulse continues to reverberate in you. This is accompanied by an activation of your thoughts and perceptions regarding how to proceed with your plans. With your confidence levels steadily rising, you may feel inspired to make some bold and assertive moves. This includes getting to the bottom of things.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Some powerful shifts and moves close to home find you in new territory. Whether this is literally or figuratively true is less important than the fact that you are eager to explore the possibilities. Yet, you are more in the mood to see than be seen. Gathering knowledge and facts is part of the plot as you familiarize yourself with the possibilities.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Exploring new horizons is giving rise to new perspectives, approaches and perhaps even new self-concepts. This may also be inspiring fresh ambitions to pursue new paths and approaches. A sense of freedom from the past may come as a bitter sweet sense of mixed emotions as you move even further away from both people and prior interests and orientations.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…

  • Horoscope for the Week: May 13, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    Jupiter in Aries as of May 10, the same day Mercury turned retrograde, is among the bigger news now, astrologically. Any planet in Aries activates something new. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is symbolic of the pioneer, fresh starts and initiatives and do on.

    Especially when the planet in Aries is Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, you can be sure that the ignition of new orientations will prove very noticeable. Astrology offers a golden key to gaining a broader vision and deeper understanding of the purpose, likely process, manifestation and duration that any such events imply.

    Meanwhile, the first major culmination of the Solar Eclipse of April 30 culminates as the Total Lunar Eclipse. The influence of a Lunar Eclipse tends to be emotional and subjective. However, it can still manifest as outer events that effectively trigger such emotions. Scorpio Moons tend to be deeper, more powerful and transformational than any other.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    You have entered a very expansive cycle, thanks to Jupiter in your sign. Mars still in Pisces until May 24 might have a dampening or delayed effect in terms of outer expressions.  However, it can be used to do inner work. This implies self-observation of attitudes, self-concepts, rationalizations, justifications and so on for the sake of elevating them to a higher ground.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Between the eclipse in your sign and Jupiter in Aries, your sense of self and your general style of expression and approach are getting activated. This Lunar Eclipse will activate deep feelings regarding the ones you love. A mix of ideals and rights may also be the source of a rebellious posture to resist social pressures to conform against your will.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    A restless mood is steadily rising. Meeting new people and exploring new places is a likely response. Making a few adjustments in your attitude regarding your daily rhythms, will likely amount to you shaking things up, a bit. Some of the emphasis is on health and may include the need for more discipline. All of this is the forefront of a larger backdrop of some significant shifts and moves.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    The recent eclipse has activated involvement in new networks both in your public and professional life. These are having an influence on some of your ideals, visions and philosophies of life. Meanwhile, some excitement and possibly drama is stirring due to circumstances linked to friends and/or yours or their children.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    An activation of your overall status indicates some rather deep changes. These are woven with a host of complexities linked to the realization of dreams and ambitions. Generating creative ideas and strategies is part of the plot. Meanwhile, there is a spirit of adventure in the air to explore new horizons and cultures.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    While the impact of the solar eclipse will guide you to bring your visions, beliefs and philosophies closer to the ground of practicality and realistic thinking, Jupiter in Aries will serve to sharpen your focus. Yet, there may be a delay with this as you sort out confusions and possible miscommunication on relationship fronts.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    The implications of last week’s Solar Eclipse are that much deeper for you since they occurred in your solar 8th house, that of Scorpio. This is likely to manifest as a powerful process of transformation. This is likely to include financial realities such as investments, taxes and inheritances. The Aries factor will have an expansive affect, especially socially.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Who do you love or do not and why? These and other such questions involving your most intimate relationships are an important theme that will continue for many months. This question can also apply to partners, romantic, business or otherwise, and include themes of respect. As well, the Lunar Eclipse is likely to manifest as ‘powerful’ emotional reactions.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Changes in your daily rhythm and routine are the new norm for you.  This could prove quite exciting and stimulating or disruptive, or both. The latter will be your experience if you are resistant to making the changes that you need to. So, be willing and focus to make one small change is your usual approach each day.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The Solar Eclipse occurred in your solar 5th house which is symbolic of play, entertainment, creativity and children.  In other words, the 5th is the fun house. At worst, it could manifest as melodrama. Yet, it will more likely inspire creative activity for the sake of beautifying your home. Yet, it could take a couple of weeks to move from planning to action.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Some big shifts and changes are shaking close to home. Major moves and sudden, unexpected turns are all quite possible. A spirit of adventure is featured but it could feel as much like an impulse to escape as to answer the call. Either way, it may feel like you are challenged to swim against the stream and, if so, do it.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    Your perceptions and interpretations of the world are destined to change over the coming weeks and months. The process has already begun, but you may have to reflect to recognize it. It does include a new and steadily rising sense of ambition and drive. This will become increasingly apparent over the next few weeks.Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
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  • Horoscope for the Week: May 6, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    Now in the wake of last week’s Solar Eclipse, we are learning what its destined influence has on our lives, individually and collectively, for better or worse. This implies that there is nothing pat about such events.

    The subjective details of our individual destinies as revealed by our Birth Charts and according to the many other factors that make us the unique beings that we are, determine how such influences will transpire. This subjectivity includes such as our genetics, family and social conditioning, our birth order and our very soul’s imprints from past lives lodged deeply in our subconscious memory.

    Our current life circumstances also play a role, naturally, and this includes the larger reality of social politics. Yet, even with all of these factors, what is likely to occur, when and what areas of our lives will be affected remains measurable and the repercussions are already underway. Some will experience powerful downturns, some powerful upward spirals while others yet may not experience much at all.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Jupiter entering Aries is the big news for us all, perhaps especially you. May 10th is the big day. Yet, your ruling planet, Mars, is still in Pisces and in increasingly close contact with Neptune. This can have a dampening effect, in the short term, anyway. Mars only enters Aries on May 24 joining forces with Moon, Venus, Chiron and Jupiter. Talk about red hot chili peppers!

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    All of this Aries energy likely finds you busy, probably behind the scenes. The eclipse energy is bound to be synchronizing with the start of new projects. These likely began weeks ago as the influence of eclipses commonly manifests earlier than the actual event date. You are probably feeling the power as a bullish resolve to get shit done.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    While the eclipse occurred in your solar 12th house, which means that it is destined to stir things up in your subconscious mind, the Aries influence will manifest as a real shaker for you. You may be enjoying some measure of rest and retreat for the past few weeks anyway, the tide is turning. Already the signs are there and like a mid-spring thaw of snow in the higher mountains, expect the waters to rush.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    A deep, metamorphic process continues. It has probably experienced an extra impetus of purging and processing deeper complexities since the Sun entered Taurus two plus weeks ago. Positively, it has served to awaken the spiritual warrior in you. Now the Jupiter in Aries ignition combined with the eclipse stands to have an explosive surge.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    The eclipse occurred in your solar career sector activating attention from others. Somehow, your status is changing and the results could be permanent. The Aries impulse shines positively on you, so fortunately you have that support. It may take a few weeks but you are heading towards a new foundation of some kind; a fresh start.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    The Taurus eclipse is activating your higher mind. Somehow your relationship life is also feeling the currents. This is likely manifesting as changes in your self-concept and sense of identity. With the strong Aries impulse featured, this change includes themes of death and rebirth, of clearing the old to make way for the new.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    While you are not the only one undergoing processes of change and transformation, it is probably quite a strong experience for you. With awareness, resolve, positivity and strategy, you can possibly use this energy to break on through to the other side… of blocks of various kinds that have been holding you back, perhaps for many years.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Changes on relationship fronts are the big story. These require extra faith, energy and effort on your part. Yet, it may take 2-3 weeks before you really show-up to deliver. The reasons for this may not be your fault, but could still cause trouble. The more willing you are to render this attitude of surrender and acceptance, the better.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Health matters linked to your lifestyle are a featured theme. It looks like you are in the mood to have more fun. With your confidence levels up, thanks to Jupiter’s transit through Pisces, you are ready to explore new horizons. So, adventure is a keyword. Monitoring your energy levels may still be required, however, so be aware and pace yourself.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    A creative and inventive impulse is flowing in your veins. While your energy levels have been pretty high, you have also had to contend with challenges to focus. Positively, you are doing the rounds and allowing for a multi-tasking approach. But, you may not be getting a lot done. But, that is about to change thanks to Jupiter lighting a fire under your butt…

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    This eclipse is having a direct impact on your home and living situation. Yet, like a slow motion movie or some mysterious force slowing progress, you may notice that you have had to contend with a very slow and drawn-out pace. Things will speed-up a bit over the course of this week, though. Trust the flow and conserve your energy; you will need it.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    How you perceive the world and your place in it is changing quickly now. Hopefully, these changes are in alignment with your values and desires. This is generally a time of new beginnings. While you are still in the momentum building process, you should notice the pace is growing steadily stronger. Expect this trend to continue and accelerate.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…

  • Horoscope for the Week: April 29, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    May days are almost here. Astrologically, this means that the Sun enters the Virgo decan of Taurus. With Mercury newly in Gemini, this will amplify curiosity and intellectual exchange guided by a rigorous critical and analytical process on the social, global stage. With Venus entering Aries on May 2, the focus will also experience additional fire power. Mars in Pisces meanwhile could dampen the flames, yet this placement during Taurus time adds to the revolutionary impulse and resolve, one way or another.

    The bigger story, however, is the Solar Eclipse that occurs on April 30 at 10 Taurus 28. Although technically a ‘Partial Eclipse’, it is still powerful and will have destiny-activating effects for us all, generally, and for those with planets and angles at this degree or within 2-3 degrees on either side, especially. Whether these will produce opportunistic or challenging influences is something that can only truly be determined on a case by case level. What we can be sure about is that its influence will be colored by 2 very ‘ambitious’ Fixed Stars: Schedir and Hamal.

    Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    Balancing the inward pull with outer activities reflective of the season continues. In the bigger picture, this eclipse will have a direct impact on your financial affairs. It may prove wise to be extra prudent in this regard. The time is right to lie low, but perhaps also to do your homework. Expect to dig deep to get to the bottom of things.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    Your ambitions will receive a big extra boost consequential to the power of this eclipse.  It may even have the effect of spurring actions outside your usual norm and comfort zone, or that of others. Like a tidal wave with a deceptively powerful torque, your actions over the coming weeks and months stand to prove to carry a lot of weight.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Your imagination is probably running extra strongly of late.  The eclipse will have a big impact on you subconsciously, the domain of your imagination. Bringing it to the surface is certainly the theme of creative thinking, yet you will also have to make extra efforts not to be at its mercy. Make friends with your imagination by keeping it in close check.

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    Fertilizing your sense of individuality implies giving it a boost. The extra fire-power of this eclipse will help you to do just that. Meanwhile, a reflective and contemplative mood is the perfect setting to nurture your dreams and visions. Meanwhile, deep changes continue to rumble both within and without and can be compared to shedding skins.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    This eclipse will have a direct and strong impact on your career and social status, in general. It is quite possible that the results of it will be more positive for you than most, or at least could manifest as some good karma. Given the reputation of the fixed stars involved, this more positive theme is the exception.

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    The double dose of the earth element will inspire you to be outside and to get your hands dirty. It’s more indirect influence will occur on relationship fronts and could also prove extra strong. The result could be mixed but generally leans to the positive. The challenging bit implies dealings with unreliable people, so stand ready to adapt proactively.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    Financial realities are playing an extra strong role now. These are or will likely manifest as rather sudden changes of fortune. This process will likely have more than one episode and could flip-flop from positive to negative quite quickly, and the opposite is also true. So, remain grounded, reasonably detached and flexible, avoiding unnecessarily risky ventures.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    Sometimes love arrives unexpectedly, or leaves just as quickly. The reasons are many and mysterious as they are; they are all features of the probabilities of destiny. This eclipse certainly has the potential to produce such effects. Especially with the arrival end,  take things extra slowly as you can and know better with whom you may become entangled.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Creating beauty, comfort and atmosphere of your liking close to home may be proving to require more effort than imagined. Regardless, doing so is important. With the eclipse influencing your daily rhythm and routine, focusing to include an emphasis on health may prove extra important. Mercury in Gemini says ‘let’s talk about it’.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    As likely as is the inspirational influence of this eclipse, it could also be the source of drama in your life. This includes siblings, neighbors and/or children. Yet sometimes, the drama proves enriching and meaningful. Either way, the signs are that the game is afoot and matters will not prove boring. Be ready to lend assistance as necessary.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    Adding to the already disruptive influence of Uranus stirring things up close to home these past many months, the eclipse will add its own super-boost. There are some positives indicated in the way of positive returns for good deeds committed in the past. However, it may still produce an unsettling effect and possibly even prompt a major move.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    The influence of Taurus closely aligns with your overall mode of perception. So, be ready for the results of this eclipse to have a measurable impact on your perspectives. It could well coincide with the pursuit of dreams and their realization. The urge to escape could also prove strong. Aim for the mystic’s posture of being in but not of the world, for best results.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…Attachments area

  • Horoscope for the Week: April 22, 2022

    Tip of the Week:

    Taurus time has begun. The warm days and blossoming beauty everywhere uplifts spirits.  The beautiful and fragrant season of buds and flowers and the garden preparation and seed sowing joys becomes a central focus for many people. And April 22 is Earth Day and merits our full respect and acknowledgement.

    In the wider, social and political sense, the Sun is now moving towards its annual conjunction with Uranus. It is a very significant contributor to the synchronicity of the changing economy, along with Pluto in Capricorn. As natural as it may seem to some that the time has come, we should also be aware  of  the very real perils implied in this process.

    Every war is invariably linked to land, ownership, access, privilege and power symbolized by Taurus. A digital economy may sound good to some, but the dangers are very real and we are wise to be more awake and aware of the implications. The biggest danger is that artificial intelligence can pose very threats to human life, as many science fiction movies have… warned. Look up  the term ‘technocracy’ to deepen your understanding.

     Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

    A time of turning within is upon you. This within can point to your own backyard, literally. Yet,   a soul-searching journey is also implied. At least, a time of rest and retreat to commune with your inner voice and to simply be is implied. This time of respite will linger for up to several weeks and you are wise to rest deeply, you will need all your reserves later.

    Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

    The powerful combination of Taurus, Aquarius and Pisces is destined to activate your revolutionary spirit. It is likely that it is already activated, in which case, it will serve to catapult you to the next level. Discerning between fact, fantasy, fiction and intentional fallacy is likely, whether it is your own or that of others.

    Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

    Imagine that it is your job to be a dream weaver! This does not mean you are out of touch with reality. In fact, you are more grounded than some might believe. Yet, you also tend to feel like you are in but not entirely of the world. You see it as a game and a stage and as an adventure to be lived as well as  a story to be told and understood. Keep up the good work!

    Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

    A kaleidoscope of visions is moving through your mind. Memories, hopes, dreams, realizations and possibly fears and trepidations about the future are converging, each assuming the central position for a while, only to be replaced again. As well, your sights are set on the future and you are inspired and determined to build upon more solid ground.

    Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

    The Taurus factor finds you focused on very practical matters. The Aquarius influence finds you committed to build upon a more solid future and healthier lifestyle. Yet, it is the Pisces factor currently playing such a strong role that represents a period of limbo between what was a will be. The key now is to be willing to let go of what was. Onward and forward!

    Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

    Taurus time is one during which circumstances guide you to emphasize the more practical realities of your overall philosophy of life. This year, it is very tightly woven into your relationship life and dreams of creating a beautiful life with the one(s) you love. Yet the challenge to see through and beyond the mirage is very real.

    Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

    You have entered a cycle during which time maintaining your center and equilibrium is extra   important but possibly equally challenging as well. Circumstances are causing you to have to give more and work harder somehow. The focus on health does continue to spike on the graph. There is also an emphasis on finances possibly requiring further investigation.

    Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

    The Taurus factor is shining its light on your relationship life. Venus and Mars in romantic Pisces lend a strong supportive influence. Of course, you have to be in the game to play and win. As well, the finer details of destiny are the deciding factor. Whether it is your existing relationship that enjoys fresh blooms, or new interests are budding, love relationships are emphasized.

    Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

    Taurus time is directing your focus to the finer details of practical reality. Much of your intention is likely to be on home and family. Realizing the dream, despite the frightful times, and creating order out of chaos are likely scenarios. This is the rebirth or resurrection phase after the death and transformation process.

    Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

    The earthy element of Taurus aligns with your own, producing an inspirational effect. The strong Piscean influence also harmonizes with it and supports nourishment and growth, especially regarding your perceptions and interpretations. The Aquarius factor is the more sobering theme requiring persistence and follow-through.

    Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

    The big emphasis is on your home. Creating a foundation of stability and beauty from which you can grow your garden and your dreams is your main focus. Moves of some kind are indicated and they also imply a whole new set of priorities. Next week’s Solar Eclipse New Moon is already actually and will play a major role over the coming months.

    Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)                

    This time of year tends to have a powerful effect on you. Like the rising sap, your energy levels are higher and you yearn to reacquaint yourself with the soil. This year, due to the strong Pisces influence, you yearn to dive more deeply and fully into realizing your dreams. Be willing to cash in on your good karma and begin a whole new adventure.
    Michael O’ConnorLife Coach Astrologer
    Website ~ Email ~ Book a Reading1-800-836-0648
    Guiding Your Future Probabilities & Possibilities…Attachments area